Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #932354

    Hi Danny. While Mike had given up  he hasn’t admitted defeat. So I’m using this topic to collect debunks that are simple to understand for flat earthers. Hopefully this will help someone else like Mike who comes here and who thinks the Bible and observation show us a flat earth. Thanks for your contributions.


    Danny: Hi Mike,

    I cannot proof to you that our earth is a globe.

    And that, my friend, is exactly what Pretender has been unwilling to admit for over 4 years.  It’s just as true for him as it is for you, me, and every other man who has ever dwelt on earth, and I’m glad you are man enough to do what Pretender’s pride won’t let him do.

    So then the logical follow-up question would be:  Why then do you BELIEVE that the earth IS a globe?

    Danny:  I have a question for you:
    What about the many pilots?
    They surely must have told us by now if the earth were really flat.
    Are they all deceitful?

    All pilots can see from cruising altitude is a flat plane, as some have admitted – only to be fired for doing so.  But don’t take my word for it.  Here is Neil DeGrasse Tyson saying how Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic passengers couldn’t see earth curve from 55 miles up…


    Passenger planes fly at about 7 miles up.  If you can’t see it from 55, there is no pilot who has seen it from 7.



    And that, my friend, is exactly what Pretender has been unwilling to admit for over 4 years.  It’s just as true for him as it is for you, me, and every other man who has ever dwelt on earth, and I’m glad you are man enough to do what Pretender’s pride won’t let him do.

    So then the logical follow-up question would be:  Why then do you BELIEVE that the earth IS a globe?

    Incorrect Mike.

    First off, you are in a cult that feeds you feeble so-called evidence. Amazing that you cannot see this reality. Now look at the evidence against the flat earth throughout this topic. Nearly every page of late here has indisputable proof of the globe earth. But you simply ignore it. You head is buried in the sand. You don’t want the truth and do not seek it.

    Anyway, ignoring all the satellites beaming back images of the globe, ignoring pilots, the people in the space industry, GPS, eclipse predictions using math that can only be visually explained with the heliocentric model, and ignoring the stupidity of believing that millions are hiding the truth from us and never spill the beans, here are my personal proofs. And this is not an exhaustive list.

    1. I have genuine photos that prove the curve of the earth with mountains being partially blocked by the horizon.
    2. One of my best friend’s dad has been to the South Pole. He is a scientist. He brags that it took him a few seconds to travel around the earth. He simply walked around the actual south pole in the middle of the continent. He is not a NASA shill.
    3. I have travelled numerous times on direct flights between NZ and South America. And the distance and times agree with the globe, not the ridiculous times it would take on the flat earth which stretches out the 40 degree latitudes 3 times or so what it actually is.
    4. I personally spoke to sailors who arrived in my city during the round the world yacht race. They would have noticed if the earth was flat because the distances they travelled would have been 3 times as long. They have all the technology and always tracking weather and routes to get an advantage over their rivals. Hard to believe that they would not notice that the distance was 3 times longer than the Northern Hemisphere routes and their charts. Pretty sure I wasnt talking to lizard shapeshifters.
    5. I have a family member who works as a provider to Rocket Lab. That person is not a shape shifter either or in on a world wide conspiracy. Further, Rocket Lab located some 4 or 5 hours from my home film their rockets heading into orbit in order to see how the equipment is working. You can clearly see the earth is a globe. The rocket plumes can sometimes be seen when you look up at the sky too. You have to argue that this is all fake. A conspiracy.
    6. I have seen the ISS, Starlink, and countless satellites with my own eyes. The skies here are very clear. In fact, the largest dark sky reserve in the world is being setup here, less than an hours drive from my house. The space industry is real. Seen it with my own eyes and have a family member who has worked in that industry.
    7. I can hop on a plane in Australia and fly to Antarctica if I am willing to pay. I do plan on doing this before I leave this planet for heaven. New Zealand use to run regular flights too, until a plane crash put an end to it. Think about it. Why are these flights available. Surely Antarctica would be out of bounds if your theory were true. And a plane crash on Antarctica sent investigators to the site and there is a memorial there now. Doesn’t fit with the 10,000 boats surrounding the ice wall that will stop you from seeing what is there does it?

    Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve



    All pilots can see from cruising altitude is a flat plane, as some have admitted – only to be fired for doing so.

    Q: What does the circumference of an eternal circle look like?

    A: A straight line.

    So a really big circle will look like a straight line too despite not being a straight line.

    Do you understand that @mikeboll64?

    God gave you a brain. Use it.


    If Flat earthers take the UN logo as the map of the world, then they could steal this image to support their local sun theory. Notice the person fishing from the moon meaning the moon is way closer to earth. Proof like the UN logo? Lol.



    Passenger planes fly at about 7 miles up.  If you can’t see it from 55, there is no pilot who has seen it from 7.

    Mike, Globers do not think pilots would have to be lying to us if the earth was flat because they see the curve, but because they have to fly very strange routes and go the long way to allow preserve the lie. For example, I have flown from New Zealand directly to Argentina. The pilot would have to avoid the shortest route because the passengers would glimpse Mexico and Peru below which would give the flat earth away. So they fly the much longer latitude lines which would be the long way. But on a globe, they are the shortest route.

    Mike, the truth tends to make things simple. It’s like wandering stars. They have a weird spiraling orbit of earth if the earth was the centre. But if you place the wandering stars and earth as going around the Sun as planets, then all the orbits are really simple circular orbits. Since when does a lie make things this simple and logical? Lies do not do that. Lies can be an explanation for somethings, but will complicate and contradict many other things. The flat earth does exactly that. The heliocentric model with a globe earth uses one theory to simply explain everything. No lie can do that. Use your brain Mike.




    Danny: I cannot proof to you that our earth is a globe.

    Mike:  And that, my friend, is exactly what Pretender has been unwilling to admit for over 4 years.

    Proclaimer:  Incorrect Mike.

    If I’m incorrect, then clearly state what Danny did for the record.


    Mike:  And that, my friend, is exactly what Pretender has been unwilling to admit for over 4 years.

    I’m not speaking on behalf of Danny, but what you said about me. would have thought that was obvious.

    In relation to your quote about me. Maybe if you read the proofs posted you wouldn’t make such a foolish statement.

    For example, why don’t you and your flatties hire a boat and travel west from California or east from New York. And if you see the ice wall while heading in those directions only, then you have something.

    No instead you just make preposterous assertions that even children would laugh at. And always think about going south, thereby admitting the earth is a globe.

    I have posted so many debunks for your false teaching that you should be feeling shame right now. But your conscience simply ignores truth and the more you do it the more you sear your conscience. It doesn’t matter what the lie is, as long as you reject truth and correction, it affects you.

    I guarantee you will regret your behaviour one day. Hopefully before judgement day, so you do not have to give an account for this lie when there is nothing you can do about it. It’s your life though. You have the freedom to screw up. That is why we are responsible for our words and actions.


    Another obvious proof of earth’s curvature. Same mountain, different altitude.



    Mike, if you deny the globe, then you deny Scorpzilla



    Who Started the Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory?


    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Mike,

    What would be the benefit for the elite to hide from us that our earth is flat?
    I can’t see any.


    Correct me if I am wrong @mikeboll64, but you have said in the past that it hides our creator from us and leads to us being of no importance in a universe where we are not even an atom.

    But I think it is the opposite. The universe as we know it clearly shows us God and his eternal nature and no man has an excuse to not believe that there is a God. Because the universe that we understand cannot come from nothing and neither can it design itself or create life if there was not first an eternal life, then clearly there is a God unless you are a fool.

    What the Flat Earth would actually prove if it were true is that we are contained in a snow globe type world by some advanced beings who probably by reason of first cause would likely have a God above them because a God of a snow globe doesn’t display eternal nature through his small creation. This God could just be an advanced alien of some kind or a being or beings that exist in a higher dimension.

    What our universe proves is that the God of the universe is the Most High.


    The Psychology of Flat Earthers

    Perched on the fringes of society, with an intense hankering to be proven right, Flat Earthers must surely welcome new believers with open arms. This isn’t an exclusive club that everyone is dying to get into, but a motley crue of oddball characters, who’ll take anyone that they can get. Once immersed into the community, a new member might find themselves glowing with a sense of acceptance and belonging, feeling as though they’re finally part of a group who gets them, and will protect them from the emotional danger of a cruel, unforgiving world. Though it’s difficult to believe, their fellow Flat Earthers are the only people who can see through the biggest illusion in human history, and they’re lucky enough to be a part of this wonderful tribe, flushed with the idea of finally being connected with a common identity, and one of such obvious importance!

    This theory is supported by another psychological phenomenon called confirmation bias, which explains our tendency to actively seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs, and ignore information that contradicts with it.




    More direct observational evidence that doesn’t require NASA



    The anti-gravity argument debunked


    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Proclaimer,

    Thanks for your contributions.

    You’re welcome.


    Mass hysteria as wind turbines sink all over the flat earth



    The higher the altitude,

    the more pronounced the earth’s curvature will be

    and the darker the sky will get.


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