Do spirits have bodies?

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    Thank you all for your responses – it has been interesting – but I can no longer carry on this discussion.
    In reality we should not be dwelling on Angels/Spirits in the way this thread has been.
    Mike, you have twisted and misrepresented things that I have said such that it makes me feel I can never make a statement that you agree with unless it is 'Anti-Gene'.
    It seems you want to use me to get at Gene – which I refuse to allow you to do.
    Gene, I understand what you say and where you are coming from.
    Doesn't mean I agree with all you say – just that, as far as Spirits in the physical realm are concerned, you are right – Spirits are In Bodies and cannot act outside a body.
    When a Holy Angel Spirit comes into the physical world it must enter a body or manifest a body or engage elements in the physical world in order to act (Water, Air/Wind, Fire, etc)
    Demon Spirits cannot act outside of a body and cannot manifest a body for themselves so can only inhabit an already existing living body.
    Terraricca, most times brother, I have little idea what you are saying but, as Scriptures says, 'Let the sinner keep sinning and the sinless keep being sinless' – choose your own path of belief!

    Goodnight all


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,03:15)
    Hi Toby……….we do agree a lot on this subject brother. I was quoting Heb 1:7 where it says And of (or about) the Angels he says, Who makes his Angels Spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire. God is the one (WHO) “Makes” their Spirits and puts (IT) (IN) them the Angels, and they intern only do his will.

    This scripture Mike and other take to mean Angels are therefore Spirits “BODIES”. ,  But that is not what it is talking about to me, it is talking about the SPIRIT that GOD MAKES and PUTS (IN) HIS ANGELS, to carry out His will. This is why i believe Angels do have Bodies of some kind  This is why also I believe ONLY GOD the FATHER HIMSELF SPIRIT, but he has absolute POWER over all SPIRIT becasue he created them all and his “POWER” can control them also. His body is his creation that He can Live (IN) and out of. “that God may be all and (IN) you all, and again that God may be ALL and THROUGH ALL. As fro spirits there is all Kinds of them and they come in many “TYPES” they can be clean and unclean , good or evil, Adversarial (ha-Satan) as Peter was at one time, and as GOD sent out to effect JOBS Life at one time, for JOBS future GOOD by the way.  

    There is also the spirit of wisdom, that give us the (INTELLECT) of Wisdom,  All Spirits effect out Minds they give us “COGNATE INTELLECTS” they are what composed and imputes Life to us all. They are expressed through WORDS even GOD SPIRIT is expressed through WORDS The LOGOS, GOD and HIS WORDS are ONE and the SAME, and becasue they (ARE) SPIRIT (INTELLECT) they can Be in us all Just as they were in Jesus or Lord. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Toby…………………………………………………………..gene

    Hi Gene.

    You are right about the eternally living body when we are reborn.  
    This is exactly what Jesus has done and what is called Jesus' Glorious Spiritual body.

    As I said to Mikeboll, how can Jesus in Spirit form be a Spiritual body when even Angels are already in Spirit form – and Man also already has a Spirit.
    No, it is the physically flawed body that will be made glorious and undying.

    Mikeboll is beyond hope in this matter – he cannot reconcile his ideas because they are just a hotchpotch designed to be read separately and never brought together – doing so would expose the fallacy of his thoughts.  For this reason he demands that you consent to the belief that a Spirit is a being… Which I also agree with – but – it is all that he can demand from you as it is the only thing he has over you.  For this reason he ignores all other aspects of what you say claiming that if you won't agree with 'being' then you are not worth listening to for anything else.  Well, I would like to pursuade you to believe in 'Being' but I know it won't make any difference so I leave you to your thoughts on that issue.


    All in all it appears that we three stretch our thoughts across the spectrum of Spirit ideas – but only one of us is right and can reconcile all aspects without resorting to adding or removing anything from Scriptures.  And they that change things know who they are – don't they Mike? I mean, Mike, you know who adds or removes things to make up what they like to believe, don't you?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,11:21)
    Terricca………..Not really sure of exactly what you are saying  brother, But GOD is OMNIPRESENT , When GOD'S “WILL” is Done He will be in all and Though ALL.

    They kingdom come “THY” WILL be done on earth as in Heaven. That is when God will be ALL and in ALL and THROUGH ALL>

    Pierre there is more.

    John 17:14………And (NOW) come I to thee; and these things i Speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them (THY WORD); and the world has hated them, becasue they are (NOT OF THE WORLD) even as (THE SAME WAY) I am not of the world. 15…> I pray not that you shouldest rake the out of the world, but that you should (KEEP THEM) from the evil.  16…>  they are not (OF THE WORLD) even as I am NOT of THE WORLD> 17….> Sanctify them through (THY) WORD : (THY) WORD is truth. 18…> AS (SAME WAY) you have sent me (INTO THE WORLD), even so(the same way God sent Jesus into the world have I also sent them into the WORLD.

    Jesus was a man and as a man was sent into the World by GOD , the words sent into the world does not mean coming (INTO) the world as you may think it does.

    Peace and love………………………………..gene


    Jesus was a man and as a man was sent into the World by GOD , the words sent into the world does not mean coming (INTO) the world as you may think it does.

    Peace and love………………………………..gene

    if this is true Christ is a sinner and so can not save no one ,just has Moses ,John the Baptist could not save anyone,

    this is why the Christ as to be from outside of sin or totally sinless,



    Quote (toby @ Jan. 08 2012,17:03)
    Thank you all for your responses – it has been interesting – but I can no longer carry on this discussion.

    Okay, bye!  :)  (You don't really want to answer our points DIRECTLY anyway.  And I definitely have no interest in reading long-winded posts that remind me of the posts this knucklehead named Istari used to submit.  So it's a win-win situation. )


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2012,11:27)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 09 2012,03:31)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2012,10:15)
    This is why i believe Angels do have Bodies of some kind……….

    And you are correct about that, Gene.

    Mike………..That, though has nothing to do with SPIRITS being any kind of a body as YOU PRESUME it Means.  


    You are smart enough to realize angels have bodies. But you ignore the scriptures that say angels ARE spirits. (Just like in Luke 24:37, “spirits” in this case also means “spirit BEINGS”.)

    So angels ARE spirit beings, whether you choose to believe it or not. In fact Gene, God Himself is a spirit being, but you've gone as far as to say God is not even a being. ???

    You have also already admitted that you don't know what the angel's bodies are made of. Now think, Gene: If Paul says we've known the natural bodies of the earthly, and we will know the spiritual bodies of the heavenly, what exactly do you suppose he means?


    Mike……….Trust me you are completely wrong on this  issue, your understanding of Spirit having all kind of Meanings is not right. The word Spirit is not many different things, Spirit are NOT BODIES of Any kind never were and never will be either. You trying to mix up Paul's words as agreeing with you is also wrong Because Paul say there are Celestial or Heavenly Bodies and Terrestrial Bodies only prove my point , Those Celestial or Heavenly Bodies are like the Moon, sun, planets, etc that exist in the heavens, they are real physical bodies , just as terrestrial or earthly bodies exists as a Physical bodies.

    Paul never said we will know the Spiritual Bodies of the Heavenly, that my Man  is your rendition of what Paul said , Please post scriptures that support your findings,  Show us one scripture that even has the words SPIRIT BODY in it for that matter, And trying to insult me and Toby because we disagree with you finding is quite INAPPROPRIATE  HERE.

    Do you really think trying to belittle people here who disagree with your false doctrines makes you right?. I know this hits your “EGO” Mike,  but you are completely WRONG in your understand of what Spirit is and that i believe is a Hugh stumping block for you IMO>

    peace and love……………………………………………………gene


    Toby…………..I do believe Spirit (EXIST), So from that stand point of Existence I agree with your assessment, but what i see a Being as, is a complete make up of something like a Body + Spirit = a LIVING SOUL or complete Being.  The term (BEING) (can), simply mean to exist also,  so from that view i would have to agree with you. My view of Spirits is (INTELLECTS) Not Bodies and come in many “TYPES” and “KINDS” each give us a “Cognate” ability to percieve things as they “drive our thoughts”, So “to me” ,Spirits are (aspects) of  beings, but you are right about them EXISTING therefore BEING.

    We really are in agreement on this i believe brother and it is a very important subject that came clear up many scriptures as well as How we can all be changes by the removal of some spirit and adding of others, that effects our thinking. This is to me a HUGELY IMPORTANT SUBJECT.  

    We both agree that Spirits are not “BODIES” but what is (IN)  BODIES.

    peace and love to you and yours brother…………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,08:23)
    Mike……….Trust me you are completely wrong on this  issue, your understanding of Spirit having all kind of Meanings is not right.


    The word “spirit” in Luke 24:37 means “spirit BEING”.  You can either accept that FACT, like EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD, or you can keep denying it and trying to be right.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,08:23)
    Spirit are NOT BODIES

    I've never claimed that spirits themselves are bodies, Gene.  I claim that spiritual beings like angels have spiritual bodies, ie:  bodies made of spirit.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,08:23)
    You trying to mix up Paul's words as agreeing with you is also wrong Because Paul say there are Celestial or Heavenly Bodies and Terrestrial Bodies only prove my point , Those Celestial or Heavenly Bodies are like the Moon, sun, planets, etc that exist in the heavens, they are real physical bodies , just as terrestrial or earthly bodies exists as a Physical bodies.

    1 Cor 15:35
    But someone may ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?

    Okay Gene, what was Paul's answer to this question?

    1.  We will have bodies shaped like the moon?
    2.  We will have natural, earthly bodies just like we've always had?
    3.  We will have spiritual bodies like THOSE OF HEAVEN have?

    44 If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

    48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth (THAT MEANS US, GENE); and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven (THAT MEANS SPIRIT BEINGS LIKE ANGELS, GENE). 49 And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.

    Look at verse 49.  We have all ALREADY borne the likeness of earthly man, Gene.  The elect among us will later bear the likeness of the HEAVENLY BEINGS.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,08:23)
    Do you really think trying to belittle people here who disagree with your false doctrines makes you right?

    Why not ask that question of Toby, who tried to belittle me for four straight posts yesterday.  :)

    You are like Shimmer, Gene.  You keep your mouth shut when people are slamming me or Pierre.  But you can't wait to take us to task if we push back.  If you are going to correct and rebuke others, then do it fairly across the board, okay?

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2012,08:23)
    but you are completely WRONG in your understand of what Spirit is and that i believe is a Hugh stumping block for you

    I feel exactly that way about YOU, Gene.  If YOU can come to grips with the MANY different meanings of “spirit” in the scriptures, then YOU won't be stumbling near as badly.

    Come on Gene.  How many people will it take before you relent?  Toby told you that Luke 24:37 refers to “spirit being”.  All the lexicons list “spirit being” as one of the meanings of “spirit”.  Even, which I quoted yesterday, lists “spirit being” as one of the definitions of “spirit”.

    Why are you the only one in the world that is unable to see this?  Is it your ego?  Are you afraid of eating crow for each and every time you've posted, “If you understood what a spirit is, you'd be able to get this”? :)

    The jig is up, Gene.  It's time for you to surrender your ego to the truth of scripture.



    Luke 24:37
    They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a spirit.

    Gene, could you tell us what the bolded, supersized word above MEANS in this scripture? Can you give us the DEFINITION of that word?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 10 2012,01:40)
    Toby…………..I do believe Spirit (EXIST), So from that stand point of Existence I agree with your assessment, but what i see a Being as, is a complete make up of something like a Body + Spirit = a LIVING SOUL or complete Being.  The term (BEING) (can), simply mean to exist also,  so from that view i would have to agree with you. My view of Spirits is (INTELLECTS) Not Bodies and come in many “TYPES” and “KINDS” each give us a “Cognate” ability to percieve things as they “drive our thoughts”, So “to me” ,Spirits are (aspects) of  beings, but you are right about them EXISTING therefore BEING.  

    We really are in agreement on this i believe brother and it is a very important subject that came clear up many scriptures as well as How we can all be changes by the removal of some spirit and adding of others, that effects our thinking. This is to me a HUGELY IMPORTANT SUBJECT.  

    We both agree that Spirits are not “BODIES” but what is (IN)  BODIES.

    peace and love to you and yours brother…………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene.

    Thanks for the agreement – what a difference in reaction to that of Mikeboll.

    Now you have defined again your idea of Spirit, I can see where you are coming from.

    There appears to be a misunderstanding that I now see – between you both.
    Both of you have defined 'Spirit' by your own terms, without agreeing a single version in the initial stages.
    In your terms then, you are right.  
    Spirits do not have bodies but can occupy a body (of any sort that suits its task).

    Spirit is defined as 'Incorporeal' and people deciding to reinvent the term – is just not on.  Otherwise, the whole world could be in turmoil, with 'everyone everywhere' redefining words and terms in order to win their point.  I wonder if they learnt this behaviour from Bill Clinton – who redefined the term 'Sex' in order to get himself out of a potential scandal (Only worked from the law court point of view as 'Common Knowledge' cannot be redefined by one common human being – even if his title is President Of The United States Of America).

    An Angelic Spirit is a Force of intelligence and Power.
    Angels are extremely powerful beings… Yes, Beings.
    However, if you choose not to use the term 'Being' then at least now you have explained your reasoning.
    However, it may do well to stick to common definitions so that agreements on terms can be reached.

    This has been a problem.
    I read back where it was said (By someone) that 'Celestial Bodies' were Angels.  And 'Terrestrial Bodies' were 'Sun, Moon and Stars'.
    And 'Bodiless, Incorporeal, Immaterial' has been redefined to mean 'Bodied, Corporeal, Materialbased'?

    The point about the Demon Spirits in the man ONLY BEING ABLE TO ACT WHILE IN A BODY (man and swines), is a great example that patently shows, that the Spirits do not have bodies of their own, and had to occupy an existing living body.  This agrees with what you say (as far as Spirits in the physical realm goes) – Gene, why aren't you building on it?

    The Glorious Body is exactly as You said, Paul spoke 'only' concerning things of a physical nature – in the physical world.
    Jesus' Glorious body was the resurrected body that was seen by over 4000 people and touched by many.
    His body was sown in corruption – it was raised in incorruption.

    Are people redefining the term 'Raised' – yes – why?

    Was Jairus' daughter raised from the dead?
    Was Lazarus raised from the dead?
    Was the Widow's Son raised from the dead?
    Each was raised in their own body – and subsequently went on to die again.
    Jesus, however, was raised up from the dead in his body that will never die again – will never see corruption.

    And what was in that Glorious Body – the Spirit of Jesus.

    So if the Spirit of Jesus that went up OUT OF THE BODY of Jesus to God when Jesus died – and then was put back INTO the Body of Jesus when he was raised up again – if anyone says that Spirits have bodies – then what need was there for the raised Body of Jesus?

    In fact, it makes a nonsense of Jesus being raised up if he only exists in his Spirit form.
    In fact, Scriptures says: that if you do not believe that Christ was raised from the dead, then you 'are misrepresenting God'. (1st Corin 15-15)


    Brother Gene, what do you say an Angel is?
    What do you say a Spirit is in relation to an Angel?

    The Scriptures clearly speaks of Angels speaking to humans – where do you suppose these Angels came from and went to – remember that they just 'Appeared' and 'Disappeared' from around the humans.  They were also described as wearing pure white Clothing.  What do you imagine the pure white signifies?  Also, why were these Angels described as 'Being in the Form and Likeness of a Man'? (Note that Form here means 'Shape' and nothing to do with Body by virtue of the Greek word 'Morphe'.



    Can you understand this: Energy acts in and on Mass (a Body/Material/matter).
    Can you understand this: Spirit acts in and on a Body (Matter/Material/Mass).
    Without Energy the mass is inert.
    Without Spirit the Body is Dead.
    But can Energy be active Without a mass to act in and on?
    Can the Spirit be active without a Body to act in and on?”


    Toby………..Yes i do understand that, Spirit is not active without a body to act (IN) and (ON).  (IT) goes about in “ARID” Places looking for REST. Arid symbolizing DRY (WATERLESS), All life Forms have “WATER” and this seem to be the medium Spirit can influence and without water it seem to be able to have no effect it appears. It can not create Its own Body it self, the Body seem to require a creation with the POWER to form IT and then Spirit can inter it, as in the case of Adam and all living “BEINGS”>  I believe Spirits can flow in and out of existing Bodies but as far a creating those bodies (IT) can inhabit i only see our GOD YAHWEH  that seems to only have the ability to do that. I do not believe Spirits themselves can do it at will.

    Spirit in scripture seems to require some separate Power (like a body), to work its effect (IN).  For example  in Revelation it Shows Jesus as the lamb of GOD with the seven Spirits of GOD in or on him, but notice it also shows seven Horns,  (Powers) this seem to be needed with those spirits because the Spirits themselves seem to have no power they simply are (INTELLECTS). When Jesus cast out the Legion of Demon Spirits our of a man , they could not create a new Body to inhabit , but ask permission to go into an already existing Bodies, the Pigs.  To me this show they are powerless to create any thing themselves, and while they can cohabit in bodies and effect its thinking they seem to not be able to do any more then that.

    So from the stand Point that spirit can create Mass i would say they can't, But i do agree with you that spirit can and do act (IN) and (ON) a Body which is Matter and Mass. But that body or mas must contain WATER  for it to have and effect on by being  in>

    I also agree without Spirit the Body is DEAD, It has No Life (IN) it becomes lifeless. I think our difference is you believe Spirit is the energy force while i believe it acts in and on the energy source, the energy is already there in the Mass it is acting in and on. The mass or BODY that Spirits can effect requires a Creator and therefore is a Creation.  Now to me there is only ONE CREATOR of ALL THINGS both in heaven and in Earth, and the is Yahweh our GOD. And Jesus did say God is a Spirit, But is Yahweh Spirit ONLY?  I Don't Know!

    Toby my understanding is Energy is Not Spirit, Energy is built within the Mass itself, Spirits  can “EFFECT” Mass that has WATER (IN) IT> Power, force or energy must be already present before Spirit can have any effect or manipulate it in any way.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Toby………………………………………….gene


    Mike…………Why don't you list us all your “MANY” conceived “DIFFERENT MEANINGS” of the word Spirit. Lets see maybe i can give you some help to start with,

    1, you believe a SPIRIT Is a BODY,

    2, You believe Celestial or Heavenly BODIES as SPIRIT BODIES,

    3, You believe Natural means a BODY of earth,

    4, you believe “SPIRITUAL” is a BODY Itself, instead of what is (IN) a body,

    That is a Start Now give us the rest of you “MANY” DIFFERENT MEANINGS, So we can all examine them all. And while you are at it please describe this “SPIRIT BODY” of yours, tell us what exactly does it look like. Describe to us What the disciples who “THOUGHT” they saw, tell us what that “SPIRITUAL BODY” looked like. Now seeing you believe SPIRITS (ARE) BODIES, tell us what and how many Spirit (BODIES) are (IN) YOU, Are there thousands of them “BODIES” in YOUR BODY to. Mike face it you have NO Idea what your talking about and it shows becasue of all you “DIFFERENT MEANINGS” of what Spirit (IS)> IMO

    And by the way saying the whole World see it as you do is garbage, I am not the only one who disagree with your sorted many meanings of What Spirit “BODIES” are MIKE. Mike Like is said just produce the words “SPIRIT BODIES” from Scriptures That is all that is required, and if you can't then at least admit you could be wrong,

    I have admitted that Spirits can be considered as “Being” as in they “Exist”, however “MY” and the dictionary also percieves a Being as a Complete Person as a MAN or Angel , or Yahweh . None I read call a Spirit a Being as i recall.

    Spirit has a single and Simple meaning to me not all kinds of different meanings. IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………..gene


    Mike………..Your are demonstrating a Adversarial  (Ha-Satan) Spirit (intellect ) to me, just as Peter did to Jesus but he still loved Peter and i still love you brother. My God help you to see what i am saying at least Mike.

    peace and love………………………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 10 2012,08:22)
    Mike…………Why don't you list us all your “MANY” conceived “DIFFERENT MEANINGS” of the word Spirit.

    Okay Gene,

    From NETNotes:
    1) the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal,
    coeternal with the Father and the Son
    1a) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his
    personality and character (the \\Holy\\ Spirit)
    1b) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his work
    and power (the Spirit of \\Truth\\)
    1c) never referred to as a depersonalised force
    2) the spirit, i.e. the vital principal by which the body is animated
    2a) the rational spirit, the power by which the human being feels,
    thinks, decides
    2b) the soul
    3) a spirit, i.e. a simple essence, devoid of all or at least
    all grosser matter, and possessed of the power of knowing,
    desiring, deciding, and acting
    3a) a life giving spirit
    3b) a human soul that has left the body
    3c) a spirit higher than man but lower than God, i.e. an angel
    3c1) used of demons, or evil spirits, who were conceived
    as inhabiting the bodies of men
    3c2) the spiritual nature of Christ, higher than the highest
    angels and equal to God, the divine nature of Christ
    4) the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul
    of any one
    4a) the efficient source of any power, affection, emotion, desire, etc.
    5) a movement of air (a gentle blast)
    5a) of the wind, hence the wind itself
    5b) breath of nostrils or mouth

    the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.

    the incorporeal part of humans: present in spirit though absent in body.

    the soul regarded as separating from the body at death.

    conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit.

    a supernatural, incorporeal being, especially one inhabiting a place, object, etc., or having a particular character: evil spirits.

    a fairy, sprite, or elf.

    an angel or demon.

    an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action: the spirit of reform.

    ( initial capital letter ) the divine influence as an agency working in the human heart.

    a divine, inspiring, or animating being or influence. Num. 11:25; Is. 32:15.

    ( initial capital letter ) the third person of the Trinity; holy spirit.

    the soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action: a man of broken spirit.

    spirits, feelings or mood with regard to exaltation or depression: low spirits; good spirits.

    excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle: That's the spirit!

    temper or disposition: meek in spirit.

    an individual as characterized by a given attitude, disposition, character, action, etc.: A few brave spirits remained to face the danger.

    the dominant tendency or character of anything: the spirit of the age.

    vigorous sense of membership in a group: college spirit.

    the general meaning or intent of a statement, document, etc. ( opposed to letter): the spirit of the law.

    Chemistry . the essence or active principle of a substance as extracted in liquid form, especially by distillation.

    Often, spirits. a strong distilled alcoholic liquor.

    Chiefly British . alcohol.

    Pharmacology . a solution in alcohol  of an essential or volatile principle; essence.

    any of certain subtle fluids formerly supposed to permeate the body.

    the Spirit, God.

    pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.

    of or pertaining to spiritualist  bodies or activities.

    Now how about you answering my simple, direct question?

    Luke 24:37
    They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a spirit.

    Gene, could you tell us what the bolded, supersized word above MEANS in this scripture?  Can you give us the DEFINITION of that word?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 11 2012,00:17)
    Toby………..Yes i do understand that, Spirit is not active without a body to act (IN) and (ON).  (IT) goes about in “ARID” Places looking for REST. Arid symbolizing DRY (WATERLESS), All life Forms have “WATER” and this seem to be the medium Spirit can influence and without water it seem to be able to have no effect it appears. It can not create Its own Body it self, the Body seem to require a creation with the POWER to form IT and then Spirit can inter it, as in the case of Adam and all living “BEINGS”>  I believe Spirits can flow in and out of existing Bodies but as far a creating those bodies (IT) can inhabit i only see our GOD YAHWEH  that seems to only have the ability to do that. I do not believe Spirits themselves can do it at will.

    Spirit in scripture seems to require some separate Power (like a body), to work its effect (IN).  For example  in Revelation it Shows Jesus as the lamb of GOD with the seven Spirits of GOD in or on him, but notice it also shows seven Horns,  (Powers) this seem to be needed with those spirits because the Spirits themselves seem to have no power they simply are (INTELLECTS). When Jesus cast out the Legion of Demon Spirits our of a man , they could not create a new Body to inhabit , but ask permission to go into an already existing Bodies, the Pigs.  To me this show they are powerless to create any thing themselves, and while they can cohabit in bodies and effect its thinking they seem to not be able to do any more then that.

    So from the stand Point that spirit can create Mass i would say they can't, But i do agree with you that spirit can and do act (IN) and (ON) a Body which is Matter and Mass. But that body or mas must contain WATER  for it to have and effect on by being  in>

    I also agree without Spirit the Body is DEAD, It has No Life (IN) it becomes lifeless. I think our difference is you believe Spirit is the energy force while i believe it acts in and on the energy source, the energy is already there in the Mass it is acting in and on. The mass or BODY that Spirits can effect requires a Creator and therefore is a Creation.  Now to me there is only ONE CREATOR of ALL THINGS both in heaven and in Earth, and the is Yahweh our GOD. And Jesus did say God is a Spirit, But is Yahweh Spirit ONLY?  I Don't Know!

    Toby my understanding is Energy is Not Spirit, Energy is built within the Mass itself, Spirits  can “EFFECT” Mass that has WATER (IN) IT> Power, force or energy must be already present before Spirit can have any effect or manipulate it in any way.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Toby………………………………………….gene

    Hi Gene.

    Thank you for your response.

    I feel that we are getting somewhere.  
    I can see where there are some problems with things that are being said, and where some misunderstandings have arisen.

    My first point I would like you to clear up, is your reference to Luke 11:24 – wherein you say that Spirits that are not in a body go around in arid places.  Gene, have you noticed that you are only quoting a select part from the verse?  What does the full verse actually say? It says:

    “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, I will return unto my house from which I came out.”

    Gene, the verse is specifically referring to Demon Spirits.
    Does this tie in with what I said about the legion of Demon Spirits in the man?

    These demon Spirits must inhabit a living body… in which to act (Influence the resident spirit in the being):  
    The demon Spirit can only influence the resident Spirit to act incorrectly.
    It can never personally direct the actions of the Man, Animal, Bird or Fish.  
    The resident Spirit must choose to be influenced by the demon Spirit.  

    So, Gene, reading the whole verse changes the context of your idea of Spirit – by restricting the inert Spirit outside of the body to only referring to Demons – just as I said earlier (and this was before reading Luke 11:24!)

    Now, here is a hard thing for you to answer – I believe:

    How is the Spirit 'Going around in arid places' and able to 'decide' to find a place to go – a living body to inhabit – if it is not existing, Living, in some sort of active form?  By active form, I do not mean 'able to influence' as I have already stated – that it can only influence the Spirit – in living body.

    You may be right about the Force/Energy also in this context (Demon), since the man was only as strong as an exceptionally strong man – despite a Legion of demons inside him.  Now, since Spirits are Enormously Powerful Beings, how powerful should a man be with a Legion (Thousands) of ultra powerful beings inside him.  It therefore stands to reason, that Demon Spirits have no Powerful force nor Energy, but can enormously influence the Spirit of another.

    But Gene, Do not confuse: Demon Spirits with Holy Angelic Spirits!
    The sword held up by the Angel against Balaam represented the Angel's Power and Authority to act against Balaam.
    And John the Baptist's father was struck dumb, simply for questioning the Angel about the name to call his son to be!
    Holy Angels can cap a volcano, quash a tornado, walk through a furnace…
    They do not have bodies such that they are affected by material matter but can affect all material matter.

    Gene, what do you say that an Angel is? And what is the difference between an Angel and a Spirit?

    Lastly, can you explain again how you read, “God makes his Angels Spirits”.
    I cannot, for the life of me, understand how you read it as: “God makes his 'Angel's' Spirits”. (God makes Spirits for his Angels).
    Gene, this would mean that Angels exist without Spirits – and then God made the Spirit to go in the Angels.

    Further more the text reads 'God 'Makes'…'
    Gene, this 'Makes' means 'on going'… We know from Scriptures that the Angels/Spirits were created at 'One Time' before the creation of the world – and is not an 'On going' process.  The text for you to be right…  would have to say “God 'Made' his Angel's Spirits” – note the possessive apostrophe that would have to be inserted.

    Other than these anomalies you are right concerning (Demon) 'Spirits' in the material world.


    Quote (toby @ Jan. 10 2012,21:53)

    Can you understand this: Energy acts in and on Mass (a Body/Material/matter).
    Can you understand this: Spirit acts in and on a Body (Matter/Material/Mass).
    Without Energy the mass is inert.
    Without Spirit the Body is Dead.
    But can Energy be active Without a mass to act in and on?
    Can the Spirit be active without a Body to act in and on?”


    The angels are spirit,and they have a body; a glorified body.
    Jesus was given a glorified body,and we will also be given a glorified body.(born again,not born of the flesh; but born of the spirit;born of zion.)resurrected.
    At the moment we are begotten of God,if we are true.
    Our minds have been renewed,not our body.That is coming.



    Toby……….Let take it on step at a time, You may have misunderstood me about me saying spirits is not in a Body, in fact i believe they certainly are in Bodies in fact all life Forms have spirit (IN) them or they simply have no life at all. I think where we may differ is you seem to think spirits in ability, you said demon spirit could never take control of a person, but only act on his eternal spirits, that is yes and yes, yes it can act on internal Spirits, and Yes it can take complete control of a man , or animal . When they entered the pigs what did the pigs do they ran into the sea a drowned. There are many scriptures that show them taking complete control of a person, throwing them into fires, and what of the EVIL SPIRIT God sent to Saul it took control of his thinking. Right brother. Remember also Toby, where Jesus said the last state of that man was worse then the first so they can take over a person life completely.

    I do not believe Spirits act differently at all they simply are what they are, Spirit is simply Spiirt, different “TYPES” or “KINDS” true, But non the less Just SPIRITS. Spirit just don't come and take us over No we INVITE them IN by opening up our minds to them , “so and man thinks so he (IS”. And again for the Spirit earnestly DESIRES US, yes GOOD and EVIL Spirit earnestly desire Us, its just a matter of us opening the Door or out Minds and Letting them IN. Even the Spirit of Jesus and GOD it say are Knocking at the Door and the Spirit earnestly Desires Us it says. If we open up to them they will come in and Sup with us it says.

    WE have been given capacity to except or reject Spirits both good and evil one and even Adversarial (Ha-Satan) spirits also. So if we sow to the Spirit of Life we will reap life, if we sow to the Spirit of the World we will reap death, For all that is (IN) the world , The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of Life are (FROM) the WORLD, This is the Spirits that come from the world.

    When a unclean Spirit leaves a Man he can clean up his mind, but if he does not replace that clean mind with clean Spirits and fill his House with them he is upon to more unclean spirits to come in because what was there will invite more of there kind and he will become worse at the end then when he began .

    Toby………I see Spirit as (INTELLECT) the imputes Cognate Thought, to a person, they are useless unless they are in a power source of some kind. The description of them as going around in “ARID” looking for “REST” Place is significant to me. Lets examine Thought (which is Spirit ) to me, There is not new though in existence, we simply acquire what always existed into or selves , and while it may be new to Us it (itself) was never New it always existed sense GOD created it , Yes both GOOD and EVIL always existed sense it creation. And i mean (ALL) Good and (ALL) Evil has existed from the very beginning we just acquire them to ourselves by letting them IN our minds. And what we let (IN) controls us either Good or Evil. There is NO mystery about it we will all do what is (IN) us . If it is words we speak it comes form the heart or mind of us, it is what we are and these Spirit can be transmitted over the air (sound ways) to others and can go into them also from one person to another, Yes even the GOSPEL< it is Just Spirit being Transmitted, Therefore we must "try the "SPIRITS" to see if they are of GOD" . Spirit is Spirit there is just different KINDS and TYPES , and no two are the (EXACT SAME) like Snow Flakes all different, but still Snow Flakes.

    Spirit (thought) is useless outside of a BODY (IT) is not a HE or SHE but an (IT) Spirit must be in a power force or it can have no effect on anything.. When Jesus was explaining the unclean Spirit to them he used expression they could understand and relate with, he personified Spirit like a Man walking around going in and out of a house, As men Do Satan as a individual Being going around taking over people at will , or as the do Wisdom as a SHE, this is all meromorphic language used to illustrate something but can not be taken literally. This is how i understand Spirit Toby. I still believe we are in agreement on most of what a Spirit IS> IMO, At least you and i both agree it is not a BODY of any kind (IT) is what is (IN) a BODY, and exists outside a body also by the way. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………………………………………gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 11 2012,11:15)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 10 2012,08:22)
    Mike…………Why don't you list us all your “MANY” conceived “DIFFERENT MEANINGS” of the word Spirit.

    Okay Gene,

    From NETNotes:
    1) the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal,
    coeternal with the Father and the Son
    1a) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his
    personality and character (the \\Holy\\ Spirit)
    1b) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his work
    and power (the Spirit of \\Truth\\)
    1c) never referred to as a depersonalised force
    2) the spirit, i.e. the vital principal by which the body is animated
    2a) the rational spirit, the power by which the human being feels,
    thinks, decides
    2b) the soul
    3) a spirit, i.e. a simple essence, devoid of all or at least
    all grosser matter, and possessed of the power of knowing,
    desiring, deciding, and acting
    3a) a life giving spirit
    3b) a human soul that has left the body
    3c) a spirit higher than man but lower than God, i.e. an angel
    3c1) used of demons, or evil spirits, who were conceived
    as inhabiting the bodies of men
    3c2) the spiritual nature of Christ, higher than the highest
    angels and equal to God, the divine nature of Christ
    4) the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul
    of any one
    4a) the efficient source of any power, affection, emotion, desire, etc.
    5) a movement of air (a gentle blast)
    5a) of the wind, hence the wind itself
    5b) breath of nostrils or mouth

    the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.

    the incorporeal part of humans: present in spirit though absent in body.

    the soul regarded as separating from the body at death.

    conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit.

    a supernatural, incorporeal being, especially one inhabiting a place, object, etc., or having a particular character: evil spirits.

    a fairy, sprite, or elf.

    an angel or demon.

    an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action: the spirit of reform.

    ( initial capital letter ) the divine influence as an agency working in the human heart.

    a divine, inspiring, or animating being or influence. Num. 11:25; Is. 32:15.

    ( initial capital letter ) the third person of the Trinity; holy spirit.

    the soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action: a man of broken spirit.

    spirits, feelings or mood with regard to exaltation or depression: low spirits; good spirits.

    excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle: That's the spirit!

    temper or disposition: meek in spirit.

    an individual as characterized by a given attitude, disposition, character, action, etc.: A few brave spirits remained to face the danger.

    the dominant tendency or character of anything: the spirit of the age.

    vigorous sense of membership in a group: college spirit.

    the general meaning or intent of a statement, document, etc. ( opposed to letter): the spirit of the law.

    Chemistry . the essence or active principle of a substance as extracted in liquid form, especially by distillation.

    Often, spirits. a strong distilled alcoholic liquor.

    Chiefly British . alcohol.

    Pharmacology . a solution in alcohol  of an essential or volatile principle; essence.

    any of certain subtle fluids formerly supposed to permeate the body.

    the Spirit, God.

    pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.

    of or pertaining to spiritualist  bodies or activities.

    Now how about you answering my simple, direct question?

    Luke 24:37
    They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a spirit.

    Gene, could you tell us what the bolded, supersized word above MEANS in this scripture?  Can you give us the DEFINITION of that word?

    MIke………..I have been giving you definitions over and over all along. Well anyway what you posted explains a lot of why you are so “confused” about the Simple Word Spirit. So i can see it is useless to try to come to any sound understand with you on this , you will simply go of from one of your many different meanings to another and this could go on forever. Seem you “NETNotes is as confused as you seem to be Mike.

    MIke trying to Say because someone “THOUGHT” they saw something they “Never SAW” and then Try to make mean it is a REALITY, is even be below your mental ability or at lest should be. I mean if that is all you got , that is a jock at best Mike.

    As i have said before this is one of the main reasons there is so much confusion in  “RELIGIONS” ,   So it say “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT” THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF ALL THE EARTH”. They word Babylon , there Mikes Means CONFUSION in case you did not know that.

    But no matter what you and your “NETNotes” say,  Spirit only has ONE DEFINITION, and That Is this,  SPIRIT is COGNATE THOUGHT (intellect) and therefore LIFE, that can be expressed (THROUGH) WORD and actions of what (IT) is IN, (IT) exists in all physical life forms, From a amoeba to a giant Whale. Spirit is NOT any kind of BODY at all is what is (IN) a BODY, and all your gibbering will not change that.

    Mike Start listing to me and Toby and some of the others here and you might learn something about Spirit brother. But most of all calm down Brother. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Mike…………………………………………gene


    Luke 24:37
    They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a spirit.

    Gene, could you tell us what the bolded, supersized word above MEANS in this scripture?  Can you give us the DEFINITION of that word?

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