Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #278505

    Quote (toby @ Feb. 15 2012,03:59)
    Mikeboll, do you ever wonder why you struggle so much with this topic?

    There have been about 40 people who have commented on this thread since I started it. There have been 2 people who don't believe that angels have bodies (and one of those two flip flops back and forth from time to time).

    Yet you say that I'M the one “stuggling”? ???

    Toby, I don't really care if you disagree. You are your own person.


    Hi Mikeboll,

    Maybe 40 people disagree with me.
    40 people also disagreed with Noah and those 40 died.
    40 people disagreed with Moses in the desert and those 40 died.
    40 people disagreed with 40 other holy ones of God and also died.
    40 people disagree with Jesus and they will also die.

    What's your point?

    Mikeboll, for the record, can you define the word 'Body' so I can understand what the issue is here.
    The thread topic is 'Do Spirits have Bodies' (Does a Spirit Being have a body)?
    Also, define 'Spirit' (as in Spirit Being – as in the Scriptural sense).


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 16 2012,20:24)
    Hi Mikeboll,

    Maybe 40 people disagree with me.
    40 people also disagreed with Noah and those 40 died.
    40 people disagreed with Moses in the desert and those 40 died.
    40 people disagreed with 40 other holy ones of God and also died.
    40 people disagree with Jesus and they will also die.

    What's your point?

    Mikeboll, for the record, can you define the word 'Body' so I can understand what the issue is here.
    The thread topic is 'Do Spirits have Bodies' (Does a Spirit Being have a body)?
    Also, define 'Spirit' (as in Spirit Being – as in the Scriptural sense).


    1 Corinthians 15 NIV
    35 But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?”

    38 But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. 40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another.

    42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

    What can we learn from this passage JA?

    1. Those who are resurrected WILL HAVE BODIES.
    2. There are earthly BODIES and there are heavenly BODIES.
    3. Our earthly BODIES are perishable, but not the SPRITUAL BODIES some of us will be given.
    4. The body that is sown is a natural BODY, but it will be raised a spiritual BODY.

    Please continue your thought in light of this scripture JA. Tell us all how “spirits” don't have “bodies” again.


    Now could you tell me if God created things do they have a body ?? well we see all of the planets and stars have bodies,

    but those we can see with our own eyes,but what about electricity ? well we can not see it but we can see the effect of it ,would this not mean that it as a body of a sort ?
    what about the wind ?we can not see the wind but we can see his effect terrible effects so if the wind has an effect when it touches some thing with violence and it break it was it not with his body that he broke it ?? if not then the wind does not exist ,

    now for the spirit beings (like God,Christ , Angels)we can not see them but we sure can see their actions or intervention either it is Satan or the angels of God, or God,

    what is it you think what keep the word of God a live ????



    Hi Terraricca, thanks for your input on this topic.  However I think many of your points have been addressed before and – sadly for you – they were not in favour of what you imagine you are saying.
    Jesus himself said that Spirit is like the wind – this means that it has no body.  I'm surprised that you brought this as an example in your favour as all it does is show that you do not understand as much as you believe you do.
    As for electricity, that too, has no body.

    Yes, exactly the point, that you cannot see either of them but you can sure feel their effects.
    Yes, exactly the point, you cannot see a Spirit but you can sure feel the effects of its influence on physical matter.

    But I thought Mikeboll said we were to only talk about Spirit Beings in the Spirit realm?

    Terraricca, Could you provide your evidence of a Spirit Being in the Spirit realm having a body?


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 16 2012,03:54)
    But I thought Mikeboll said we were to only talk about Spirit Beings in the Spirit realm?

    Actually, you sometimes attribute things to me that I haven't said.  (For example, 4 or 5 of the beliefs you listed as mine yesterday were not what I believe.)

    I did not specify “spirit realm only”.  What happened was that you said angels manifest bodies when they come to earth, so what is the point of speaking of angels on earth if we both agree they have bodies on earth?

    Our disagreement has been about whether or not they have bodies outside of earth, right?  So I restructured the question to be “Do spirits [such as Jesus and the angels] have bodies [in heaven]?”

    See?  I had to add [such as Jesus and the angels] so we knew we weren't speaking about things such as “team spirit”.  And I added [in heaven] because we all agree angels have bodies when they are on earth, right?


    Mike………….Show one scripture that say Jesus or angels don't have bodies in Heaven then. Phillip had a Flesh body and it disappeared , did he live it behind when he vanished and later found it again. Fact is Mike you have never proved a Spirit has a Body of any Kind becasue there is NO Scripture that say Spirit have Bodies at all, no where in the entire bible does it say that. There is not such thing as a SPIRIT “BEING” Because Spirits are what is (IN) Beings. Just that simple , GOD is NOT a BEING He lives in and through HIS CREATION as a SPIRIT.

    Spirits come in types and kinds, each spirit is an aspect of one type or kind and has no body of its own. (It), effects Bodies (IT) does not have. Your rendition of electricity having a Body is false, it is measured in Volts and Amperes which push electrons through Physical Matter this electrical mechanical force is called EMF it is not a body of any kind or type. Where did you ever get the Idea Electricity has a body from. You need to do what TOBY Said and go look up the Word “BODY” in any dictionary , and you will find there is not one that will say Spirit is a BODY of any kind .

    Again for the hundredth time a SPIRIT is NOT A BODY (IT) IS WHAT IS (IN) A BODY. If you can't even get that straight there is little hope here. Mixing SPIRITS as being BODIES of Some KIND is one of the biggest confusing things in “RELIGION” today. Spirits are not bodies , Wisdom is not a She or Jesus, Satan is not a being going around jumping in and out of People at will, Satan are human beings who under influence of a Wick and Evil Spirit act out the role of a “ha-satan” like Peter did once, and Judas and the Pharisees . There was not bodies interring any of them it was Just SPIRIT of an Adversary working (IN) there Minds.

    You are simply a proponent of “MYSTERY RELIGION” Because you believe in Metaphysical teachings of the Greeks like Plato and Aristotle and other pagan religions. Who teach of the neither world the after life Life of the “SOULS”. All pure pagan teachings, IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2012,17:58)
    Mike………….Show one scripture that say Jesus or angels don't have bodies in Heaven then.

    I believe that they do, Gene.  And there are no scriptures to say they don't.  You'll have to hit your friend Toby up with that challenge, okay?

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2012,17:58)
    Again for the hundredth time a SPIRIT is NOT A BODY (IT) IS WHAT IS (IN) A BODY.

    Gene, sometimes in scripture, the word “spirit” does not refer to the spirit inside someone.  Sometimes, like in Luke 24:37, that word refers to a spirit BEING.

    It is these spirit BEINGS, such as angels and Jesus that we are trying to discuss in this thread.  Try to keep up okay?  It's been a year and a half since I started this thread to find out if spirit BEINGS, like ANGELS, have bodies.  It's about time you catch up to what the discussion is actually about.  It's about time you realize that you and I have agreed since the start of this thread that spirit beings such as ANGELS do have bodies.  It's about time you realize that it is Toby and Shimmer who say they don't – not me and Pierre and Nick and t8 and Irene, etc.

    And it's especially time you realize that no one on this thread has EVER claimed “a spirit IS a body”, like you've attributed to us about a thousand times.


    Mike…………Don't give me this BS, You are saying SPIRIT (ARE ) BODIES By making out that ANGELS (ARE) SPIRITS, you say Angels don't Have BODIES rather you realize it or not . You even believe Jesus does not have a BODY but is a SPIRIT “BEING” also. You believe he was Morphed Back into a Spirit “BEING” of some kind and exists as Spirit “BEING” Now without a Body. As you also say Angles do.

    The question here is do SPIRIT HAVE BODIES , and the answer is NO THEY DON”T HAVE BODIES. They never did have Bodies and Never will either. Now if you agree with that then fine. You make a big deal of saying sometimes the word “spirit' does not refer to the spirit inside a “BEING” but is a “BEING” and then give Luke thing as your PROOF that sometime Spirit are not referred to as a BODIED, When in fact that scripture does not even address the issue of Spirit (BEINGS)without Bodies at all. In fact when they Saw Jesus he did have a “BODY” even though the wrongly “THOUGHT” DIFFERENTLY at First. When Scripture refers Spirits as “Beings” it is a (Personification) of a Spirit (TYPE) or (KIND) This Personification in no way means Spirits are “Beings” of there Own, as you suppose they are. In this way you muddy the water of what Spirit truly is and what “beings” truly are also. YOU have produce not one Scripture that says spirits are “BEINGS” I have produced many many scriptures that show Spirit are what is (IN) “BEINGS” And there is no scripture that shows Spirit as a (BEING) without a Body. Spirit are NOT BEINGS Mike they NEVER WERE> They are what is (IN) BEINGS and all those “BEINGS” they are (IN) HAVE BODIES. INCLUDING ANGELS and JESUS also all LIFE Forms on this earth are “BEINGS with (BODIES + SPIRITS). There is no Bodiless “BEINGS” there is NO SOUL existing as a BODILESS “BEING” of ANY KIND . IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………..gene



    You are confused, my friend. Perhaps Toby will take the time to explain all the flaws in your last post, because I've spent way too much of my time trying – all for naught.


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 17 2012,03:54)
    Hi Terraricca, thanks for your input on this topic.  However I think many of your points have been addressed before and – sadly for you – they were not in favour of what you imagine you are saying.
    Jesus himself said that Spirit is like the wind – this means that it has no body.  I'm surprised that you brought this as an example in your favour as all it does is show that you do not understand as much as you believe you do.
    As for electricity, that too, has no body.

    Yes, exactly the point, that you cannot see either of them but you can sure feel their effects.
    Yes, exactly the point, you cannot see a Spirit but you can sure feel the effects of its influence on physical matter.

    But I thought Mikeboll said we were to only talk about Spirit Beings in the Spirit realm?

    Terraricca, Could you provide your evidence of a Spirit Being in the Spirit realm having a body?


    how could something that does not have a body can destroy so much ??

    the fact that Jesus uses that analogy does not mean it has no body,

    some times we compress the air that we can not see ,and wen it is released it is dangerous ,in the steel tank it is the steel tank that makes the air body ,because of its compression ,but the air on the out side is not dangerous if it is not push here and there or compressed ,

    so I believe that the wind (air in motion) has a body but we do not see it but it is there we see the reaction of it ,same with angels we can not see them but they move around us all the time,specially the devil ones,

    this is my believe


    Hi Terraricca,

    I'm not sure that you answered the question I asked you.
    Let me restate it:
    '… Mikeboll said we were to only talk about Spirit Beings in the Spirit realm?'

    Terraricca, Could you provide your evidence of a Spirit Being in the Spirit realm having a body?'

    If you cannot then it may be expedient for you to just say that you have no evidence.


    Hi Mikeboll,

    Did you post the definition of 'Body'?

    In the spirit of graciousness, perhaps by showing me your credible definition of 'Body' from a credible source I can understand where in heavens realm you get the material from to build your body of evidence on this matter.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,12:53)

    You are confused, my friend.  Perhaps Toby will take the time to explain all the flaws in your last post, because I've spent way too much of my time trying – all for naught.

    Mike……….The one confused here is you, are you not saying Spirit exist as “BEINGS” out side of BODIES? Is that not your attempt here by constantly using the LUKE scripture to try to prove that very point? If not Then what is all your gibberish about here in the first place.

    Even Jesus said the FATHER a (personification of Spirit) was a Proverbial Language (fictitious Illustration) of HIM. need proof?

    Joh 16:25……> These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs:(fictitious illustrations) but the time comes , when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs (fictitious Illustrations), but I shall show you plainly of (or about) the Father.

    Spirits are NOT Beings MIKE they are the (INTELLECTS) that make up the minds of (BEINGS)> Spirits indwell Beings and that includes GOD HIMSELF who is a Composite of SEVEN SPIRITS, called the seven Spirit of GOD> as shown in scriptures.

    Rev….> 4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightings and thunderings and voices: and seven lamps of fire burnings before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of GOD.

    Mike the one confused here about this subject is you my friend thinking you know what you in fact do not know. IMO

    peace and love ……………………..gene


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 18 2012,03:38)
    Hi Terraricca,

    I'm not sure that you answered the question I asked you.
    Let me restate it:
    '… Mikeboll said we were to only talk about Spirit Beings in the Spirit realm?'

    Terraricca, Could you provide your evidence of a Spirit Being in the Spirit realm having a body?'

    If you cannot then it may be expedient for you to just say that you have no evidence.


    answer me this first;;are all the things we can not see, are there for not existing???

    if they do exist how do we know ???


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 18 2012,03:12)

    answer me this first;;are all the things we can not see, are there for not existing???

    if they do exist how do we know ???

    Hi Terraricca.

    The discussion is concerning Spirits in Heaven and whether these Spirits have encasing bodies.  Can you please stick to the topic in question, please.  If you want to discuss 'unseen things – real or unreal?' then start a new thread on that.  The question I asked you was show from Scriptures that a Spirit in Heaven has a body.

    If you cannot show this in an honest and truthful manner then please say so.  It isn't a case of 'do or die'.  If there is no evidence then there is no evidence.  You say, 'You know what, all this time I was thinking incorrectly and not fully understanding the question – but now I've looked into it in a forthright manner with the Spirit of Truth guiding me, now I see that I have not one not of evidence that a Spirit has a body.  In fact Jesus himself said that a Spirit does not have a body'


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 17 2012,03:39)
    Hi Mikeboll,

    Did you post the definition of 'Body'?

    In the spirit of graciousness, perhaps by showing me your credible definition of 'Body' from a credible source I can understand where in heavens realm you get the material from to build your body of evidence on this matter.

    Anything that EMBODIES anything. An outer parameter to a thing or a being.

    For example, a drop of water has a BODY – it's outer parameter.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 17 2012,08:17)
    Mike……….The one confused here is you…………..


    Go talk to Toby for a while, okay? Thanks. :)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 18 2012,07:16)
    Anything that EMBODIES anything.  An outer parameter to a thing or a being.

    For example, a drop of water has a BODY – it's outer parameter.

    Hi Mikeboll, You said, 'For example, a drop of water has a BODY – it's outer parameter.'  Mikeboll, the 'outer parameter' (perimeter?) is called 'Skin'… Mikeboll, can you post a definition of 'Body' from a credible source, please, so I understand where you are getting your ideas from.  Is it not as easy as when you posted definitions of 'Spirit'.  Why don't you just use 'NetbibleNotes'.


    Quote (toby @ Feb. 18 2012,14:07)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 18 2012,03:12)

    answer me this first;;are all the things we can not see, are there for not existing???

    if they do exist how do we know ???

    Hi Terraricca.

    The discussion is concerning Spirits in Heaven and whether these Spirits have encasing bodies.  Can you please stick to the topic in question, please.  If you want to discuss 'unseen things – real or unreal?' then start a new thread on that.  The question I asked you was show from Scriptures that a Spirit in Heaven has a body.

    If you cannot show this in an honest and truthful manner then please say so.  It isn't a case of 'do or die'.  If there is no evidence then there is no evidence.  You say, 'You know what, all this time I was thinking incorrectly and not fully understanding the question – but now I've looked into it in a forthright manner with the Spirit of Truth guiding me, now I see that I have not one not of evidence that a Spirit has a body.  In fact Jesus himself said that a Spirit does not have a body'


    but now I've looked into it in a forthright manner with the Spirit of Truth guiding me, now I see that I have not one not of evidence that a Spirit has a body.  In fact Jesus himself said that a Spirit does not have a body'

    WHERE IS this in scriptures ???

    and remember I am just a fisherman ,this mean i am like Peter the apostles,non educated in men schools,

    but your understanding is yours to make it acceptable to God so his mine,

    you do not want to discuss and answer my questions is it because I am of no interest to your understanding ?or you have come on the forum to make all better Christians as all accepting your views ???

    and so be a one way minded man ,full of religious believes and interpretations,

    Now do not get me wrong you are free to do so,but I am also free to reject all false truth that are thrown at me  ,

    so I am on topic but you do not want to answer the questions,

    this is also OK.



    Please please please … Can you just show me from Scriptures where it says that a Spirit in the Spirit realm has a body when Jesus himself said that a Spirit does not have a body.

    Terraricca, are you wiser than Jesus Christ who spoke those words?

    Terraricca, I only asked to you show me you proof of a Spirit in the Spirif realm having a body. Thank you.

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