Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #846890

    Newsflash… the mainstream media is OWNED by the same powers that control the entire world.  They “report” what they’re told to report… period.  They are actors reading scripts that have been written for them.  But every once in a while, a mainstream outlet shows a little decency and reports on a story the YouTubers have already known about for days, weeks, or years.  THEN, people like you and Gene can finally believe it, right?  Here’s one recent example, so kudos to Fox.

    Yeah, I am totally on board with what you say here. The Earth is still globe shaped though.


    I’ve been an ass lately. I apologize for my poor behavior.


    “Pure water, also known as purified water, is water from a source that has removed all impurities. Distilled water is the most common form of pure water.“



    Weather modification (less than 4 minutes)




    (Less than 3 minutes)



    (About 3 minutes)



    (About 5 minutes)



    Some completely deny it (including banning anyone who ask the questions), some downplay it, and some have even worked for weather modification companies. These are meteorologists who should know about such things. (About 8 minutes)




    Meteorologists and agricultural scientists speaking about things which are denied here and called a “conspiracy”.

    (4 1/2 minutes)




    Anyone care to take back their comments? Care to admit when they are wrong? Gene?


    In certain circumstances, weather modification may happen, especially in drought stricken areas. I also know for a fact that smaller aircraft drop fertiliser and even poisons that kill pests. But the clouds you see going out from passenger jets are contrails.


    Cheers Mike. Thanks for the apology. It’s a rare thing to see these days with most people.


    I’m glad to hear that it “may” happen. That’s progress.


    I wouldn’t call it progress Dig. Those clouds you see in the sky are contrails.

    Weather modification is likely a rare thing. To force clouds to rain for example would be a substantial outlay of costs I imagine and you would only do it if the benefit of rain was greater than the cost. I’m not even sure how successful that is either, but it could be a thing. I wouldn’t call that a conspiracy and it likely is not controversial.

    About 20 years ago, I built a website for a private company that used aircraft to drop topdressing from the sky. This is not secretive at all and is out in the open. In NZ, they also drop 1080 poison into forests to kill pests that pose serious risk to native animals. This is not secretive at all either, but is highly controversial. There are many against it. These are dropped from small planes and are not those clouds you speak of.

    But to repeat, passenger jets create contrails in certain atmospheric conditions. This is not the government poisoning the population.

    I remember seeing contrails high up in the sky on sunny days back in the early 70s. At school I would look up and see two lines of cloud that eventually dissipated.  Was probably a long haul flight between Australia and South America or something similar. Haven’t seen them since then. It was probably a flight that doesn’t exist anymore over the local airspace where I live.


    The Fairy Tales of Chemtrails!


    T8……PURE h2o water is a insulator and will no conduct electricity,    the ‘only” thing that conducts electric current is the impurities in the water.  It is wise to believe our normal water we have will conduct current, for safety sake, but truth is pure water h2o will not conduct electrical current.  I have had personal experience with this in the past, so I am probably more knowledgable then most are. It is better to think normal everyday water will conduct current if enough voltage is applied though.

    The guy who throw the boiling water in the air is the best example of a contrail. Imo. The heat from the Jets turbine is super heated and when it inters the freezing cold atmosphere to will cause it to vaporize visually,  if the atmosphere is void of  mosture it will not, the contrail will become visable  in direct porpotion to the  temperature and density of water it contains at the moment  the heat is applied to it, Another simple truth MIKE.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene





    1. Why did the ISS astronaut say water was dangerous because of the electricity?

    2. Why did the 3 sources I quoted say pure water was a poor conductor of electricity… Not that it DOESN’T conduct it?

    3. How long does the steam from the boiling pot of water hang around in the air. If you say hours, then you have a point. If you say any less amount of time than that then your analogy is not even close to the reality of the situation.


    A jet is putting out way more condensation than a pot of water and closer to the condensation levels of clouds. In fact, contrails are actually clouds. The last from hours to days depending on temperature and humidity.


    So then imagine the biggest pot of boiling water you can. It puts off a ton of steam… like an old steam engine train. How LONG does the steam persist after it leaves the pot? That’s the point. Understand? It’s not the amount of steam… but the duration I’m asking about.


    Mike, that depends on the temperature,  the heat absorption rate and the atmospheric conditions all the are factors in amount and duration of the steam trail.  Mosture in the surrounding is a major factor,  you must consider all these factor in what contrails your takings about because each time they can vary in what you see, depends  on many factors at the time the heat from the jet turbines inters the atmosphere.   That atmosphere condition determines what you see.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Mike that would be a natural reaction of anyone, because most like even you don’t know that pure h2o does not conduct electricity, .  Those so-called experts you trust in are wrong simple as that.  Maybe you should also consider that in your “flat earth”  nonsense also.

    Another challenge for you Mike,   I wrote a post on Rev 17: 10 here a few weeks ago, I would like you especially  to read it and give me  back your opinions.  I think it would be interesting to hear from you on this.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



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