Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 19 2012,19:21)

    You are making it so complicated.

    Firstly, Jesus was a Jew, and He came to His own.
    He spoke as a Jew, with Jewish understanding.

    You have to go back and understand the Jewish way of thinking, to understand a lot of the Scriptures, Mike.  I think that the Jews would have had a Good understanding of 'God' and 'Spirited beings' Incorporeality.  They would have known what Jesus was meaning, when He told them what He did.  Otherwise, He would have corrected them on their misunderstanding of 'God and Spirits' Incorporeality, but He didn't.  Instead, He affirmed to them that they had 'Never heard God – nor seen His form'.  But there He was among them, the Son of God, the closest that they could ever be to 'Seeing God' (Emmanuel) – Unlike the earlier visitations of Angels and Messengers of God who appeared and disappeared at random.

    So the verses which you gave Mike, were not a statement about Angels etc having Bodies, or not, at all.

    Again, people seem to be making statements here, contrary to the what the Jews understanding of Incorporeality was and is, and also, there are plenty of Scriptural verses to show that Angels can 'Appear in the form of Man – whilst on Earth'.  This isn't to say that Angels appear 'Everywhere all of the time in the form of man' is it?  Otherwise we would be seeing them everywhere, but we don't.  Just as we don't see them in the Heavens, do we?  And as people have stated, there are different Spirits in which we can have – all shared amongst different people.  How could that BE a Body or a Form?  Rather, the Spirit is IN a Body and a Form – a real Human Being – lots of Human Beings –  'all at different places, and all at the same time'.  And Jesus said that there would come a time, when true worshippers would worship God  “Neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem” but EVERYWHERE in Spirit and in truth – as God is Spirit and desires such like to worship Him.

    Here is a little bit on the Jewish view:

    Based on a series of lectures by Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg, of blessed memory.

    (On The third principle of Judaism)

    “We believe that this Oneness is neither a body nor a bodily force, nor is He subject to any bodily characteristics — movement, rest, or dwelling — be they inherent or by chance. Therefore the Sages repudiated [the possibility of any] cohesion or separation [concerning Him], as they said: “Above there is no sitting, standing, division, or ‘cohesion'” (a usage based on Isaiah 11:14). As the prophet said: “Who is comparable to the Almighty…?” For if He had a body, He could be compared to other bodies.  All the corporeal terms used in the Scriptures to describe Him — such as walking, standing, sitting, speaking etc. — are metaphorical. As the Sages have said: “The Torah speaks in the language of man.”  This is the third Principle, as affirmed by the verse (Deuteronomy 4:15) “You have not seen any image,” that is to say, you cannot conceive of Him as having any form because, as stated, He is neither a body nor a bodily force.”

    “Jews hold that G-d is One (“Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One!”—Shema Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Ehod!), G-d is not a Trinity; G-d is formless and will never assume form (as in the person of Jesus).”

    So now that you know a 'teeny bit' about Jewish Belief, as you can see from the above shorter statement,  the stone that the builders rejected was Jesus. (Solid Form BTW).

    Food for thought!

    Shimmer ………..I could no have said it any clearer, God is not a BODY of “ANY KIND” HE IS SPIRIT, AND SPIRITS HAVE NO BODIES” Not now or ever will either.  They are what is (IN) BODIES, and the (EXACT SAME) Spirit can be in anyone at anytime, becasue Spirit is Cognate Thought or (INTELLECTS) that drive our BEING. They are as Jesus Said Life and can be expressed through WORDS as He also said.

    Hear something to consider if a Spirit can be in me or you or anyone at the same time then what would make us unique from God and Each other > OUR BODIES With THEIR Distinct  PERSONALITIES, Because a TYPE or KIND of Spirit is the same in everyone it is in, therefore there would be no difference of that (PARTICULAR) kind or type of Spirit in whoever it is in. So the difference come not with Spirit but what it is IN it is different. One body is different from another Body no two are exactly alike no two personalities are exactly alike just as no two Spirit are exactly alike the only difference is the exact same Spirit can exist in any BODY at the SAME Time. Even some types of spirits (IN) animals can also be in Us at the same time. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Shimmer…………………………gene


    Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 19 2012,02:21)
    the prophet said: “Who is comparable to the Almighty…?” For if He had a body, He could be compared to other bodies.


    God can SEE, right?  Doesn't that make Him “comparable to others”?

    He can TALK, right?  And hear.  And pass judgement on others.  And have His feelings hurt.  And get angry.  Etc.

    We are made in His IMAGE, Shimmer.  How this source of yours would assume that we aren't somewhat “comparable to Him” is beyond me.

    Phil 2 speaks of Jesus being in the FORM of God.  And the scripture Jack posted was John 5:37, which says no human has seen the FORM of God.  These seem to be odd statements if God doesn't have a FORM to begin with.

    Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:10 that certain angels see the FACE of God on a constant basis.  Another odd statement to make about someone who doesn't even have a face, don't you think?

    there are plenty of Scriptural verses to show that Angels can 'Appear in the form of Man – whilst on Earth'.

    Yes, they have appeared to man as men and as flames of fire.  What part of this says the angels “manifested a flesh body”?

    Shimmer, I've been over and over all this with you before.  The bottom line is that if Jesus is now a spirit in heaven, and Jesus has a new, glorious spiritual body like those of heaven, then spirits have bodies.

    You don't have to believe it if you don't want to.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2012,07:14)
    Shimmer ………..I could no have said it any clearer………….


    Are you even aware that Shimmer is claiming that angels don't have bodies? ???


    Quote (toby @ Jan. 19 2012,05:11)
    Hi all.

    Who here does not believe – that Angels/Messenger Spirits of God, are powerful and intellectual forces of energy?
    If not, then please state your opinion on the issue, thank you.

    Angels are spirit BEINGS, some of whom deliver messages from God.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 19 2012,06:40)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 17 2012,20:59)
    Can someone tell me what scripture(s) states that Jesus changed from body to spirit during the Ascension?

    Thanks – Wm

    Hi Wm,

    Scripture says that Jesus was made of flesh and bone after the resurrection.  Scripture says that flesh cannot inherit God's Kingdom.  Scripture says that Jesus BECAME a life-giving spirit.  Scripture says that Jesus has a new, glorious body.  Scripture says that those of the earth have natural bodies, while those of heaven have spiritual bodies.  Scripture speaks of some of the elect not even tasting death, but “being changed”, in the twinkling of an eye for their life in heaven.  (Paul calls it “transformed” in Phil 3:21)

    If you consider that Jesus WAS flesh after his resurrection, but cannot be flesh any longer in heaven, then it becomes clear that a change occurred.

    Toby thinks the change was that Jesus shed his body all together.  I don't think that aligns with many other scriptures, and therefore I understand that the body of Jesus was changed in the twinkling of an eye upon his ascension to a place where he wouldn't be able to retain his flesh body.

    (If you want the actual verses I mentioned above, hit me up.)


    I believe your opening argument is based on circular reasoning but let's discuss your belief.

    So, Jesus came back from the dead, initially in His mortal body… why?

    I mean He was in a body when He saw Mary, He then went and saw the Father (I assume as a spirit if I follow you right), then somehow re-entered His body (flesh again), showed Himself to the disciples and others making a big deal out of “see it's me, flesh and bones” (and why was Jesus deceiving them) just to change back and go to heaven as a spirit! BTW-what happened to His flesh and bones body?

    We both agree that Jesus had a spirit before He died, if that's the case then I must assume you believe He was not really resurrected (as in His eternal body) but shed His flesh and now lives as a spirit. But I think we both believe that spiritual beings have a body (of some sort) to house their spirit.  

    Just like the word “spirit” has multiple meanings, so does flesh. One, a physical body, and another, self centered desires. Now, we battle against the desires of the flesh, but then we will be God centered in constant communion with God through our spirit.

    I maintain that our “flesh” (this physical body) houses our spirit and soul. We currently live a life dominated by the flesh (a human being), after we are transformed (we shall be like Him) we will no longer war against the flesh as it shall no longer have dominion over us, but will perpetually walk by the Spirit (a spiritual being).

    If our flesh includes a spiritual component, yet it is still called flesh (as characterizes our actions). A life characterized by it's dependence on God should be defined as spiritual, despite having a component of flesh.

    1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;

    Ephesians 5:30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;

    Galatians 5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

    Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

    My opinion – Wm


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 20 2012,14:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 19 2012,06:40)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 17 2012,20:59)
    Can someone tell me what scripture(s) states that Jesus changed from body to spirit during the Ascension?

    Thanks – Wm

    Hi Wm,

    Scripture says that Jesus was made of flesh and bone after the resurrection.  Scripture says that flesh cannot inherit God's Kingdom.  Scripture says that Jesus BECAME a life-giving spirit.  Scripture says that Jesus has a new, glorious body.  Scripture says that those of the earth have natural bodies, while those of heaven have spiritual bodies.  Scripture speaks of some of the elect not even tasting death, but “being changed”, in the twinkling of an eye for their life in heaven.  (Paul calls it “transformed” in Phil 3:21)

    If you consider that Jesus WAS flesh after his resurrection, but cannot be flesh any longer in heaven, then it becomes clear that a change occurred.

    Toby thinks the change was that Jesus shed his body all together.  I don't think that aligns with many other scriptures, and therefore I understand that the body of Jesus was changed in the twinkling of an eye upon his ascension to a place where he wouldn't be able to retain his flesh body.

    (If you want the actual verses I mentioned above, hit me up.)


    I believe your opening argument is based on circular reasoning but let's discuss your belief.

    So, Jesus came back from the dead, initially in His mortal body… why?

    I mean He was in a body when He saw Mary, He then went and saw the Father (I assume as a spirit if I follow you right), then somehow re-entered His body (flesh again), showed Himself to the disciples and others making a big deal out of “see it's me, flesh and bones” (and why was Jesus deceiving them) just to change back and go to heaven as a spirit! BTW-what happened to His flesh and bones body?

    We both agree that Jesus had a spirit before He died, if that's the case then I must assume you believe He was not really resurrected (as in His eternal body) but shed His flesh and now lives as a spirit. But I think we both believe that spiritual beings have a body (of some sort) to house their spirit.  

    Just like the word “spirit” has multiple meanings, so does flesh. One, a physical body, and another, self centered desires. Now, we battle against the desires of the flesh, but then we will be God centered in constant communion with God through our spirit.

    I maintain that our “flesh” (this physical body) houses our spirit and soul. We currently live a life dominated by the flesh (a human being), after we are transformed (we shall be like Him) we will no longer war against the flesh as it shall no longer have dominion over us, but will perpetually walk by the Spirit (a spiritual being).

    If our flesh includes a spiritual component, yet it is still called flesh (as characterizes our actions). A life characterized by it's dependence on God should be defined as spiritual, despite having a component of flesh.

    1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;

    Ephesians 5:30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;

    Galatians 5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

    Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

    My opinion – Wm

    seeking tr

    do you understand the scriptures that you are quoting ??

    look for the understanding and you could learn from it .

    ask ;how do some of us will be part of Christ body,or temple ,

    why is it that Christ ad to resurrected in his body ?

    and why would he keep something that is done with ?(wen he accent to heaven )is God a man that he entertains men in flesh and blood ,bone.??

    and who is Christ father ? is it men or did he came to be with Gods power ? if so in Gods power then how can he be an man ??? are you made through Gods power or through your father the man??

    so Christ took the form of a man and was his son and only his only begotten son because no other was created by God other than Christ ,this is also the reason why Christ was the only being that could pay the prize for the sin of Adam,



    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 19 2012,14:35)
    I mean He was in a body when He saw Mary, He then went and saw the Father (I assume as a spirit if I follow you right), then somehow re-entered His body (flesh again)………..

    Where did you get the idea that Jesus went to his Father before the 40 days on earth were up?

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 19 2012,14:35)
    But I think we both believe that spiritual beings have a body (of some sort) to house their spirit.

    Agreed.  And that is the question of this thread, so welcome to the club.

    As far as “different kinds of flesh”, what is your point?  Are you, like Kerwin, claiming that Jesus is still flesh, but it is not “human flesh”?

    The only one of the scriptures you listed that would come close to suggesting such a thing is Ephesians 5:30……….AS YOU POSTED IT.  

    But read the note here about the added words in that scripture.  (Hold cursor over the blue “1” at the end of the NET translation.  Also notice that the KJV translations are the only ones one that page to add the part which contains the words “flesh” and “bone”.)

    Part of the NETNotes quote I linked you to says:
    Further, on intrinsic grounds, it seems unlikely that the author would refer to the physical nature of creation when speaking of the “body of Christ” which is spiritual or mystical.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2012,07:19)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2012,07:14)
    Shimmer ………..I could no have said it any clearer………….


    Are you even aware that Shimmer is claiming that angels don't have bodies?  ???

    Mike…..Are you even “AWARE” that Angels was  not the issue she was discussing in that post,  But was talking about,do Spirit have Bodies?, are YOU EVEN AWARE” of that?.


    God the  GREAT SPIRIT,  lives vicariously (IN) and Through HIS CREATION. The creation has the bodies He lives (IN).  Jesus is (NOT A SPIRIT) Never was and never will be, GOD THE FATHER WHO (IS) SPIRIT WAS TRULY (IN) HIM JUST AS HE SAID, A NUMBER OF TIMES HE WAS. You could easily understand Jesus was telling the truth if you understood what Spirit truly was and IS>

    When is the Light going to turn on Mike and you say, Like Thomas did “O” i get it , “MY Lord “AND” MY GOD” yes Mike God was Present (IN) Jesus first PERSON, Just as he can be in me or anyone even you if He choses to be (IN) you, Why ?   BECAUSE GOD IS A SPIRIT HE IS not A “BODY” NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE EITHER, no matter how hard you try to make him a have a “BODY” , it wont work MIKE>

    Angels are Spirit being that have bodies just like we do to. The only difference between theirs bodies is ours can die but (IT) also can be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye and live for ever also. Adam and Eve could have lived for ever with the bodies they had also had they eaten of the tree of life they would have never died God said.   When are you going to start to believe scriptures and quit conforming to false teachings about this subject?

    Trying to divide Shimmer and me or Toby and me and anyone else is futile Mike. Those who have the truth KNOW the Sound of the truth.  IMO

    peace and love…………………………………….gene


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 18 2012,13:59)
    Can someone tell me what scripture(s) states that Jesus changed from body to spirit during the Ascension?

    What about John 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” What kind of body did he have at this time? Obviously it could be held onto.

    Thanks – Wm

    Hi Seeking Truth.

    No, there are no scripture verses that state that Jesus changed from flesh body to Spirit form as he ascended into Heaven.  But, since we know that a flesh and bone body cannot exist in the Spirit realm, we can state by inference that a change did take place.  However, in my view, this is not the 'twinkling of an eye' change that some people here are inferring, as Jesus was already in his changed body before the ascension.

    My view, is that Jesus, in his Glorious Body, can change from visible and physical flesh and bone, into Spirit, at will.  Flesh and bone cannot walk through walls, and Jesus did not walk through the walls nor the door of the room the disciples were locked in.  Scriptures state that he 'appeared among them' and they were frightened thinking that they were seeing a Spirit (Form) but Jesus reassured them that he was not a Spirit (Form) but the real flesh and bone Human person that they knew and loved.

    So the way I see it, at the resurrection of those chosen by God the Father (Or Jesus), their flesh and bone bodies will be transformed into a new type of body, that is not subject to the limitations of the current sinful, perishable, corruptible, inglorious fleshly body.  The new body will be a pure body in which it is the Spirit that rules the flesh, not the flesh limiting the Spirit.  Therefore, anything can be achieved, as the Spirit can go from one place to another in the twinkling of an eye, and the new glorious body can go with it.  Nothing of a physical nature can restrain it.  However, it still cannot enter Heaven as it is still flesh, and Heaven is the realm of the Spirit.  Therefore the body must be shed before the Spirit enters the Spirit realm.

    How many have dreamt of travelling great distances in the blink of an eye?  How many people have foresighted being able to be with another when they have been so far away.  Yes, Seekingtruth, 'We are gods', and – 'Whatever comes to the mind of a man, that he will do', and – 'Man has not conceived of the things that God has in store for those who love Him'.  But even here, care is needed.  There indeed will be those who go permanently to Heaven – and those who remain on the Earth.  In some peoples scenarios, ALL resurrected persons will be Spirit.  Yet Scriptures do not say any such thing.  For sure, it states that 'we' will be citizens of Heaven, and for sure the 'we' will be going there.  But, doesn't the fact that Jesus – 'Will come back in like manner to that how you saw him leave' show that those of Heaven will also at times be returning to Earth?  In fact, doesn't Revelation 5:10 state that God has made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will be ruling on the Earth'?

    So, if they are on the Earth, will they then not be in a Body – will they be Spirit alone?  


    Quote (toby @ Jan. 19 2012,16:45)
    But, since we know that a flesh and bone body cannot exist in the Spirit realm, we can state by inference that a change did take place.

    I agree with this.  Wm, how about you?

    Quote (toby @ Jan. 19 2012,16:45)
    My view, is that Jesus, in his Glorious Body, can change from visible and physical flesh and bone, into Spirit, at will.

    So Toby, you agree that Jesus is now a spirit being?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2012,16:29)
    Angels are Spirit being that have bodies…………..

    Shimmer doesn't believe that, Gene.  That's why I wondered if you actually knew what you were agreeing with.

    Gene, I'm not trying to “divide” anyone.  I just think people should be aware of what they're agreeing with.  And you agreed with Shimmer's post which said that spirit beings like angels DON'T have bodies.

    How do you say that you couldn't have put it any better than she did when you two don't even agree on the very question of this thread?  ???

    Btw Gene, have you come up with the DEFINITION of “spirit” in Luke 24:37 yet?



    Hi Mike, you said to Seeking:

    But read the note here about the added words in that scripture.  (Hold cursor over the blue “1” at the end of the NET translation.  Also notice that the KJV translations are the only ones one that page to add the part which contains the words “flesh” and “bone”.)

    Part of the NETNotes quote I linked you to says:
    Further, on intrinsic grounds, it seems unlikely that the author would refer to the physical nature of creation when speaking of the “body of Christ” which is spiritual or mystical.

    In regards to what you said above, as noted from 'NETBible', Mike, why use a site that does not have the Literal translation?

    Biblos does. It has it as:


    members we are of the body of him, of the flesh of him, and of the bones of him

    Young's Literal Translation:

    because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones

    Just pointing out about the two sites – NETBible v Biblos.


    Hey thanks Gene. Hope you are well.


    Mike, me and Gene understand each other, even if we do not agree EXACTLY.


    EXACTLY? ???

    Gene believes spirit beings such as angels HAVE bodies, and you believe they DON'T.

    That's a pretty big chasm between your beliefs, wouldn't you say?


    Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 19 2012,20:34)
    In regards to what you said above, as noted from 'NETBible', Mike, why use a site that does not have the Literal translation?

    It's got the exact Greek words listed down farther on the page I linked you to.

    And, which I often use, has the KJV as their default when checking the Greek text.  So if the KJV has the word “tornado” in it, the Greek lexicon on will also list the Greek word for “tornado”, whether or not that word is actually in any Greek mss.

    Shimmer, did you even read the info in footnote #1 of the NETBible's translation?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 20 2012,16:16)
    It's got the exact Greek words listed down farther on the page I linked you to.

    Yeah, kind of, and in a confusing way.  But Biblos has it all there, you don't have to scroll over anything.  Plus it has the Youngs Literal Translation.  NETBible doesn't.

    And, which I often use, has the KJV as their default when checking the Greek text.  So if the KJV has the word “tornado” in it, the Greek lexicon on will also list the Greek word for “tornado”, whether or not that word is actually in any Greek mss.

    Where exactly on Biblos does it say that it is taken from the KJV?  Can you point me to where?  

    Shimmer, did you even read the info in footnote #1 of the NETBible's translation?

    No not yet. I will.


    Hi Mikeboll.

    In regard to your question, 'Do I believe Jesus is now a Spirit'  
    Scriptures say that Jesus is now a life giving Spirit.  

    Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

    So Jesus is indeed in Heaven right now – and only Spirit can exist in the Spirit realm of Heaven.

    The question I would like to ask you is:  'How did Jesus change from a flesh and bone body – into a Spirit form'
    (Or do you believe that Jesus is in Heaven, with a flesh and bone body?)  
    Thanks Mikeboll.


    To ALL………Good question , HOW did Jesus change from flesh and bone to a spirit “Body”, i maintain he did not changes his body to Spirit, Because Spirit are NOT BODIES, No scripture say they are , now if there is one no one has produced it yet. Now there are flesh and blood bodies that were thrown into a furnace that was seven time hotter then most and were seen walking around in the midst of the fire and came out with those flesh and blood bodies, also there were flesh and blood bodies the disappeared as in the case of Phillip, and there were flesh and blood bodies that walked on water , Jesus and Peter, and GOD said a flesh and blood body could eat of the tree of life and live for ever, and Angels ate food had Bodies . Another point , All resurrections in the Scriptures Shows a Flesh and Bone and also Blood in some cases, but not ONE as a SPIRIT BODY, why is that?   It is obvious becasue Spirit do not HAVE BODIES they are What is (IN) BODIES. Just that simple nothing complicated about it.  Some say flesh and blood can not enter into the  Kingdom of (or From) heaven. That is true because the Kingdom of Heaven is not a place it is a Spirit Presence within a person rather flesh and blood or flesh and bone it is not a location as most assume.

    The mingling of Spirits as BODIES are one of the greatest confusions in religion, it stems from the Metaphysical pagan thoughts like the Greeks and Egyptians and all kind of pagan cultures thinking spirit are bodies , did Jesus have two “Bodies within him when he said the Father was (IN) him, did the man who had a thousand unclean spirit in him have a thousand Spirit BODIES in him, no they did not, becasue Spirit are not Bodies and never were just pagan confusion garbage.

    Why has Mike or anyone else here for that manor, who say there are “Spirit Bodies”  not address any of these questions, but yet maintain they are right. The reason they don't address those issues is becasue they can't understand the power of God nor that Spirits are Never Bodies never were and never will be Bodies of any type either.  They are simply Cognate Thoughts (intellects) that are expressed and are transmitted by words through the air or written words.

    The closest thing some can produce is some disciple “THOUGHT” they SAW a SPIRIT as if that means there exists a Spirit BODIES, when in fact they saw Jesus' BODY and NO SPIRIT at ALL according to JESUS.   Jesus went on to say  spirits do not have bodies as you see i have so they who are confused say that means a different “KIND” of Body, O really then please produce ONE SCRIPTURE that describes that “SPIRIT BODY” interesting not even ONE.  Some take the word “SPIRITUAL” and thinks that means a BODY made up of Spirit, Well if that were the case thy could never be seen as a body then. Spirit is Simply spirit and Bodies are simply bodies they are “NOT” the same, not now or ever will be.  God who is Spirit created Bodies to indwell , therefore as it is said. “NO YOU NOT YOUR “BODIES” (ARE) THE TEMPLES OF THE LIVING GOD”. Metaphysical thinking is PURE PAGAN THINKING>

    that God may be (IN ALL) and “THROUGH ALL” God is Spirit not a BODY of any kind, IMO.

    peace and love to you all…………………………………….gene all…………………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (toby @ Jan. 21 2012,01:49)
    Hi Mikeboll.

    In regard to your question, 'Do I believe Jesus is now a Spirit'  
    Scriptures say that Jesus is now a life giving Spirit.  

    Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

    So Jesus is indeed in Heaven right now – and only Spirit can exist in the Spirit realm of Heaven.

    The question I would like to ask you is:  'How did Jesus change from a flesh and bone body – into a Spirit form'
    (Or do you believe that Jesus is in Heaven, with a flesh and bone body?)  
    Thanks Mikeboll.


    there are many,many sighting of angels that came down to earth and were touch by men and spoken to ,eat with, wrestled with

    and tell me how did they do it ??

    because at the time of the encounter they were in human form
    how is that ?angels are after all spirit being NO ??

    and you answer me this ;who made it possible for THE WORD OF GOD to come in the flesh ??


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