Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #846681

    Okay, that’s the first half of it finally.  Now let’s see if the second half will post…


    But if you want to believe that any man can look at any rock and determine how old it is – all the way to billions of years in the past – then you go right on believing such nonsense.  And if you want to believe that radiometric dating accounts for anything at all, then you simply haven’t spent even an hour looking into it.  You’ve been hoodwinked, dude.  And you seem to be just fine with that. Others of us find this stuff important enough to spend a little time investigating… especially the stuff that clearly contradicts the scriptures.

    When scientism says billions of year old, and the Bible says 6000 years old, doesn’t even a tiny part of you want to know how exactly they even came up with that billions of years?  Do you think rocks are time machines?  Do you suppose they have birth certificates on them so we know when they formed?  Can you even imagine how far back a billion years would have been?  And yet you blindly believe guys who say, “Well, we were wrong.  It was long thought that flowers evolved 1.3 billion years ago.  Now we’ve found evidence that they evolved 1.31 billion years ago.”

    I mean, who in their right mind could believe that these mere men can look at some rocks and determine when flowering plants evolved billions of years ago – and then narrow it down to .1 billion years  – as if they have the foggiest idea of what happened even 1000 years ago?  Really?  They’re going to minutely adjust the date of what happened more than a billion years ago – and people just eat that crap up as if they know what they’re talking about?  And on the other hand, we’ve got Jesus saying God created them male and female from the BEGINNING of creation?  Does that really sound like God created a molten ball, let it chill for billions of years, and then created Adam and Eve at the BEGINNING of that creation?  If it had been only 4000 years – out of the 4.54 BILLION year age of the earth – since Adam and Eve were created when Jesus said those words, in what world would “the BEGINNING of creation” make a lick of sense?  As if something that occurred in the last .0000009 percent of the history of the earth could be called the BEGINNING of creation by Jesus!  It’s just too much for me, man.

    As for your Satan comment, and D4T’s response… I assume that God’s spirit sons were around for a while before God created the heavens and the earth and put two great lights in the firmament.  But there’s really no reason for me to assume such a thing.  For all I know, God could have created his spirit sons and then an hour later said, “Hey guys, check this out.  I’m about to make a world.”

    Anyway, you’re either for scriptural truth, or you take the book as a joke that is full of many mistakes when compared to man’s “science”.  I stand with God – and his written word.  Let ALL men (not just a few actor-nauts who claim to be Christian) be liars, and let God be true.


    Ah, so now the second part finally posted.  I didn’t change anything. I only copied and pasted one half first, and then the other half.  Why wouldn’t it all post together… especially when it had already posted as one earlier?


    I see.  So then everything I say from here on out is automatically in question because SOMEONE TOLD YOU my math was incorrect in a way that you don’t even understand?  Come on, man… you’re surely better than that, aren’t you?

    Why would you think that? I only ever pointed this out because you said I stated there had to be refraction to compensate for the supposed extra mountain. I reiterated that your math was wrong. So long as you say I need refraction, I will point this out because once your math is fixed, then yes the photo can be taken on a globe earth.


    Mike I can’t prove you that the earth is billions of years old, but neither does the exact number matter anyway. But I can tell you that the Bible doesn’t teach that it is a 6000 or 7000 year old disk. I can also tell you from observation that dinosaurs walked the earth once.


    And I decided that’s not what I wanted my channel to be about, so I deleted them all off of YouTube.  I still have the video where I addressed the one you linked here.

    Did you delete the one where Dazza corrected your faulty math or was that his video?


    Dig said:

    But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Mark 10:6


    Mike, I stated from the beginni G that I am not going to delve to deep into the math. Not because I fear it, but that I have limited brain resources and spend most of that energy on building complex websites. The result is I don’t even play strategy games as my brain is exhausted. So the last thing I’m going to do is spend hours with numbers proving or disproving a flat earth.

    But guess what, no matter the math, the reality is way easy to figure out. As Dazza pointed out, the tree line is halfway up the mountain. My photo shows the treeline at the bottom. If this observation is true, then the conclusion is inescapable. Half the mountain of thereabouts is missing.

    It’s that simple. We don’t need to get all complicated.


    T8, you seem to love it when people cast doubt on the written Word of God. You say that you don’t believe in evolution but quote Hugh Ross who does. Scary. He believes in subhumans that preceded Adam. So death and suffering were before sin. If I were to list all of the contradictions of Scripture that Hugh Ross promotes there wouldn’t be enough space on this thread to list them all!

    His take on Adam is laughable. Adam was created on day 6 in the beginning! You may believe whatever you want.


    T8……Don’t let these people jerk you around,  anyone living today, that does ‘t apsolutely know the earth is a globe, with all the millions of pieces of proofs given over the last 50 years, suffer from a state of denial and are in a state of delusion. Like I said in the beginning of all this,  ‘it’s a waste of time, you cannot turn a deluded mind,  you could put them in the space station, for a year and they would just say it was a trick of somekind. Conspiracy theorists live in a state of denial, they are self blinded, are unable to accept truths that show them wrong.  Simply a waste of time and a destraction, a waste of time T8.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene


    T8:  …once your math is fixed, then yes the photo can be taken on a globe earth.

    Are you daft?  No, seriously… I’d like to know.  Is Ruapehu 9176 feet tall?  Yes.  Would 5473 feet of it be missing in your photo if we lived on a ball?  Yes.  That is my math, T8.  There is no “fixing” needed.

    Screenshot (290)

    Can you see it for yourself here?  This is just a standard earth curve calculator.  Eye height, 700 feet.  Distance to target, 123 miles.  Target hidden height, 5473 feet.  THAT is my math.  T8, do you acknowledge that, according to ball earth math that you can find on any earth curve calculator, or even do yourself using the Pythagorean theorem, that 5473 feet – or well over half – of Ruapehu should be missing in your photo if we live on a ball?

    I have concluded that you are a small and deceptive man.  Let’s see if you can prove me wrong here by answering the blue question in an honest manner that is befitting of God.  You can argue later that 5473 feet IS missing in your photo.  But for right now, I just want to see if you’re honest enough to admit that it SHOULD BE missing in your photo if we lived on a ball.  Are you honest enough to do that?


    D4T:  T8, you seem to love it when people cast doubt on the written Word of God. You say that you don’t believe in evolution but quote Hugh Ross who does. Scary. He believes in subhumans that preceded Adam. So death and suffering were before sin. If I were to list all of the contradictions of Scripture that Hugh Ross promotes there wouldn’t be enough space on this thread to list them all!

    His take on Adam is laughable. Adam was created on day 6 in the beginning! You may believe whatever you want.

    I just can’t take this willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance any more, D.  That’s why you don’t see me post here much.  It’s really quite simple… either Jesus referred to a time that was 4.5 billion years AFTER God created the earth as “the beginning of creation”, or Adam and Eve actually were created at the beginning of creation.  One needs only think it out…

    Jesus walked the earth about 4000 years after Adam and Eve were created. From his standpoint of 1,460,000 days after Adam was created on day 6, “the beginning of creation” makes perfect sense since it was only the 6th day out of the 1.5 million days that had transpired since God created the heaven and the earth.  On the other hand, if Adam was created on the 1, 642,500,000,000th day (4.5 billion years) after God created the heaven and the earth, Jesus’ statement that 1.5 trillion days after creation was “the beginning of creation” is nonsensical.

    But I’m both saddened and sickened that people like T8 will go searching out people like Hugh Ross to help them twist the actual words of our Lord and Savior to make him sound like an idiot who didn’t know what he was talking about.  “Well, day 6 is not technically the beginning of creation, is it?”  It is when you’re saying it 1.5 million days later.  Of course they don’t have an explanation for why Jesus would call 4.5 billion years after creation “the beginning of creation”, do they?  The best they can do is say that when Jesus said “the beginning of creation”, he was really talking about the “beginning of marriage”.  And people like T8 lap this crap up, because Hugh is telling them what their ears are itching to hear.  That way, they can pretend they’re smart and fit in with the cool kids who believe the earth is billions of years old.  Heaven forbid T8 gird up his loins and take a stand for Biblical truth.  Because to do that, he’d be one of us, and then he’d have to listen to people like Gene laughing at him and telling him that he’s a stupid whack job.  And some people who are weak in the faith just don’t have the stomach for being ridiculed.  Some people are like these…

    John 12:42-43

    Nevertheless, many of the leaders believed in Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved praise from men more than praise from God. 

    T8 is part of the synagogue of scientism/Satan.  He enjoys that the other members pat him on the back and reassure him with words about how smart and enlightened he is for believing all these things that directly contradict Jesus and the Bible in general.  God wants to praise him for confessing Biblical truth, but He can’t because T8 is afraid to make a stand for Biblical truth.  He just goes along, being led by the nose by godless men who want to lead him even farther away from the truth of scripture.  And every step he takes farther from scriptural truth, those men praise him all the more for being a good, smart Christian who understands that the Bible is just metaphorical, and not to be taken literally.  And boy does he love that praise from men.  He loves it so much that it doesn’t even occur to him that praise from his God would be so much better.

    Just sad and sickening.  Anyway, I enjoy reading your rebuttals to his nonsense here, so keep up the good work and enjoy that praise from God while he’s enjoying his praise from men.



    D4T:  T8, you seem to love it when people cast doubt on the written Word of God. You say that you don’t believe in evolution but quote Hugh Ross who does. Scary. He believes in subhumans that preceded Adam. So death and suffering were before sin. If I were to list all of the contradictions of Scripture that Hugh Ross promotes there wouldn’t be enough space on this thread to list them all!

    His take on Adam is laughable. Adam was created on day 6 in the beginning! You may believe whatever you want.
    I just can’t take this willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance any more, D.  That’s why you don’t see me post here much.  It’s really quite simple… either Jesus referred to a time that was 4.5 billion years AFTER God created the earth as “the beginning of creation”, or Adam and Eve actually were created at the beginning of creation.  One needs only think it out…

    Jesus walked the earth about 4000 years after Adam and Eve were created. From his standpoint of 1,460,000 days after Adam was created on day 6, “the beginning of creation” makes perfect sense since it was only the 6th day out of the 1.5 million days that had transpired since God created the heaven and the earth.  On the other hand, if Adam was created on the 1, 642,500,000,000th day (4.5 billion years) after God created the heaven and the earth, Jesus’ statement that 1.5 trillion days after creation was “the beginning of creation” is nonsensical.

    But I’m both saddened and sickened that people like T8 will go searching out people like Hugh Ross to help them twist the actual words of our Lord and Savior to make him sound like an idiot who didn’t know what he was talking about.  “Well, day 6 is not technically the beginning of creation, is it?”  It is when you’re saying it 1.5 million days later.  Of course they don’t have an explanation for why Jesus would call 4.5 billion years after creation “the beginning of creation”, do they?  The best they can do is say that when Jesus said “the beginning of creation”, he was really talking about the “beginning of marriage”.  And people like T8 lap this crap up, because Hugh is telling them what their ears are itching to hear.  That way, they can pretend they’re smart and fit in with the cool kids who believe the earth is billions of years old.  Heaven forbid T8 gird up his loins and take a stand for Biblical truth.  Because to do that, he’d be one of us, and then he’d have to listen to people like Gene laughing at him and telling him that he’s a stupid whack job.  And some people who are weak in the faith just don’t have the stomach for being ridiculed.  Some people are like these…

    John 12:42-43

    Nevertheless, many of the leaders believed in Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
    T8 is part of the synagogue of scientism/Satan.  He enjoys that the other members pat him on the back and reassure him with words about how smart and enlightened he is for believing all these things that directly contradict Jesus and the Bible in general.  God wants to praise him for confessing Biblical truth, but He can’t because T8 is afraid to make a stand for Biblical truth.  He just goes along, being led by the nose by godless men who want to lead him even farther away from the truth of scripture.  And every step he takes farther from scriptural truth, those men praise him all the more for being a good, smart Christian who understands that the Bible is just metaphorical, and not to be taken literally.  And boy does he love that praise from men.  He loves it so much that it doesn’t even occur to him that praise from his God would be so much better.

    Just sad and sickening.  Anyway, I enjoy reading your rebuttals to his nonsense here, so keep up the good work and enjoy that praise from God while he’s enjoying his praise from men.



    D4T:  T8, you seem to love it when people cast doubt on the written Word of God. You say that you don’t believe in evolution but quote Hugh Ross who does. Scary. He believes in subhumans that preceded Adam. So death and suffering were before sin. If I were to list all of the contradictions of Scripture that Hugh Ross promotes there wouldn’t be enough space on this thread to list them all!

    His take on Adam is laughable. Adam was created on day 6 in the beginning! You may believe whatever you want.

    I just can’t take this willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance any more, D.  That’s why you don’t see me post here much.  It’s really quite simple… either Jesus referred to a time that was 4.5 billion years AFTER God created the earth as “the beginning of creation”, or Adam and Eve actually were created at the beginning of creation.  One needs only think it out…

    Jesus walked the earth about 4000 years after Adam and Eve were created. From his standpoint of 1,460,000 days after Adam was created on day 6, “the beginning of creation” makes perfect sense since it was only the 6th day out of the 1.5 million days that had transpired since God created the heaven and the earth.  On the other hand, if Adam was created on the 1, 642,500,000,000th day (4.5 billion years) after God created the heaven and the earth, Jesus’ statement that 1.5 trillion days after creation was “the beginning of creation” is nonsensical.



    But I’m both saddened and sickened that people like T8 will go searching out people like Hugh Ross to help them twist the actual words of our Lord and Savior to make him sound like an idiot who didn’t know what he was talking about.  “Well, day 6 is not technically the beginning of creation, is it?”  It is when you’re saying it 1.5 million days later.  Of course they don’t have an explanation for why Jesus would call 4.5 billion years after creation “the beginning of creation”, do they?  The best they can do is say that when Jesus said “the beginning of creation”, he was really talking about the “beginning of marriage”.  And people like T8 lap this crap up, because Hugh is telling them what their ears are itching to hear.  That way, they can pretend they’re smart and fit in with the cool kids who believe the earth is billions of years old.  Heaven forbid T8 gird up his loins and take a stand for Biblical truth.  Because to do that, he’d be one of us, and then he’d have to listen to people like Gene laughing at him and telling him that he’s a stupid whack job.  And some people who are weak in the faith just don’t have the stomach for being ridiculed.  Some people are like these…

    John 12:42-43

    Nevertheless, many of the leaders believed in Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved praise from men more than praise from God. 

    T8 is part of the synagogue of scientism/Satan.  He enjoys that the other members pat him on the back and reassure him with words about how smart and enlightened he is for believing all these things that directly contradict Jesus and the Bible in general.  God wants to praise him for confessing Biblical truth, but He can’t because T8 is afraid to make a stand for Biblical truth.  He just goes along, being led by the nose by godless men who want to lead him even farther away from the truth of scripture.  And every step he takes farther from scriptural truth, those men praise him all the more for being a good, smart Christian who understands that the Bible is just metaphorical, and not to be taken literally.  And boy does he love that praise from men.  He loves it so much that it doesn’t even occur to him that praise from his God would be so much better.

    Just sad and sickening.  Anyway, I enjoy reading your rebuttals to his nonsense here, so keep up the good work and enjoy that praise from God while he’s enjoying his praise from men.



    Okay, again I posted those last two as one post.  It appeared on the site just fine.  Then I wanted to edit it to make the Hugh Ross quote red, and it would no longer post.  I even closed HN and reopened it.  No luck.  So again I had to copy and paste just the first half and post it… and then go back and copy and paste the second half and post it.  T8, you have some serious glitches with your site, and I’m quite frankly tired of dealing with them.  For someone who claims to be an expert at building high tech websites for other people, your own site is the pits.  Hopefully you don’t send prospective clients here to get an idea of what kind of site you can build for them.  In this day and age, it really shouldn’t be that hard to make a site that just posts correctly the first time, and then allows you to edit and re-post the same thing with a couple of minor changes.  I do it all the time on YouTube.  I do it all the time on other forums.  So what’s so hard about making your site so that I can do it here too?


    You’ve got to be kidding me!  Now I just realized that I cut off D4T’s quote in the middle, and so edited to fix it, and part one of the two posts I had to break in half won’t post now!  Here’s what’s going on…Screenshot (291)

    You can see from that screen shot that a post quoting D4T was already on your site right behind my post to you about Ruapehu, right?  Then I noticed that the first line in black ink was also a part of D4T’s quote.  I didn’t want it to look like he said the red part, and I said that first line in black font, and so I clicked “Edit” to put that first line of black back up with the rest of his red quote.  After fixing it, I hit “Submit”, and nothing.  It not only wouldn’t post the edited version, but the original that had already been up on your site with post number 846696 had completely disappeared as well.  As if the “Submit” after edit button is somehow linked to the “Delete Entire Post” button or something.  And then when I page back in Chrome to the original and try to hit Submit as if it’s a brand new post, it STILL won’t let it post.  So I have to break it into two halves, and then it will post my formerly single comment as two separate posts.  Notice how your post numbers now go from 693 to 697.  Well, 694, 695, and 696 were all posts that I had already posted and were already accepted on the site.  Then I tried to edit them, and they disappear as if they were never there.

    Here’s a screen shot of the post that SHOULD follow my Ruapehu post.  I have to do it this way, because it won’t re-post no matter how many times I hit Submit…

    Screenshot (294)

    See?  All I did was edit it to make the first line of black words red, since they were a part of D4T’s words.  And then it wouldn’t post again… AND it deleted the original post that had already been on your site as #696.

    So your site should show my Ruapehu post (#693), then one single post that has D4T’s red words (shown above in the screen capture) AND post #697 all as one single post.  But after editing, that one single post disappeared from your site, and wouldn’t post again.  So I cut it into two, and it posted as two different posts – with the part in the screen shot above as the first of the two.  Then I tried to edit that one to fix D4T’s quote, and IT disappeared and now won’t post again.

    So now my posts are all out of order again, just like two days ago when I complained about the same thing happening.  So two days ago, it now looks like I said I’m done talking to you… and then immediately put up another post.  In reality, that “other post” was already on your site BEFORE the post when I said I was done talking to your for a while, but disappeared from its original position.

    What a mess!


    Mike, very insightful comments!

    t8, I wonder if you believe in the world wide flood? And if so did it happen approx. 4,500 years ago? Hugh Ross does not believe that it was global.


    Does that mean you were able to maneuver your way back and forth to read everything as I wrote it?  😁  What a mess!  And since T8 didn’t know who Lyell was, or that he is considered the father of modern geology, then I’m sure he doesn’t know that modern geologists have disregarded his uniformitarianistic ideas and have recognized that our geology was shaped by catastrophic events – not by slow and steady same old same old like Lyell mistakenly believed.  In fact, today’s geologists appeal to massive flooding to explain the majority of strata and fossil layers in the world now.  It’s just that they appeal to a huge flood here, and then a huge flood there, etc.  They’re getting closer to the truth, but can’t yet bring themselves to acknowledge that it was one single huge flood that did all of it.  Of course, were they to suggest such a thing, they’d be out of a job by tomorrow.  But then T8 doesn’t know about how all that works either.  He doesn’t know about the hundreds of PhD scientists – experts in their fields – who have already lost their livelihoods by speaking truth about a young earth and a worldwide flood.  He doesn’t know about the thousands of others who clearly explain how real science actually supports the ages and events of the Bible, but will only talk under the condition of anonymity after seeing what happened to their colleagues who spoke out using their own names.  And he surely doesn’t know about the hundreds of secular scientists who have also pointed out the truth of the comically flawed doctrine of deep time evolutionism, big bang cosmology, or the fact that to this very day, we can’t determine whether we orbit the sun or the sun orbits us.  He doesn’t know about those things because the fake news media, owned and controlled by the deep state, won’t talk about those things.  They are only allowed to read from scripts that have been prepared for them, thereby putting out nothing but propaganda designed to tell us what we should believe and how we should feel about this issue or that one.

    He doesn’t yet realize how badly he’s been lied to, about almost everything, since the day he was born.  He will one day.  Everyone will.


    Mike…..Say what you want about T8, but he hasn’t fallen for your “flat earth” garbage yet nor anyone else that I personally know of, so to me that places him way ahead of you and Dig4truth.  I believe you guys are like most conspiracy theorists,  your bisquits are only half cooked. ☺

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

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