Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #225663

    Quote (JustAskin @ Nov. 20 2010,12:45)
    Scriptures says that Jesus is the first to be resurrected from the dead and is therefore first over all created beings with a heavenly body to occupy the heavenly place.

    All those whom you mentioned are not resurrected bodies in Spirit form. If Moses didn't 'die' how could he have been 'resurrected', and Enoch was 'taken', so he could not be 'resurrected'. Scriptures plainly says that the seed must first 'die' before it can 'grow'(Germinate) and when it does, it is not raised as a giant version of the seed but a beautiful plant, same then, when the flesh and blood body dies, it is raised as something else, a beautiful Spirit body….so far, only Jesus has done that.
    So the 'Heavenly body' is not like flesh and blood body that can be seen and touched, it is invisible to human eyes, like all things in heaven. But see this. Paul, in 1 Corinthians, first compares human body to animal…then earthly bodies to heavenly bodies…see that you read 'heavenS', plural, means here, the Sky and Space, hence the Sun, Moon, Stars…and finally he contrasts the dead body to the risen body (and you quite rightly dusmiss Lazarus…don't know why you even mentioned it because Lazarus ibviously still died later).
    This risen body is a pure spirit body in that it will be both seen by human eyes…and able to occupy the heavenly spirit realm, as Jesus does now. Here, now, is Mikeboll's Spirit with body…but not the way he desires to see it for he only sees with fleshly eyes. The Spirit body is not bounded by space nor time, but it can be in one place at One time or it can be in Any place at Any time.
    Only those, the mass, who are in Paradise, will be still limited to one place at one time, those on the restored Paradise Earth.

    Kerwin, you appear to understand Dimensions…so you can see that the higher dimensions are not limited by space, nor time, nor can any element by occupy anything higher than fourth domension…after that that 'element' can be in several places AT THE SAME TIME, so how can it be like a 'single' thing, it must be 'indeterminate'…as Science is discovering (Where is Stuart?). And if each 'element' is indeterminate, Mikeboll, what 'Boundary' can it have except in God who contains ALL Things…and there is no 'outside' of God.
    Mike, does Air have a boundary? What is it's container? Only the forces of gravity holding it in the earth…take this force as God…where is the boundary of the air? None, for it is everywhere.
    Mikeboll, can i speak to you…what is the boundary of me speaking to you? Science and technology means i can 'see you', 'hear you', 'speak to you'.,whereever you are, whether on earth or under the earth, in Space or in the sea…tell that to a Jew 2000 years ago! He would say you were mad. Mikeboll, write a program on your computer that is an Avatar game…can that Avatar be where you want it to be? Yes, does it have to be in a physical body? No, for it is composed of 'bits and bytes' and the 'intelligence' of that Avatar can be recreated ANYWHERE in Avatar land as you please…only for some semblance of order, continuity and interaction, are they then limited to one space at a time. I watched my son playing a game and his Avatar character was battling a dragon. He was running out of energy and about to die, so i said, 'can't you just …teleport… dematerialise him…out of the area'…but the programmer had anticipated it and prevented such…unsportsmanlike behaviour…where is the Spirit of that Avatar? Mike?
    In my Son…even if avatar dies, my son is still living. The game controller will say, 'you can't resurrect yourself for five minutes…you are DEAD'…dead in the Avatar flesh but Alive in the Spirit…but can't interact in Avatar world…you cannot warn your colleague about the strength of the dragon in those five minutes.
    Now, imagine, SuperAvatar man (Usually an egotistical backroom systems programmer) who equips himself with superpowers. He can battle the dragon, refreshing himself or teleporting in and out to any place at anytime. He is not limited to Avatar depth of sea, avatar erupting volcano, avatar vacuum of avatar space, can go multimillion avatar miles between on planet and another, live in avatar ether air or any avatar atmostphere (aka 'Red Dwalf')…because they are Avatar Spirit….


    you guys like to watch red dwarf,and you talking Gods truth in a similar way.

    you are out of your mind,this is showing really we are in the last days ,Peter was right,Jude as well,Jesus to mention you type of dreamer,going after men's views ,

    i can no longer give credit to people with those type of believes,



    Seekingtruth……….So what are you driving at , what is your point, is Jesus your GOD and Is he And GOD the Father one ans the same person, Did Jesus Create everything himself of Was every thing created for him, Is he an Heir or did he own it all in the first place, did He preexist his berth as a Being of some kind or what?. Running all kinds of scriptures and fragmenting them can create all kinds of dogmas and doctrines , especially if you ignore all the other scriptures that Say thing differently and contrary to it. Like for instance where GOD said HE ALONE AND BY HIMSELF CREATED EVERYTHING. That does not appear to say He did it “Through” anyone other than himself. If you are predisposed to thinking in terns of Preexistences and Trinitarians you will percieve scripture as they do also IMO>

    peace and love………………………………….gene


    First, the verse you referenced agrees with my postulation.

    Second, I believe you've demonstrated for us very well how a preconceived idea can blind you to scriptures, you ignored more than a half a dozen scriptures in my post that disprove your position.

    My opinion – Wm


    Ed J.

    Thank you for the compliment. You too show your maturity by the way you address me and others.



    The whole old and new testaments contain Jewish interpretation of Scripture so it is unwise to call such ungodly as you then call Scripture ungodly. That is one reason I have advised you to listen long so that you could consider what you should say and test is to make sure it is in agreement with the Spirit of God before answering.

    Paul is a Jew of the Pharisee tradition and does not hide that fact. He even continued to call Jews brothers after his conversion, Acts 28:17. It is only us modern people that have been conditioned to believe that Christians Jews are anything but different traditions of the same religion. May God free you and others from that trap of Satan’s?

    Scripture tells us that Paul a Jew of the Christian tradition obviously believed and taught of the third heaven and we know from other sources the third heaven is part of the Jewish teaching on the seven heavens. The description of the third heaven both matches up to Paul’s description of it and to what Jesus alluded to as occurring after death in the present age. Psalms speaks of the highest heavens and states they are God’s while earth is man’s.

    The Spirit of God leads one to seek the truth while that of man seeks to silence the truth. Make an argument of why you believe my conclusions are not true instead of striving to silence them without a godly reason.


    Just Askin,

    I agree that scripture testifies that Jesus is the first born from among the dead but I believe this is in reference to Romans 6:4 in scripture where it states that we died with Christ in baptism and are raised with him to a new life. If you remember in 1 Corinthians 15:52 is states not all will die but some will changed from worldly flesh to spiritual flesh in a twinkling of an eye.

    I agree with you that neither Enoch nor Elijah were resurrected from the dead. Instead they were transformed from worldly flesh to spiritual flesh as those that are yet alive at the sounding of the trumpet will be.

    We can conclude Mosses was resurrected from the dead as it was his body that Michael the Archangel disputed with Satan over, Jude 1:9, and yet he was alive afterward at the transfiguring event, Mark 9:4-8.

    I tend to read both science fiction and fantasy which explores many possibilities of science. This gives me a wide understanding of the various possible applications of dimensions. A three dimensional being can also be an extra dimensional being but merely not occupying our dimensions. The angels appear to be limited to specific locations though they have the ability to transfer between dimensions or interact with dimensions they are not currently in. An individual struck down with an angel’s sword may suffer a heart attack, or some other fatal ailment, in this world.

    Jesus appears to have similar abilities to an angel, or to the angels that visited Lot anyways. He is able to be present in believers through the Holy Spirit while he occupies his throne in heaven. In other words it is his spirit and not his soul or body that occupies believers.

    God is different in that he has no material presence and never takes such a form that I know of. Instead he will speak and act through anything in creation he desires to whether man, air, cloud, animal, angel, etc. He is immaterial and occupies everywhere that exists and nothing exists outside of him. The Spirit of God is both his Spirit and his active force in the universe. As far as I have learned it is not him but rather a part of him much like a human’s spirit and body are part of them. It is God’s Spirit that infuses Jesus and empowers the later to make peace between God and man


    In this aspect, i uphold your ideas.

    The others cannot see in the Spirit and allude to Spirit as a direct relation to physical flesh and environment. Hence it is impossible for them to imagine how, for instance, Jesus could appear inside a locked room, or disappear into a cloud, Not 'into the cloud' but 'as if hidden by the cloud' as a magician could make something disappear against a black background).

    Dimensions…humans are limited by their flesh to the physical world, yet Science shows us that we can model many higher dimensions, but our minds cannot 'behold it'. How can schroeder's cat be in more than one place at the same time (Actuall, because it is physical, it can only be in one place at one time…but, it can be in an entirely different place at any single moment of time…therefore, it is 'indeterminate', it may be here, it may be there, or it may not be…!!! The cat decides where it wants to be …but see, it is still in linear time… Now raise the dimensions…it can be in ALL of those single locations at the SAME Time…how can it be physical.
    See, the higher dimensions cannot contain physical objects, as scriptures says…only when ONE location in linear time is selected, does it become physical, adhering to limited restricted positions, movements, interactions, etc, of the laws of four dimensional physics (Length, breadth, depth, and linear time)

    Beam me up Scotty…!


    when Schroedingers cat is in a higher dimension, can you kill it…can it get run over by Mikeboll's 4×4 station wagon?
    How can you kill an Angel?
    How can you kill a Spirit?
    Every place that the cat is in at that moment in time requires a different means of killing it…can you do that? It would mean you being also in every place where the cat's indeterminate thought took it.
    In Star Wars, they 'Compute' a location to 'jump to' by calculating every 'legal location' for their reappearance so they don't end up in a meteor shower or inside a volcano or …., to find them, the imperial enemies would have to compute the same tradjectories and think which one Solo and gang was likely to pick…out of thousands…where does Schroedingers cat 'think' it wants be in the next moment?

    We do the same in a limited envirinment. At any moment of time we determine where we want to be, where our bodies, or parts of our bodies, want to be, sitting in the sofa, lifting the remote control, …use your imagination…where would you like to be…would you like to be there just by thinking it…would be great, eh? Yeah…but in childish thoughts, very dangerous…and silly…

    Guys. Once you can grasp the concept of higher dimensions you will see that there can be no such thing as a 'Body' IN a Spirit, or rather, 'restraining' the Spirit.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Nov. 21 2010,04:19)
    when Schroedingers cat is in a higher dimension, can you kill it…can it get run over by Mikeboll's 4×4 station wagon?
    How can you kill an Angel?
    How can you kill a Spirit?
    Every place that the cat is in at that moment in time requires a different means of killing it…can you do that? It would mean you being also in every place where the cat's indeterminate thought took it.
    In Star Wars, they 'Compute' a location to 'jump to' by calculating every 'legal location' for their reappearance so they don't end up in a meteor shower or inside a volcano or …., to find them, the imperial enemies would have to compute the same tradjectories and think which one Solo and gang was likely to pick…out of thousands…where does Schroedingers cat 'think' it wants be in the next moment?

    We do the same in a limited envirinment. At any moment of time we determine where we want to be, where our bodies, or parts of our bodies, want to be, sitting in the sofa, lifting the remote control, …use your imagination…where would you like to be…would you like to be there just by thinking it…would be great, eh? Yeah…but in childish thoughts, very dangerous…and silly…

    Guys. Once you can grasp the concept of higher dimensions you will see that there can be no such thing as a 'Body' IN a Spirit, or rather, 'restraining' the Spirit.


    it seems i have seen that story before in genese ;;Ge 3:4 “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.
    Ge 3:5 “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

    we know were that brought us don't we???



    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2010,01:10)

    The whole old and new testaments contain Jewish interpretation of Scripture so it is unwise to call such ungodly as you then call Scripture ungodly.  That is one reason I have advised you to listen long so that you could consider what you should say and test is to make sure it is in agreement with the Spirit of God before answering.

    Paul is a Jew of the Pharisee tradition and does not hide that fact.  He even continued to call Jews brothers after his conversion, Acts 28:17.  It is only us modern people that have been conditioned to believe that Christians Jews are anything but different traditions of the same religion. May God free you and others from that trap of Satan’s?

    Scripture tells us that Paul a Jew of the Christian tradition obviously believed and taught of the third heaven and we know from other sources the third heaven is part of the Jewish teaching on the seven heavens.   The description of the third heaven both matches up to Paul’s description of it and to what Jesus alluded to as occurring after death in the present age.  Psalms speaks of the highest heavens and states they are God’s while earth is man’s.

    The Spirit of God leads one to seek the truth while that of man seeks to silence the truth.  Make an argument of why you believe my conclusions are not true instead of striving to silence them without a godly reason.


    you are placing ,men tradition above Gods word,

    you will in this way never come to the full understanding of Gods word.and never understand Christ spirit.

    Jesus told us about the yeast of those men and there traditions




    I don't know what you are talking about. I think you completely misunderstand what is written to you.

    I am not saying that humans can live forever…nor do the things that Science shows can be done.

    Where do you see me saying that?

    I am saying that a 'body' cannot exist as a body in any other dimension than the four we currently exist in.

    To rise to a higher dimension, you have to 'put off the flesh', flesh and blood cannot exist outside of fiur dimensions…the Spirit of the body is the only thing that can.

    But mankind can't do that of their own.

    Schroedingers cat is not 'real'… It's just used as a Science metaphore for 'Spirit' because Science cannot believe in such a thing as Spirit, let alone God.

    An Angel is Spirit, and therefore has no Body. When an Angel is seen, it is because it has chosen a physical four dimension location to be in and materialises a body from whatever it wishes. It has power and energy…power and energy can be made into physical objects….all objects, all elements of all objects, are compressed energy…Yes, the Sword is real…it is not a human made sword with flaws and dull edges, it is spiritually made, perfect, sharpest, no flaws. Hit a flawed sword the wrong way and it will splinter, fracture and smash itself from the flawed points. It's edges are dulled from hitting other hard surfaces, metal on metal, metal on rock, on stone, on bone on flesh…Angel swords don't dull, they are kept sharp from the power in the Angel as long as the Angel can maintain it's power….this is the concept behind th LightSabers in Star Wars…yes Terra, Science fiction borrows themes from Science Facts, and Science Facts are only discoveries of God's world (Where is Stuart?)

    Terra, if you cannot understand higher level themes, then don't try to say it is not true or possible…else you make yourself into a Sadducee,

    And that would be very Sad, you see…


    Quote (JustAskin @ Nov. 21 2010,05:39)

    I don't know what you are talking about. I think you completely misunderstand what is written to you.

    I am not saying that humans can live forever…nor do the things that Science shows can be done.

    Where do you see me saying that?

    I am saying that a 'body' cannot exist as a body in any other dimension than the four we currently exist in.

    To rise to a higher dimension, you have to 'put off the flesh', flesh and blood cannot exist outside of fiur dimensions…the Spirit of the body is the only thing that can.

    But mankind can't do that of their own.

    Schroedingers cat is not 'real'… It's just used as a Science metaphore for 'Spirit' because Science cannot believe in such a thing as Spirit, let alone God.

    An Angel is Spirit, and therefore has no Body. When an Angel is seen, it is because it has chosen a physical four dimension location to be in and materialises a body from whatever it wishes. It has power and energy…power and energy can be made into physical objects….all objects, all elements of all objects, are compressed energy…Yes, the Sword is real…it is not a human made sword with flaws and dull edges, it is spiritually made, perfect, sharpest, no flaws. Hit a flawed sword the wrong way and it will splinter, fracture and smash itself from the flawed points. It's edges are dulled from hitting other hard surfaces, metal on metal, metal on rock, on stone, on bone on flesh…Angel swords don't dull, they are kept sharp from the power in the Angel as long as the Angel can maintain it's power….this is the concept behind th LightSabers in Star Wars…yes Terra, Science fiction borrows themes from Science Facts, and Science Facts are only discoveries of God's world (Where is Stuart?)

    Terra, if you cannot understand higher level themes, then don't try to say it is not true or possible…else you make yourself into a Sadducee,

    And that would be very Sad, you see…


    ok i do understand, but it is not of God to me.

    stu,is in the nonbelievers is he not??



    What is 'not of God'…a lightsabre?

    And i only mention Stuart because of the Science element. To show Stuart that Science is nothing more than what man uses to uncover what God has created.
    Science is everything to Stuart…but is the world created by Science? What of ART, Phylosophy, Sociology, Biology (outside of Science), Love, Thought, etc… Stuart is a true unbeliever..yet, i see in his pists that he is crying out to be 'convinced'…yes, he WANTS someone to turn him to God. He gas studied the Bible, he is here in the forum…why? Unless he is a Nicodemus, a 'secret believer'. Can you picture him, he's the one sitting at the back of the church, last to come in, first to leave, …who knows he was there? Mention him during the service and he gets up and leaves…but why did he come there in the first place????


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Nov. 19 2010,16:01)
    Unless I missed something the scriptures seem to state that Jesus pre-existed and came from the Father, but He was not identified as the Son until the conception in Mary.

    Hi Wm,

    John 3:16-17 speak of Jesus being God's only begotten Son before he was born of Mary.

    So does 1 John 4:9-10.  And Psalm 2:7.  And Hebrews 1:2. And John 1:3.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2010,14:04)
    I have pointed out to you Matthew attributes what
    the Prophet Zechariah said (30 Pieces of silver)
    incorrectly to the Prophet Jeremiah.

    So I ask you: “Are you speaking against scripture”
    to discount what is written in Matthew?
    I can play the same game you play!

    Hi Ed,

    John 7 NIV
    21 Jesus said to them, “I did one miracle, and you are all amazed. 22 Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision (though actually it did not come from Moses, but from the patriarchs), you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath.

    Did Jesus make a mistake?  Who is right here, John or Jesus?  Or are they talking about two different things?  Jesus is talking about circumcision done on the Sabbath.  There were no Sabbath rules until Moses, although there were circumcison rules.

    What I'm saying is that if the scriptures say God killed Uzzah, then God killed Uzzah.  And if the Philistines DID actually TOUCH the ark itself (which is not said in scripture), and God didn't kill them, then that is between God and them.

    I find it very disheartening that you will put the “guess” of Tesla over the words of God.  ???

    peace and love,


    Quote (JustAskin @ Nov. 19 2010,19:50)
    Here he is now also agreeing with Shimmer about Angels 'procreating' with humans, when he claimed over and over that JustAskin was making this up….

    Hi JA,

    That's not exactly the way I remember it.  I remember you claiming as fact your OPINION that spirits cannot procreate.

    What Shimmer and I have worked out is this:

    1.  Angels are ministering SPIRITS, according to scripture.
    2.  Angels PROCREATED with humans to produce Nephilim, according to scripture.
    3.  If God didn't create angels with both the ABILITY and DESIRE to procreate in the first place, then they wouldn't have ever thought human women were sexually “good looking” in the first place.  And then we wouldn't have this very clear scriptural account of SPIRITS PROCREATING.

    Hey All, do any of you think JA is going over the line with his insults and ridicules and belittlement?  I for one think these angry and hurtful posts are anything but Christian behavior.  Won't you help me in correcting and rebuking him about this behavior when you see it?  Maybe just a kindly spoken reminder that we are all Christians here or something.  Thanks.

    peace and love,



    Mike Boll,

    I do take Micah 5:2, Philippians 2 and John 17:5 literally.  I just take into account that God know all things even those that will occur in the future and acts according to that knowledge.

    Hi Kerwin, I agree with you that God is the One telling the end from the beginning, because scripture says so.  But that fact doesn't erase that Jesus' origin was from ancient times, like it says in Micah.  Or that Jesus was in the form of God before being made in the form of a human being, like it says in Phil.  Or that it was Jesus, not God, who was remembering the glory he had in God's presence before the creation of the world in John.


    Are you saying Paul was lying or using an untrue source when he stated “For in him we live and move and have our being” to pander to the philosophers?  If so I am going to disagree.  I find it unlikely he even knew he was citing another as he is known to credit others for their contributions in his other letters. But even if he did, he quoted the source because it is true.

    Kerwin, Paul actually said he was quoting one of their famous poets on the last verse.  The NIV has in footnotes who Paul was quoting for each quote.

    Anyway, I agree that he wouldn't have quoted them if they were contrary to the truth.  He just maybe wouldn't have worded it the same way were he not quoting their well known philosophers.  But consider this:  I live my life within God's commandments.  Does that mean I literally live inside the stone tablets?  Of course not.

    Kerwin, God is in heaven as Jesus clearly taught us.  Unless you live in heaven, then you don't literally live IN God.  Don't you think it makes more sense that it means we live “within” the boundaries of what God wants?  I live IN God by living within what He stands for and what He has taught us.  I also live within Jesus in the same way.  And I also live within the rules and laws of my society that don't cause me to live outside of God.


    Never the less I do not believe God has a physical presence as he is spirit.

    Well, this is what the thread is actually about, and you're entitled to your opinion about it, as are we all.  Let me ask you this Kerwin:  When Satan and the other angels were meeting with God in the Book of Job………..WHERE were they?  If God is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, then why did the angels have to travel or whatever to be a part of this “meeting” with their God?  And for that matter, Satan is spirit also, as are all angels.  Why did God ask Satan where he had been?  Wouldn't he also, as “spirit”, have been EVERYTWHERE ALL THE TIME?  But instead Satan said he had been wandering to and fro on the earth.  How could he have ONLY been on the earth if there is no “end” to what Satan consists of?

    Do you see my point Kerwin?  If spirits do not have an exterior “edge” to them, then all spirits would be EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME.  And if God was EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, then Jesus wouldn't have looked “up to heaven” and praised Him.  Nor would he have said many times that our Father is in heaven.  Also, if God was EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, then everything we touched would be holy.  We are not Levites Kerwin, nor have we been made holy yet.  Some of us strive to be holy in the eyes of God, but many human beings won't ever be and won't ever even try because they don't even believe in God.  And if God is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, then He would be in contact with those people also, not just the “good people”.


    Isaiah 66:1-2 is also true and nothing is made without God making it.

    And so are the many scriptures that, while not denying that God made all by Himself, also say He did so THROUGH His only begotten Son.  How can you only accept SOME of the scriptures, but not all Kerwin?  ???

    peace and love,


    Mike………..Problem you using Origins as meaning he existed as a actual being , when it does not say that, it can just as easily mean he was in the Plan and Will of GOD from Ancient times. Notice When Jesus was Showing his disciples about himself he used the scriptures that were written (ABOUT) him , he never said a was alive before he ever was born on earth as a angel or anything.

    A spirit is not a person it is what is (IN) a person it can live in or out of a body, because it is Thought or (INTELLECT) it can never die and is powerless unless to can be in some kind of matter, a body, it can animate. If a unclean Spirit leaves a man it goes about in (Arid) or DRY places looking for (rest). It (this unclean thought) need some thing that has water in it to rest in as a human being or animal and if it is in a person it can grow more and more intense and gain more and more control over that person and his life and that persons last state is indeed worse then the first state he was in.

    Spirits do not have any bodies the in habbit bodies, Angels Have bodies also and God creates their spirits (in) them. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 21 2010,03:31)
    Notice When Jesus was Showing his disciples about himself he used the scriptures that were written (ABOUT) him , he never said a was alive before he ever was born on earth as a angel or anything.

    Hi Gene,

    Sure he did.  That's what Matthew 22:44-46 is all about.  Jesus is telling the Pharisees who were also expecting the Messiah to be exactly like us that they were mistaken.  He clearly pointed out that if the Messiah was ONLY a son of David, David would not have called him “my Lord”.   Gene, I can't help it if your wish allows you to “rationalize” scriptures away.  

    And when Peter was shown by God that Jesus was the actual Son of the living God, Jesus was so impressed that God had shown Peter this that he said he would build his church on this knowledge.  I am a member of that church of God, Gene.  I am a member in good standing of the church founded by God's Son, who was in the form of his God in heaven, and then was sent into the world as a flesh and blood man who then died – both as a sacrifice for our sins, AND to prove that there WILL be a resurrection of the dead.  Paul says Jesus had to take on flesh since the children were of flesh.  And he did so to show Death that it's many victories through the years will eventually be overturned by God – and that it will be destroyed before God is done with His planned purpose.  The Priest of my church is the one through whom God created everything.  He was with God in the beginning, then became flesh so he could overturn death's victories as a man, thereby paving the way for those other men who will follow.

    You are not a member of this church Gene, and I'm sorry for that.


    A spirit is not a person it is what is (IN) a person it can live in or out of a body,

    Are angels persons Gene?  Why would Michael have a PERSONAL name if he were not a person? Why would Jehovah?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 20 2010,22:22)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Nov. 19 2010,16:01)
    Unless I missed something the scriptures seem to state that Jesus pre-existed and came from the Father, but He was not identified as the Son until the conception in Mary.

    Hi Wm,

    John 3:16-17 speak of Jesus being God's only begotten Son before he was born of Mary.

    So does 1 John 4:9-10.  And Psalm 2:7.  And Hebrews 1:2.  And John 1:3.

    peace and love,

    Thank you for the scriptures, they do seem to indicate that Jesus was a Son before, so armed with this I am re-evaluating my postulation. I'm trying to reconcile all the scriptures to gain a better understanding of the Son of God.

    I appreciate your posting the scriptures with chapter and verse for me, this is how it should work; I post a belief and the scriptures why, and a brother (or sister) points out other scriptures which change how it should be interpreted, leaving out the “I'm a heretic” or “liar” or “antichrist” or whatever. If I'm wrong, it is because I'm deceived but that does not make me a deceiver. That is why I usually end my posts with “my opinion” as I don't believe I have all truth yet, but despite what others may think, I am pursuing it.

    My opinion – Wm

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