Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    To all…….Jesus said (not me)……. “If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

    Some have more darkness then others do,  AND some have more light,  but only God the Father has it all.  That is why we are told to study the word to show “OURSELVES” , THAT WE ARE WORKMEN , NOT TO BE. ASHAMED, BY , RIGHTLY” DIVIDING  THE WORD OF TRUTH.”


    peace and love to you all and yours………..gene



    This popped up on my Facebook wall. Thought it should be added to the massive amount of flat earth debunks that have already been documented in this topic. This video has a few points that have never been mentioned. So worth posting it despite this topic being done an dusted.

    Danny Dabbs




    Hi Danny.

    The answer is well known.

    Up and down is drawn from the centre of the earth. There is no universal up as you assume. It’s quite easy to prove. You can sail or fly around the world, something that is not possible on a flat earth. I have flown around the world myself.

    Why not see if there are any basic science classes you can go to near where you live?

    Let’s face it danny. Either you are believing and telling lies or millions of scientists, pilots, navigators, engineers etc are.

    Your belief is similar to not believing in Australia because you have never been there and then saying all videos and photos of Australia are CGI.

    Simply ridiculous.


    Danny Dabbs


    Look at the picture again.
    Planes don’t fly that way, except the one on the top.
    You need to stop believing in stupid things!


    Sometimes I wonder if you are serious dannyd and are trolling me instead. I’ll take it that you are being serious.

    Explain this danny. If you are in the sea, the horizon is about one mile away. If you are standing on the shore, it is about 3 miles away. This wouldn’t happen if the earth was flat. Because it is a globe, when you are standing up, you see a lot more of the surface because the angle is higher, it reveals a lot more of the earth hidden by the curve.

    Further, God is awesome and he made the planets which are globes and the universe is bigger than we can observe with our best telescopes. Creation reveals the eternal nature of God. But your view of the cosmos shows a very limited God.


    Never once has a flat earther used flat earth to get their celestial navigation. If you can do it @dannyd, you get $10,000.

    Danny Dabbs


    Sometimes I wonder if you are serious dannyd and are trolling me instead.

    Ah, that’s typical.
    You can’t refute my point, so you want to make me look ridiculous.
    No, I’m not a troll.
    I have a piece of advice for you:
    Just don’t throw logic and common sense out the window.


    Hey @dannyd, thanks for clarifying that you are serious about the world being pizza shaped.

    Obviously no one can help you if you cannot understand all the evidence that tell us that all planets are spheres including our own planet.

    Since science is beyond your grasp, let’s focus on scripture. Give me one verse in the Bible that states that the earth is flat.

    Thank you.



    Reality should bother you danny.


    Further, I am still waiting for your no 1 flat earth verse in the bible. I would love to read it.



    You are in no position to tell anyone the world is flat when you have zero evidence, no scientific understanding, and no bible verse to support your belief.

    Common sense tells us that we shouldn’t assert something to be true if we have nothing and are clueless.

    Danny Dabbs


    Gravity, this theoretical force that sucks everything towards the center of large masses was needed to explain how water could bend around a ball-Earth and keep people from falling off the bottom. The problem is, for a theory to be proven, it must be observable, measurable, repeatable, and scalable. Yet, after 400 years since Newton’s theory, bendy water nor this magical sucking force is anywhere observable, measurable or repeatable, and even the largest-scale sphere ever constructed fails to behave as they claim their spherical Earth does. It’s quite convenient to claim the natural physics of water somehow changes at a scale too large to recreate, but it’s not science.”

    This is from the Book The Earth Plane By Eric Dubay


    Dubay is wrong. Here are videos of water sticking to a ball. Things to note:

    1. The massive earth is below drawing the water toward it, but despite that, water is still sticking to the ball. Imagine if the earth’s magnetic pull wasn’t there.
    2. The depth of this water sticking to this ball is greater than the oceans on earth, (if it was shrunk down to the same size).

    Seeing is believing as you guys often say.


    Danny Dabbs


    Show me bending water, not a few surface droplets stuck on due to surface tension! LOL!



    I knew you would miss the point completely, so I’ll try and be more simple.

    Those droplets are sticking to the surface on the bottom of the globe with the earth pulling them down. Nevertheless, they are still able to stick. Now imagine what would happen if the earth and its magnetic field were not there.

    As for bendy water, I am not sure exactly what you mean, but here is curved water.



    In space / without gravity ↓


    There is no up and down in space.

    Danny Dabbs





    Your meme failed

    Danny, since your meme does not supersede the proof I gave you of water sticking to a ball despite still be pulled down by the earth below. But I guess you were unable to imagine what would happen if there was no object below. I even showed you what water does in space. It looks like a globe and the reality is that our planet is mostly water at the surface.

    But yeah, we get it. You cannot understand science. That is not a sin. But acknowledging your shortfalls and weaknesses is a good thing. It means your humble. But when you think you know something that you do not, that comes from pride.

    Easy to understand moon phases

    How about we stick to something simple on a another problem that flat earthers have, namely the moon phases. I am sure you could perform this experiment yourself. Follow along with the video. Then when you have done that. Set up an experiment to try and get the same result from a flat earth. This is the sort of thing you should do if you seek the truth. After all, if you are wrong (which you are), then you will have to give an account to God for all that was spoken by you that was not true.


    Crepuscular Rays


    This is also easy to understand.

    It is also something you can test for yourself. Go to Home Depot and stand at the end of a stack of pipes. They diverge to your right and left. Now walk around to the side, and see how they’re all parallel.




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