Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #829497

    The Solar Eclipse does not prove a Flat Earth

    Argument made by Flat Earthers

    The first argument is if the Earth is rotating from west to east, the shadow should pass across Earth’s surface from East to West, just as the sun moves across the sky. At face value, this would seem odd to many people. Here’s a video of a flat Earther explaining why he thinks this proves the Earth is flat.

    However, it’s important to understand the speed at which the Earth and moon travel. According to NASA, the moon travels to the east as it orbits Earth at approximately 3,400 km per hour. This is compared to the Earth rotating to the east at 1,670 km per hour at the equator. This would mean the moon’s shadow will move from west to east at 1,730 km per hour at the equator.

    As an analogy, imagine car B passing car A on the highway. Car A typically finds objects first pass by the car from the front hood and travel toward the back bumper. However, in the case of car B which is passing car A, car B would travel from the back bumper to the front hood.

    Well, that’s a little more like it.  You did more than just post a video.  The problem is that you addressed a point nobody brought up here – while simultaneously ignoring the moon points that I have brought up.


    T8:  Here you can see an accurate demonstration of how the Sun casts the moon’s shadow on Earth. Unfortunately for flat Earthers, this wasn’t their big breakthrough in discrediting NASA, the media, and the rest of the world that the Earth is flat. However, the group has never been keen on facts or evidence…

    Another point nobody here has even brought up.  But since you have, surely you can show us how an object makes a shadow smaller than itself in the way they described.  Because an artist’s illustration isn’t exactly what anyone would call evidence, right?  So maybe you could find someone doing the experiment with a large diffused light far away.  (I’ll bet you can’t, but am anxious to find out.)


    Notice how the writer equates NASA and the media.  That is fair, because they are both run by the same entities, who themselves are guided and aided by Satan.  Also notice how the writer felt it necessary to ridicule and insult people who are only asking questions about how our world works.  That’s called doing science, and the process involves asking lots of questions, making hypotheses, and being wrong more times than not.  (Not saying we’re wrong on this one, because as far as I know, there is no observable, testable, and repeatable experiment done on earth to cause an object to make a shadow smaller than itself.)  I just thought it was funny that he said we’re not keen on facts, when he only believes in his version of the world based on things he’s been told.  What “fact” does he offer for us being able to see Chicago from Michigan, when it should be completely hidden by the earth’s curvature?  🙂



    Have you considered that the sun’s orbit is that of the Milky Way and not of the earth?? The moon orbits the earth, the earth orbits the sun, the sun orbits the Milky Way.

    Read here, even NASA says that the sun moves in orbit but not of the earth.



    Hi Dig4,

    You disparage all scientific work and suggest folk prefer your own observations

    while nobly claiming to be upholding scripture and inferring that you have divine approval for your ideas.


    It is not about you.

    Empty bombast in religious terms does not wash.



    Hi Dig4,

    Jesus said nothing about a flat earth so the Spirit cannot remind you of his words.

    He had far more important matters to speak about such as the salvation of your soul.


    Listen to him and get out of this blind alley of human vanity.


    T8:  What I have do to rectify this is to go in on Visual mode and copy everything including the code, then delete everything in the post and paste it all back except in in text mode. Text mode handles the code and renders it as it should display.

    Now if I will only remember that the next time it happens.  🙂  Good to know, thanks.

    T8:  Sorry about that. As mentioned before, I have a fix in the pipeline which is to migrate to a faster server with more CPU.

    Sounds good.  Let me know if you need any financial help to get it up on a faster, more efficient server.



    you said:

    I just talked to T8 about the NASA explanation for our seasons.  The idea is that the earth’s rotational axis is tilted to 23.5 degrees, thereby giving us seasons.  But were you aware that while this tilt would position the northern hemisphere a few thousand miles closer to the sun during our summer, the earth is 3.1 million miles further away from the sun at that time?  That’s right.  We’re tilted a couple thousand miles closer, but 3 million miles further away – and somehow they’ve convinced gullible people (like me for most of my life) that moving 3 million miles farther away from the heat source will increase our temperature and give us hot summers in the north.

    your answer:

    Why is it hot in summer and cold in winter?


        Because the earth’s axis is tilted.

    It is all about the tilt of the Earth’s axis. Many people believe that the temperature changes because the Earth is closer to the sun in summer and farther from the sun in winter. In fact, the Earth is farthest from the sun in July and is closest to the sun in January!

    During the summer, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a steep angle. The light does not spread out as much, thus increasing the amount of energy hitting any given spot. Also, the long daylight hours allow the Earth plenty of time to reach warm temperatures.

    During the winter, the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a shallow angle. These rays are more spread out, which minimizes the amount of energy that hits any given spot. Also, the long nights and short days prevent the Earth from warming up. Thus, we have winter!




    Regarding the answers from the astronauts about seeing stars or not or not remembering, I took a flight from Seoul, South Korea to NYC once. It was a 15 hour flight. I got on during the day, I experienced a sunset while on the flight, and then a sunrise also. I cannot tell you whether or not I saw stars but I do remember the sunset and the sunrise. Like I said about the astronauts, they were gone for days at a time, going around the earth and around the moon, facing different sides of the aircraft, in and out of sunlight all while being pretty busy and tired. Give ’em a break.


    Nick: “Jesus said nothing about a flat earth so the Spirit cannot remind you of his words. He had far more important matters to speak about such as the salvation of your soul. Listen to him”



    The scriptures do mention the sun having a circuit and that the sun stood still at one time. These two examples I mentioned explicitly, funny how you must have forgotten those. Any thoughts on these points?


    Kathi: Mike,

    What is your stance on the Sandy Hook school killings? Did it happen or no?

    It was a staged event.  Nobody was hurt or killed, and it was one of many such events that have the sole purpose of getting gun ban legislation passed.  When the UN’s one world order takes effect, it will happen swiftly, and the last thing they want is armed civilians giving them a run for their money.  They’ve succeeded in disarming Australia and the UK.  They’re coming for the guns of Americans now.

    Setting the stage has taken centuries.  But when the command goes out, the takeover will be very swift.  We will go to bed one night as free citizens, and wake up in a police state with armed forces controlling us.

    But listen, I didn’t make this conclusion based on, “Hey, some dude on YouTube says it was a false flag, and I automatically believe him”.  I spent many, many hours researching it and pouring over the media’s own footage and inconsistencies.  It is nearly impossible to find that info anymore, as YouTube is okay with videos supporting homosexual activities with young children, but will ban videos dealing with Sandy Hook, the Vegas shooting, and any of the other many false flags they’ve been throwing at us in an attempt to disarm us.

    Think it out, Kathi… the first thing we see after these events are a bunch of grieving parents and friends all over the news talking about how bad guns are and how they need to be banned completely.  But isn’t that a little like saying spoons are responsible for fat people?  As if a firearm is the only way a person who intends to do harm to others can carry his mission out.

    I have no dog in the fight.  I’ve never owned a firearm, and will absolutely never kill another human being – no matter the circumstances.  Those who try to save their lives will lose them.  But at the same time, I’m able to see this for what it is… the disarming of America so there will be less resistance when the UN forces take over, and less casualties on their side.  It’s coming soon, and if I survive, I will remember Paul’s words about doing everything to honor God – whether you are a free man or a slave.  I will be a God-honoring compliant slave before I raise my hand in retaliation.  Vengeance is mine, says Jehovah.  I will repay.

    I believe Him.



    I would actually prefer not having to spend hours challenging each of your ideas, truly. I may stop, I’ve thought about it. There has been a benefit for me though. It has given me reason to “dig 4 truth” and I am all the better when I have truthful reasons for what I believe.

    Now about the sun’s orbit post on the top of this page that I put up, do you now understand how the sun can move in its circuit while the earth is orbiting the sun?


    Hi Mike,

    How odd it is that those who are meant to have the armour of the Lord

    and whose weapons are not of this world

    crave the security of guns.


    Hey t8, this video blew my mind away! It made me realize that no civilian is going to explore the Antarctic.

    It mentions the Antartic Treaty and how your application must be approved by what you plan to do there. Do you imagine that if we said, “I want to prove everything you’ve been telling us is a lie”, that it would pass? I’m going to have to say – probably not!

    The treaty also demands that you must aquire an EPA enviornmental essesment. Now these are around $250,000 to a million usually, but in this case it could go as high as 2 million – with no guarantee that it would pass.

    What kinds of things does this treaty demand? Well, for one you cannot use any gas powered machines. So this exploration must be done on foot and don’t forget to carry all the food and fuel for heat. Any regulations on the fuel – oh yeh!

    So we’re down to sled dogs, but wait that isn’t allowed either. Plus you have to bag and carry your waiste with you – yes that means YOUR waste too!

    Not only does it require passing the treaty guidelines but it then is submitted to all the countries that are members! Any one of them can shoot it down for any reason. Pretty tough so far. But you’re really just getting started!

    You then have to deal with the nations that have territorial rights which trump the treaty. So if they have an issue, there goes your million or two invested in the EPA enviornmental impact research report. Of course there are areas that you cannot go even if you were to get this highly unlikely approval.

    Of course your application will be made public so any tree-hugging group can sue you and cancel your journey.

    Then there are some really difficult things that you must do to “check out the edge”!



    Its 30 minutes but if you want to start 10 minutes in there is enough material where you will certainly not miss the point!


    Mike, yes they had seen him, his presence was there, first person “IN” JESUS. “WHY SAY YOU SHOW US the Father”?, “believe you not that the Father is “in” me”, and again, “he who see me sees not me, but the Father”, (why) because the son of man came not to do his will, but the fathers will, who through the ANOINTING SPIRIT DWELT IN THE (MAN) JESUS. “The son of man can do “nothing” of “himself” the Father who is “in” me he does the works”.

    I REALIZE Mike you may not be able at this time to perceive that, it takes the spirit of truth from God to even begin to comprehend it.

    Peace and love to you and yours. … gene



    Kathi: Mike,

    What is your stance on the Sandy Hook school killings? Did it happen or no?

    Mike: It was a staged event.  Nobody was hurt or killed, and it was one of many such events that have the sole purpose of getting gun ban legislation passed.

    Why am I not one bit surprised!?

    I grieve for those parents who have lost their children due to this terrible act of casual murder. Not only have they had to bear up under this heavy grief, they are told it never happened by people like you, Mike. That is so sad! You might want to do a bit of soul searching. Look into this article: (btw…we have guns in my house because my husband hunts deer, I am not opposed to guns, they aren’t the problem anymore than the cross Jesus hung on. The cross didn’t kill Him.)


    People that buy into the lies of conspiracies are part of the problem, not just the ones who start them.


    Gene, is that on topic? If not why not start a thread where like-minded individuals will want to engage with you?


    Hi Mike,

    So is not about faith but fear.

    Doubt, fear and paranoia. The



    Could we all agree that “you shall not murder”?

    Could we all agree that our children deserves the same or better protection than our politicians?

    Why then do we send them to places where protection is prohibited?

    And why then is the force of the Federal Government brought against the people to exert money to pay for the murder of millions of babies!

    Something is indeed wrong here.



    Kathi:  If you were on the right or left side of the moon, the earth would not be “up.” The earth would only be “up” if you were on the nearest to the earth side.

    The same side of the moon faces earth… always.  All Apollo missions landed on the side of the moon that always faces directly towards the earth.  The only way an astronaut on the moon could see the earth is by looking directly up in the sky above his head – just like the only way you can see the sun at high noon is by looking directly up in the sky above our heads.  You cannot see both the sun and the horizon at high noon, Kathi.  Neither could they see the earth and the horizon of the moon at the same time.

    Kathi: When one part of the country is viewing a complete lunar eclipse, another part of the country that is not under the moon’s path is not viewing it the same way.

    Agreed, but that’s not my point.  Here’s a cheesy visual…


    Notice how the red dude can see both the sun and the moon in the sky from his perspective?  But at the same time, the moon can’t be completely eclipsed by the shadow of the earth, because the earth needs to be between the sun and the moon for that to happen.  And if the earth was between the sun and the moon, the observer could not see both the sun and the moon…

    On that one, the red dude can see the sun, but not the eclipsed moon because he can’t see through the earth that is eclipsing the moon.  The purple dude can see the eclipsed moon, but not the sun since he’d have to see through the earth to see it.

    I know these are cheesy, but are they good enough for you to see the point?  NASA is well aware of this problem and came up with a solution long ago.  They say it’s not really the sun and the moon we are seeing at the same time during a total lunar eclipse – but the refracted image of the sun and the moon.  The idea is that the real sun is below the curve, out of our view – as is moon which is being eclipsed by the shadow of the earth.  What we see are the refracted light rays of these hidden objects being bent around the curve of the earth to our eyes.  Of course there’s no way they could ever prove or disprove such a thing – which is the beauty of it.  Like this…

    1.  Make a model where the earth causes the shadow on the moon.
    2. Notice that people are able to see both sun and moon during total eclipses.
    3. Concoct a story that they’re not really seeing the sun and moon, but their images being carried over the earth curve by bending light rays.

    Such is the way scientism has operated since its inception.

    Kathi: The full moon stays in its full moon phase for a few days. I would think that a short time during the full moon phase, in its fullest phase, it would be the least likely to be seen during the day.

    I hear ya, but maybe I’ve been saying it wrong.  It’s not a matter of us being able to visually see the full moon during the daytime (which we can).  It’s a matter of it being impossible for there to be a full moon during the daytime.  According to the heliocentric model, a full moon is when the sun and moon are aligned so that the sunlight is hitting the moon dead on – as opposed to from angles that they say gives us the crescent, waxing and waning moons.  But as I tried to already show you with those clips from T8’s video, the sun cannot possibly be lighting the earth side of the moon while also lighting that side of the earth – because the moon is in between, as this next cheesy image tries to show…

    See?  The sun cannot light the left side of the earth while simultaneously lighting the right side of the moon to give us a full moon during the daytime.  Kathi, I am so happy that you are willing to discuss these things – instead of running away from them.  We may not agree in the end, but you asking these questions allows me and D4T to actually make the presentation we wanted to make.  So thank you for your participation.

    I’ll be back later…


    Hi Dig4,

    Why are you unconcerned at the loss of millions of souls due to the laziness of God’s servants?


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