Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #229005

    How old are you?

    'Ghost' you have stuck in your head because you WANT TO BELIEVE in such apperitions….

    My point is 'There is no such thing as a Ghost'.

    Please desist from such acrophycal thoughts. You are seeking Demonic spirits…please be warned..!!!!

    Also, ANGELS do not eat food
    Angels are Spirits. They do not require food, material sustenance.

    Kerwin, Spirits materialise flesh and bone bodies and put themself into it to animate it.

    It is this material body that requires sustenance.

    A Spirit can 'put on a body' and 'put off a body' at will. The resulting unemcumbered spirit is then free to go where it will, or sent in the heavens or earth.

    Kerwin, don't let the demonic spirits you seek to know about lead you astray.

    Stop pursuing knowledge of demons…you will get trapped by them. You are opening yourself to welcoming them into you…

    Kerwin, the one you seek, may bring friend along for a party in you, 'Legions' of them….beware….



    I feel that we need to be careful how we agree and disagree here between Gene, you and me.

    We sedm to be agreeing that Jesus rose in the same body that he went into the grave with.

    This is entirely true, as the Scriptures say, 'God did not allow Jesus' body to see curruption in the grave'.

    Jesus further proved it was the same body by showing Thomas the wounds…

    Why is this a problem for anyone? Did Jesus not raise Lazarus from the dead into the same body he was buried in …and how long was Lazarus in the grave…

    Goll, i keep saying the Scriptures is Fractal, stories, parables, events, incidents, verses…qualify each other to help maintain integrity and guards against accidental or deliberate attempts at currupting the Scriptures.

    Did Elija not raise up the dead son of a widow?
    Did Jesus not raise up Lazarus?
    Did God not raise up Jesus?

    Were any of them in different bodies when they came back to life?

    Indefatigably, NO.

    Moreover, Jesus was moved to not be present when Lazarus died…moved by the Holy Spirit to be several days away, for the very purpose that Lazarus should be 'several days dead' and yet be raised up by the power of God [working through Jesus] preconditioning what was to happen to Jesus himself… This is the reason that Jesus wept…he saw himself in Lazarus…and said (Paraphrasically), 'Oh my God, if it be thy will that it will be so even with me then I put my trust fully in you, not only that I should raise up this man to show the people here and everywhere after, the power of your Holy Spirit, but that you will raise me up again in like manner'

    Jesus, raised up into the same body…but that body was transformed into a glorious spiritual body…a physical spiritual body….which Jesus put off when he ascended to Heaven…and will put on when he comes again.

    Jesus' spiritual body is the first of a new type of body…of which there will be 144,000 more of those in the first resurrection from the dead….and…from some still living when Jesus comes…the 'we will not all die but some will be transformed in the twinking of an eye'

    It is important to note…and not be misled by the blusterings of Mike, Terra and Irene…that 'Spiritual Body' is not 'Spirit Body'…

    Spirit Body…there is no such thing…else show where it is written. Guaranteed it cannot be shown…
    Spirit body would mean 'the body of a Spirit'. Spirit does not have body…that is why it is called 'Spirit'.

    A bottle with no cork in is called an 'Open Bottle'.
    A bottle that has been opened, whether some content removed or not, and had the cork replaced, is called an 'Opened Bottle'.

    Is an 'Open Bottle' the same as an 'Opened Bottle'?

    A Spiritual body is a body that is 'Spiritual'…Spiritual, meaning Godly, pure, unsinful…

    Search out 'Spirit Body'… Nothing…
    Search out 'Spiritual Body'……

    Research 'Spiritual x' where x is any of:
    ….more…and better relevant.

    Can any of these be 'Spirit'?
    Spirit food??
    Spirit prayer??

    Goll, what I mean is, from the start, encourage the truth in the commin ground.

    Gene is not right in parts but encourage the parts where he is right. Do as I do and say where he is right but also that it is ONLY that part you agree with.

    What we all sometimes do is to pull down another's argument even when there are aspects of truth within.

    This is Satan's strategy for hiding truth in our arrogant eagerness to tear down the opposition.
    Mikeboll is the King of this. He never acknowledges truth in a post…just seeks out the one word, phrase, verse…that he personally doesn't agree with because to end a debate, to agree a solution, is abhorrent to him, 'What? End a debate? Whoever heard of such a thing? Besides the Greek for 'Debate' according to Dempter's phylosophical exchange on metaphysical Sanskit rendering, Â 89Bc, Chapter 36, says, 'Never Ending'. Oh, wait…I haven't read that far yet but I know that's what it means…so you're wrong…and why you shouting at me, you are being aggressive and unsportmanlike by kettling me into a corner just because I have a comprehension problem AND like to have my own way and, inthe words of that world reknown young female, 'I'm going to swqueem and swqueem until I make mythelf thick!'.'
    Sorry to tell you Mike, there's no need for the swqueeming part…


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 15 2010,14:35)
    Shimmer, I will also address any posts you make………..AS LONG AS YOU ADDRESS MY RESPONSES.  You have neglected to say anything about my point that Jesus NEVER said “spirits don't have bodies”, among other things.

    Mike, I did. You didn't like my answer though.

    Mike, most of Christianity agrees with JustAskin and other posters here. But you are trying to say JustAskin and other's are wrong ?

    Jesus said clearly in that verse that Spirit's don't have bodies as He had.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 16 2010,19:47)
    How old are you?

    'Ghost' you have stuck in your head because you WANT TO BELIEVE in such apperitions….

    My point is 'There is no such thing as a Ghost'.

    Please desist from such acrophycal thoughts. You are seeking Demonic spirits…please be warned..!!!!

    Also, ANGELS do not eat food
    Angels are Spirits. They do not require food, material sustenance.

    Kerwin, Spirits materialise flesh and bone bodies and put themself into it to animate it.

    It is this material body that requires sustenance.

    A Spirit can 'put on a body' and 'put off a body' at will. The resulting unemcumbered spirit is then free to go where it will, or sent in the heavens or earth.

    Kerwin, don't let the demonic spirits you seek to know about lead you astray.

    Stop pursuing knowledge of demons…you will get trapped by them. You are opening yourself to welcoming them into you…

    Kerwin, the one you seek, may bring friend along for a party in you, 'Legions' of them….beware….

    Very well put, JA.



    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 16 2010,20:40)

    I feel that we need to be careful how we agree and disagree here between Gene, you and me.

    We sedm to be agreeing that Jesus rose in the same body that he went into the grave with.

    This is entirely true, as the Scriptures say, 'God did not allow Jesus' body to see curruption in the grave'.

    Jesus further proved it was the same body by showing Thomas the wounds…

    Why is this a problem for anyone? Did Jesus not raise Lazarus from the dead into the same body he was buried in …and how long was Lazarus in the grave…

    Goll, i keep saying the Scriptures is Fractal, stories, parables, events, incidents, verses…qualify each other to help maintain integrity and guards against accidental or deliberate attempts at currupting the Scriptures.

    Did Elija not raise up the dead son of a widow?
    Did Jesus not raise up Lazarus?
    Did God not raise up Jesus?

    Were any of them in different bodies when they came back to life?

    Indefatigably, NO.

    Moreover, Jesus was moved to not be present when Lazarus died…moved by the Holy Spirit to be several days away, for the very purpose that Lazarus should be 'several days dead' and yet be raised up by the power of God [working through Jesus] preconditioning what was to happen to Jesus himself… This is the reason that Jesus wept…he saw himself in Lazarus…and said (Paraphrasically), 'Oh my God, if it be thy will that it will be so even with me then I put my trust fully in you, not only that I should raise up this man to show the people here and everywhere after, the power of your Holy Spirit, but that you will raise me up again in like manner'

    Jesus, raised up into the same body…but that body was transformed into a glorious spiritual body…a physical spiritual body….which Jesus put off when he ascended to Heaven…and will put on when he comes again.

    Jesus' spiritual body is the first of a new type of body…of which there will be 144,000 more of those in the first resurrection from the dead….and…from some still living when Jesus comes…the 'we will not all die but some will be transformed in the twinking of an eye'

    It is important to note…and not be misled by the blusterings of Mike, Terra and Irene…that 'Spiritual Body' is not 'Spirit Body'…

    Spirit Body…there is no such thing…else show where it is written. Guaranteed it cannot be shown…
    Spirit body would mean 'the body of a Spirit'. Spirit does not have body…that is why it is called 'Spirit'.

    A bottle with no cork in is called an 'Open Bottle'.
    A bottle that has been opened, whether some content removed or not, and had the cork replaced, is called an 'Opened Bottle'.

    Is an 'Open Bottle' the same as an 'Opened Bottle'?

    A Spiritual body is a body that is 'Spiritual'…Spiritual, meaning Godly, pure, unsinful…

    Search out 'Spirit Body'… Nothing…
    Search out 'Spiritual Body'……

    Research 'Spiritual x' where x is any of:
    ….more…and better relevant.

    Can any of these be 'Spirit'?
    Spirit food??
    Spirit prayer??

    Goll, what I mean is, from the start, encourage the truth in the commin ground.

    Gene is not right in parts but encourage the parts where he is right. Do as I do and say where he is right but also that it is ONLY that part you agree with.

    What we all sometimes do is to pull down another's argument even when there are aspects of truth within.

    This is Satan's strategy for hiding truth in our arrogant eagerness to tear down the opposition.
    Mikeboll is the King of this. He never acknowledges truth in a post…just seeks out the one word, phrase, verse…that he personally doesn't agree with because to end a debate, to agree a solution, is abhorrent to him, 'What? End a debate? Whoever heard of such a thing? Besides the Greek for 'Debate' according to Dempter's phylosophical exchange on metaphysical Sanskit rendering, © 89Bc, Chapter 36, says, 'Never Ending'. Oh, wait…I haven't read that far yet but I know that's what it means…so you're wrong…and why you shouting at me, you are being aggressive and unsportmanlike by kettling me into a corner just because I have a comprehension problem AND like to have my own way and, inthe words of that world reknown young female, 'I'm going to swqueem and swqueem until I make mythelf thick!'.'
    Sorry to tell you Mike, there's no need for the swqueeming part…

    Hi brother JustAskin,
    Excellent post it is with depth in explanation on 1 Cor 15. I agree with you on few things like Jesus rose with the same crucified body as per Gospels and Acts may be with wounds and holes but transformed into glorious physical (Spiritual) body . But I can not find scriptural proof for this portion of your post;

    “Jesus, raised up into the same body…but that body was transformed into a glorious spiritual body…a physical spiritual body….which Jesus put off when he ascended to Heaven…and will put on when he comes again.”

    I can also agree with you on definition of a spirit which can not have tangible form. If you claim angels are spirits that confirms your understanding on spirits. But these angels could appear in the form of men in O.T for example in the case of Abraham who could feed three angels who represented God Yahweh in Gen 18. They ate material food like human beings.

    Here lies the problem with such understanding on resurrected Jesus who also could eat material food like fish as per John 21. You may claim that he was like Lazarus who came back to life from the grave. But he never possessed a glorious body like Jesus who could enter closed doors. I think your interpretation of Jesus comparing with Lazarus may fail here in this logic.

    Therefore I feel there is some gap between Paul's understanding and the writers of Gospels and Acts. I leave it for others to comment.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 16 2010,20:40)

    I feel that we need to be careful how we agree and disagree here between Gene, you and me.

    We sedm to be agreeing that Jesus rose in the same body that he went into the grave with.

    This is entirely true, as the Scriptures say, 'God did not allow Jesus' body to see curruption in the grave'.

    Jesus further proved it was the same body by showing Thomas the wounds…

    Why is this a problem for anyone? Did Jesus not raise Lazarus from the dead into the same body he was buried in …and how long was Lazarus in the grave…

    Goll, i keep saying the Scriptures is Fractal, stories, parables, events, incidents, verses…qualify each other to help maintain integrity and guards against accidental or deliberate attempts at currupting the Scriptures.

    Did Elija not raise up the dead son of a widow?
    Did Jesus not raise up Lazarus?
    Did God not raise up Jesus?

    Were any of them in different bodies when they came back to life?

    Indefatigably, NO.

    Moreover, Jesus was moved to not be present when Lazarus died…moved by the Holy Spirit to be several days away, for the very purpose that Lazarus should be 'several days dead' and yet be raised up by the power of God [working through Jesus] preconditioning what was to happen to Jesus himself… This is the reason that Jesus wept…he saw himself in Lazarus…and said (Paraphrasically), 'Oh my God, if it be thy will that it will be so even with me then I put my trust fully in you, not only that I should raise up this man to show the people here and everywhere after, the power of your Holy Spirit, but that you will raise me up again in like manner'

    Jesus, raised up into the same body…but that body was transformed into a glorious spiritual body…a physical spiritual body….which Jesus put off when he ascended to Heaven…and will put on when he comes again.

    Jesus' spiritual body is the first of a new type of body…of which there will be 144,000 more of those in the first resurrection from the dead….and…from some still living when Jesus comes…the 'we will not all die but some will be transformed in the twinking of an eye'

    It is important to note…and not be misled by the blusterings of Mike, Terra and Irene…that 'Spiritual Body' is not 'Spirit Body'…

    Spirit Body…there is no such thing…else show where it is written. Guaranteed it cannot be shown…
    Spirit body would mean 'the body of a Spirit'. Spirit does not have body…that is why it is called 'Spirit'.

    A bottle with no cork in is called an 'Open Bottle'.
    A bottle that has been opened, whether some content removed or not, and had the cork replaced, is called an 'Opened Bottle'.

    Is an 'Open Bottle' the same as an 'Opened Bottle'?

    A Spiritual body is a body that is 'Spiritual'…Spiritual, meaning Godly, pure, unsinful…

    Search out 'Spirit Body'… Nothing…
    Search out 'Spiritual Body'……

    Research 'Spiritual x' where x is any of:
    ….more…and better relevant.

    Can any of these be 'Spirit'?
    Spirit food??
    Spirit prayer??

    Goll, what I mean is, from the start, encourage the truth in the commin ground.

    Gene is not right in parts but encourage the parts where he is right. Do as I do and say where he is right but also that it is ONLY that part you agree with.

    What we all sometimes do is to pull down another's argument even when there are aspects of truth within.

    This is Satan's strategy for hiding truth in our arrogant eagerness to tear down the opposition.
    Mikeboll is the King of this. He never acknowledges truth in a post…just seeks out the one word, phrase, verse…that he personally doesn't agree with because to end a debate, to agree a solution, is abhorrent to him, 'What? End a debate? Whoever heard of such a thing? Besides the Greek for 'Debate' according to Dempter's phylosophical exchange on metaphysical Sanskit rendering, © 89Bc, Chapter 36, says, 'Never Ending'. Oh, wait…I haven't read that far yet but I know that's what it means…so you're wrong…and why you shouting at me, you are being aggressive and unsportmanlike by kettling me into a corner just because I have a comprehension problem AND like to have my own way and, inthe words of that world reknown young female, 'I'm going to swqueem and swqueem until I make mythelf thick!'.'
    Sorry to tell you Mike, there's no need for the swqueeming part…

    JA…………….I agree with this post brother. There exists no such thing as a SPIRIT BODY, Only a SPIRITUAL BODY, which is a body maintained by the spirit in it. The same body as Jesus had after his resurrection or obviously that body could have never came back to life on its own if not for Spirit of life to have entered into it and revived it to life. Right on brother.

    peace and love to you and your………………………….gene


    To all! Whoever does not think that Spirit's don't have a body goes against Scriptures.

    1Cr 15:44   It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.


    1Cr 15:38   But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.  

    In order to hold the Spirit it needs a body.  To say that Jesus doesn't
    have a body now is wrong…..Scripture says so…..

    Peace and love Irene


    JA and Adam…………..Spirit is the life source of any body, it animates and maintains the body it is in , that is why GOD said he need to separate Adam and from the tree of life. The metaphor for a tree is, (that which produces from self) , There is a tree (that which produces from itself) (LIFE) and Had Adam accessed it he would have had (eternal) life (with) his (existing) body and lived for ever, as GOD said he would have, but GOD prevent him from accessing it. My Point is, no matter what physical body of matter the Spirit (intellect) OF LIFE is (IN) (IT) can cause it to continue to live for ever. Spirit (intellect) is useless unless it is (IN) something, Just a a thought is useless unless it is in something to animate. A unclean or clean Spirit (thought or intellect) is useless without a body to be (IN)>

    God did not create his creation of Physical thing to be done away with but it shall live for ever and its beauty will for ever be seen and all the glory of it will go the GOD the FATHER. Who would want to live anywhere else other then in the wonderful world we live in and even GOD wants and does live in it also. Just look at all the wonderful creatures here and how beautiful they are made and how magnificent they are, this is Paradise and when it is all delievered from this bondage of corruption by GOD, we all will fully enjoy it for ever, I can hardly wait for that to happen. I absolute love this creation and the wonders at work continually in it, When i recieve a eternal Body and can go places and see more and more of GOD wonderful creation myself it will be a glorious day for me.

    God said it was GOOD and I totally agree it truly is Good and wonderful, what more could anyone want more then too live for ever in the wonderful creation of GOD. Sorry i digressed, but it amazes me why would anyone would want more then what we have here on this Gem we call earth. IMO

    But back to the point , Spirit is the life of any physical Matter that has life, it is (IN) and there is a LIVING SPIRIT (intellect) which CAN SUSTAIN ETERNAL LIFE IN ANYTHING IT IS IN. IMO

    peace and love to you both………………………………………..gene


    To All………….Another part of “MYSTERY” religion IS TO ASSUME A SPIRIT (IS) A BODY , Nothing cane be further from the truth . Spirits EXISTS (IN) BODIES they are not bodies they exist (IN) them, GOD the FATHER was Truly (IN) Jesus NOT GOD the SPIRIT BODY. BUT GOD who is a Spiirt (intellect) was (IN) Jesus. Remember “THE FATHER WHO IS (IN) ME (HE) DO THE THE WORKS”. GOD who is Spirit can cohabit (IN) all Bodies not because he is a spirit body but he is Spirit (intellect) THAT IS (in) THE body, with the Spirit (intellect)of the person. Two thing are necessary to be a living Soul, one a BODY and another Spirit (intellect)(IN) that body.

    Now there is a spirit (intellect) we recieve from the world and there is a Spirit (intellect) we can recieve from GOD “HOLY SPIRIT” and there are clean and unclean spirits (intellects) we can also recieve there are billions of Spirit (intellects) we can recieve into our selves and they all will effect us and animate us also. A SPIRIT is NOT A BODY IT NEVER WAS a BODY or NEVER WILL BE A BODY. IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………………….gene


    Hi Kerwin.

    Ghosts aren't real. It's just the imagination Kerwin. Some people imagine they are seeing and speaking with Ghost's. To them it's real but it's not real.  The mind is powerful Kerwin. I remember being so scared alone at night in the past that I really heard footsteps and breathing in the hallway. No-one was there, it was just my imagination. But it was so real. The mind is powerful. Example try this next time in winter, when you are cold and shivering….close your eyes, think…..calm…..I'm calm….I'm not shivering…… and you will stop shivering. (Just saying how amazing the mind can be)      Also sometimes its medication, illness, these can causes people to see thing's that aren't there. Iv seen people doing this but they were just hallucinating.


    Kerwin………I agree with Shimmer and JA and Adam on this one too. Ghosts and Apparitions and Phantoms simply are not real brother. IMO

    What Shimmer was talking about the power of the mind is true. Once when i was about 12 years old my bike had a flat and it was one of those vere very foggy nights where you could hardly see a few feet in front of you, i was about a mile away from home and started to push my bike home and as i was pushing it i heard the sound like a person was walking behind me , so i started walking faster and the walking sound got faster and then i started running and the sound got very fast also and i ran like the wind brother almost all the way home until i realized it was the point where the valve stem on the tire was hitting the ground that was making that sound, boy did i feel stupid. The power of the mind is indeed powerful. Devil and demon teachings fall a lot into that category also IMO. but that is another subject brother.

    peace and love………………………………………………gene


    Gene, that was funny.

    The imagination can make us imagine all kinds of thing's.

    But you see, this is the difference. Jesus said spirits dont have bodies as He had . So what Jesus was saying is that he had real hands and feet, which could be touched. Someone here (Was it you Jay ?) said He then went to heaven in a different form than this but can just as easily turn back but I don't believe this either.

    We don't know all that goes on in the heavens and in the spirit world. It would be like a cow in a paddock behind a fence. How could it know what it cant see, it doesnt know what's happening in the city, or that it even exists. All it knows is what it see's. We are more intellegent than an animal. Angels are obviously more intellegent than we are. How could animals possibly understand all of the things that we do ? How could an animal understand the internet and how it works for example? So, how can we understand something higher than us, something that we can't see ?

    Just my thought's. I really have no idea.


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 16 2010,21:25)

    Mike, most of Christianity agrees with JustAskin and other posters here.  But you are trying to say JustAskin and other's are wrong ?

    Who here agrees that angels don't have bodies, Shimmer?  I thinks it's ONLY JA, for you play around with the word “form”, which would be a body of some sort, right?  But none of that matters anyway, because “most of Christianity” also believes in a trinity – does that make it so?  And millions of people think that Mary is the “Mother of God”.  Does that make it so?

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 16 2010,21:25)

    Jesus said clearly in that verse that Spirit's don't have bodies as He had.

    NO HE DID NOT!  Why are you making me repeat myself?  You have a Bible, don't you?  Jesus said that spirits don't have FLESH AND BONE.  He NEVER SAID THEY DON'T HAVE BODIES.

    Shimmer, a lake is a “BODY of water”, right?  Does water have flesh and bone?  NO.  So to say a water doesn't have flesh and bone is not to say water doesn't have a body.

    A car has a BODY, right?  But a car doesn't have FLESH AND BONE.  Are you getting the point here?

    Shimmer, you KNOW a “natural body” encased Adam and those of the earth, for Paul says so.  So what do you think a SPIRITUAL body would encase?  

    Gene seems to think that when WE are “spiritual” in our worship and such, our earthly, fleshly bodies are now “spiritual”.  But it is not our BODY that praises and honors and obeys God in a spiritual way.  It is our mind and heart and soul.  What is the first and most important commandment according to Jesus?

    Mark 12:29 NIV
    “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

    Jesus doesn't say to love Him with “all your BODY”.  Also, Paul clearly DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN the “natural body” and the “spiritual body”.

    1 Corinthians 15 NIV
    40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another.

    42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

      If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    Shimmer, just read the scripture.  There are earthly bodies, and there are HEAVENLY bodies.  And SO IT WILL BE WITH THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.  The body that was sown as a NATURAL BODY will be raised as a SPIRITUAL BODY.  And Jesus MUST have a SPIRITUAL body, for flesh CANNOT inherit God's Kingdom, plus Jesus is now a SPIRIT.

    Shimmer, who do you think live inside these HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL BODIES that Paul is talking about?

    Verse 48 says, “As was the earthly man [Adam], so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man [Jesus], so also are those who are of heaven”.

    Shimmer, do angels have bodies?  YES or NO.

    Does Jesus have a body?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,


    Mike, before I answer what you just wrote (I haven't read it yet) I just wrote this in notepad, further to what I said earlier to Gene.

    I'll give you one example of how more intellegent Angels are than us. I was in a car crash when I was younger. I had no working seatbelt on. It was broken. So it was on the highway, and it was a full speed head on crash with a truck. The car was a right off, but I was fine. Something had held me back as if a seatbelt was there. By rights I should have gone through the window. How ? Its impossible. I even had whiplash injuries. I do believe in Gaurdian Angels, scripture say's they exist, Orthodox believe they exist, and eveyone has one. So thing's like this make me believe the Scripture is telling us the truth.

    My Mother went to cross the road, on a fast highway. As she went to run something pushed Her back, she felt it, it was like she was running but not moving. A car which went spinning around the corner missed Her by a fraction.

    Other things I could say but it would take too long.


    Answer your post later Mike.


    To All……….God shares Life with us , and i think he receives joy when we are happy and enjoy his creation and living life to the fullest, just as we recieve joy when we see little childern so excited and joyful jumping around and laughing and having fun. GOD Who is Spirit cohabits with us and goes with us everywhere we go and see our reactions and he enjoys our life with us and when we are looking at his creations in amazement and astonishment he receives great pleasure from that, it is a form of glorying Him for his great and marvelous works. What is amazing in our site is pure Joy in GOD Heart. So get involved in Life and enjoy it,and all who have life in them for the precious gift it is, if you see the weak lift him up even if it is only a word of hope, when you see the poor help if you can, when our heavenly Father see us doing things like that it greately pleases him, And not only that it makes us all feel better too about each other. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 17 2010,12:26)
    To All……….God shares Life with us , and i think he receives joy when we are happy and enjoy his creation and living life to the fullest, just as we recieve joy when we see little childern so excited and joyful jumping around and laughing and having fun. GOD Who is Spirit cohabits with us and goes with us everywhere we go and see our reactions and he enjoys our life with us and when we are looking at his creations in amazement and astonishment he receives great pleasure from that, it is a form of glorying Him for his great  and marvelous  works.  What is amazing in our site is pure Joy in GOD Heart. So get involved in Life and enjoy it,and all who have life in them for the precious gift it is, if you see the weak lift him up even if it is only a word of hope, when you see the poor help if you can, when our heavenly Father see us doing things like that it greately pleases him, And not only that it makes us all feel better too about each other. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………gene

    So well said Gene, Amen to that. You have a good spirit.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 17 2010,10:07)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 16 2010,21:25)

    Mike, most of Christianity agrees with JustAskin and other posters here.  But you are trying to say JustAskin and other's are wrong ?

    Who here agrees that angels don't have bodies, Shimmer?  I thinks it's ONLY JA, for you play around with the word “form”, which would be a body of some sort, right?  But none of that matters anyway, because “most of Christianity” also believes in a trinity – does that make it so?  And millions of people think that Mary is the “Mother of God”.  Does that make it so?

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 16 2010,21:25)

    Jesus said clearly in that verse that Spirit's don't have bodies as He had.

    NO HE DID NOT!  Why are you making me repeat myself?  You have a Bible, don't you?  Jesus said that spirits don't have FLESH AND BONE.  He NEVER SAID THEY DON'T HAVE BODIES.

    Shimmer, a lake is a “BODY of water”, right?  Does water have flesh and bone?  NO.  So to say a water doesn't have flesh and bone is not to say water doesn't have a body.

    A car has a BODY, right?  But a car doesn't have FLESH AND BONE.  Are you getting the point here?

    Shimmer, you KNOW a “natural body” encased Adam and those of the earth, for Paul says so.  So what do you think a SPIRITUAL body would encase?  

    Gene seems to think that when WE are “spiritual” in our worship and such, our earthly, fleshly bodies are now “spiritual”.  But it is not our BODY that praises and honors and obeys God in a spiritual way.  It is our mind and heart and soul.  What is the first and most important commandment according to Jesus?

    Mark 12:29 NIV
    “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

    Jesus doesn't say to love Him with “all your BODY”.  Also, Paul clearly DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN the “natural body” and the “spiritual body”.

    1 Corinthians 15 NIV
    40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another.

    42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

      If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    Shimmer, just read the scripture.  There are earthly bodies, and there are HEAVENLY bodies.  And SO IT WILL BE WITH THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.  The body that was sown as a NATURAL BODY will be raised as a SPIRITUAL BODY.  And Jesus MUST have a SPIRITUAL body, for flesh CANNOT inherit God's Kingdom, plus Jesus is now a SPIRIT.

    Shimmer, who do you think live inside these HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL BODIES that Paul is talking about?

    Verse 48 says, “As was the earthly man [Adam], so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man [Jesus], so also are those who are of heaven”.

    Shimmer, do angels have bodies?  YES or NO.

    Does Jesus have a body?  YES or NO.

    peace and love,

    Mike! I am thinking that it just does not matter what Scripture you or I put in front of them, they are blind and don't want to see it, or can't see it….I am so done with all of this….Peace and love to you Irene


    Irene, Mike, believing Jesus has a body now seem's to upset you. Why ?

    Mike, you said

    “most of Christianity” also believes in a trinity – does that make it so?  And millions of people think that Mary is the “Mother of God”.  Does that make it so?

    Mike, yes most of Christianity believe in Trinity too and so on. But it doesn't change the fact that they are right on this one. There are thing's they are right on.

    You said

    NO HE DID NOT!  Why are you making me repeat myself?  You have a Bible, don't you?  Jesus said that spirits don't have FLESH AND BONE.  He NEVER SAID THEY DON'T HAVE BODIES.

    It's the same thing Mike. You have to understand the point He was trying to make, without thinking about it too much.

    You said

    Shimmer, do angels have bodies?  YES or NO.

    Not as we do. As Jesus pointed out. Though they can appear as we are, it's all that scripture say's. We JUST DONT KNOW.

    Does Jesus have a body?  YES or NO.

    YES Jesus has a solid body as we do but it's different. He is not just a spirit being anymore.


    Hi Shimmer,

    You said that angels DO have a body, just not like ours. That is true and scriptural.

    You said that Jesus DOES have a body. That is also true and scriptural.

    Now know this: Angels ARE spirits. Jesus IS a spirit.

    Spirits have spiritual bodies, just like the scriptures say, and that's all I've ever said since I started this thread. Same with Pierre and Irene.

    peace and love,

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