Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #937582

    Mystery of the fading sun solved

    Oh my goodness.  My jaw is on the floor right now.  I can’t even allow myself to believe that you could be so daft as to think I was suggesting that the sun turns off.


    You can’t blame me though. I’ve seen it all here including the possibility of shapeshifters who blink like reptiles.

    Further, to most people, a flat earth is about as stupid.

    So the sun turning off is about the same level of scientism.

    After all, if the moon generates a cold light, then I guess anything is kinda possible.


    Mike to do a video like this repeatedly till the lens range runs out

      It’s actually just moving away from us until the point that our perspective says it’s almost on the ground (like distant clouds are “lower to the ground” than the ones closer to you).  At that point, it disappears into the cloud deck.

    Until you zoom it back into view like this video where the space below the sun is magnified.

    I’m looking forward to you bringing back the sun when it sets, then zooming out to make it disappear again and then bringing it back again and again until the sun is so far away that the  zoom lenses range is exceeded. And think about this fact. When you zoom in, the sun becomes so much bigger than what you see with your unaided eye. Thus, if the earth is flat, you should be able to bring back the sun for quite a long time.

    Anyway, I’m wondering why this guy taking the video didn’t do what I am proposing. Surely, that would have been a game changer. Instead he decides to stop it where he did. Why? Probably because the sun went over the curve is my guess. Lol.


    Donuts and Coffee

    In short, a donut actually fits the observational data much better than a ball does.  Well done, Proclaimer.  I’ll give Donut Earth a closer look.


    Make sure to accompany it with a coffee cup shaped moon and a cupcake Venus. Back to the donut though, shouldn’t you be able to see lands in the sky if you are located on the inner donut?

    Yes, this is the Level of conversation to be had with the flat earth scientific community.


    Famous flat earther declares the earth is a globe. Live!

    New evidence sways this flat earther toward the globe. This is what an honest man will do. When the truth presents itself, you either deny it and become a liar, or you change your mind and remain honest. Such will test what manner of man you are.





    That’s the cloud deck that is shown in that video.  That’s what the sun disappears into, usually from the bottom up, as it moves away from us.

    Yet when he zoomed in, he magnified the space and it appeared lifted. Can’t wait to see you lift the sun again and again and again once the sun has fully set. Should be able to do that for quite a long time on a flat earth.


    Or you could start by answering my two simple Yes or No questions about the raqia just five posts before this one.

    I’ve given my answer about the expanse many times. They are easy to find. Look back and read the posts with the word ‘expanse’ in the title. If that is a bit difficult for you, invite a friend over and read them together.

    Failing that  go to post #937538 in this thread which has a different heading.


    Proclaimer:  I’ve given my answer about the expanse many times.

    Actually, you’ve OBFUSCATED many times, going way out of your way to avoid my DIRECT questions.  Your and Gene’s answer is that “clouds” are the “waters above”.  That answer is clearly wrong according to scripture.  So I repeat these two very EASY questions in the hopes that you will – for once in your life – give HONEST and DIRECT answers to them.  Thanks.

    Genesis 1:7… And God made the raqia, and divided the waters which were under the raqia from the waters which were above the raqia.

    1.  Proclaimer, does there exist something called the raqia that divides the waters under it from the waters above it?  Yes or No?

    Genesis 1:16-17…  God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the raqia…

    2.  Proclaimer, did God set the sun, moon, and stars in the raqia?  Yes or No?


    Raqia question answered again


    Not sure. I would have to look it up to see of it is IN, ABOVE, or is it just saying above the waters below as that is the last thing spoken of before that wording.

    But it doesn’t matter as far as flat earth goes because there are three heavens. So above and in the raqia will be different depending on which heaven is being referenced as Paul mentioned a third heaven. I’ve said this countless times, but you appear to not understand. For example, Jesus taught us to pray to God IN Heaven. So is God under the waters in your model and at the same level as the stars? If not, why not? The waters are suppoesdly ABOVE and God is IN. Further, the raqia is called heaven so three heavens and three layers of raqia. Your conclusion given your interpretation of raqia / heaven if you see it as only one raqia, layer, or heaven is that God is at the same level as the stars and there is water above him.

    “Our Father who art IN Heaven…”

    Please read this post carefully Mike. I will know that you haven’t read it if you ask the same silly question again.

    Now it is time to bring back the sun. Pack your car with your camera gear and get cracking. This is urgent. You cannot afford to teach lies for even one more day. Chop chop!


    Battle of the Photos

    Mike somehow thinks that this photo is evidence of a flat earth. So I respond with photos that clearly prove the globe. First up is Mike’s pic of the flat earth. But clearly, when it comes to photos, Team Globe Earth wins hands down. We have heaps of photos of the globe and photos that show evidence of the globe. Team Flat Earth has yet to show one photo of the disc or dome. All they have is photos of refraction, maps stolen from the UN logo, and photos of blue ice supposedly from the dome which actually comes from toilets on planes.

    Photo of the Flat Earth (apparently).

    Here is evidence of the globe. Look at how much more convincing it is.




    Unless the third photo shows a tsunami approaching Chicago, then the earth is a curve and water obviously follows that curve as seen in the photo. There it is folks.

    Team Globe Earth wins again. 




    The bible has 0 answers for flat earthers.  The bible is to help spread good news of Jesus birth, death on a cross, and resurrection for the forgiveness of humanity’s sin. If a person calls themself a Child of God, but chases people away from learning what it truly means to be a Child of God, they will answer for it on Judgement Day.


    Flat Earthers claim that the globe earth spins too fast

    Easily debunked.


    Danny Dabbs




    Not sure. I would have to look it up to see of it is IN, ABOVE, or is it just saying above the waters below as that is the last thing spoken of before that wording.

    So you’ve been claiming that you’ve ANSWERED my question a BUNCH of times already – yet you now post that you’re not even sure of the answer to it?  Why then would you lie and say you HAD answered it a bunch of  times already?  🤔

    Also, you could have looked it up in about the same amount of time that it took you to write that statement above.  Of course, if I tell you to look it up and get back to me with your answer, I’ll never get that answer.  So I’ll do that 30 seconds of research for you, okay?

    Screenshot (460)

    When the word starts with Bet (letter B), it means you add “in” to the word.  Understand?  Now look…

    Screenshot (459)

    Can you see raqia preceded by Bet (letter B)?  Can you understand that this makes the English translation to the right “IN the raqia/firmament” instead of just “raqia/firmament”?

    Furthermore, have you EVER seen ANY English Bible that DOESN’T translate it as “IN the firmament/sky/expanse”?

    Okay, now that I spent 30 seconds and made two clicks on my computer to get you the info you didn’t have time to locate, you have your answer.  The Hebrew word most certainly means “IN the raqia”.  And that means you can directly answer my question with something other than “Not sure”, right?  Please do so.

    And while you’re at it, please answer the first of the two questions as well.  Here they are again for you…

    Genesis 1:7… And God made the raqia, and divided the waters which were under the raqia from the waters which were above the raqia.


    Genesis 1:16-17…  God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the raqia…



    Proclaimer: But it doesn’t matter as far as flat earth goes because there are three heavens. So above and in the raqia will be different depending on which heaven is being referenced as Paul mentioned a third heaven. I’ve said this countless times, but you appear to not understand. For example, Jesus taught us to pray to God IN Heaven. So is God under the waters in your model and at the same level as the stars? If not, why not? The waters are suppoesdly ABOVE and God is IN. Further, the raqia is called heaven so three heavens and three layers of raqia. Your conclusion given your interpretation of raqia / heaven if you see it as only one raqia, layer, or heaven is that God is at the same level as the stars and there is water above him.

    “Our Father who art IN Heaven…”

    Please read this post carefully Mike. I will know that you haven’t read it if you ask the same silly question again.

    See?  There you go again pretending as if you’ve actually ANSWERED the questions in the post above – when you clearly haven’t.

    Yes Proclaimer, I have seen your “God under water” argument many times.  Yes Proclaimer, it is EASILY addressed.  And yes Proclaimer, I will be happy to completely, thoroughly, directly and honestly address it the minute I see your two single-word answers to the questions in the post above.


    Proclaimer:  Mike somehow thinks that this photo is evidence of a flat earth…

    I’ll get to your most recent false claims about me this weekend.  That will give you time to provide your simple “Yes or No” answers to those two very easy questions.   (Pro Tip:  The answers are right there in the scriptures posted above each question. 😉)


    Mike’s interpretation of clouds above the raqia is debunked

    Mike  it’s simple. If raqia is heaven, then there are three heavens. Birds fly in it or across it and God dwells in it. So you need to think about the context. You ignore that and confusion reigns. Because God dwells under or is embedded in the dome if we apply your criteria. That is a fail isn’t it Mike. Back to the drawing board, because God is not embedded in this dome along with the stars etc. And if you go to heaven, will that mean you are embedded in the dome? If so, why would you want to go to heaven if the clouds are above the raqia / heaven?

    Admit it Mike. You lost this argument.


    When will you bring back the sun Mike?

    And here is a photo of the sun that I took. Explain how this supposed local sun lights up half the earth. And explain how the sun is lower than some clouds and lights up the underside of those clouds. The simple answer is you can’t explain it and you won’t explain it. You prefer to live in your own fantasy of the pizza earth populated by unicorns. Lol.

    It is interesting to watch this level of delusion. Can you provide any tips on how you ended up here? Could be some useful advice for others to heed.


    Ooh look, they are living upside down

    But what would happen if you turned the camera around? The right way up yes?

    But let’s imagine that the space station could indeed drill down to people swimming upside down. In reality, it would just look like what you see on Google Earth. An aerial shot.

    Lol. Another successful debunk. Team Flat Earth loses again.


    DEBUNK STATUS; Debunked.


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