Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 19 2010,08:36)
    look it this men has a DNA no matter what happen to the rest of us God has only to keep one DNA cell and he can build us back,

    so there could be a DNA for angels and do the same thing.

    Terricca……………..You finely said something I agree with, yes one microscopic DNA is all the is needed to reproduce the whole person again.

    Not only that but GOD could start with the Last person and work his way all the way back to Adam and EVE, by dividing the last over and over to the first existing DNA . This is how they can tell what part of the world you parents came from by back extracting of DNA. Eventually it would go back to Noah and then to Adam and Eve. In fact not one hair of you head is lost it can all be reconstructs at any time GOD Choses to. And God can add the what comes from the tree of Life and it will live for ever because that which produces life from self will be in that body. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………….gene


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 20 2010,02:51)
    Mike!  I too agree that Jesus was in the flesh when he rose from the death.  The reason i say that is Jesus asked his Father this

    Jhn 17:5   And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  

    if Jesus was resurrected as a glorified body, He did not have to say that….

    Or He manifested in order to show Thomas his wounds…

    it is just a little confusing to me, because Maria Magdalene did not recognize Jesus and thought that He was the Gardner….either way we knoe that he is with his Father now….
    Peace and love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    What Jesus said in John 17:5 was before he was crucified and raised back to life, so I don't understand how that scripture says anything about the body he was raised back to life in.

    And along with Mary the Magdalene, even his disciples did not recognize him at times after he was raised.  But I don't know if that had to do with God “transforming” his fleshly body to look like someone the disciples and Mary didn't know, or if it had to do with God “closing their eyes” so they could not recognize Jesus until He “opened their eyes” to see and recognize him.

    But you are right that he is now with the Father and therefore cannot still be flesh.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,03:19)

    Job 19: 26…….> And though after my skin worms destory this body, YET IN MY (FLESH) SHALL I SEE God:

    Job 19 NIV
    26 And after my skin has been destroyed,
      yet[e] in[f] my flesh I will see God;

    Footnote “e” says:

    Job 19:26 Or And after I awake, / though this body has been destroyed, / then

    And Footnote “f” says:

    Job 19:26 Or destroyed, / apart from

    So all together, it could be saying:

    After this body of skin has be destroyed, then APART FROM MY FLESH, I will see God.

    NETNotes says this about it:

    The Hebrew phrase is “and from my flesh.” This could mean “without my flesh,” i.e., separated from my flesh, or “from my flesh,” i.e., in or with my flesh.

    They also say this about the verse as a whole:

    H. H. Rowley (Job [NCBC], 140) says, “The text of this verse is so difficult, and any convincing reconstruction is so unlikely, that it seems best not to attempt it.”

    But even in your translation Gene, it seems that if worms have destroyed Job's SKIN, then the “APART FROM MY FLESH” would make more sense.  Unless you picture Job as a skinned alive bloody thing from some horror movie when he sees God.

    Also, it doesn't say anything at all about the Kingdom of God.  So while the scriptures say that no man, or flesh, HAS EVER seen God, they don't say no flesh WILL EVER see God – just that flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.

    I wouldn't count on this scripture to “prove” that Jesus is still flesh, Gene.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,03:19)

    Eze 37: 8….And when I beheld, lo, the sinew and the (FLESH) came up upon them, and the skin covered them above:

    Ezekiel 37 NIV
    1 The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones.

    Again, this says nothing at all about these bones being in the Kingdom of God.  Plus, it was a vision God was giving Ezekiel, as verse 1 attests.  John is the one who said, “No man has ever seen God” in at least three places in his writings.  Yet he is also the one who DESCRIBED what God looked like in Revelation.  Don't confuse “visions” with “reality” Gene.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,03:19)

    Does anyone here begin to understand this Jesus just said the Kingdom of GOD was (IN) YOU who was the “YOU” He was talking about< IT was FLESH and BLOOD HUMANS BEINGS

    Yes Gene.  And he was apparently saying the Kingdom of God was (IN) the Pharisees that Jesus was saying this to.  Is that your understanding of it?  ???

    peace and love,


    Mike…………You are an artist at twisting what scripture plainly say i will give you that. Why is it we have to go through all these twist and turns to make scripture say what you want it to say all the time? Why can't you just say yes it does say that Gene and that must be what it means for a change. JOB plainly said he would see GOD IN his FLESH, no matter how you try to twist it.

    Mike where did (I) say Jesus was saying that the Kingdom of GOD was (IN) the Pharisees, Not it was not (IN) them but that does not mean it could not in the future be (IN) them now does it. The point Jesus was making was the Kingdom of GOD comes (NOT) with OBSERVATION , and (IT) the kingdom of GOD was (IN) a Person. That was Jesus' POINT, rather you can see that or not does not change the truth. IMO

    peace and love………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,04:36)
    Mike…………You are an artist at twisting what scripture plainly say i will give you that. Why is it we have to go through all these twist and turns to make scripture say what you want it to say all the time?


    I KNEW you were going to say that! :D  It is not me, but the NIV and NET scholars who are “twisting” things.  All I did was look up your scripture………..and there were the footnotes right along with it.

    Come on Gene, how could Job be saying his SKIN was gone but he would still see God in his FLESH?  He was apparently saying that even though his SKIN/FLESH was gone, he would still be able to someday see his God APART FROM, or WITHOUT his flesh.

    And why are we even discussing this Job verse in the first place?  Oh, that's right.  Because you REFUSE to acknowledge the scripture that PLAINLY AND WITHOUT ANY FOOTNOTES says that flesh cannot enter the Kingdom of God.  And because you REFUSE to acknowledge the 3 scriptures that say Jesus is now a SPIRIT.  And because you REFUSE to acknowledge the scripture that says our EARTLY, FLESHLY bodies will be TRANSFORMED into the type of glorious body Jesus now has.

    Yeah, now I remember why we were discussing Job in the first place!  :D

    peace and love,



    Despite our differences of views, we doubtless cross and run along each other's thought lines occassionally. And these recent last posts have seen us on the same lines. Why?

    God is righteous, and has used Shimmer to join us, unite us…don't worry that Shimmer is wrong…that was not the intent…Shimmer will come around, she is a catalyst, designed to cause a reactionary change between two elements but remain, herself, unchanged at the end.
    Shimmer is Godblessed…God has only used her innocence here. He will restore her when he pleases.

    Mike, i too have been changed.

    For whatever it means…t8 has removed my 'Moderator' status. What does that mean to me? Nothing, except only that I can't write '[Moderator]' at the end of a guiding suggestion.
    But in that also, i accept that i have been overzealous in my pursuit of expousing the truth of Scriptures.

    Here is the why of it? When one is in the Spirit, there is little one does not know, according to the gift of Spiritual Sight, Spiritual Vision, Spiritual knowledge given, as it pleases, by the Holy Spirit of God.

    See that I see what fleshly eyes cannot see, but as the Spirit sees.

    See that i understand WHY flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, flesh, whether corruptable or incorruptible.
    Flesh, whether Corruptible or Incorruptible, is still flesh…and flesh is material….and material cannot enter Heaven because only the 'immaterial' can enter Heaven.

    The Immaterial does not need a container…a body… For if it does, it become 'Material'…
    It is this very 'immaterial' that allows it to be 'Anywhere' and 'everywhere' at 'Anytime' as it pleases, and be in one place in a container, a body when it needs to be seen…'the intelligent thought, embodied', the intelligence encased in the dust of the earth…is living flesh. The unembodied intelligence…is Spirit.

    Jesus, indeed, was raised in the flesh, in the same body he was buried in. That is a given and proved by him to Thomas.

    But further to that…what is the point of Jesus healing the sick, making the blind to see, making the lame to walk, as God made Moses lepros and just as easily heal the very same leprosy….if, he himself, were to remain with his scourged wounds, pierced side, ennailed palms…battered body…
    No, it was the transformation of his flesh in to Spiritually glorified flesh that made those who saw him to not recognise him.
    As God made Moses hand go Lepros, God could just as easily make nail holes in the palm of Jesus' 'new body'…
    When mankind is also 'transformed', all the ailments, all the deformities, all the lacking of the sinful body will be removed.
    This is 'fractalised' in the transformation of Saul to Paul….God did not change Paul from his tenacity, did not remove his ailments, but only changed his Mind, his intelligence of God…else we should all believe in God so we can have our physical ailments take away.
    No, but, for instance, if you are 'short' you will remain 'short', for that is not from sin, if your hair is ginger, it will remain ginger, but if there is a deformity, that then will be restored, the body glorified…and in being so, many will not initially recognise each other…but then, they will have an eternity to do so…

    So, then, we agree that Jesus was buried in an a corruptible sin-enabled flesh and body but was raised up out of the grave on earth into a glorified flesh and bone sin-disabled body, incorruptible…but that he is now in Heaven as a 'Spirit'…not an Angel, for he is greater thanthe Angels, a new creation…A Man in Spirit.
    This is the Glory of God, this is what ADAM was created to become had he not sinned…this is what God aspired Man to be, this is what God calls 'My Son', God's TRUE Son…A Man, mankind, some to inhabit the earth and some to be glorified in Heaven.

    So, how did Jesus become Spirit in Heaven when he was flesh on earth?

    When did he 'transform' from visible flesh to invisible Spirit?
    Well, we know, because he transformed right in front of the disciples…vanished right in front of them up in the air, into the clouds…
    And what did he say…' you will see me come back in like manner'.

    What does this mean but that he will transform from invisible Spirit into visible flesh.
    His 'flesh' did not go to Heaven, but his Spirit only. So…
    Where did the 'Flesh' go to when he transformed?
    Why is this a mystery…? Think! What is flesh… Nothing more than a sophisticated vessel, a vehicle…
    Watch a Caterpillar pupate…the body 'dies' in the pupate sack but is 'transformed' within…what us the intelligence that drives this transformation?
    When the glorious butterfly emergies, is it the same body that it 'died' in? No, but a glorified insect with wonderous qualities…it can fly.
    How does it know to drink nectar, to seek a partner to breed with to avoid birds and other unknown predators? Simple, it's intelligence is the same as before but also transformed to accommodate it's changed state…

    A body, made from chemical elements, found everywhere on earth…easily formed by a Spirit with power, easily dispersed by a Spirit with power.
    So why make it glorified, incorruptible, sinless, if it can be created and decreated at will.

    Because each glorified rising will retain the bodily qualities of it's owner when it was buried but transformed like the Caterpiller…any corruption will be healed and reformed to perfection in it's own frame and stature.
    Those who acceed to Heaven will 'put off' and 'put on' their body as they ascend and descend to and from the Spirit realm as easily as walking out of and into a room.
    Does the childlike mind think the person has disappered because he can no longer see the person who has walked out the door…but can still hear his voice? Many do…allegedly!

    Much more to say…



    Examine, without prejudice, what 'Spiritual body' means.

    I offer, again, a welcome mat.

    See that everything that Paul compares, is earthly comparison.

    The 'corruptible' body. The body that can decay due to sin.
    The 'incorrutuble' body. The body that is immune to sin, cannot decay.

    Mike, if JustAskin can put of ferocity in his posts, then you can put of Pride.

    Mike, i have given up judging you, only urging you…

    You are the one who knows why you chose to believe that 'Spiritual body' means 'Spirit body' even though no such thing is ever spoken of by anyone and you rightly say that you know not of what substance a 'Spirit body' is made of because there is no reference to such a thing anywhere nor is it spoken of by anyone, The Apostles, Jesus, nor God himself.

    By it's very name, Spirit, it shows 'there is no body'…Spirit … Is an entity without a body, invisible, intangible, immaterial.

    Intelligence, Thoughts, ideas, feelingS, power, energy…these are invisible forces, intangible, immaterial, yet they exist, and when embodied with an earthly entity, they become tangible, they expose their qualities in visible form.
    The idea, becomes real, the energy moves things, the thought materialises as sound, or action, feelings into reactions, all of earthly items, in this case we mean, of the body…

    What does 'with a Spiritual Eye' mean but 'with pure sinless thought, or view'.


    Sad is all I can say.

    Maybe you all need to be unbrainwashed from what you have been taught by the JWs (Yes I know you say you never heard it from them, you learnt it from scripture….yeah right.

    Heres some good reading, I don't agree with all the rest of their site though but still….

    You will see there and anywhere else on the net how Gnostics believe just as JWs do on Jesus being a spirit only. So……WHO was the early church fighting against in scripture……..WHY did they say the antichrist is he who denies the flesh ? WHY did they warn there are many antichrists, that they came out from them ? Read the early church writings and you will see that it was the Gnostics.


    Jay, God is not using me to bring you both together in the way you assume, but God is through the Holy Spirit using me to show you the truth which I hope you will see.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 20 2010,03:43)

    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 20 2010,02:51)
    Mike!  I too agree that Jesus was in the flesh when he rose from the death.  The reason i say that is Jesus asked his Father this

    Jhn 17:5   And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  

    if Jesus was resurrected as a glorified body, He did not have to say that….

    Or He manifested in order to show Thomas his wounds…

    it is just a little confusing to me, because Maria Magdalene did not recognize Jesus and thought that He was the Gardner….either way we knoe that he is with his Father now….
    Peace and love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    What Jesus said in John 17:5 was before he was crucified and raised back to life, so I don't understand how that scripture says anything about the body he was raised back to life in.

    And along with Mary the Magdalene, even his disciples did not recognize him at times after he was raised.  But I don't know if that had to do with God “transforming” his fleshly body to look like someone the disciples and Mary didn't know, or if it had to do with God “closing their eyes” so they could not recognize Jesus until He “opened their eyes” to see and recognize him.

    But you are right that he is now with the Father and therefore cannot still be flesh.

    peace and love,

    Mike no, read verse 4

    Jhn 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

    Jhn 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

    That was after he was resurrected, he finished the work here on earth and then He asked his Father to give Him the glory He had with Him before the world was.

    Peace and love Irene



    I'm not quite understanding what you are saying.

    Are you saying that Jesus is in the Flesh in Heaven?

    I'm sorry if everyone else can see what you are saying…i can't. Please explain how he has done that.

    I mean, how can Jesus' flesh [and blood] body be 'in them all'.
    Flesh and blood is a single entity in one place…how is Jesus in 'one place' in Heaven.
    Heaven is not a 'physical place' that one can say, 'here it is' or 'there it is'. Nor unlike Mikeboll, who says, if we pointed a telescope in the right direction we could see into heaven (I think that's what he was saying?)

    God, then, must also be Flesh in Heaven…is that so?

    I really don't know what it being said here?


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 20 2010,07:15)
    Sad is all I can say.

    Maybe you all need to be unbrainwashed from what you have been taught by the JWs (Yes I know you say you never heard it from them, you learnt it from scripture….yeah right.

    Heres some good reading, I don't agree with all the rest of their site though but still….

    You will see there and anywhere else on the net how Gnostics believe just as JWs do on Jesus being a spirit only. So……WHO was the early church fighting against in scripture……..WHY did they say the antichrist is he who denies the flesh ? WHY did they warn there are many antichrists, that they came out from them ? Read the early church writings and you will see that it was the Gnostics.


    Jay, God is not using me to bring you both together in the way you assume, but God is through the Holy Spirit using me to show you the truth which I hope you will see.

    Shimmer,you are so funny to say that all have been brainwashed by the JW.
    No it is Scripture that says flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

    1Cr 15:50 ¶ Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

    Also since Jesus preexisted He said this in

    Jhn 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

    Jhn 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

    Jesus was a Spirit being then and is now, Scriptures say so….

    He came down to earth and emptied Himself became a man, was crucified died and was burried. On the third day he rose again and Now went back to what He was before. A Spirit being….

    Peace and love Irene

    Peace and love Irene


    To all,

    Galatians 5:16-26, makes a good point, summary even, of the difference between Flesh (Body) and Spirit (Spiritualness).

    Please read it yourselves. I post comments only.

    “Walk in the Spirit”…We can 'be in the Spirit (Be Spiritual) while still in the form of flesh. Being 'in the Spirit' we are not tempted by sin, pure in thought, righteous in mind.

    If we live in the Spirit…

    And Galatians 6:8, 'For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap curruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.'

    What does this mean…do we have to be 'a Spirit' to be 'in the Spirit'?

    Or does 'being in the Spirit' mean, 'being Spiritual'? And if so, then do we have to be 'a Spirit' to be 'Spiritual'?


    JA……..It is simply to anyone who has the Spirit (IN) him , Being (IN) the Spirit is walking (in) the Spirit (intellect) of GOD. Spirit does not have a BODY IT IS WHAT LIVES (IN) BODIES, IT IS THE LIFE OF THE BODY. Jesus plainly said His word (ARE) SPIRIT (AND) LIFE. Can they see Spirit is the (LIFE) (IN) THE BODY> No matter how large or how small Spirit give that body Life to act out its role God has designed for it to Do, rather Animal , Fowl, Fish or Man, makes no difference it is the Spirit (intellect)(IN) it thats directing its Life , that or those spirits (intellects) make up its ability to think and reason, NO body can not think or reason beyond its Spirits (IN) it. Spirit guides the Bodies it is (IN). Just as God was in Jesus guiding Him also. And (IN) all who have His Spirit (IN) them. Simple as that, IMO

    peace and love……………………………………..gene


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 20 2010,05:20)

    Despite our differences of views, we doubtless cross and run along each other's thought lines occassionally. And these recent last posts have seen us on the same lines. Why?

    You tell me.  What you posted is what I've been saying all along.  You seemed to have resisted the fact that Jesus is now a spirit at first, but now you are embracing that scriptural fact.  So that's got to be part of it.

    For the first time in a long time I read every word of your posts.  I usually stop as soon as I get to the first insult or belittlement, and to my PLEASANT surprise, there were none of either.  So thank you for that. :)

    I hear and understand the way YOU understand spirits and them being “immaterial” and such.  I HEAR it and UNDERSTAND what you are saying, JA.  I just don't agree with it.  Angels ARE spirits.  And angels DID mate with humans to produce the Nephilim.  So while they can be invisible to us when they want to be, they cannot be totally “immaterial” IMO.  

    I know you think the angels “created” human bodies and then mated with humans.  But that would have resulted in human sperm impregnating a human egg, so what would make the Nephilim any different from the rest of us?  No, it had to have been “spirit sperm” in order to create hybrids.  And if they have MATERIAL sperm, then they can't be totally immaterial.

    Also, you and Jesus compare them to wind.  Wind isn't immaterial.  There are many elements blowing around in a windstorm.  Even the air itself is composed of material elements, right?

    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 20 2010,05:20)

    Examine, without prejudice, what 'Spiritual body' means.

    Again, I KNOW what you are saying, and I agree.  I agree that “spiritual”, while meaning “pertaining to spirit” doesn't always mean “BELONGING TO a spirit”.  But it sometimes does, and that's why “belonging to a spirit” is definition #2 for “spiritual” in NETNotes.  

    For example:

    1Corinthians 2:13 NET
    And we speak about these things, not with words taught us by human wisdom, but with those taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things to spiritual people.

    Now I know these “spiritual people” are not spirit beings, but human beings who are learning to worship and serve God in a spiritual manner, since God is also Spirit.  I understand this to mean we are not to worship God in a physical, fleshly manner.  In other words, bowing down with hands held to heaven in sight of others while your mind is thinking about the Knicks game is NOT worshipping God in spirit, or “spiritually”.  On the other hand, even if you are physically standing on your head, or driving down the road, you CAN be worshipping God “spiritually” by praising Him and thanking Him in your mind.  You also worship Him “spiritually” by fighting off those worldly thoughts of immorality that come into your mind and no one else even knows about.  Does this make sense?

    But look at this one:

    1Corinthians 10:4 NET
    and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they were all drinking from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.

    At this time, Christ was a “rock”, or “refuge” for the Israelites.  But he was a “SPIRITUAL rock” because he was a SPIRIT being.  And this one,

    Ephesians 6:12 NET
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.

    Likewise, the “spiritual forces of evil” here refer to actual spirit beings.

    I can see both uses and meanings of the word “spiritual” in the scriptures JA.  So it all comes down to which meaning makes a better fit in 1 Corinthians 15?

    1Co 15:44
    it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

    You can easily figure out that Paul is speaking of the physical NATURAL bodies in which we now live.  And he is contrasting those physical natural bodies to our future spiritual bodies.  Why?  Because, like Jesus, those of us raised to heaven will be like the angels.  They will be SPIRITS.  They will no longer be flesh, so they will no longer need fleshly, earthly bodies.  They will be spirits, so they will instead have SPIRITUAL BODIES.  So in this case, the NETNotes definition #2 of “belonging to a spirit” fits.  Paul is speaking of a body that belongs to a spirit being.

    And I believe this other scripure supports this thought quite well:

    Philippians 3:21 NIV
    who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    Face it JA.  Jesus IS a SPIRIT.  Jesus CANNOT have a flesh body in heaven.  Jesus DOES have a “glorious body”.  What kind of a body do you suppose a SPIRIT in heaven has?  I would say he has a body “belonging to a spirit”.  And that is definition #2 of “spiritual”.

    peace and love,


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 20 2010,07:15)

    Yes I know you say you never heard it from them, you learnt it from scripture….yeah right.

    Shimmer, why would you imply that I've lied to you?  Have I ever lied to you before?  ???

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 20 2010,07:15)

    You will see there and anywhere else on the net how Gnostics believe just as JWs do on Jesus being a spirit only.

    The Gnostics believe that Jesus was never anything BUT a spirit being.  The JW's do not believe that Shimmer.  They believe that Jesus was a spirit being at the side of his Father and God, but then emptied himself and TRULY became a flesh and blood human being, and was raised back to heaven as a spirit being again.

    It's that TRULY coming as a flesh and blood human being that the Gnostics don't believe.  And that is why John was making sure the followers of Christ knew that he TRULY DID come in the flesh.

    John says nothing about Jesus STILL being “in the flesh”, only that he once CAME in the flesh.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 20 2010,08:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 20 2010,03:43)

    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 20 2010,02:51)
    Mike!  I too agree that Jesus was in the flesh when he rose from the death.  The reason i say that is Jesus asked his Father this

    Jhn 17:5   And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  

    if Jesus was resurrected as a glorified body, He did not have to say that….

    Or He manifested in order to show Thomas his wounds…

    it is just a little confusing to me, because Maria Magdalene did not recognize Jesus and thought that He was the Gardner….either way we knoe that he is with his Father now….
    Peace and love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    What Jesus said in John 17:5 was before he was crucified and raised back to life, so I don't understand how that scripture says anything about the body he was raised back to life in.

    And along with Mary the Magdalene, even his disciples did not recognize him at times after he was raised.  But I don't know if that had to do with God “transforming” his fleshly body to look like someone the disciples and Mary didn't know, or if it had to do with God “closing their eyes” so they could not recognize Jesus until He “opened their eyes” to see and recognize him.

    But you are right that he is now with the Father and therefore cannot still be flesh.

    peace and love,

    Mike no, read verse 4

    Jhn 17:4   I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.  

    Jhn 17:5   And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  

    That was after he was resurrected, he finished the work here on earth and then He asked his Father to give Him the glory He had with Him before the world was.

    Peace and love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    Are you suggesting that the Book of John is written out of chronological order?  Because it's not until chapter 18 that Jesus is arrested.

    And the “work” Jesus was sent to do was to teach of God's coming Kingdom, and to properly train the ones his Father had given him out of the world to carry on that teaching after he was gone.  I would say that everything that happened to him after 17:4 was not so much “work that he had to do”, but things he had to suffer to fulfill the prophecies.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,10:51)
    Spirit does not have a BODY IT IS WHAT LIVES (IN) BODIES,

    Why Gene?  Why?

    Why do you keep posting the same thing when you agree that angels have bodies and scripture says angels ARE spirits?

    You agree that Jesus has a body, and scripture says Jesus IS now a spirit.

    I just don't get it.  It's like you just prefer your own rendition of the scriptures over the actual scriptures.  ???

    peace and love,


    Mike………..What makes you so different then the Gnostic's, there end was to separate Jesus from Human Likeness, and that was what John was driving at by them being Antichrist, you on the other had say He came from GOD as a demigod or super Angel or something and was morphed into a flesh as some kind of disguise to imitate a Man and then he morphed back into another angel or super Angel of something of that Kind but was no LONGER a FLESH HUMAN BEING, You reasoning service the same goal as the Gnostic's did, it separates Jesus from our (exact) identity. And to say it does not is a LIE INDEED. You have not grown enough to see the whole thing about Jesus being (DIFFERENT) was Johns Point about the Spirit (intellect) of Antichrists.

    Jessu can in flesh and blood dies and was raised (IN) that same body that died and was taken up to heaven in the very body he was raised In and will return in that same body he ascended in> That is what scripture say why can you just believe it MIKE> I have showed you the resurrection shown to Ezekiel by GOD and where Job said He would see GOD in His Flesh, But you just twist it and ignore those scriptures to meet your dogmas. Mike why don't you talk to us about the valley of dead Bones then, see if you can twist that up also. IMO

    Shimmer understand it right Jesus was born in a flesh body he died in a flesh body and was raised in a flesh body and ascended in a flesh body and will descend in a flesh body. As scripture say he will. And he will abolish all your and the trinitarians false teaching about him at his return as it say he will in 2 Ths 2. IMO

    Mike Jesus was and still is SON OF MAN and he will alway be a SON OF MAN and Will alway relate with us as a SON OF MAN> He is (EXACTLY) in every way a son of Man just the exact same as we are son of MAN also. If there were many Antichrist then How many times More are there Antichrists now, with 2000 thousand years of perverting the truth of GOD words. There is hardly not even a small amount of the truth that has not been perverter by Preexistences and Trinitarians decedents of the Gnostic's and preach there separatist religion driving Jesus way from our identity with him in like terms as human beings one to another.

    peace and love……………………………..gene


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 19 2010,18:17)

    That is so funny…''Scritures says 'there is no God' and then qualifies it with 'the fool has said'…''

    Ha ha ha ….that is so backwards, deceitful, a complete Satanic post.

    I see your desire for 'Demonic Appetising' has led you to taste deceit … Kerwin, beware that a sip doesn't lead to a gulp. But at least just remember…don't swallow…

    Just for clarity, the quote is actually, ''The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God'…''

    That is what I said since the phrase “The fool has said in his heart”  qualifies, which means changes the meaning of, the phrase “there is no God.”

    It is a lesson on being careful not to take anything out of context.  The context I was speaking of is all of scripture.

    Be careful to avoid fault finding as we are warned in scripture.

    Jude 1:16(NIV) reads:


    These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 20 2010,10:57)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 20 2010,07:15)
    Sad is all I can say.

    Maybe you all need to be unbrainwashed from what you have been taught by the JWs (Yes I know you say you never heard it from them, you learnt it from scripture….yeah right.

    Heres some good reading, I don't agree with all the rest of their site though but still….

    You will see there and anywhere else on the net how Gnostics believe just as JWs do on Jesus being a spirit only. So……WHO was the early church fighting against in scripture……..WHY did they say the antichrist is he who denies the flesh ? WHY did they warn there are many antichrists, that they came out from them ? Read the early church writings and you will see that it was the Gnostics.


    Jay, God is not using me to bring you both together in the way you assume, but God is through the Holy Spirit using me to show you the truth which I hope you will see.

    Shimmer,you are so funny to say that all have been brainwashed by the JW.
    No it is Scripture that says flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.  

    1Cr 15:50 ¶ Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.  

    Also since Jesus preexisted He said this in

    Jhn 17:4   I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.  

    Jhn 17:5   And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  

    Jesus was a Spirit being then and is now, Scriptures say so….

    He came down to earth and emptied Himself became a man, was crucified died and was burried.  On the third day he rose again and Now went back to what He was before.  A Spirit being….

    Peace and love Irene

    Peace and love Irene

    Irene, CORRUPTABLE flesh and blood cannot inherit Heaven that is what it means. Our bodies are subject to sin death and decay. So, these corruptable bodies cannot enter Heaven. So, what must happen ? It says just after that 'this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality'.  So immortality is added to our humanity.

    Yes, Jesus pre-existed as a spirit being in Heaven with the invisible Father, but not now. Now He is visible. No-one has ever seen the Father, no-one CAN ever see the Father and live. But Jesus said “If you have seen me you have seen the Father”. He is a new creation. He is the first of many, the firstborn from the dead. If he was spirit then returned to spirit, what is different ?

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