Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #266005

    T8……….I don't disagree with scripture i disagree with your trinitarians and Preexistences  (Interruptions)  of them.  T8 i posted sever scriptures about us completely being dead when we die, Instead of just running off and quoting other scriptures that can be taken different way , why not just deal with what i Posted for a change, before you mouth of about me and my understanding of scriptures. Stick to the scriptures posted and then tell us what they mean to you. When it say after a man dies there is no work , no Knowledge , no wisdom , in the grave where you go, Now what does that mean to you T8. Because if you still are a “LIVING SOUL” then where is a scripture the clearly say that T8, becasue if you produce one then we obviously have a contradiction of scripture right?.

    And get off this about Me trash mouthing Crap, it's not about me.  , I can understand that kind of language from you ignorant monitor and his Co-hart, but it is unbecoming of you. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 25 2011,16:02)
    And get off this about Me trash mouthing Crap, it's not about me. , I can understand that kind of language from you ignorant monitor and his Co-hart, but it is unbecoming of you.

    If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are that it is a duck.

    Gene, did you honestly think that ONLY me and Pierre noticed these things about you? :)


    Mike……………You and Pierre seem to be the only ones that mouth it off about people that's for sure and many, many, many that have come and gone from here know that also. But rather then have insulting confrontational grabber your stupid put downs they simply leave the site. Can't really blame them either , they simply go and dialog on another site. So i am sure i believe sooner or later you and even Pierre will turn on each other to. You don't walk like a duck , and quack like one , but you sure do not represent this site very well either. IMO

    Mike i and others don't want to deal with you repugnant stupidity any longer. And that has nothing to do with any Duck what so ever. IMO


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 26 2011,17:21)
    Mike i and others don't want to deal with you repugnant stupidity any longer.

    :D :laugh: :D

    You mean like when I quote the ACTUAL WORDS OF SCRIPTURE that show you to be wrong? Is that the “repugnant stupidity” of which you speak? :)


    Mike……………You and Pierre seem to be the only ones that mouth it off about people  that's for sure and many, many, many that have come and gone from here know that also. Rather then have insulting  confrontational gibber about your stupid put downs they simply leave the site. Can't really blame them either , they simply go and dialog on another site. So i am sure i believe sooner or later you and even Pierre will turn on each other to when you run out of other to personally attack them.  You don't walk like a duck , and quack like one , but you sure do not represent this site very well either. IMO

    Mike i and others don't want to deal with you repugnant stupidity any longer. And that has nothing to do with any Duck what so ever. IMO


    Mile ……………You quote scripture your way not the scriptures way, so don't deceive yourself little man>



    Don't you have a question to answer in the pre-existent thread? And three of them in the incarnation thread? Chop-chop little man.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 27 2011,17:45)
    Mike……………You and Pierre seem to be the only ones that mouth it off about people  that's for sure and many, many, many that have come and gone from here know that also. Rather then have insulting  confrontational gibber about your stupid put downs they simply leave the site. Can't really blame them either , they simply go and dialog on another site. So i am sure i believe sooner or later you and even Pierre will turn on each other to when you run out of other to personally attack them.  You don't walk like a duck , and quack like one , but you sure do not represent this site very well either. IMO

    Mike i and others don't want to deal with you repugnant stupidity any longer. And that has nothing to do with any Duck what so ever. IMO


    is this the only inpulse you have recieved out of your bible studies over the years ???

    if so it is time you look for the truth in scriptures it will open your eyes and your heart and save your soul.



    Terrica …….I have looked for the truth of scriptures and it sure does not meet what you say that is for sure, O and what your big mouth Monitor friend say either. Be honest for a change Pierre you nor he cares nothing about the truth of God or you both would not continue to quote scriptures out of context, and push your trinitarian derived Preexistences doctrines off on people. While all the time ignoring what other post. You both have disrupted this thread as you both have other threads by your stupid personal commits and attacks. You both came here accusing people who disagree with your dogmas and still are. Just that simple, you both are accusers of the brethren. You both are unable to address the issues being discussed without stupid personal attacks and insulting jesters by using Icon to convey a message of belittlement to others. Just two dumb peas in the same pod. I personally have had it with both of you.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 27 2011,11:02)

    Don't you have a question to answer in the pre-existent thread?  And three of them in the incarnation thread?  Chop-chop little man.

    Mike………….every question has been answered hundreds of time only you are unable for some reason to understand the answers. That is not my or anyone else's fault you lack the ability to understand when a person answers you question now is it.



    There are three questions I've never asked you before waiting for you in the incarnation thread.

    People couldn't have answered these questions before, because I only asked them of Ed 3 days ago, and of you yesterday.

    Are you AFRAID to answer them, Gene?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 28 2011,08:12)

    There are three questions I've never asked you before waiting for you in the incarnation thread.

    People couldn't have answered these questions before, because I only asked them of Ed 3 days ago, and of you yesterday.

    Are you AFRAID to answer them, Gene?

    gene ,edj,

    answer please



    Mike and T8………….So why does not scripture tell us that God made a SOUL, then a Body< them added Spirit into them then, And all three of those parts became a living Being them.

    peace and love……………………………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 03 2011,09:59)
    Mike and T8………….So why does not scripture tell us that God made a SOUL, then a Body< them added Spirit into them then, And all three of those parts became a living Being them.

    peace and love……………………………………………………………..gene


    this is a very good question;I have a other one like it ,HOW DID GOD CREATED THE ANGELS ??

    and how is it that no more details are given about the creation of man Adam just dust ??
    we know today that the body contains almost all of the earth elements ;may be this is what God meant when he says out of THE DUST, ????

    God does not go much in details about the creation of the Universe ,Geneses 1;1

    but the clues are their to have understanding,if we let the scriptures the way they are ,




    Jesus came to reveal much about God that we didn't know before. For example, Jesus told us that angels don't marry. We didn't know that from the OT, right?

    So I take the fact that Jesus said not to fear those who can ONLY kill the body and NOT the soul to mean that they are separate things. I truly don't know how else to take it.


    Mike………Actually the word used there for soul in not “Nephesh ” at all in Mat 10:28, but Spirit in the proper translation not Soul.  Actually Jesus said “to fear him who can destory both Body and Spirit in the grave.”

    Nephesh  is written in scriptures 749 time as in the Original Testament.

    as Soul…………..416

    as life…………….100

    as souls…………..58

    as lives………….. 18

    as persons………..16

    as person………….14

    as heart……………12

    as mind……………..11

    as himself…………..10

    as body……………..9

    as creature…………9

    as dead……………..8

    as yourselves……….8

    as desire……………..5

    as man………………..4

    as minds………………4

    as will………………….4

    as any…………………3

    as beast……………….3

    as themselves…………3

    as appetite…………….2

    as ghost………………..2

    as hearts………………..2

    as lust……………………2

    as thing …………………2

    as angry……………….1

    as breath………………1

    as deadly……………….1

    as discontented………..1

    as fish……………………1

    as greedy………………..1

    as hearts…………………1

    as Hearty…………………1

    as herself…………………1

    as men…………………….1

    as mortally…………………1

    as myself…………………..1

    as one………………………1

    as own………………………1

    as slay……………………….1

    as slayeth……………………1

    as Soul's……………………..I

    as tablets…………………….1

    as thyself……………………..1

    as would………………………1

     According to Strong's it is PROPERLY (a BREATHING CREATURE). and that fits scriptures.  Any creature is a living Soul the Creature it self is a Soul. It is a Body with air going in its nostrils,  it is alive, a living Soul , just as it says in Genesis.

    But what is interesting that word it is not found in the New Testament , Have you ever wondered why? here is why, because the Greeks and New Testament translator were from pagan mythology and ideologies, and where the Word soul is written it is simply mistranslated it should be translated SPIRIT.  This whole idea of separating the Body into two parts of a Body and Soul, was a GREEK CREATION and is no where spoken of in the “ORIGINAL TESTAMENT” There are no three part to us Just a Body with breath of life in us and Spirits that give us cognitive abilities. We are only kidding ourselves if we think there is a life still going on after we die, that is simply Pagan though. No scripture say a man is still alive as a Soul after he dies. The only thing that remains is the Spirit and that goes back to him who gave it in the first palace, our only hope is in a resurrection “that will witness the redemption of our Bodies”, nothing else can cause us to live again. It is absolutely crucial we attain unto a resurrection from the dead, becasue there is nothing still living after we die. IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………………..gene


    Mike………Actually the word used there for soul in not “Nephesh ” at all  Mat 10:28, but Spirit in the proper translation not Soul.  Actually Jesus said “to fear him who can destory both Body and Spirit in the grave.”

    Nephesh  is written in scriptures 749 time as

    as Soul…………..416

    as life…………….100

    as souls…………..58

    as lives………….. 18

    as persons………..16

    as person………….14

    as heart……………12

    as mind……………..11

    as himself…………..10

    as body……………..9

    as creature…………9

    as dead……………..8

    as yourselves……….8

    as desire……………..5

    as man………………..4

    as minds………………4

    as will………………….4

    as any…………………3

    as beast……………….3

    as themselves…………3

    as appetite…………….2

    as ghost………………..2

    as hearts………………..2

    as lust……………………2

    as thing …………………2

    as angry……………….1

    as breath………………1

    as deadly……………….1

    as discontented………..1

    as fish……………………1

    as greedy………………..1

    as hearts…………………1

    as Hearty…………………1

    as herself…………………1

    as men…………………….1

    as mortally…………………1

    as myself…………………..1

    as one………………………1

    as own………………………1

    as slay……………………….1

    as slayeth……………………1

    as Soul's……………………..I

    as tablets…………………….1

    as thyself……………………..1

    as would………………………1

     According to Strong's it is PROPERLY (a BREATHING CREATURE). and that fits scriptures.  Any creature is a living Soul the Creature it self is a Soul. It is a Body with air going in its nostrils,  it is alive, a living Soul , just as it says in Genesis.

    But what is interesting that word it is not found in the New Testament , Have you ever wondered why? here is why, because the Greeks and New Testament translator were from pagan mythology and ideologies, and where the Word soul is written it is simply mistranslated it should be translated SPIRIT.  This whole idea of separating the Body into two parts of a Body and Soul, was a GREEK CREATION and is no where spoken of in the “ORIGINAL TESTAMENT” There are no three part to us Just a Body with breath of life in us and Spirits that give us cognitive abilities. We are only kidding ourselves if we think there is a life still going on after we die, that is simply Pagan though. No scripture say a man is still alive as a Soul after he dies. The only thing that remains is the Spirit and that goes back to him who gave it in the first palace, our only hope is in a resurrection “that will witness the redemption of our Bodies”, nothing else can cause us to live again. It is absolutely crucial we attain unto a resurrection from the dead, becasue there is nothing still living after we die. IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………………..gene

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 03 2011,02:39)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 28 2011,08:12)

    There are three questions I've never asked you before waiting for you in the incarnation thread.

    People couldn't have answered these questions before, because I only asked them of Ed 3 days ago, and of you yesterday.

    Are you AFRAID to answer them, Gene?

    gene ,edj,

    answer please



    Answer what?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Gene, “nephesh” isn't in the NT because it is a Hebrew word, not a Greek one.  But there is one Greek word for “spirit” – “pnuema”.  And there is a DIFFERENT Greek word for “soul” – “psuche”.  And there is yet a DIFFERENT Greek word for “body” – “soma”.  In the following scripture, you can see that Paul mentions ALL THREE things – not just ONE thing:

    1 Thessalonians 5:23
    May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Believe the scriptures or don't. The choice is yours, Gene.

    Paul uses THREE different Greek words to convey THREE different things.


    Mike………Now that is the problem here right, the Original Testament only shows a LIVING Soul as a Complete human Being , and No mention of a “SEPARATE” SOUL that still is alive after death,  but  you say Paul used two or three different words right? fact is the trinitarian translators used two or thee different words to push their still alive after you die doctrine recieved from Greek mythology, of (the living Soul)  the “neither world”  ideas after death. But the “ORIGINAL TESTAMENT” Says when a person dies there is no such thing  as a continue living soul after death.  

    Now who should we believe the Original Testament or the Greek translated one translated by Trinitarians and Preexistences forcing the truth to meet their dogmas. We have all been warned this would happen and it truly has , Jesus himself said Many would come and say “I AM”, THE CHRIST, and DECEIVE MANY.

    Now Mike what exactly are you saying Jesus (IS), you are saying He is a PREEXISTENT “BEING” of SOME KIND, and your other fellow Trinitarians Preach a PREEXISTENT JESUS as a GOD BEING , but fact is both Teach a Different Jesus then Scripture does. Both of you say Jesus is a this or a that, and both teach PREEXISTENCE, but neither of you say he was a Man who came into His EXISTENCE, by his berth on the earth.

    Peace and Love…………………………………………………………….gene

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