Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    T8, I have removed a few videos from my YouTube channel.  I had a few that just said “Yellow Star”, “Blue Star”, etc.  I thought it was cheesy to not at least find out what star it was.  Plus, the P1000 does better videos of them, so I’ll be uploading new ones with the stars’ names as I can.

    No, I have not removed the Mt. Ruapehu video.  As of today, it has had 78 views.  And I have addressed your “plateau” concern twice on the Flat Earth 1 thread, and once on the comments of the YouTube video itself.  All of those responses are still there for you to read.  If you’d like me to do it once again, I will.  But I’ll need a promise from you that you will READ it this time, so I don’t have to keep answering the same stuff multiple times.

    I won’t respond on the Flat Earth 1 thread any more.  So please put your future flat earth posts on this Flat Earth 2 thread.  Thanks.


    My friend mentioned a few things that easily prove the Earth is not flat. High on his list was the Great Southern Ocean Race which is a point I have made with you a number of times. The noted times in this race coupled with sophisticated computerised yachts that are precise would show huge discrepancies in the Globe Earth if the world was flat. How do these yachts claim to do about one third or a quarter of the distance that a Flat Earth requires. How do they go from Auckland to Sydney, then to Cape Town and not notice that the distances are way longer than the globe? I will tell you why Mike. They don’t notice because the world is not flat. Solved.

    Also, this Kiwi friend of mine lives in Western Australia at the moment. He frequently travels between Wellington and Perth, The distances that the Flat Earth requires for Wellington to Perth is not just wrong, but is a huge error. In this one point alone, your Flat Earth is debunked experientially for us. NASA, SpaceX, or JAXA not even needed Mike. You can film mobility scooters all you like and buy sophisticated camera equipment and say this and that, but I am thinking you are making mistakes and you are better off travelling round the Southern Hemisphere with that money. Further, while I have slowly pointed out your mistakes one by one, I know I haven’t answered everything, but that has more to do with the lack of time or possibly missing a post altogether. So I am satisfied that your hypothesis is debunked.

    Again, instead of investing in expensive equipment, just go on holiday to Australia and travel around for a bit. Make calculations as to how long the Flat Earth says the distance between Sydney and Perth is and then hire a vehicle and clock it yourself, The roads are very straight there too. Even better, fly between Australia and New Zealand. The flight takes about 3 hours even though it seems a bigger distance on the Flat Earth than east to west in the States. Now look at the unreal distance between Perth and Joburg. Does that really look to you like an 11 hour flight? Consider that NY to LA is about 5 hours, so on a the Flat Earth, Perth to Joburg should be around 20 hours or 4 times the distance between LA and NY.

    See that. Another proof that Team Flat Earth is flat out wrong.


    T8, I’m glad you know someone who’s Dad has been to the Antarctic.  Please pass on these questions to him, so he can inquire of his Dad:

    1.  In what capacity did he go there?  What “mission” was he on?
    2.   How was he able to verify that he was on a continent as opposed to being on a big slab of ice or a ring of ice surrounding the flat earth?
    3.   How was he able to verify that he was actually at the south pole?  Did he try a compass?  If so, how did it react?
    4.   Does he have any photos that would verify he was actually on a continent at the bottom of the globe earth?
    5.   What exactly have these scores of scientists been doing down there for 70 years?  What exactly is taking 7 decades to figure out about a big island of nothing but ice?  How much ice study can be done?
    6.   Why is it restricted to regular people like me?  Why can’t I go down there and explore wherever I wish as long as I wish?  After all, I can explore Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon or the outback of Australia freely, right?  So why not a patch of ice?
    7.   Are any planes actually allowed to fly OVER the continent (as opposed to flying a couple of miles inland and then turning around like the flight you recently linked for me)?
    8. What are the rules for those airplanes?  And if they ARE allowed to fly over the entire continent, why aren’t there dozens of flights doing so every day – since it is a much shorter route than the ones they actually take in the southern hemisphere?
    9. Where did he urinate/defecate during his trek to the south pole?

    That should be enough to get the ball rolling.  Thanks in advance.


    Believing the Flat Earth is one thing. but saying that it is what the Bible teaches is another. I can’t help but think this is another stumbling block and yes, woah to the men that lay this.


    Testing last post link.


    Last post link works now. I have merged Flat Earth 2 with this topic.


    T8, I’m glad you know someone who’s Dad has been to the Antarctic.  Please pass on these questions to him, so he can inquire of his Dad:

    Will do. My friend is here for 2 weeks and I will be catching up with him again. But some of these questions I can answer myself for now.

    What exactly have these scores of scientists been doing down there for 70 years?  What exactly is taking 7 decades to figure out about a big island of nothing but ice?  How much ice study can be done?

    The curiosity of man leads him to study just about everything. You will see studies take place in all continents of Earth. But specifically, Antarctica has some special properties. The ice has preserved the past like no other continent has. They can drill through the ice and get an idea on the atmosphere, temperature, climate, etc. This info is useful to scientists as regarding earth’s history. I’m not saying the conclusions they draw are all correct, rather that is why they go there.

    Why is it restricted to regular people like me?  Why can’t I go down there and explore wherever I wish as long as I wish?  After all, I can explore Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon or the outback of Australia freely, right?  So why not a patch of ice?

    People can freely fly over Antarctica and set foot on their too via a cruise.

    However, if you just rock up there yourself and manage to get beyond the coast, then I can assure you that you will die of cold. Obviously people survive down there because they have infrastructure. So like anywhere, you cannot just fly into any airport in the world or sail to any coastline on Earth and start exploring. And yes, you can explore the Grand Canyon, but I cannot unless I first provide documentation etc. Same with Antarctica., You can go there, but procedures need to be fulfilled first. Of course the major difference between Antarctica and other continents is accessibility. The challenges of Antarctica make it near impossible for regular people to just rock up there with their own transport and a video camera around your neck.



    Where did he urinate/defecate during his trek to the south pole?

    Yes, and you can take a pee anywhere in Antarctica (or even the Arctic).

    Despite it being very cold at times, that area of the body is very well supplied with blood vessels, and for the time it takes nothing should freeze. As you would stand with your back to the wind in those circumstances, that gives you a little more protection. Also, the cold tends to make you want to go more often, so it’s quicker once you get down through the layers of clothing and get cleared for action.


    Yes, I have seen videos of hot coffee being thrown into cold air and freezing, so why not when you urinate right.

    But apparently, the water is not “freezing in mid air” as these videos so often describe. It’s actually doing the opposite – it’s evaporating into water vapor. This then very quickly condenses in the cold air as a cloud of visible “steam” (micro-droplets of water) which then very quickly freeze into a dust cloud of tiny ice crystals, because they are so small. The actual boiling water does not freeze instantly, and in most of the videos you can see and hear it splattering on the ground.



    Mike said: “Are any planes actually allowed to fly OVER the continent (as opposed to flying a couple of miles inland and then turning around like the flight you recently linked for me)?”

    Due to the arrangement of the three populated southern continents, flying over Antarctica wouldn’t actually be shorter for most routes. South America, Africa, and Australia form a rough triangle at the “bottom of the world” and the shortest leg between their largest airports misses most of Antarctica.

    No commercial flights fly over Antarctica as there are special aviation rules for flights. These rules were designed for sightseeing flights but apply to commercial flights as well. Planes flying below 72 degrees latitude need special survival equipment on board, and no commercial carrier would want to stock planes with all this stuff just to save a bit of fuel. It would limit the number of seats available.

    Now if you have to fly from Sydney to Capetown and you would do that via the South Pole, not only you have to cross the arctic waters around Antarctica, but also cross a big barren landmass where there are no safe spots to land in case something goes wrong. It is simply not safe enough. Flying over the North Pole is a different matter, as the landmasses where there are airports are vaster than in the south.



    My latest video is a long one, but once again completely destroys the current heliocentric model…


    Ah… you fixed the thread so it doesn’t take me back to page one after I post!  Well done, Admin!  Thank you very much.


    T8:  No commercial flights fly over Antarctica as there are special aviation rules for flights.

    Finally!  🙂




    ‘No commercial flights’ doesn’t mean:

    1. No plane has flown over Antarctica
    2. That it is impossible to fly over Antarctica from coast to coast.

    Here’s a question for you Mike.

    Why should commercial planes fly over Antarctica?

    Just to prove the world is not flat to the very few people who believe it is?

    Can I remind you that commercial flights transport people and goods to destinations around the world for profit on a supply and demand basis.


    Why does the Earth go backward in some eclipse animations?

    If the earth is spinning in the wrong direction in these animations, the first thing that comes to my mind is the perspective is not from a stationary point outside earth, but from an orbiting object like the moon which is panning across the earth. If that orbit was faster than the spin of earth, then the earth would appear to go the other way. So I googled my hypothesis and after much searching I found this. I cannot vouch for it being correct and I have no time to do the math, but if it is correct, it answers this question. As a side note, this is a good question and would make an interesting school project for my kids. Further, please don’t laugh too hard if I made a mistake. I honestly did this very quickly and cannot really check this out as I have too many errands to run today.

    You can use 86,400 seconds as the length of the day, that times 28 days, the time it takes for one revolution of the moon around the Earth, is about 2,400,000 seconds. Using the distance to the moon as 225,000 miles (it varies but for this exercise, that’s close enough), which is the radius of the more or less circular path the moon takes around the Earth, it’s not circular but elliptical but lets call it circular for this discussion. So times 2 is the diameter, 450,000 miles, times pi makes that circle 1.4 million miles give or take. So divide 1,400,000 miles by 2,400,000 seconds and you find the moon traveling in its Earthy orbit going about 0.6 miles per second. Multiply that by 3600 and you get miles per hour, which is a bit over 2000 miles per hour. At the equator the Earth is spinning about 1000 miles per hour (it’s about 25,000 miles around and it takes 24 hours so divide the two and you get close to 1000 miles per hour) So the moon is going in it’s orbit twice as fast as the Earth spins on it’s axis. Since the rate of the moon’s spin is the same as it’s orbital period of about 28 days, you always see only one side of the moon. (not completely correct since it does wobble a bit and you can see just a bit around the ‘corner’ of the moon)
    Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/is-the-moon-orbiting-the-earth-at-the-same-speed-that-earth-spins.695011/


    1. The moon traveling in its Earthy orbit is going about 2000 miles per hour.
    2. At the equator the Earth is spinning about 1000 miles per hour.
    3. That means the Moon is going about 1000 miles per hour across the earth when both movements are considered and if you make the moon stationary in the animation, then the earth is spinning 1000 miles per hour in the other direction.

    Flat Earth is nonsense. Here you can see photos taken from balloon. The curvature is clearly visible. You can remove this thread now.




    Hi Jacek.

    Is that your site?

    Mike, please explain these images? Conspiracy?


    So many actors aye Mike. Not one has come forward and exposed the conspiracy. Must be getting paid well to keep quiet.


    Mike, this debunks many of your points.


    Mikey, Earth is round.



    1. Why should commercial planes fly over Antarctica?
    2. What is your number one biblical verse that convinces you that the Earth is flat?
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