Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #233630

    Istari…………..This part makes sense to me, I can see your logic, Spirit is omnipresent can exist in all at the same time, “that God may be in and and through all” I still do not believe Spirits are (beings) because to me a being must have a Body + Spirit (IN) it in order to exist as a (BEING) except GOD who creates thought in his created (BEINGS). So thoughts exist (IN) beings. God exists (IN) us by our minds and intellects. Mike to me a Spirit is useless unless it is in a body of some kind, it simply has no purpose it must land in a body to have purpose. Something it can animate. Tell me do you think there are perhaps more then five dimensions?.

    peace and love…………………………gene.


    You may have noticed that I have not challenged nor refuted anything you have written for a long time now.

    To me, you are half right. Answer me two questions:

    1) How is the word 'Spirit' defined?

    2) what did Jesus say as his final words before he died regarding his Spirit, and also Steven before he died, too? (What was 'returned' to God?)


    Gene, was the 'More than 5 Dimensions' question to me or to Mike?

    If me, have I not outlined at length SEVEN dimensions?

    1) Length
    2) length and breadth (Area)
    3) length, breadth and height (Volume)
    These three are elementary dimensions of a single element in a fixed position.

    4) Time. That single element can be in a different position immediately contiguous to it's previous position only in any single changed moment of linear time.
    This is the physical dimension in which we exist and perceive as normal.

    5) the element can move from any single position to any other position even non-contiguous in a single changed moment of linear time.

    6) the element is in ALL positions at all and every changed Moments of linear time.

    Note, unlike what Mikeboll64 tries to allude and cause coffufle over, the element does not need to interact with the lower dimensions unless it descends down to the physical dimension at the position.
    Note also that moving from one position to another is instantaneous. Non-contiguous movement means not having to go through 'b' from 'a' to get to 'c' and 'c' can be thousands, millions, trillions, hundreds, tens, etc, of units of distance away!

    Note also that Spiritual War is not like Physical war. Angels don't physically fight, why would they? That is a human concept where one person tries to hurt the flesh of another, to kill that person.
    Angels don't have bodies to hurt or destroy. Why did the Angel have a sword to deal with Balaam? Only to show his authority. If the angel wanted to hurt Balaam he certainly did not need a sword to do so! Messenger Angels are super powerhouses of energy with authority to use it, too. They MUST FULFILL THEIR ASSIGNMENT.

    (unfortunately I will need to complete this as I need to attend a meeting right now)

    Later, y'all!


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 19 2011,11:12)
    Gene, was the 'More than 5 Dimensions' question to me or to Mike?

    If me, have I not outlined at length SEVEN dimensions?

    1) Length
    2) length and breadth (Area)
    3) length, breadth and height (Volume)
    These three are elementary dimensions of a single element in a fixed position.

    4) Time. That single element can be in a different position immediately contiguous to it's previous position only in any single changed moment of linear time.
    This is the physical dimension in which we exist and perceive as normal.

    5) the element can move from any single position to any other position even non-contiguous in a single changed moment of linear time.

    6) the element is in ALL positions at all and every changed Moments of linear time.

    Note, unlike what Mikeboll64 tries to allude and cause coffufle over, the element does not need to interact with the lower dimensions unless it descends down to the physical dimension at the position.
    Note also that moving from one position to another is instantaneous. Non-contiguous movement means not having to go through 'b' from 'a' to get to 'c' and 'c' can be thousands, millions, trillions, hundreds, tens, etc, of units of distance away!

    Note also that Spiritual War is not like Physical war. Angels don't physically fight, why would they? That is a human concept where one person tries to hurt the flesh of another, to kill that person.
    Angels don't have bodies to hurt or destroy. Why did the Angel have a sword to deal with Balaam? Only to show his authority. If the angel wanted to hurt Balaam he certainly did not need a sword to do so! Messenger Angels are super powerhouses of energy with authority to use it, too. They MUST FULFILL THEIR ASSIGNMENT.

    (unfortunately I will need to complete this as I need to attend a meeting right now)

    Later, y'all!


    is Gene you son or your flesh brother??


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    Isn't it amazing, Mikeboll64,
    The 'anger' you seem to 'detect' is well founded … as it is you that planted it.

    What's amazing is that you disrespectfully tell others on this site that I am their “god”, yet it seems to be only YOU that I “control”.  Really Istari?  “I planted your anger”?  :D  Why would you let me CONTROL you like that in the first place?  ???  Am I YOUR “god”?  

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    Mikeboll64, the other part of your slippy fish behaviour is that you are learning in every post, soaking up the truth without letting on. Somehow, you feel embarrassed to admit it.

    I've admitted many things that I've learned from others on this site.  That's why I'm here…………to learn.  ???

    First you say:

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    I'm watching a program right now that is delving into the world of Parallel Worlds…the equivalent of the fifth dimension…and guess what, Mikeboll64, in the quantum world of Parallel Universes, nothing is Physical… Ha ha ha ….mikeboll64, who are you?

    But then you realize they DON'T really agree with YOU and say:

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    Ok, the carnal mind of Scientist also places Parallel Universes as physical other worlds where we are all existing in slightly different, infinite number of different selves

    That's too funny, man!   :laugh:

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    You keep saying that saying that Spirits are in all places at all times

    No, I believe that's YOU who keeps saying that.  But scripture shows you to be wrong about it.

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    How many times have I said that…although…Spirits is everywhere at all times in the fifth dimension, in the interaction of the physical, they have to come down to the fourth dimension.

    And why in the world would you think the “Prince of Persia” that Daniel's angel was being detained by was in the fourth dimension?  ???  Can a physical MAN detain an angel of God?

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 18 2011,20:02)

    Mikeboll64, it is the frustration of your stupidity that leads me to slow my response.

    Yeah, I'M the one who's “stupid”…………says the guy who thinks a HUMAN BEING detained Daniel's God-sent angel for 21 days.  :)

    I answered each of your last questions DIRECTLY a month ago on this very thread.  But you didn't respond to my answers.  Hmmmmmm………….  

    Let me just emphasize my one question to you today:

    What in the world would make you think this Prince of Persia was a human being that was able to detain an angel from God for 21 days to the point that God would have to send one of the most powerful angels we've heard of to help him?

    I love you Istari.  My heart hurts for you and I pray for you often.  I pray for you to find inner peace and lose the hate and anger you feel towards others.  I pray you stop obsessing about me personally and taking every opportunity you can find to try to belittle me.  I pray that God lets you know somehow that the insults you deliver unto others say much more about who YOU are than who THEY are, and everyone on this site knows this. I pray God allows you to mature a little and not take it so personally when someone doesn't see things “YOUR way”.

    May God bless you with much undeserved kindness,


    Quote (kerwin @ Jan. 18 2011,20:14)
    Mike Boll,

    We both agree that the spiritual body is material in composition.

    I do state that I believe Paul was only addressing mortal flesh and blood which is why he made the point the all flesh is not the same.

    Hi Kerwin,

    Yes, we agree on the former, but disagree on the latter.

    Why would Paul, while summing up his teaching by emphasizing that flesh cannot enter heaven, not mention “THIS KIND OF FLESH” cannot enter heaven?

    He didn't specify any particular KIND of flesh, but simply said that FLESH itself could not enter. Why add to it? Why must Jesus still have flesh in order for you to follow him? Why must Jesus be the odd-ball in heaven as the only fleshly being floating around up there? :)

    peace and love to you Kerwin,


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2011,00:12)

    Mike………..Jesus said why , he had not yet ascended to the FATHER, The original question as i recall was (did) he first ascend to the father after his resurrection, before he appeared to the disciples,  and yes he did. As to why that is a guess, i suppose he felt he need to at the time.

    Hi Gene,

    Okay.  I have nothing of value to add at this time.  Thanks for your input.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2011,00:12)

    Have not really studied dimensions that much to be honest as JA has.

    Just remember that what JA has claimed about dimensions is not taught in scripture.  We are three dimensional beings living as constrained by the fourth dimension.  We as of yet know NOTHING about any “fifth” dimension or higher.  And when I said that Istari knows as much about dimensions as my 9 year old son, I wasn't implying that I knew any more than anyone else.  I was saying that we all know as much about the fifth dimension as a labrador puppy knows……….NOTHING.  It is all conjecture on our part……..not to be taken as facts.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 19 2011,00:44)
    Hi Mike! Yes, I know how busy you must be here. But lately it seems no matter what Scripture you present, it is not enough. Some just want their own interpretation and not what is written in Scriptures. Going to Face Book gives me another place to go where friends never attack ones character. In fact it lifts me up. I enjoy designing my Farm, turning it upside down and creating what might be soon coming when Christ return's…..Of course I am retired and have more time then money…..Hang in there it hasn't been easy here lately and I am glad there are people like you….Sorry to go of subject….
    Peace and love Irene



    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 19 2011,04:12)
    Why did the Angel have a sword to deal with Balaam? Only to show his authority. If the angel wanted to hurt Balaam he certainly did not need a sword to do so!

    Yet Daniel's angel, on a mission from God no less, was able to be detained by one human being for 21 days? ???


    The Seventh Dimension. The abode of God!
    All places at all times, times present, times future, times past.

    Times future, not like Michael J Fox, but the Ability to see the consequences and out ones of every situation. A human superChess player can see the outcome of …twenty moves… because a Chess board has limited positions and limited game plays by pieces. A superComputer could do many more but has fatal flaws so is no brighter than the human superPlayer.
    This is a kind of 'seeing the future'
    We are made in the image of God so we all can 'See the future' to varying degrees, and indeed we need to to be able to PLAN and predict outcomes of a number of life items.
    But God can see all outcomes and all variations in a broad nature. He says a man will do this or that, and it happens. To us, it could be me, it could be you, it matters little. It is the enactment
    That matters, he said it and it happened. Else, we would have sealed salvations or sealed dooms and freedom of will would be fake!
    Yet, there are those marked out for salvation, as there are those marked out for doom, few…but enough to influence the mass.

    The past. The past cannot be changed but the ability to see and be in the past like being inside a 3D movie of life, what were dinosaurs like, what was it like in the Civil War.? No guessing, you can be there….in Spirit, in Spirit, past, present, future.

    In the past, some angels freely went from dimensions to dimensions but no longer as they have been shown to abuse that privilege. They are now restricted by God's orders until the judgement and the days of tribulations.

    In passing From dimensions to dimensions they would learn if God's plans but no longer. So this limited knowledge is what is often used to fool humans – by revealing 'old news' to us as 'new news' we feel we are being enlightened? Like Nostradamus, like in seances, like in SPIRITISM, fakery and yet some of it is true, but we ignore the false parts and believe only the true parts like Horoscopes…always believable when it appears to come true but when not, we never remember.



    Do you have dementia? Did I not say that angels do not fight physically? What is wrong with you?

    I think i'm understanding that you have a mental problem and that's why your debates go on forcso long?

    I said the detainment was due to Spiritual dispute. Disagreement on righteousness and truth. A messenger angel MUST fulfil it's quest. It cannot return to God otherwise AND MUST.

    So, a hard assignment was given to an angel who's station is in the very presence of God. A very powerful one indeed. Yet, even he, Gabriel, had difficulty dealing with the powers of darkness enveloping the Prince of Persia until Michael, even more powerful, one of God's CHIEF Princes, had to come and help him.

    Mikeboll64, this was not a physical warfare. It was like a Political diplomacy war, a 'Cold War' , convince and refute, like my Spiritual dispute with you here.


    And it took place in the fourth dimension with a human being? It was a human being in the fourth dimension that they were “spiritual disputing with”? ???

    peace and love to you,



    I weep for you! You are now the Prince of Persia!! You embody so much negative Spirit!

    Mike, how long did Balaam hold out against the the angel with the sword?
    A minute, five, ten? How long was Balaam beating his donkey and both detaining and delaying the Angel? And Balaam was a wimp!

    So, the Prince of Persia, mikeboll64, was not an ordinary Prince. He represented Satanic forces. How can you read the Scriptures and not understand? What goes on in that confused mind of yours? Can you not see and read and discern that the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece represent, through human beings, spiritual forces of darkness!

    Man, you are a tough nut, a hard cookie, an overboiled egg!

    Mikeboll, are you just being stupid because you think to rankle Istari so you connive him another block? Is that what this is really all about?

    Mikeboll64, you really are a saddam!


    Hi Istari,

    I love you.

    So then, you really ARE saying the Prince of Persia was a mere, mortal human being. Yet he was able to detain a real live angel on a mission from God Himself…………for 21 days?

    Remarkable. :)


    Please remove this silly man called Mikeboll64!

    At least, then, give him a block for pointless, deliberate, frivolous, childish, ignorant postings that are designed to cause weariness in Godly folk, but not for my sake but for yours and your forum!



    May God bless you.

    Was the Prince of Persia a man or another spirit being?



    Sad mikeboll64 has understood and in that he then walks down the path of stupidity because of his shameful ignorance and dangling himself for all to see.

    He is trying to make light of being in the dark for so long!

    Mike, it's all logged for people to read in years to come.

    Straighten yourself out now so it doesn't get worse.

    Right now you are looking like a dumb ass who has just been beaten by the powers of truth and discerning…and, no, my name is not Balaam. What you got was a righteous thrashing!


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 19 2011,21:02)
    Please remove this silly man called Mikeboll64!

    At least, then, give him a block for pointless, deliberate, frivolous, childish, ignorant postings that are designed to cause weariness in Godly folk, but not for my sake but for yours and your forum!


    you are insulting someone with whom you are exchange conversation ,

    if you feel he is not worthy of your intelligence please apply wisdom don't converse with him.

    i know i am not worthy of your intelligence,

    you may en up the only intelligent person in the world,




    That is the wisest thing you have ever said.
    It least you agree that Mikeboll64 is a Dumb ass. Hallelujah!

    Why can't he just acknowledge truth?

    He's like a frosby flop high jumper:
    When jumping de fence
    De feet comes before de head

    And mike sure gets defeated a lot because he can't use his head and has to make all sorts of defensive faux pas


    Yes Terra,

    Mikeboll64 is the most ungodly person in this forum.

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