Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    D4T:  If you can spend 25 minutes watching the beginning of this video you will see the reason why this is such an important topic and how it is producing much fruit for the kingdom.

    So many testimonials from thousands of people who have been drawn, either back to Yahweh or towards him for the first time, due to the knowledge that the scriptures tell the truth about our world.  And those are just the testimonials written to one man, Rob Skiba.  You have already posted a video here from “Truth is Stranger than Fiction” in which he reads a dozen testimonials that have been written to him.  And then there’s Robbie Davidson and hundreds of others who have received the same kinds of heartfelt testimonials about how this knew knowledge allows them to once again trust the scriptures, and accept Christ as their savior.

    Good stuff, man.  The flat earth movement is bringing thousands of atheists and agnostics to God, and I say amen.  Let God be true and all men liars.


    Mike, how did i know your were a chem-trail believer?, because your deception fits them, you are indeed a conspiracy theorists as they are. Everything looks suspicious to you people. Paranoia has gripted your mindes. But what does scripture say love does?

    For love believes all things, another word the mind of those who have love working in them, readely believes all things they hear, but the spirit of truth, given them by God, deciffers the truth from a lie. But a parnoid mind is incapable of recieving be cause it is being held captive, by the paranoia in it.

    Brother, i am afraid you are under extreme control and don’t even realize it, much like a frog being slowely cook to death not realizing it also.

    I will pray for you, that Gad may deliever you from this captivity you are under.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Gene, like the proverbial ostrich with the head in the sand you have chosen to be in the dark. I can’t fault you too much because most of the information is trying to keep us in the dark. However, it wouldn’t hurt to look at what some of the professionals have said.




    And if you have a minute watch this;




    And if you don’t think there are weather modifications (chemtrails) going on then really, get your heads out of the sand, no disrespect but the information is out there. Also I would add the question; why are most sights trying to say that it is not going on and portraying this as a conspiracy?





    Hi Dig4,

    Anything else you guys are frightened about?

    Get them all on the table, if there is a table big enough.




    Is there anything that you will not believe that they tell you? That’s the scary part!

    (4 min video)


    (1 min video)


    By the way Nick, it’s called geoengeneering or SRM (solar radiation management). You should do a little research before you get too comfortable with being sprayed.

    I should add that if you can be demonstrably wrong about this topic what about the main topic?


    Hi Dig4,

    Anxiety and paranoia are not of faith.


    Dig4…”ò” really, tell us of one person you personally know who death was the result of aluminium oxide, that they say is being dumped on us by our own government. If the government is doing that for the last 40 years, there sure screwibg up things, because i havent heard of one, that i personally know who has died of aluminum oxide poisoning in all my 77 years.

    Dig4….Paranoia is real, many suffer from it. A visit to a psychiatrist could help with that.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Gene, where’s the curve?

    37 experiments that disprove the globe earth. What you got?

    Don’t forget to view the comments because he asked for other experiments to add to the list and there are several!

    You know, science!?


    Some of you will be very interested in the ships on the distant horizon in the above video!

    Some have asked, “where’s the proof?”, “where’s the evidence?”. Well, if you don’t look you will never see!


    Dig4….you would much better of finding out how parania effects the brains thinking.
    Can you produce “one” Ortopcy report of aluminum oxide posining, your chemtrail buddies are saying thats it’s being used to reducing the earths populations. Are all these different airlines in a conspiracy to decieve us all about it?, well it will really reduce ther business as people die off right?

    Can’t you begin to tell how you minds parnoua is beginning to make you think every thing is a conspiracy of somekind. You will become more and more suspicious of everything if you don’t get back to a normal mental balance.

    I have prayed for Mike, perhaps God the Father, will deliever him from his paranoia.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene


    Gene, where’s the curve?

    I just gave you several dozen valid experiments to disprove what you are saying. Where is your proof? I don’t want to hear about how you think my mental state is, I want to see your EVIDENCE.

    Can you do that or not?


    Deg4….’my” evidence no not my thousand of scientest, astronauts, astronomers, space missions, ISSS PICTURES, NOT EVEN TO MENTION THOUSANDS OF PROOF, ON THE INTERNETS BY PEOPLE FAR MORE ADVANCED IN THESE DECIPLINES THEN YOU OR I EVER WERE. Just look at the proof of people here have produced like myself and T8. NO dig4, it’s you people who have not proven anything sound yet here, just people with a way to scrap the truth, and imagine false presentions, parnoid minds believing lies from like minded people , become worse and worse untill everything the see is a conspiracy, unable to destinguish a lie from the truth.

    I have had personal experience with a person years ago who started thinking the way you are now thinking, he even believes he is a Jew and changed his name converted and wears a Jewish hat that the Jew wear, and goes about dobining, writes on line part in Hebrew, part in english, warning people about scriptures he hasn’t a real clue about. Thinking everone is ignorant of scripture but him and the Jew’s.

    Trust me this course you are on, can totally take over you mind, if it hasn’t alread. Happens a lot faster then you think. Take my advice go see a good therapist, get help brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Gene, your appeal to athority is not evidence. I have demonstrated that the “curve” is not measurable according to the globe earth math. What I’m looking for is an experiment where you can demonstrate that it does show the correct amount of curvature. Can you do that?


    Dig4…..it has been presented many many time, but what good is it, proof not the issue it you chose tobelieves lies it’s mental orientation, if an actual astronaut was right in front of you telling you it would make no difference to you, i actuallbelieve if you yoursel were onrhe ISS, SEEING IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES , YOU STILL WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT AND SAY YOU WERE BEILEVING LIES.

    I KNOW know the effects of that parnoia havinf seen it first hand as i explained, and that person believes in chemtrails, and iLL bet even FE THEORY TO, why,because it all about a mind set, it was never about the truth, because the truth is so obvious to anyone with amind thats open to truth,but a made up closed mind will never except the truth no matter how much truth is presented, as seen here.

    You try to devert this away from preexisting mind set, but that t h e whole problem,you not in a nutral position at all, but a polarized mind who can change it?

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene


    Gene:  Mike, how did i know your were a chem-trail believer?

    Probably because you’ve known me for ten years, and have come to know that I only argue the side of truth – no matter how popular it is.  Gene, all you have to do is look up, man.  It’s funny that for years people like you have been calling people like me “paranoid” and “wack jobs”, and now you can find stories in the mainstream media about how they’re spraying the skies to “protect” us from global warming – which, btw, is caused by their greed in the first place.  Tesla built the technology and the infrastructure to power the planet without pollution and for free way back in the 19th century.  But there’s no money in that, right?  So Rockefeller and his tycoon cronies shut Tesla down.  But now people are making their own Tesla coils and powering lights and other things directly from thin air…

    You can see at the 4:20 mark that he is lighting a bulb wirelessly at no cost, and with no pollution.  This could have been the non-polluted world we live in, Gene.  It still can… but the people who actually run the world are driven by greed, and there’s no profit for them in free energy.  That being said, I don’t know the reason they are spraying the skies.  They say it’s to curb the global warming they caused (and continue to cause)… but I simply don’t know.  I do know that chemtrails have been linked to Morgellon’s Disease…

    And a lot of people think this upcoming 5G wireless is going to trigger whatever nano-particles they’re spraying on us.  I don’t worry about it too much, because I already know the world must become way worse before my Lord returns.  I know that because he told me ahead of time.

    Anyway, you can spend some time looking into it more closely, or you can just go outside and look up and know that what you’re seeing isn’t normal.  But either way, your cognitive dissonance doesn’t concern me in the least.  We can only lead you to the water… it’s up to you whether or not you drink it.



    Gene, so you don’t have any evidence? I do. Where’s the curve? Show me if you can, please.

    Again, my mental state is irrelevant, show me the evidence like I have. I’m not looking for more words without any support but evidence to support your side.



    D4T:  Is there anything that you will not believe that they tell you? That’s the scary part!

    It’s scary for me, too… mostly because I can’t for the life of me figure out what would drive this kind of behavior.  I was never a conspiracy buff.  Never gave it any thought, to tell you the truth.  But then about 10 years ago, my son’s older brother had me watch 9-11: In Plane Sight with him (it’s still on Netflix).  And although I had never given it any thought, I knew within the hour it took me to watch the film that the mainstream narrative was a complete joke.  So what did I do?  Well, I started looking deeper into it , and found many much better documentaries about it, and learned what really happened, and why.  I thought that was perfectly normal behavior, and that just about everyone would do the same when confronted with the evidence.  So it really trips me out that so many people, when shown clear evidence that the story they were told can’t possibly be the way it happened, immediately start defending the mainstream narrative anyway, and calling you a wack job for ever questioning it.  I’m am always dumbstruck at this behavior, and seriously can’t understand it.

    I mean, just look at this thread.  How many people here took a second to even consider the evidence we were presenting before immediately calling us wack jobs and swearing allegiance to the mainstream narrative – no matter how ludicrous the story was?  And that’s what gets me the most – because as I began this thread, Nick went out of his way to tell people that I was a well respected seeker of truth around here.  T8 and others have made similar comments about how I should go back to discussing scriptures, because I was good at gleaning the truth and using the scriptures themselves to solidly defend my beliefs.  And now they all seem to think I’ve lost my mind simply because I looked at pictures of objects that would be hidden behind the curve if the earth was curved, and concluded from the observational evidence that it isn’t.  And then I did the normal thing, and started looking deeper into the matter – only to find out that the lack of observable curvature is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Anyway, I never expected this behavior from this bunch.  I guess I just never had enough of a vested interest in ball planets, Apollo missions, mainstream narratives or government trustworthiness for the indoctrination to set in as firmly as it has with these folks.  I wonder how respected I would have been all those years ago if they knew that I already knew the truth about 9-11 before I joined the forum.  🙂


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