Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Pride leads to ignorance leads to foolishness

    You can see their blindness.

    Pray for them and learn from their mistakes.



    The creation of false religion



    Great is our Lord and abundant in strength;
    His understanding is infinite.




    How Do We Actually Know We Landed on the Moon?

    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Mike,

    What would be the benefit for the elite to hide from us that our earth is flat?
    I can’t see any.


    Danny: Hi Mike,

    What would be the benefit for the elite to hide from us that our earth is flat?
    I can’t see any.

    Hi Danny.  Let’s first review where we are in our discussion…

    You asked if all pilots were lying about the curve.  I showed you that there is no pilot that could have possibly seen the curve from 7 miles up – since it can’t even be seen from 55 miles up.

    What is your response to that?  What is YOUR answer to your own question:  Are all pilots lying about the curve?

    You also said that you cannot personally prove that the earth is a ball.  I then asked you WHY you believe it is.  Of course your answer has no choice but to be:  Because I’ve been told that it is, and I trust the people who tell me that.

    Is that an accurate representation of what your answer to my question would be?  If so, please state as much for the record.  If not, please give your own answer for why you believe we live on a spinning ball when you can’t possibly prove that we do.  Thanks.

    As for your current question… Does not understanding the benefit provided by telling a lie mean that a lie hasn’t been told?  That would be like saying, “I can’t personally understand why God would do X or Y, therefore God can’t possibly exist.”

    But I will give you a good answer anyway.  Do you believe 2 Cor 4:4 – that the god of this age has blinded the unbelievers?  Now consider the way that all ancient cultures have understood our world…

    Ancient Cosmology

    All of them include a flat and stationary earth, and a dome that covers it – in which the much smaller sun, moon, and stars move over the much larger earth and seas.  What if I could PROVE to everyone that the ancients (including the writers of scripture) had it right all along?  How many atheists would exist?  Zero.  Because even though this dome-covered earth would still be attributed to different creators, there would be no argument from anyone that it was an accident.  Everyone on earth would agree that we and our world are a creation of somebody.

    But how about that last image of the NASA ball earth?  When we’re told from the time we are very young that we live on an “insignificant pale blue dot” (astronomer Carl Sagan) within a nearly endless vacuum of space that contains billions of suns and trillions of other insignificant dots like us… and that all of this undeniably was the result of an accidental explosion billions of years ago that somehow created organization out of utter chaos, and then accidentally created life on these newly organized balls of random matter, who needs a creator?

    If random accidents CAN BE responsible for our world and the living things on it, what reason is there for there to be a “God”?

    So in the first 7 images above – a creator is necessary.  Nobody would ever believe that any of those created themselves out of nothing.  Only the last one – the NASA one – doesn’t require a God/Creator.  Only in that last one is it even possible that we could be a godless accident – which is exactly what the god of this age wants us all to believe.

    And while you’re considering my answer, also ponder how many people would actually have to KNOW about the deception.  Consider that those people would be the ones with the most authority.  And consider what we’ve learned in the past few years about the hearts and minds of people such as this… Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, etc.





    You asked if all pilots were lying about the curve.  I showed you that there is no pilot that could have possibly seen the curve from 7 miles up – since it can’t even be seen from 55 miles up.

    It’s not about seeing the curve, but about flight routes. The Flat Earth has Southern Hemisphere routes way bigger than they really are. So pilots would have to keep their mouths shut regarding this and many other things too.


    Another claim debunked


    Mars looks exactly like Arizona, Nevada or parts of the Australian outback desert and it appears NASA simply added a red tint to the atmosphere in post-production. By using the “AutoLevels Tool” in Photoshop, official NASA Mars photographs lose their red tint, however, and look exactly like the Earth. NASA has already admitted to carrying out simulations at Devon Island. It’s worth noting that Devon Island is “the largest uninhabited isle on Earth,” which seems to be a perfect location for an imitation Martian photograph shoot.



    (First a disclaimer. I cannot prove 100% that the following is correct. But if you have more time than me and want to debunk this answer, then research it and share it here.)

    First, The picture on the left is not Arizona, Nevada or the Australian outback. It was taken in Ireland at The Burren & Cliffs of Moher.

    Second, the picture on the right does not come from NASA. It comes from the video below where someone shows you how to fake a NASA image of Mars. Yes, the video takes the photo from Ireland (on the left) and turns it into a fake NASA photo from Mars (on the right).


    This meme is a lie.


    Flat Earth Southern Hemisphere debunked


    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Mike,

    I will answer your questions and points in this post.

    You: What is YOUR answer to your own question: Are all pilots lying about the curve?

    Me: I never said anything about a curve.
    I simply said, “What about the many pilots?
    They surely must have told us by now if the earth were really flat.
    Are they all deceitful?”

    You: You also said that you cannot personally prove that the earth is a ball. I then asked you WHY you believe it is.

    Me: I believe the earth is a globe because I trust the witness of Astronomers, Astronauts, Pilots,
    Sailors, Geographers, Explorers and so on.

    You: Do you believe 2 Cor 4:4 – that the god of this age has blinded the unbelievers?

    Me: He blinded them about what?
    He blinded them about the gospel!
    Just read the context.
    The devil and his freemasons are interested in
    moving people away from God and Jesus Christ.
    That’s the real deception.
    I wonder why nobody is talking about that?

    You: So in the first 7 images above – a creator is necessary. Nobody would ever believe that any of those created themselves out of nothing. Only the last one – the NASA one – doesn’t require a God/Creator.

    Me: I don’t agree.
    Our globe does require a God/Creator!

    God bless.


    Our current understanding of the universe requires a creator all the more.

    Atheists would have an easier time with the odds if there was only a floating pizza.



    More observational proof of the globe

    This is Mt Taranaki again. Just a reminder. It sits on a peninsula. It is not an island.

    Clearly, a great portion of the bottom half of the peak as well as the surrounding land below the peak is obscured by the curve of the earth.

    Water finds its level? It is clearly being seen clinging to the bulge and obscuring maybe half the mountain.

    You say trust your eyes. Well practice what you preach then.

    Another successful debunk.




    The top picture is looking from the bottom part of the coast in the above pic toward Taranaki in the upper left. You can clearly see the peak sits on land.

    Good night Mike.


    Mike’s teachings on Flat earth has been well and truly debunked. All that is left is for him to crucify his pride and admit the truth when it is presented to him. His call as to what manner of man he wants to be.


    How it feels to be on the receiving end of an ignorant flat earther when you are from the Southern Hemisphere

    I’m from NZ, so from my observation and experience, if the earth was flat, this would be the map. It agrees with my travel experience between NZ and South America as well as witnesses I know who have been to the South pole and Antarctica in general.

    But this would be almost offensive or at least hilarious to those from the Northern Hemisphere because it wouldn’t agree with their experience. But what if I just said too bad. This is what it is like arguing with a flat earther from the Northern Hemisphere when you are an Antipodean. Lol.





    The Sun needs to change speed significantly on a Flat Earth

    When it’s summer in the southern hemisphere, or outer rim, the sun would have to cover a far greater distance in 24 hours than when it is on its tighter circle when its summer in the northern hemisphere or inner ring. It would have to travel faster along the sky to cover this increased distance.



    Mike lost this debate. He has no answers to the evidence given in this topic. He is speechless. Gobsmacked. Stunned. He ran away.






    The problem is with the Biblical authors who were Flat Earthers because they were not having so many insights what we have today through scientific discoveries.

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