Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 15 2011,06:34)
    Kerwin……………..I believe one of the main reasons people are confused in religion is that they apply all kinds of meaning to Spirits, For instance some think Spirits are beings, but no scripture says there are Spirit beings in the bible,  Some think Spirits have Bodies but no description of any Spirit BODIES in scripture.  Because scripture say God makes his angels Spirits and send them forth they think that means God makes his angles “SPIRIT BEINGS” but no scripture say that.  Spirits are not being they are what is (IN) beings.  They give the being his sense of thing his Thoughts they compose a Persons (INTELLECT).  Show me where scripture shows or states all these other kinds of meanings at. Everything in Scripture will come back to the intellects (IN) a Person,  rather Yahweh our GOD or any other beings.

    Kerwin…………Here is another thing , take the word Faith, Now go and look it up in a dictionary and notice they different way it is pictured compared to scripture. Dictionaries says what ever you want to believe in is what your Faith, While Scripture say Faith (IS) the subsentence of things HOPED FOR, the EVIDENCE of things Not Seen. See the dictionary left the EVIDENCE part of the meaning. I go with the scripture meaning, becasue many think they have Faith but in reality have suppositions with no EVIDENCE attached to what they say is their FAITH>  IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………..gene


    Scripture states both.

    1) The disciples thought Jesus was a spirit when the saw him walking on water.
    2) The disciples thought Jesus was a phantasm when they saw him walking on water.

    Only one of the accounts of that same event uses the word spirit while two accounts use the word phantasm.  These accounts make it clear that spirit is a synonym of phantasm in the three accounts.

    In all three cases it is clear the disciples did not think Jesus was an “intellect”.


    Kerwin: “spirit is a synonym of spirit”

    I think you meant to say, “spirit is a synonym of phantasm”.

    Good point, btw. I'm anxious to see if Gene will now be able to grasp the truth of the matter that “spirit” has many different meanings in scripture.


    Philippians 3:21 (New International Version 1984)
    21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    From Barnes:
    That it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body – Greek, “The body Of his glory;” that is, the body which he has in his glorified state. What change the body of the Redeemer underwent when he ascended to heaven, we are not informed – nor do we know what is the nature, size, appearance, or form of the body which he now has. It is certain that it is adapted to the glorious world where he dwells; that it has none of the infirmities to which it was liable when here; that it is not subject; as here, to pain or death; that it is not sustained in the same manner. The body of Christ in heaven is of the same nature as the bodies of the saints will be in the resurrection, and which the apostle calls “spiritual bodies,”

    I just happened upon this while researching for a post.  For what it's worth, Barnes agrees with me about Jesus' new spiritual body in heaven; and he agrees that Jesus' lowly body was transformed into his new glorious body upon ascension into heaven.



    MIke………..So he agree with you what does that prove That you are not alone? O well so much for that, I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY” Just that simple to me and i don't need all kinds of different Meanings of the word Spirit to understand what it is < Jesus explained what Spirit Is in other places,  we can all simply us His explanations , He gave many.  IMO

    peace and love………………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 16 2011,09:54)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 15 2011,06:34)
    Kerwin……………..I believe one of the main reasons people are confused in religion is that they apply all kinds of meaning to Spirits, For instance some think Spirits are beings, but no scripture says there are Spirit beings in the bible,  Some think Spirits have Bodies but no description of any Spirit BODIES in scripture.  Because scripture say God makes his angels Spirits and send them forth they think that means God makes his angles “SPIRIT BEINGS” but no scripture say that.  Spirits are not being they are what is (IN) beings.  They give th being his sense of thing his Thoughts they compose a Persons (INTELLECT).  Show me where scripture shows or states all these other kinds of meanings at. Everything in Scripture will come back to the intellects (IN) a Person,  rather Yahweh our GOD or any other beings.

    Kerwin…………Here is another thing , take the word Faith, Now go and look it up in a dictionary and notice they different way it is pictured compared to scripture. Dictionaries says what ever you want to believe in is what your Faith, While Scripture say Faith (IS) the subsentence of things HOPED FOR, the EVIDENCE of things Not Seen. See the dictionary left the EVIDENCE part of the meaning. I go with the scripture meaning, becasue many think they have Faith but in reality have suppositions with no EVIDENCE attached to what they say is their FAITH>  IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………..gene


    Scripture states both.

    1) The disciples thought Jesus was a spirit when the saw him walking on water.
    2) The disciples thought Jesus was a phantasm when they saw him walking on water.

    Only one of the accounts of that same event uses the word spirit while two accounts use the word phantasm.  These accounts make it clear that spirit is a synonym of spirit in the three accounts.

    In all three cases it is clear the disciples did not think Jesus was an “intellect”.

    Kerwin……………Again the disciples were wrong all along , the accounts clearly show they were, so why assume there exists these things, just becasue the disciples were wrong about it. No Jesus not a Spirit was walking on the Water, and Peter Not a spirit also walked on water, You seem brother to be caught in the Phantom thing , I assure you no Phantoms exist they never did there is no “Nether World” where people are still alive after they die all of these Ideas were a creation of Mythology of ancient Greek and even before them all the way back to Egypt and Babylon, they are simply pagan mythologies. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………….gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 16 2011,04:59)
    Kerwin: “spirit is a synonym of spirit”

    I think you meant to say, “spirit is a synonym of phantasm”.

    Good point, btw.  I'm anxious to see if Gene will now be able to grasp the truth of the matter that “spirit” has many different meanings in scripture.


    Thank you for alerting me to my error so I could correct it. Please forgive my shortcomings.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 16 2011,22:26)
    MIke………..So he agree with you what does that prove That you are not alone? O well so much for that, I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY” Just that simple to me and i don't need all kinds of different Meanings of the word Spirit to understand what it is < Jesus explained what Spirit Is in other places,  we can all simply us His explanations , He gave many.  IMO

    peace and love………………………………………………………….gene


    Watch yourself as you are being tricked into switching the topic of our conversation.  The topic is not whether or not phantasms exist.  The topic is whether the word Greek word “spirit” has only one meaning or if it has more than one meaning.   I am just using the written events of what happened when Jesus walked on water to show that the word spirit means phantasm in some contexts.  That is all I was striving to establish with my argument. The rest can wait till another time, if God chooses to lead us that way.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 17 2011,10:38)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 16 2011,09:54)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 15 2011,06:34)
    Kerwin……………..I believe one of the main reasons people are confused in religion is that they apply all kinds of meaning to Spirits, For instance some think Spirits are beings, but no scripture says there are Spirit beings in the bible,  Some think Spirits have Bodies but no description of any Spirit BODIES in scripture.  Because scripture say God makes his angels Spirits and send them forth they think that means God makes his angles “SPIRIT BEINGS” but no scripture say that.  Spirits are not being they are what is (IN) beings.  They give th being his sense of thing his Thoughts they compose a Persons (INTELLECT).  Show me where scripture shows or states all these other kinds of meanings at. Everything in Scripture will come back to the intellects (IN) a Person,  rather Yahweh our GOD or any other beings.

    Kerwin…………Here is another thing , take the word Faith, Now go and look it up in a dictionary and notice they different way it is pictured compared to scripture. Dictionaries says what ever you want to believe in is what your Faith, While Scripture say Faith (IS) the subsentence of things HOPED FOR, the EVIDENCE of things Not Seen. See the dictionary left the EVIDENCE part of the meaning. I go with the scripture meaning, becasue many think they have Faith but in reality have suppositions with no EVIDENCE attached to what they say is their FAITH>  IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………..gene


    Scripture states both.

    1) The disciples thought Jesus was a spirit when the saw him walking on water.
    2) The disciples thought Jesus was a phantasm when they saw him walking on water.

    Only one of the accounts of that same event uses the word spirit while two accounts use the word phantasm.  These accounts make it clear that spirit is a synonym of spirit in the three accounts.

    In all three cases it is clear the disciples did not think Jesus was an “intellect”.

    Kerwin……………Again the disciples were wrong all along , the accounts clearly show they were, so why assume there exists these things,  just becasue the disciples were wrong about it. No Jesus not a Spirit was walking on the Water, and Peter Not a spirit also walked on water, You seem brother to be caught in the Phantom thing , I assure you no Phantoms exist they never did there is no “Nether World” where people are still alive after they die all of these Ideas were a creation of Mythology of ancient Greek and even before them all the way back to Egypt and Babylon, they are simply pagan mythologies. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………….gene


    blindness in scriptures is synonym of EGO




    :D :laugh: :D


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 16 2011,12:01)
    The topic is not whether or not phantasms exist.  The topic is whether the word Greek word “spirit” has only one meaning or if it has more than one meaning.

    That's right Gene.  So please answer my post:

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 15 2011,09:19)
    MIke………..I never said they thought thy saw a Intellect  inside a person, nowhere did I say it, that is just a LIE of Yours.

    Of course you did, Gene.  You said, “But i believe Spirit has ONE Meaning,  It simply is what is (IN) a BODY but Not a Body of any Kind”, right?

    And if the word spirit has only one meaning, and the disciples thought they were seeing a spirit, then they MUST HAVE thought they were seeing “the INTELLECT inside someone”, right?

    Because “spirit” is the word Luke used in that scripture, Gene.  Luke said that they thought they were seeing a SPIRIT.  And since, according to you, SPIRIT only has one meaning, then they must have thought they were seeing an intellect inside someone.

    Is that what they thought they were seeing, Gene?


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 16 2011,12:00)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 16 2011,04:59)
    Kerwin: “spirit is a synonym of spirit”

    I think you meant to say, “spirit is a synonym of phantasm”.

    Good point, btw.  I'm anxious to see if Gene will now be able to grasp the truth of the matter that “spirit” has many different meanings in scripture.


    Thank you for alerting me to my error so I could correct it.  Please forgive my shortcomings.

    First, you ask me to forgive you, and then turn right around and quote MY post in your response to Gene about being tricked into discussing phatasms – making it seem like I was tricking Gene. :)


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 16 2011,10:26)
    I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY”

    No wonder your understanding of scripture is so flawed, Gene. You keep sticking with the things YOU IMAGINE that Jesus said. :)

    Jesus never said “A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE A BODY”. Ever.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 17 2011,18:32)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 16 2011,10:26)
    I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY”

    No wonder your understanding of scripture is so flawed, Gene.  You keep sticking with the things YOU IMAGINE that Jesus said.  :)

    Jesus never said “A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE A BODY”.  Ever.


    gene is hopeless I think



    Scuse me for interrupting but how did Gene get two tiles??


    Gene, they dont know, its takes the spirit to understand what Jesus meant not a dictionary.


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 17 2011,15:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 17 2011,18:32)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 16 2011,10:26)
    I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY”

    No wonder your understanding of scripture is so flawed, Gene.  You keep sticking with the things YOU IMAGINE that Jesus said.  :)

    Jesus never said “A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE A BODY”.  Ever.


    gene is hopeless I think


    I think a person is hopeless for calling someone hopeless for no reason. I think you people just like to pick on those who you perceive as weaker, you, your friends, all of you,


    If you show me how Gene got a tile, how Istari got tiles, how Martian got tiles, I could match them with your posts, and kathis posts, and I see no tile.


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 17 2011,00:00)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 16 2011,04:59)
    Kerwin: “spirit is a synonym of spirit”

    I think you meant to say, “spirit is a synonym of phantasm”.

    Good point, btw.  I'm anxious to see if Gene will now be able to grasp the truth of the matter that “spirit” has many different meanings in scripture.


    Thank you for alerting me to my error so I could correct it.  Please forgive my shortcomings.


    Watch yourself as you are being tricked into switching the topic of our conversation. The topic is not whether or not phantasms exist. The topic is whether the word Greek word “spirit” has only one meaning or if it has more than one meaning. I am just using the written events of what happened when Jesus walked on water to show that the word spirit means phantasm in some contexts. That is all I was striving to establish with my argument. The rest can wait till another time, if God chooses to lead us that way.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 17 2011,06:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 16 2011,12:00)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 16 2011,04:59)
    Kerwin: “spirit is a synonym of spirit”

    I think you meant to say, “spirit is a synonym of phantasm”.

    Good point, btw.  I'm anxious to see if Gene will now be able to grasp the truth of the matter that “spirit” has many different meanings in scripture.


    Thank you for alerting me to my error so I could correct it.  Please forgive my shortcomings.

    First, you ask me to forgive you, and then turn right around and quote MY post in your response to Gene about being tricked into discussing phatasms – making it seem like I was tricking Gene.  :)


    I appear to having a error prone day. :D


    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 17 2011,20:28)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 17 2011,15:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 17 2011,18:32)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 16 2011,10:26)
    I will stick with what Jesus said , ” A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE (A) BODY”

    No wonder your understanding of scripture is so flawed, Gene.  You keep sticking with the things YOU IMAGINE that Jesus said.  :)

    Jesus never said “A SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE A BODY”.  Ever.


    gene is hopeless I think


    I think a person is hopeless for calling someone hopeless for no reason. I think you people just like to pick on those who you perceive as weaker, you, your friends, all of you,


    I said this regarding the topic ,and so it is ,if you want to know more read the total topic here and follow the discussions with gene ,like question and answers ,then and only then you can talk and see if i have reasons to say what i have said ,

    ,it seems you come on and of and so have no idea of what is going on in all the discussions


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