Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #937305

    A message to all FEs. 





    Proclaimer: So Mike, your fame is restored and everyone knows you created this successful topic. 

    Thank you.

    Proclaimer: BTW, feel free to offer a new title for the topic. It has to be SEO friendly and it cannot start with Flat Earth as it will demote the website in Google. What about this for a title: “Challenging the shape of our planet?”.

    As a quick exercise, please list a few other topics off the top of your head that would demote the website in Google.  Thanks.

    You can change the title of this thread to “Biblical Cosmology”.  After all, it’s a Bible discussion forum, and the essay you say you’re going to write is all about how Biblical cosmology isn’t really a terrarium world, right?

    And it seems Google is just fine with that terminology.  It pops up before you finish spelling it out…

    Screenshot (433)


    And it’s got Wiki, Encyclopedia.com, and the University of Idaho right on the first page…

    Screenshot (434)

    So it’s safe to say that the term “Biblical Cosmology” is not being shadow banned or censored. 👍

    If I had named it that from the start, your site might even be on the first Google results page by now! 😎


    Proclaimer, I made a string of posts to you yesterday – each one of them directly responding to posts that YOU wrote.  You haven’t addressed a single one of them.  Instead, like you always seem to do, you started posting memes and other nonsense like a madman, trying your best to put a whole bunch of distance between the current page of the thread and the page where I posted the questions that you’re afraid of.

    They are the last six posts on page 268 of this thread.  I would really like DIRECT and HONEST responses for at least the first three of them.  And those first three are in order of importance to me, so if you’re only going to address one of them, address the first one (6th from the bottom of page 268).



    Thanks. Each meme debunks the flat earth and they don’t take too much time to post which is awesome. Remember, it only takes one to be true and your FE falls. So your theory has been debunked hundreds of times with little effort from me. Bang for buck as they say. And people can read them fast and easy.

    You see, I’m collecting all the arguments against flat earth. Otherwise I would forget them. Thanks for asking though.

    And hopefully I’ll debunk your flawed rebuttals soon. In the meantime stay awesome. You are that guy who started this topic right?


    As a quick exercise, please list a few other topics off the top of your head that would demote the website in Google.  Thanks.

    1. Donald (Duck) T;
    2. Cue a non;
    3. Debunking 1slam;
    4. M00n land1ng 1s fke;
    5. B1d3n lapt0p;
    6. Guns n Roses minus the last two words;
    7. Vacks1nne5;
    8. Mikeboll;
    9. Wh1te Supr5m5cy;
    10. Elect10n r1gg11ng.

    Some are of course justified, Some are not.

    Q: What is a good title for your successful topic?


    This is the closest to the Hebrew text of all the versions you posted.  Birds don’t fly IN the firmament, but across the FACE of it.  Just like in Gen 1:2, the Holy Spirit wasn’t hovering IN the waters, but over the FACE of them.

    So the Spirit was a above the waters like birds are above the dome. Maybe there is a window just big enough for birds? All we need now is a volunteer dwarf to climb through with a GoPro.

    BTW, on the subject of waters, if it exists below the disc and above in liquid form, then why not setup a GoFund Me page to pay for digging a big hole till you hit the water and then drop a submarine down the hole with FEs inside. Then take that baby all the way to heaven.


    Proclaimer:  Donald (Duck) T;
    Cue a non;
    Debunking 1slam;
    M00n land1ng 1s fke;
    B1d3n lapt0p;
    Guns n Roses minus the last two words;
    Wh1te Supr5m5cy;
    Elect10n r1gg11ng.

    They block the TRUTH about these things, Proclaimer.  You can love Islam, and Google loves you.  But tell the TRUTH about it, and you’re blocked.  You can promote the moon landings as real, and Google loves you.  But tell the TRUTH about it, and your blocked.  Same with the death jabs and the rest of them.  The topics themselves are not blocked… just those of us who try to tell the TRUTH about them.

    So you can title your essay, “The Stupidity of Flat Earth”, and Google will promote the crap out of you.  But if you tell the TRUTH about it, you’ll be blocked or shadow banned.

    And they started this algorithmic shadow banning with Flat Earth.  Why do you think that is?  🤔


    Proclaimer:  And hopefully I’ll debunk your flawed rebuttals soon.

    Why not now?



    Mike:  This is the closest to the Hebrew text of all the versions you posted.  Birds don’t fly IN the firmament, but across the FACE of it.  Just like in Gen 1:2, the Holy Spirit wasn’t hovering IN the waters, but over the FACE of them.


    Proclaimer:  So the Spirit was a above the waters like birds are above the dome.

    No.  Now please answer the direct questions at the bottom of the same post my quote above came from.  Thanks.


    Here’s the rest of it, for ease of access…

    Proclaimer:  You see Mike. After God made the heavens and the earth, he then created birds to fly in the expanse of heaven and he placed the sun and moon in that expanse. typically we call that the sky. It’s not a big deal Mike.

    Slow down.  You keep trying to tell your entire story all at once so you can skim over the important points I’m trying to make.

    So far we both agree that it was the firmament that God named “heaven”, right?  What about the other questions in my quote above?

    1.  Can you see that the firmament supports waters that are above it?  What exactly are the waters above “the sky” that are being supported by the sky?

    Please address this point, Proclaimer.  And remember that the waters are ABOVE the firmament that God named “heaven”, not IN them.  What are these waters in your understanding?

    2.  Also, if “heaven” already existed in Gen 1:1 like you claim, why would God have to create “heaven” on Day 2?

    Please address this point, Proclaimer.  Your interpretation relies on God creating heaven AFTER heaven already existed, God creating earth AFTER earth already existed, and God creating the sun, moon and stars AFTER they already existed.

    So please directly address these two points that you ignored – even though you quoted them in your response.  Thanks.


    Proclaimer:  Q: What is a good title for your successful topic?

    Already answered that.  You can either put MY original title back onto MY thread – or I will allow you to change it to “Biblical Cosmology”.  Those are your two choices…

    1.  Flat Earth?

    2.  Biblical Cosmology



    No 1 will demote the website in Google. No2 is fine.


    Slow down.  You keep trying to tell your entire story all at once so you can skim over the important points I’m trying to make.

    Sorry if it was too much to process  but was supplying more than one witness to show that it means sky. This needs to happen sometimes. I’ll try and keep it simpler next time if possible.


    They block the TRUTH about these things, Proclaimer.  You can love Islam, and Google loves you.  But tell the TRUTH about it, and you’re blocked.  You can promote the moon landings as real, and Google loves you.  But tell the TRUTH about it, and your blocked.  Same with the death jabs and the rest of them.  The topics themselves are not blocked… just those of us who try to tell the TRUTH about them.

    Tried it for one or two years Mike. All I got was low quality postings most of the time.

    Decided to put the site back in the mainstream in an attempt to get better posts.

    Two other reasons.

    1. Alt search engines still use Google IMO. The site ranked well in Google before flat earth, Q  and The Don. So should have ranked well in Duck because they don’t censor. But it seems when you don’t rank in Google, you don’t rank in Duck. I suspect they use Google results as an indicator for quality sites. IMO, they should promote sites that block Google. When they do that, I’ll think about reverting it back.

    2. The local site search was bad. It’s better now that I’m using Google. You were the main complainer BTW. Can’t have it both ways Mike. One hand gives  the other takes away.


    Why not now?

    FE is not my priority right now mate. Hang in there. I answer these other questions because they are easy to do from my phone.


    So the Spirit was a above the waters like birds are above the dome?


    Mike…….please tell us , what mountain can we climbe to “see”, “all the kingdoms of this world” , i would like to go there and see them all,  but don’t know which one can give me that,  perhaps your “flat earth” pals,  can show us that mountain, you say exists. LOL. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike…….gene


    Proclaimer:  So the Spirit was a above the waters like birds are above the dome?

    I already answered “No” to your silly question.  The Spirit hovered across the face of the waters (ie: above it), and birds fly across the face of the firmament (ie: below it).

    Proclaimer:  You see Mike. After God made the heavens and the earth, he then created birds to fly in the expanse of heaven and he placed the sun and moon in that expanse. typically we call that the sky. It’s not a big deal Mike.

    Slow down.  You keep trying to tell your entire story all at once so you can skim over the important points I’m trying to make.

    So far we both agree that it was the firmament that God named “heaven”, right?  What about the other questions in my quote above?

    1.  Can you see that the firmament supports waters that are above it?  What exactly are the waters above “the sky” that are being supported by the sky?

    Please address this point, Proclaimer.  And remember that the waters are ABOVE the firmament that God named “heaven”, not IN them.  What are these waters in your understanding?

    2.  Also, if “heaven” already existed in Gen 1:1 like you claim, why would God have to create “heaven” on Day 2?

    Your interpretation relies on God creating heaven AFTER heaven already existed, God creating earth AFTER earth already existed, and God creating the sun, moon and stars AFTER they already existed.

    Please explain this oddity?  Thanks.


    Mike…….please tell us , what mountain can we climbe to “see”, “all the kingdoms of this world” , i would like to go there and see them all,  but don’t know which one can give me that,  perhaps your “flat earth” pals,  can show us that mountain, you say exists. LOL.

    Mike, is the reason for such a mountain not existing have anything to do with pollution? Lol.

    Gene (I saw it on TV) Balthrop:  Mike…….please tell us , what mountain can we climbe to “see”, “all the kingdoms of this world”
    Pretender:  Mike, is the reason for such a mountain not existing have anything to do with pollution? Lol.

    Sorry guys, I can barely hear you from those rocks you’re hiding under.  Maybe you could come out into the open and gird up your loins like men?  And from out here, you’ll also be able to see this a little better…

    Matthew 4:8… The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.

    Do you two in the shadows think that the apostles of Jesus made this story up out of thin air?  Or is it more likely that Jesus related the event to them?

    So the question isn’t to me, but to Jesus who gave the account of what happened to him, right?

    How about you guys leave me completely out of it for just a second, and explain why JESUS would tell of such an event that would be impossible on a ball earth?

    Ready, set, GO!

    (Oh, and make sure to speak loudly so the rest of us can hear you from your hiding places.  Thanks.)


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