Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #284614

    Hi Kerwin,
    Thanks, I'll get back to you.


    Hi Kerwin.

    The Scriptures were not written in Saxon.  The New Testament was written in Greek by the Greek Speaking Apostles who did not use Pagan Mythology as basis of their theology.
    The Saxons and other translated the Scriptures according their Pagan beliefs.

    Kerwin, why would you want to adopt Pagan theological malformations of the True Christian theological wording.

    Isn't this exactly how the Trinity theory evolved?

    In any case, for the sake of conformity in this thread, can the references be toward what the thread title states: 'Spirits in Heaven'.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 13 2012,21:08)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 13 2012,05:03)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 13 2012,10:34)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 12 2012,14:45)

    I thank for you respond it is intelligently presented I understand it perfectly ,

    so I will respond in a similar way;

    Terricca…………..I am “JUST” a “LITTLE” Lower the a ANGEL, becasue my body can die, their “BODY” Can't. Notice the word “LITTLE LOWER”.

    I am familiar with the expression about Christ HE MADE HIM A LITTLE LOWER THAN ANGELS;this we all know applies to Jesus Christ right ?? I do not think so, here is why i do not think so ;

    Jesus was made a man latter but it was not the case with the WORD OF GOD ” when the prophecy was given Jesus was not in existence right  ? yes, so it only could be talking about someone highly placed and that person or being will put in a lower position than the angels,right ?? yes it is,

    so those word in scriptures ;Ps 8:5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
    and crowned him with glory and honor.

    Terricca…………The scriptures about being a LITTLE Lower then the Angels was talking about MANKIND in a general sense, Not about Jesus alone or separately as a MAN.  Lets read it together again, without adding any of our own ideas to it.

    Psa 8:3……..> When i consider thy heavens the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has ordained; 4 what is man, that you are mindful of him? and the son of man, that you visits him?  now notice this carefully Pierre,
    For you have made Him (man) a “LITTLE” LOWER than the angels, and has crowned him (MAN) with glory and honor.

    Pierre this is all talking about Mankind  it is not specific to Jesus alone. Don't you notice you have to “CREATE” something mysteriously extra to make it fit your view that it is Just talking about Jesus alone.

    Heb 2:6-……> But one in a certain place testified, saying , What is “MAN” , that  you are mindful of him? or the son of “MAN” that you visit him. v 7…..> You made him (MANKIND) a LITTLE LOWER than the angels; you crowned him (Mankind) with glory and honor, and did set him (MANKIND) over the works of “THY” hands: V8….> You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put (ALL) in subjection under him (mankind) , he (GOD) left “NOTHING” that is not put under him.

    Now notice carefully Pierre at the rest of this….  

    But “NOW” we see “NOT YET”, all things put under him (mankind).    But we see (for NOW PIERRE is) Jesus, who was Made (LIKE US) A “LITTLE LOWER” than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; That he by the grace of God should taste death for “EVERY” Man.

    peace and love to you and yours Pierre…………………………gene


    Pierre this is all talking about Mankind  it is not specific to Jesus alone. Don't you notice you have to “CREATE” something mysteriously extra to make it fit your view that it is Just talking about Jesus alone.

    what make you so sure that your interpretation is the right conclusion ???

    now i will tell you this ;all scriptures are for Christ the son of God ,THE WORD OF GOD that became flesh and dwell among us.

    no man no humanity exist sins Adam sin we human start to live again wen he died on the stake,


    this is all what i have to say ,i will no more discuss this subject with you ,we are to fare a part in the understanding of scriptures.

    Terricca….> it does not take a very smart person to understand those scriptures I Posted to you. Can't you see how you must change all these simply straight forward scriptures  to meet your dogmas and false teachings? Ask you co-hart Mike maybe he can explain them to you. Pierre trust me you have a wrong understanding of those scriptures i post from scriptures to you.

    peace and Love………………………………..gene

    I am but just a fisherman


    Quote (toby @ Mar. 13 2012,02:25)

    Quote (mikeboll @ 64)
    Your question is like me asking you what happened to the flesh body of Lot's wife when “she” was turned into a pillar of salt.

    Uh……………   well……………….  wasn't her body also transformed along with the rest of her?  

    See what I mean?

    No, Mikeboll. The Spirit of Lot's wife was not transformed into a Pillar of Salt.

    Do you see how you changed my words, thereby changing my point?

    Toby, what happened to THE BODY of Lot's wife when “she” was turned to salt?

    Don't you agree that her body, as a part of “she”, was also turned to salt right along with the rest of her?  ???  Is there reason to think that God first separated her from her body, and the body remained while the rest of her turned to salt?  ???

    If not, then apply that answer to your own question.  Whatever change Jesus underwent while going from a spirit being to a flesh being happened to ALL OF JESUS at the same time…………..spiritual heavenly body included.



    Hades is the pagan Greek netherworld and New Testiment writers often translated the Hebrew Sheol to it.  According to your reasoning they were adopting ” Pagan theological malformations for the True Christian theological wording.”

    Just as Hades is the Greek word Sheol translates into ghost is the Saxon word  rapha translates to.

    The soul is spirit and has a spirit body.  It is a shadow of the human being just as Sheol is “the land of darkness and deep shadow”, Job 10:21-22.   To be resurected and become more than the shade of who it was, it must be returned to a material body.  

    As for inheriting the reign of God.  The reign of God will be both on the new Heaven and the new Earth and the new Earth will be like unto the Garden of Eden; in which dwells material trees and animals.  Adam and Eve also dwelled there in their heavenly bodies before they fell.

    The angels are were given form as there are angel statues in the temple.  They sat down to supper with Lot and touched proving they were material and so not made of spirit as a ghost is. The only witnesses I know of angels in heaven are prophecy and therefore chancy to take litteral.  

    I do know that the cases when human beings ascend to heaven they are seen as having material bodies.  There is one account of an angel going up in the smoke of a sacrifice.   Other than that it seems to be speculation.



    I think many might mistake “invisible to human eyes” with “immaterial”.

    Atoms are invisible to human eyes, but that is not to say they are immaterial.


    Hi Kerwin,

    You are wrong – all you are doing is causing a distraction.  Why don't you discuss this in a thread of it's own?

    This thread topic is “Do Spirits in heaven have bodies?”.  What part of this simple question do you not understand or cannot hold to?

    What is your fascination with Ghosts anyway?  Is it not easy enough just use the mainstream Scriptural rendering of Spirit?  Does it hurt you to say “Spirit” and avoid wayward constructions of Scriptures?  Are you a promoter of unscriptural wording for your own sake – or for another's?

    By bringing the word “Ghosts” into the view you are giving credence to 'Embodied Spirits' that are of Pagan origin where-in people believed they saw Spirits in white which were only Marsh Gases, trickery of light and shadows which were used to scare naive persons and children – This is not what the thread topic is about.

    This is the same as other who wrote “Celestial Bodies” as meaning “Angels” when there is no such rendering except in Fairyland and among Spiritists.

    Or “Spiritual Body” as meaning “Body of a Spirit” (Spirit Body).
    I guess those same people would say that a “Natural Body” is the “Body of a natural”?

    But anyway, end of this distraction.


    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    wasn't her body also transformed along with the rest of her?

    What does “the rest of her” mean? A living Person is a Flesh and Blood with a Spirit in it. Lot's Wife's Flesh and Blood was turned into a pillar of salt, and the Spirit, which cannot die, went back to God who gave it. Are you suggesting something different?

    You said:

    Whatever change Jesus underwent while going from a spirit being to a flesh being happened to ALL OF JESUS at the same time…………..spiritual heavenly body included.

    I think you may be getting a little confused.

    A 'Living Human Person' is a Flesh and Blood Body with a Spirit in it (A Soul).

    (Scriptures says that God formed the Man (His Body 'Only') out of the Dust of the Earth and Blew the breathe of Life (Spirit) into his nostrils – and the Man became a Living Soul. I'm sure you know this.)

    The 'Flesh Body' was “Prepared for him”, (Scriptures says), in the body of Mary and the Spirit that is Jesus was then put into it.

    What “Change” did Jesus the “Spiritual Body” of Jesus undergo?


    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    Don't you agree that her body, as a part of “she”, was also turned to salt right along with the rest of her?    Is there reason to think that God first separated her from her body, and the body remained while the rest of her turned to salt?

    Could you decipher this for me?

    (See my answer to what I think you were saying in the previous post to you – I just wanted you to translate what you just said into a common sense English sentence)


    Quote (toby @ Mar. 13 2012,17:29)
    What “Change” did Jesus the “Spiritual Body” of Jesus undergo?


    First, you are wrong about spirit being the soul.  There is a thread on this so you can learn about it.  But body, spirit, and soul are three different things, as attested to by scriptures.

    Secondly, I don't know how many ways I can say it.  Jesus' spiritual heavenly body was a PART OF the BEING OF Jesus.  Whatever happened to JESUS also happened to his BODY.

    That is my direct answer, and the only one you're going to get.  Now, you asked me to answer just ONE MORE THING before “I go” – as you put it.  I have answered your ONE MORE THING.

    I will try one more analogy, and if you just don't get it, then I really and truly don't care.

    Imagine that God decided to have a DROP OF WATER empty itself of its glory alongside Him, and be made into a flesh human being.

    Would the outer layer of water first be removed?  Or would the WHOLE drop of water be made into a human being?

    Do you get it yet?  If scripture said, “God turned the drop of water into a human being”, wouldn't you assume that the WHOLE drop of water was turned into a human being – outermost layer and all?  ???

    So if God turned JESUS into a human being, then ALL OF Jesus was turned into a human being – outermost layer and all.

    Why are you trying to separate “the being of Jesus” from his body, which is obviously a part OF “the being of Jesus”?  ???

    Whatever happened to “the being of Jesus” happened to ALL OF HIM – spiritual body included.



    You said:

    First, you are wrong about spirit being the soul.  There is a thread on this so you can learn about it.  But body, spirit, and soul are three different things, as attested to by scriptures.

    I did not say anything about the Spirit being the Soul. I said that “Flesh and Blood” (the body) along with the Spirit, comprised the Soul (The breathe of Life (spirit) was breathed into the nostrils of the Body of the Man and he became a Living Soul.

    Which part of that has me saying that the Spirit is the Soul?



    What happened to the Heavenly 'Spiritual Body' of Jesus when he left heaven to come into the body That was prepared for Him?

    The 'Spirit' that is Jesus put into the 'Flesh' and Blood Body prepared for him.

    What are you saying that the 'Heavenly Spiritual Body' was transformed into?

    (Remember that Scriptures says that the 'Body' was 'Prepared' for him)

    You said at another time that Jesus was raised from the dead into a “NEW, Spiritual Body”.

    What did he do with the OLD, Spiritual Body?


    No, I never said he was raised in a “NEW” spiritual body.  I said that the earthly body in which he was raised from the dead was TRANSFORMED into the new, glorious, spiritual body he has now at the right hand of God.  Remember?  I said it was TRANSFORMED upon his ascension to heaven.

    So Toby, what happened to his body of flesh when Jesus went to heaven?  This is basically what you are asking me.

    And my answer about him going TO heaven is the same exact answer about him coming down FROM heaven.  Are you ready for it?  I won't repeat it again:

    The ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, SPIRITUAL BODY and all, was transformed into a seed or whatever inside of Mary's womb.  There, God prepared an earthly body in which the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus dwelled while on earth.  Then, upon his ascension to heaven, the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, FLESH BODY and all, was transformed into the SPIRITUAL BEING he is today, complete with a spiritual BODY.

    Toby, I didn't want to say anything before, but now you're really pushing my buttons.  You are posting as if you are Gene.  You are posting as if you cannot understand simple concepts and simple language skills.  It's like Gene telling me time and time again that “spirits AREN'T bodies”, when no one ever claimed they WERE bodies.

    Look, no offense, but at least 30 of us understand Paul's spiritual body teaching.  If you cannot understand it, then pray on it.  But I feel you are playing games now.  I've given you an analogy about a drop of water.  What was your answer?  Would you assume that God first removed the outermost layer of that drop before turning only part of it into a human being?  Or, would you assume from the words, “God turned the drop of water into a human being“, that it meant the ENTIRE drop of water – outermost layer and all – was turned into a human being?

    Which one Toby?



    No, I never said he was raised in a “NEW” spiritual body.  I said that the earthly body in which he was raised from the dead was TRANSFORMED into the new, glorious, spiritual body he has now at the right hand of God.  Remember?  I said it was TRANSFORMED upon his ascension to heaven.

    1 Corinthians 15

    New American Standard Bible (NASB)

    44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

    The body of the dead changes as they are resurrected.


    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    No, I never said he was raised in a “NEW” spiritual body.  I said that the earthly body in which he was raised from the dead was TRANSFORMED into the new, glorious, spiritual body he has now at the right hand of God.  Remember?  I said it was TRANSFORMED upon his ascension to heaven.

    Let me see if I can get this straight:

    1) Jesus is in a 'Heavenly Spiritual Body' complete with the 'Spirit' that is Jesus (Can I just say “Jesus' Spirit”, or “his Spirit”?)

    2) Jesus' 'Heavenly Spiritual Body' is transformed into (something) that is then put into the 'Earthly Flesh Body'

    3) Jesus dies and Jesus' (something) goes back to God (Jesus says, and he should know, “Into thy hands I commit my 'Spirit'”

    4) Jesus' 'Earthly Flesh Body' is left in the grave for three days and three nights

    5) Jesus' (something) is put back into the 'Flesh Body' that has not decayed 'But has been Changed' in some way such that Mary and the Disciples did not recognise him (This is the only time that a 'Change' is alluded to) and Scriptures says that it is on being 'Raised up that the transformation occurs'

    6) 40 days later Jesus ascends up to Heaven in the 'Earthly Body' (now transformed with no Scriptural reference) along with the (something) in it

    So the gist of it is that there is:
    – a Spirit in a Heavenly Spiritual Body inside an Earthly Flesh Body which is itself transformed into a Heavenly Spiritual body.


    You said:

    So Toby, what happened to his body of flesh when Jesus went to heaven?  This is basically what you are asking me.

    No (not yet, anyway). Mikeboll, I want to know what happened to his Heavenly Spiritual Body (that you say he had but is never mentioned anywhere in Scriptures) when he left Heaven to come down into the 'Body prepared for Him'.
    Where is your Scripture that says his 'Being' was transformed and into 'What'?

    You said:

    And my answer about him going TO heaven is the same exact answer about him coming down FROM heaven.  Are you ready for it?  I won't repeat it again:

    The ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, SPIRITUAL BODY' and all, was transformed into a seed or whatever inside of Mary's womb.

    Mikeboll, where is your Scripture evidence? Scriptures says that the 'Body' of the Man had the 'Breathe' of life blown into his Body to make him alive. The 'Body' that Jesus entered into was that 'Seed' because Mary was in the 'Line' of David – The 'Seed' of David was in her – The 'Life (Spirit)' of that Seed was Jesus injected 'By the Power of the Holy Spirit' just as Scriptures says when Jesus was resurrected (“By the Power of the Holy Spirit”).

    You said:

    There, God prepared an earthly body in which the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus dwelled (sic) while on earth.

    Yes, this part is right – the entire 'Being' of Jesus Flesh, Blood and Bone 'Body' and animating 'Spirit'.

    you said:

    Then, upon his ascension to heaven, the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, FLESH BODY and all, was transformed into the SPIRITUAL BEING he is today, complete with a spiritual BODY.

    This is confused…just like what i asked you explain before…
    “Flesh Body and all?”
    The 'and all' part is his 'entire Being' that was the 'previous entire Being' of Heavenly 'Spiritual Body'?
    Mikeboll, why did his previous Heavenly 'Spiritual Body' inside the Earthly 'Flesh Body' have to be transformed along with the 'Earthly' Flesh Body into a 'New Spiritual Body'?


    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    Look, no offense, but at least 30 of us understand Paul's spiritual body teaching.  If you cannot understand it, then pray on it.  But I feel you are playing games now.  I've given you an analogy about a drop of water.  What was your answer?  Would you assume that God first removed the outermost layer of that drop before turning only part of it into a human being?  Or, would you assume from the words, “God turned the drop of water into a human being”, that it meant the ENTIRE drop of water – outermost layer and all – was turned into a human being?

    Which one Toby?

    It is not me that is playing games…

    What are you talking about a drop of water being turned into a human being for – what reference is that too?
    Since when did the 'outermost layer' of something become classed as it's Body? Is not the outermost layer the Skin?

    Moreover, Scriptures states that the Body of Jesus – not the Spirit – was transformed when it was Raised Up.
    – It is the (Spiritless) Body that is put in the grave
    – It is the (Bodiless) Spirit that returns to God
    – It is the (Body with the Spirit in it) Soul that is raised up

    A 'drop of water' does not comprise a 'Body' and a 'Spirit'.
    A Human being can have a Body without a Spirit (A Dead human being)
    Which part of the 'Drop of water' is your analogy for the 'Body' and which part the 'Spirit'.

    You said:(p:526)

    Jesus didn't do anything with his spiritual body.  There wasn't a time when there was a Jesus in heaven without a spiritual body encompassing him.  When Jesus was “transformed” from spirit to flesh, all of him was transformed – including his spiritual body.

    Jesus was not “transformed” from 'Spirit' to 'Flesh' (Which scriptures says this?)

    Jesus' Spirit (His living force) was put into a 'Flesh Body' (that was prepared for him in the Womb of Mary)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 14 2012,11:40)
    The ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, SPIRITUAL BODY and all, was transformed into a seed or whatever inside of Mary's womb.  There, God prepared an earthly body in which the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus dwelled while on earth.  Then, upon his ascension to heaven, the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, FLESH BODY and all, was transformed into the SPIRITUAL BEING he is today, complete with a spiritual BODY.

    Mike……….This is this Mike 1:1……………Problem is not ONE scripture in the entire bible supports you or the so-called other 30 people YOU SAY believe that.

    Mike saying things scripture do not say seem to be a Hugh problem for you here. WE are not interested on you own theology about all these transitions of Jesus' bodies you talk about , we would prefer Scriptures, which you seem to  not have.

    The sad part is, how you prevent others form understanding exactly what Spirit really is, and that keep people confused just as you are about the subject.  

    Once again Spirit are NOT BODIES of ANY TYPE they are what is (IN) BODIES of all types.

    God who (IS) Spirit was truly “IN” Jesus, just as Jesus said he was, rather you  believe that or Not does not change what Jesus said many times.

    It was not a GOD “BODY” of any KIND that was (IN) Jesus, it was the “SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD that was (IN) Him , no Body there at all, in fact GOD considered Jesus' “BODY” as a “TEMPLE” He could “INDWELL” .

    Mike you view of Spirit “BODIES” would mean GOD'S BODY was (IN) JESUS' BODY>

    Mike bottom line is, on this subject you have no idea what you are desperately trying to say here, nor is you logic scriptural  backed at all either.

    peace and love…………………………….gene


    Quote (toby @ Mar. 14 2012,14:34)
    Moreover, Scriptures states that the Body of Jesus – not the Spirit – was transformed when it was Raised Up.
    – It is the (Spiritless) Body that is put in the grave
    – It is the (Bodiless) Spirit that returns to God
    – It is the (Body with the Spirit in it) Soul that is raised up
    spiritual body.[/quote]

    Toby ……….This is exactly right , Jesus was a “LIVING SOUL” which means He had a Physical Body with Spirit (IN) it> And when he died the spirit left that body and returned to GOD who gave it in the first place, and His body went to the grave, and after three day and nights, God raised up that body and added back Spirit and Jesus once again became a “Living Soul”.

    This is the (EXACT SAME THING) that must happen to us and all who are going to live again after they die. It is absolute crucial we all attain unto a RESURRECTION of OUR BODIES and SPIRIT added back into it also so we too can become a “LIVING SOUL again after death. This is what every resurrection of the dead shows in all scriptures, nothing more and nothing less. Just that simple.

    It is only when people come and preach their form of MYSTERY RELIGION that mixes and confused the truth of GOD and His Words.

    peace and love to you and yours Toby……………………………gene

    Ed J

    Quote (toby @ Mar. 14 2012,14:29)
    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    No, I never said he was raised in a “NEW” spiritual body.  I said that the earthly body in which he was raised from the dead was TRANSFORMED into the new, glorious, spiritual body he has now at the right hand of God.  Remember?  I said it was TRANSFORMED upon his ascension to heaven.

    Let me see if I can get this straight:

    1) Jesus is in a 'Heavenly Spiritual Body' complete with the 'Spirit' that is Jesus (Can I just say “Jesus' Spirit”, or “his Spirit”?)

    2) Jesus' 'Heavenly Spiritual Body' is transformed into (something) that is then put into the 'Earthly Flesh Body'

    3) Jesus dies and Jesus' (something) goes back to God (Jesus says, and he should know, “Into thy hands I commit my 'Spirit'”

    4) Jesus' 'Earthly Flesh Body' is left in the grave for three days and three nights

    5) Jesus' (something) is put back into the 'Flesh Body' that has not decayed 'But has been Changed' in some way such that Mary and the Disciples did not recognise him (This is the only time that a 'Change' is alluded to) and Scriptures says that it is on being 'Raised up that the transformation occurs'

    6) 40 days later Jesus ascends up to Heaven in the 'Earthly Body' (now transformed with no Scriptural reference) along with the (something) in it

    So the gist of it is that there is:
    – a Spirit in a Heavenly Spiritual Body inside an Earthly Flesh Body which is itself transformed into a Heavenly Spiritual body.


    You said:

    So Toby, what happened to his body of flesh when Jesus went to heaven?  This is basically what you are asking me.

    No (not yet, anyway). Mikeboll, I want to know what happened to his Heavenly Spiritual Body (that you say he had but is never mentioned anywhere in Scriptures) when he left Heaven to come down into the 'Body prepared for Him'.
    Where is your Scripture that says his 'Being' was transformed and into 'What'?

    You said:

    And my answer about him going TO heaven is the same exact answer about him coming down FROM heaven.  Are you ready for it?  I won't repeat it again:

    The ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, SPIRITUAL BODY' and all, was transformed into a seed or whatever inside of Mary's womb.

    Mikeboll, where is your Scripture evidence? Scriptures says that the 'Body' of the Man had the 'Breathe' of life blown into his Body to make him alive. The 'Body' that Jesus entered into was that 'Seed' because Mary was in the 'Line' of David – The 'Seed' of David was in her – The 'Life (Spirit)' of that Seed was Jesus injected 'By the Power of the Holy Spirit' just as Scriptures says when Jesus was resurrected (“By the Power of the Holy Spirit”).

    You said:

    There, God prepared an earthly body in which the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus dwelled (sic) while on earth.

    Yes, this part is right – the entire 'Being' of Jesus Flesh, Blood and Bone 'Body' and animating 'Spirit'.

    you said:

    Then, upon his ascension to heaven, the ENTIRE BEING of Jesus, FLESH BODY and all, was transformed into the SPIRITUAL BEING he is today, complete with a spiritual BODY.

    This is confused…just like what i asked you explain before…
    “Flesh Body and all?”
    The 'and all' part is his 'entire Being' that was the 'previous entire Being' of Heavenly 'Spiritual Body'?
    Mikeboll, why did his previous Heavenly 'Spiritual Body' inside the Earthly 'Flesh Body' have to be transformed along with the 'Earthly' Flesh Body into a 'New Spiritual Body'?

    Hi Toby,

    My brother calls it “brain bondo”, your brain
    filling in the gaps to make something make sense.

    Since Mike believes Jesus was a per-existent Angelic being
    of some kind, he would therefore have to of had some substance.

    But if he was YHVH before his birth, no substance would be required. (Link to Poll)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (toby @ Mar. 14 2012,14:34)
    Hi Mikeboll,

    You said:

    Look, no offense, but at least 30 of us understand Paul's spiritual body teaching.  If you cannot understand it, then pray on it.  But I feel you are playing games now.  I've given you an analogy about a drop of water.  What was your answer?  Would you assume that God first removed the outermost layer of that drop before turning only part of it into a human being?  Or, would you assume from the words, “God turned the drop of water into a human being”, that it meant the ENTIRE drop of water – outermost layer and all – was turned into a human being?

    Which one Toby?

    It is not me that is playing games…

    What are you talking about a drop of water being turned into a human being for – what reference is that too?
    Since when did the 'outermost layer' of something become classed as it's Body? Is not the outermost layer the Skin?

    Moreover, Scriptures states that the Body of Jesus – not the Spirit – was transformed when it was Raised Up.
    – It is the (Spiritless) Body that is put in the grave
    – It is the (Bodiless) Spirit that returns to God
    – It is the (Body with the Spirit in it) Soul that is raised up

    A 'drop of water' does not comprise a 'Body' and a 'Spirit'.
    A Human being can have a Body without a Spirit (A Dead human being)
    Which part of the 'Drop of water' is your analogy for the 'Body' and which part the 'Spirit'.

    You said:(p:526)

    Jesus didn't do anything with his spiritual body.  There wasn't a time when there was a Jesus in heaven without a spiritual body encompassing him.  When Jesus was “transformed” from spirit to flesh, all of him was transformed – including his spiritual body.

    Jesus was not “transformed” from 'Spirit' to 'Flesh' (Which scriptures says this?)

    Jesus' Spirit (His living force) was put into a 'Flesh Body' (that was prepared for him in the Womb of Mary)

    According to the bible of toby  :D

    Hbr 2:16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

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