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- May 20, 2018 at 3:06 am#826524
ParticipantAnthony….crazy is right brother. This whole FE thing is simply a waste of valuable time, Just as Nick has said. Has apsolutely nothing to do with salvation, just a waste and destraction.
Col 2:8….Beware lest any man spoil (rob) you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tridition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after CHRIST.
1 Ti 1:4…Neither give head to fables and endless geneaiogies, which minister questions rather than godly Edifying which is in faith; Now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unrefained : 6.. From which some having swerved have TURNED ASIDE UNTO VAIN JANGLING;
Back then it was about the law, now here it’s about Flat Earth garabage.
To all…these people who come here preaching the earth is flat, will never be convienced no matter how much proof they are given, they are self decieved and can not accept the truth, because the truth is not what they love, so God has sent unto them a deluding spirit in order for them to believe “LIES”..2 Ths 2,… so no matter how much proof is given the they will simply ignore it. They have bought into the FE LIE. JUST AS THEY THAT BELIEVE JESUS IS A GOD HAVE TO, IN FACT THEY MOST LIKELY BELIEVE IN THE TRINITARIAN “LIE” ALSO.
Peace and love to you all and yours……..gene
May 20, 2018 at 3:23 am#826525mikeboll64
BlockedD4T: Nick, why then am I upholding Scripture and you seem to be upholding the teachings of man?
The Scripture says that the sun has a circuit that it goes forth and that it runs its race but you hold to the teaching that the earth moves around the sun. Who is hearing the words of men?
Nick: Hi Dig4,
You may imagine that you are upholding the truth of God.
But instead you are offering your limited understandings of revelation.
God has chosen to reveal little of His awesome creation to mankind but you grasp straws.
You try to build a house from these few facts but it can only become a straw house unrelated to the truth of God.
Do not kid yourself that God is grateful for the works of your own hands.
Pretty harsh and condemning words from a man who’s only reason for believing the crap he’s using to put down the other man is that godless men have told him some things, and he believes them over the words of scripture. Nick, you believe in a fairy tail universe; one that has no fellowship with the truth of scripture. To paraphrase Nicola Tesla, you believe in a universe concocted by men who have followed one mathematical equation after the other, successfully building an entire world that has no relation to reality. Come back to the scriptures. Let them be your authority.
May 20, 2018 at 3:42 am#826526mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Hey Mike. Yes it would make some difference, but how much is not known by myself.
Then use your God-given common sense and think it out for yourself, T8. They’re asking us to believe that a few thousand miles of tilt will overcome increasing the distance from the heat source by 3.1 million miles! And then they’re going to tell you the tiny difference in the angles at which the sunlight hits the earth will overcome this blatant discrepancy?
Use your mind, man. God gave it to you for a reason. This is just one of the many traps they’ve caught themselves in. They built their unscriptural theory on mathematics, not observation. And every time observation gets in the way of the theory they built, they try to cover it up with complete absurdities that no thinking person should believe for a second.
So tell me why you believe it. Seriously… why?
May 20, 2018 at 4:00 am#826527mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Air is also matter, and it is pulled towards earth’s centre and rotates with the earth. A balloon is also attracted towards the centre of Earth but it overcomes that by being lighter than the air around it.
The idea of gravity is that all objects of mass attract all other objects of mass. Why? Who knows. The entire idea that mass would would attract mass by some unseen, unknown force is the veriest nonsense. If I climb high up on a mountain, I don’t start getting pulled sideways towards the huge mass of the mountain – even though I’m much farther away from the pull of the center of the earth at the time. Mountains don’t pull people sideways, and the earth doesn’t pull people down due to this magical force Newton concocted from pure imagination.
But let’s talk about that balloon for a minute… A balloon filled with helium has mass. The “law” of gravity says ALL mass attracts ALL OTHER mass. So if that were true, while the attraction of the balloon to the earth might be less rapid due to the lower amount of mass contained in the balloon, the balloon will nevertheless still be attracted by the earth’s gravity, and pulled down eventually. But that doesn’t happen, does it? The helium-filled balloon will never fall to the earth until the helium has leaked out of it. And those helium atoms that leaked out will never fall to the earth – even though they have mass, and the “law” of gravitation says they must.
T8: Does the balloon just zip away at 1500 km/h? If not, then it too demonstrates that the atmosphere is moving with the Earth.
That’s circular reasoning. You first assume the earth is spinning at 1500 km/h, and then deduce that if the balloon doesn’t take off at that speed, the atmosphere must be moving with the 1500 km/h earth.
May 20, 2018 at 4:11 am#826528mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Heaven is generally considered up and Hell below.
Yes, heaven and God are up, and Hades/Sheol is down.
T8: Not a physical up and down in the whole Universe.
So then the Bible is wrong once again? Because the Bible clearly distinguishes up from down, yet you believe in a world where those things either don’t exist, or are relative. Align yourself with scripture instead of with godless men.
T8: Up and down implies gravity which is what you are arguing against right?
Not at all. Up and down imply that God created a world where there is a true up, and a true down, and things of greater density move down through various media (air, water, oil, sand, rock) until they reach a medium that has equal or greater density than themselves. Gravity doesn’t have an up and down, as all objects of mass are attracted to all others, and it doesn’t matter if the object doing the attracting is above or below the object it’s attracting.
May 20, 2018 at 4:14 am#826529mikeboll64
BlockedHey, why is the site all of a sudden taking me back to page one of the thread every time I make a post… instead of to the page it is posted on like it used to?
May 20, 2018 at 4:27 am#826530mikeboll64
BlockedDavid: Im very new to this. What of ships seemingly going over the horizon?
They don’t. Look on YouTube for “zooming ships back into view” or something like that. I usually include the words “flat earth”. Here’s a 1 minute video my search just produced…
Here’s a 19 second video doing the same thing with the sun that was “disappearing over the horizon”…
Also remember that, on a ball, you can’t have a curve on the Y axis without having an equal curve on the X axis as well. So if a ship really disappeared behind the horizon from your point of view (the Y axis) at about 3 miles, and you can, at the same time, see left to right for 10 miles (the X axis), you’d be able to observe the curve that caused the ship to disappear from your view. Like this…
Here’s another way of looking at it…
Say you’re person A, and you just watched a ship disappear over the curved horizon. Person B would be able to see you on the left, the ship in the middle, and the curved water that the ship just went over to move out of your view.
May 20, 2018 at 4:37 am#826533mikeboll64
BlockedNick: Hi Mike,
Men know more than God?
No Nick. That’s your view – that men who tell tales of a huge universe with a spinning ball earth orbiting the sun know more than God. My view is that God knows more, and so I believe Him instead of those men you believe.
May 20, 2018 at 4:43 am#826535mikeboll64
BlockedGene: Mike…. you also then must believe JESUS RAISED HIMSELF FROM THE DEAD…
No Gene, God raised Jesus from the dead.
Gene: …you can’t seem to see the truth in this FE thing EITHER.
I’ve been showing you the truth of the matter… things you can verify all by yourself instead of taking someone else’s word for it. Things you can also verify with scripture, instead of believing the deceptions of godless men. And I will continue to show you many more things as time permits.
May 20, 2018 at 4:46 am#826537mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Gravity is a non-tangible thing right?
Since it is an imaginary invention, it can be anything you want it to be. In reality, there is no such thing as gravity.
May 20, 2018 at 5:11 am#826539mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Gravity is a law… And if you rubbish the Law of Gravity, are you really rubbishing the lawmaker indirectly?
Gravity came from the imagination of a man in 1687. It was devised as a way to support the godless heliocentric model, because a mechanism was needed to explain why all these supposed planets would continue to orbit around each other. Did you even know that Newtonian gravity is way different than Einsteinian gravity? And we’re told that gravity doesn’t jibe with quantum mechanics at all… let alone string theory. How good is a natural “law” that has to keep being revised and altered? Gravity is no “law”, and has nothing to do with God.
T8: We need to fear the creator or respect him. Remember that angels who are greater than us at the moment wouldn’t dare speak badly of God and I would imagine that would include not criticise that which he made with his own hand.
Amen! Especially those things He told us He made with His own hand – like pillars on which the earth sits fixed in place, lights that run on appointed circuits over the earth, and a firmament that encloses the earth like a tent, keeping it separate from the waters of heaven above it. When you say things like King David – who was anointed with and often spoke by God’s Spirit – just didn’t understand how the real word is, you run the risk of criticizing the actual world God made with his own hands. And why? For no other reason than men have told you the world is different than how God Himself described it.
May 20, 2018 at 5:25 am#826540mikeboll64
BlockedT8: For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and godhead; so that they are without excuse.
…does a Flat Earth reflect his eternal power or just his power? That very finite Earth and dome reflects power, but infinite power?
And now you’re arguing as so many of the atheists evolutionists did on that other forum where D4T and I did battle. So many of their comments were philosophical pondering , like, “If God was real, then why didn’t he make this thing better, or that thing differently?”
Should men have been given wings? Or perhaps eyes as sharp as the eagle’s? Maybe the ability to change skin shape and color, like chameleons? Surely if God had done it that way, His “infinite power” would be revealed, right?
You are free to ponder on these things all you want, but the final authority belongs to God and His written word. And that word describes the world as we all experience it every day… flat and stationary with lights that move over us in the heavens.
May 20, 2018 at 5:59 am#826541Ed J
ParticipantHere’s a debate on flat earth…
May 20, 2018 at 6:17 am#826542mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Newton discovered gravity and his calculations work every time.
Newton invented gravity (which came from “gravitas” – which simply means “weight”) from his mind, and the calculations certainly don’t work every time, which is why we now also have Einsteinian gravity to go along with Newtonian gravity. Besides, you’re using circular reasoning again. If we first assume there is this force called gravity, and then apply it to the things we actually observe, is it any wonder that the “calculations work every time”? For example, I could change the 24 hour day to a 48 hour day, divide the hours and minutes by two, and prove to you that my version is the correct one because “the calculations work every time”.
T8: But he couldn’t picture it. It was Einstein that gave us the picture.
First it was assumed there was a “material” that all things moved through on earth. They called it “the ether”, and it was the means by which light, sound, and heat traveled from one place to another. But when the Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the earth was fixed and stationary, the heliocentrists lost their minds. Albert Einstein to the rescue. Not only did he explain away the clear results of the experiment by positing that the mechanical arms of the machine shrunk during the experiment, thereby giving the “false” results that the earth was stationary, but he also just up and did away with the long-held idea of the ether. Just like that, it was gone because Einstein said so. So now we’re left with the absurd idea that while sound cannot travel in the vacuum of space, heat and light somehow can.
So he did away with the means by which these things can travel to save the heliocentric model from collapse due to Michelson-Morley – and all of a sudden heat and light CAN travel through absolutely nothing… when they couldn’t before. 🙂 But then we had to do another turn-around…
T8: Well it turns out that space is not nothing either and it even has a measurable weight.
In short, heavy objects like the sun sink deep into this substance we call space and that attracts smaller objects toward it. So what stops them from falling toward the heavy object all the way. It is the small objects own gravitational force that stops that and the two objects gain equilibrium which becomes the orbital distance between them.
So now we’re back to space being “something” instead of the “nothing” that heat and light couldn’t travel through. Almost as if we’ve come right back to the ether – except we can’t call it that because if that exists, Michelson-Morley proved the earth was stationary. So now it’s a “fabric” – and doesn’t just include space, but time as well. Here’s what T8 is trying to describe…
But if space is a “fabric”, then it has friction. And if it has friction, then the balls rolling around the sunken ball in the middle will lose steam, and roll into the big ball at the bottom of the cone. I don’t know what T8 means by “the small objects own gravitational force that stops that” . It sounds as if he’s using gravity as a force by which the balls repel each other, instead of attracting each other. Perhaps he’ll explain later on.
Also, look at the image above. What if an object was flying through space from the bottom to the top? Would it have to rip through the “fabric” that the sun is squishing into a cone? Do all suns and planets have their own little sheet of fabric they can deform into cones by means of their mass? Or is the entire universe one huge 2-dimensional sheet of fabric, with all the objects of mass making their own dents in it wherever they are in space?
What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
May 20, 2018 at 6:21 am#826544NickHassan
ParticipantHi Mike,
Indeed you do.
And your efforts seem to be in vain.
We cannot change your false beliefs either as they are your beliefs.
May 20, 2018 at 6:30 am#826545NickHassan
ParticipantHi Mike,
Time passes.
Brainstorms subside.
May you find peace and the true path.
May 20, 2018 at 6:34 am#826546mikeboll64
BlockedEd: Here’s a debate on flat earth…
That was from the recent European Flat Earth Conference. I didn’t watch the debate, but heard it wasn’t conclusive because the flat earthers were asking the physics students about how gyros prove the earth is flat (which they certainly do), but the students didn’t really know about gyros and how they worked. So while it might on the surface look like a victory for the flat earthers, it wasn’t because the students couldn’t answer to something they hadn’t even looked into. It does, however, make the point that there are hundreds of things just like gyros that prove the earth is flat, but few ever look into them while most just go on blindly believing whatever mainstream scientism tells them. Again, I’m not judging, because I was one of those people until a few short months ago.
I also heard that the European Flat Earth Conference focused mainly on what people call the “Pac-Man Earth” – where the sun goes from A-B, disappears, and reappears at A again to do it all over again. I am very unfamiliar with this model, and only know that the majority of the flat earthers from whom I glean a lot of my information do not subscribe to it.
May 20, 2018 at 6:37 am#826547Ed J
ParticipantT8, do you agree that Genesis says God MADE the sun, moon, and stars on day FOUR? Yes or No, please?
Hi Mike, NO
“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day” (Gen 1:16)
The light he called “Day” happened on DAY 1 Mike…
“And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.” (Gen 1:5)____________
God bless
Ed JMay 20, 2018 at 6:47 am#826548Anthony
Participant- Hi ALL: A time of great deception will occur on earth just before the Second Advent of Christ. It will be a time when the flat earther’s ( The Church of night and day on the fourth day) will give up and the body of Christ will teach them. God bless
May 20, 2018 at 6:51 am#826549NickHassan
ParticipantHi Ed,
So LIGHT and the DAY were created before the two great lights.
Did you think the DAY needed the two lights created first?
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