Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 08 2011,15:46)
    Mike…………Jesus was using the (intelligent) Spirits (IN) Him explaining that He was not a Spirit OR Ghost “BEING” as they and you presume he was and is,

    And what does the word “spirit” mean in that sentence, Gene? Does it mean (INTELLECT WITHIN SOMEONE)?

    Or, is it proof of a DIFFERENT meaning of the word “spirit” in scripture? :)


    MIke…………..It absolutely does mean the (INTELLECT) (IN) a Person without a doubt. What Know a Man except the spirit (IN) HIM , when a man expresses the Spirit (intellect0 within him we then are able to try those Spirits (intellects) to see if they are of GOD , Just as we try your word Here that come out of your Mind that are produced by the Spirit within you.  Just that simple nothing complicated about it. Spirit doe not have all kind of meanings as you presume they  do. In fact that is what adds most to your confusion about scriptures, IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 09 2011,11:22)
    MIke…………..It absolutely does mean the (INTELLECT) (IN) a Person without a doubt.

    Wrong. Because YOUR OWN WORDS just said Jesus was trying to explain he wasn't a “spirit being or ghost”. And for that to be what Jesus was explaining, that particular word “spirit” had to MEAN “spirit being or ghost” for him to be explaining he WASN'T one of those. :)


    Mike……….That was what the apostles assumed a spirit of Ghost was , Jesus was not saying there exist SPIRIT “BEINGS” or GHOST “BEINGS” as you falsely again assume. You seem unable to get the right meaning and context from what is written. Because Jesus denied what they (the apostles) thought in no way means that those things existed. Many have false thoughts about Spirit and Ghosts even today like you also do. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………………………………..


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 11 2011,07:53)
    Mike……….That was what the apostles assumed a spirit of Ghost was , Jesus was not saying there exist SPIRIT “BEINGS” or GHOST “BEINGS”  as you falsely again assume. You seem unable to get the right meaning and context from what is written. Because Jesus denied what they (the apostles) thought in no way means that those things existed. Many have false thoughts about Spirit and Ghosts even today like you also do. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………………………………..



    Jn 5:37 And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form,(why can men not see Gods form ?)INV

    Jn 5:37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.KJV



    Terricca……………Because God is a Spirit and Spirits can never be seen. Only the effects they have on created life forms can be seen by how the life forms act from the Spirit (IN) them, produces action . We are told ,We can know the (HIDDEN) attributes of GOD by the things created , God is Spirit and He puts His Spirit (IN) his creation He was truly (IN) Jesus Speaking in him and through Him even first person at time. This is what Jesus meant when he said the Father who ” is (IN) Me “HE” does the works. Pierre this should not be hard for anyone who understands what Spirits really are to understand. GOD is a Spirit Jesus plainly told us all that.

    No where did Jesus ever say a Spirit has a BODY of any kind, that was derived from “MYSTERY RELIGION” teachings.

    peace and Love…………………………………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 11 2011,15:15)
    Terricca……………Because God is a Spirit and Spirits can never be seen.  Only the effects they have on created life forms can be seen by how the life forms act from the Spirit (IN) them, produces action . We are told ,We can know the (HIDDEN) attributes of GOD by the things created , God is Spirit and He puts His Spirit (IN) his creation He was truly (IN) Jesus Speaking in him and through Him even first person at time. This is what Jesus meant when he said the Father who ” is (IN) Me “HE” does the works. Pierre this should not be hard for anyone who understands what Spirits really are to understand. GOD is a Spirit Jesus plainly told us all that.

    No where did Jesus ever say a Spirit has a BODY of any kind, that was derived from “MYSTERY RELIGION” teachings.

    peace and Love…………………………………………………………………gene


    you not fighting with me ,SEE SCRIPTURES AND ANSWER MY QUESTIONS  do not hide behind religion for your answers


    so are scriptures lying Gene just because Gene does not agree with them ???


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 10 2011,07:53)
    Mike……….That was what the apostles assumed a spirit of Ghost was , Jesus was not saying there exist SPIRIT “BEINGS” or GHOST “BEINGS”  as you falsely again assume.


    You missed MY point.  In order for Jesus to say, “There exists no such thing as a ghost”, the word “ghost” has to MEAN “ghost” in that scripture for Jesus to teach that they don't exist.  Get it?  

    Even if Jesus was telling the mistaken disciples that spirit beings don't exist, his use of “spirit” HAD TO MEAN “spirit beings” in order for him to be denying the existence OF “spirit beings”.  :)

    Your own words about Jesus' teaching have showed you that the word “spirit” in this case meant “spirit beings”.  :D


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 10 2011,15:18)

    Very good, Pierre. God said that no man could see His face and live. That would have been a stupid thing for God to say if He didn't even HAVE a face to begin with.

    It is the same with your scriptures. One can't say that no man has SEEN God's FORM if God doesn't even HAVE a FORM to see in the first place.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 11 2011,19:04)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 10 2011,15:18)

    Very good, Pierre.  God said that no man could see His face and live.  That would have been a stupid thing for God to say if He didn't even HAVE a face to begin with.

    It is the same with your scriptures.  One can't say that no man has SEEN God's FORM if God doesn't even HAVE a FORM to see in the first place.


    :) :)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 11 2011,12:01)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 10 2011,07:53)
    Mike……….That was what the apostles assumed a spirit of Ghost was , Jesus was not saying there exist SPIRIT “BEINGS” or GHOST “BEINGS”  as you falsely again assume.


    You missed MY point.  In order for Jesus to say, “There exists no such thing as a ghost”, the word “ghost” has to MEAN “ghost” in that scripture for Jesus to teach that they don't exist.  Get it?  

    Even if Jesus was telling the mistaken disciples that spirit beings don't exist, his use of “spirit” HAD TO MEAN “spirit beings” in order for him to be denying the existence OF “spirit beings”.  :)

    Your own words about Jesus' teaching have showed you that the word “spirit” in this case meant “spirit beings”.  :D

    Mike ………So say you, but interestingly Jesus sure did not say that now did he? You are forcing the text to say what in fact it does not say at all. Your assuming that becasue a person has a false assumption that mean it actually exists, No there are NO GHOSTS, Neither are there “SPIRIT BEINGS” Spirit is not a BEING it just because Jesus said He was not a spirit . Mike your wrong Brother .

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene



    Mike ………So say you, but interestingly Jesus sure did not say that now did he? You are forcing the text to say what in fact it does not say at all. Your assuming that becasue a person has a false assumption that mean it actually exists, No there are NO GHOSTS, Neither are there “SPIRIT BEINGS” Spirit is not a BEING it just because Jesus said He was not a spirit . Mike your wrong Brother .

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene

    would Jesus be not knowing what he talk about ???

    would Jesus be so childish to use words that don't mean anything ??

    would Jesus connect to expressions like ghost (spirit)and for well know that it was a miss use of that word ???

    is that what you do Gene ??? and Jesus his the son of God ,what are you ???

    are the apostles so gobblers that they would not understand what Jesus was saying so plainly ???

    does the bible not speak about spirit beings ???

    are angels and God not spirit beings ???

    if they are not what are they then, that scriptures says they are ???


    But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit.

    Gene, WHAT EXACTLY did the disciples think they had seen?  A page ago, you said:

    Jesus was……………explaining that He was not a Spirit OR Ghost “BEING” as they and you presume he was and is.

    If they thought Jesus was – NOT an intellect inside someone – but a SPIRIT BEING, then that particular bolded word “spirit” above has a meaning – NOT of “an intellect inside someone” – but of “A SPIRIT BEING”.

    Do you finally get my point?  The disciples couldn't have been thinking Jesus was a SPIRIT BEING unless the word “spirit” above MEANS “SPIRIT BEING”.

    So even if the disciples were wrong in their thinking that Jesus was a spirit being, the use of the word “spirit” to convey the meaning of “spirit being” shows you that there are MORE THAN ONE meaning of the word “spirit” in the scriptures.

    Surely you understand my point now?  ???


    Mike………………No one has saw a Spirit ever, because a spirits do not have a Body they are what is (IN) Bodies. If Spirit is as you think it is, then that would mean a Spirit which is a Body to you, is (IN) a BODY. That would make a body (IN) a Body right? Pure foolishness to anyone who understands what a Spirit really is. You can claim a Spirit has all kinds of meanings to support you false assumptions and dogmas all you want , but that only shows your and others ignorance of what a Spirit really is. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………..gene


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 12 2011,02:01)

    Mike ………So say you,  but interestingly Jesus sure did not say that now did he?  You are forcing the text to say what in fact it does not say at all. Your assuming that becasue a person has a false assumption that mean it actually exists, No there are NO GHOSTS, Neither are there  “SPIRIT BEINGS” Spirit is not a BEING it just because Jesus said He was not a spirit . Mike your wrong Brother .

    peace and  love to you and yours………………………..gene

    would Jesus be not knowing what he talk about ???

    would Jesus be so childish to use words that don't mean anything ??

    would Jesus connect to expressions like ghost (spirit)and for well know that it was a miss use of that word ???

    is that what you do Gene ??? and Jesus his the son of God ,what are you ???

    are the apostles so gobblers that they would not understand what Jesus was saying so plainly ???

    does the bible not speak about spirit beings ???

    are angels and God not spirit beings ???

    if they are not what are they then, that scriptures says they are ???

    Terricca…………..Jesus know exactly what he was talking about , it is you and others here who seem to have the problem of not understanding what he was talking about.

    So terricca “O wise one”, show us the words “SPIRIT BEINGS” as meaning a BODY of any kind, written in any scriptures. I can show you where it says Says the spirits of Just men made perfect.

    Heb 12:23……..< The universal gathering; and to the assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven; and to God, judge of all; and to the (SPIRITS OF JUST MEN MADE PERFECT).

    now this is how you and Mike see this (the spirits which are “BODIES” of Just Men are made Perfect)…..You make it appear that a mans “Body” has a Spirit “Body” (IN) it. Pure garbage at best>

    A Spirit is what is (IN) a BODY it is NOT the BODY it is (IN)> Even a child could figure that out. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 12 2011,08:23)
    You can claim a Spirit has all kinds of meanings to support you false assumptions and dogmas all you want , but that only shows your and others ignorance of what a Spirit really is.

    One more time……………..

    But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit.

    Gene, what does the word “spirit” mean in the above scripture?

    1.  They thought they had seen an intellect inside someone?

    2.  They thought they had seen a spirit BEING?

    If your answer is 2, (which is the correct answer), then you have no choice but to admit that the word “spirit” in that scripture means “spirit BEING”.

    And once you admit this FACT, then you have no choice but to admit that there ARE more than one meaning of “spirit” in the scriptures.  (Sometimes it just means “breath”.)

    And once you admit this FACT, then you have no choice but to go back to each and every post where you told someone they don't understand what spirit means and HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR OWN IGNORANCE.  :)


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 13 2011,08:25)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 12 2011,02:01)

    Mike ………So say you,  but interestingly Jesus sure did not say that now did he?  You are forcing the text to say what in fact it does not say at all. Your assuming that becasue a person has a false assumption that mean it actually exists, No there are NO GHOSTS, Neither are there  “SPIRIT BEINGS” Spirit is not a BEING it just because Jesus said He was not a spirit . Mike your wrong Brother .

    peace and  love to you and yours………………………..gene

    would Jesus be not knowing what he talk about ???

    would Jesus be so childish to use words that don't mean anything ??

    would Jesus connect to expressions like ghost (spirit)and for well know that it was a miss use of that word ???

    is that what you do Gene ??? and Jesus his the son of God ,what are you ???

    are the apostles so gobblers that they would not understand what Jesus was saying so plainly ???

    does the bible not speak about spirit beings ???

    are angels and God not spirit beings ???

    if they are not what are they then, that scriptures says they are ???

    Terricca…………..Jesus know exactly what he was talking about , it is you and others here who seem to have the problem of not understanding what he was talking about.

    So terricca “O wise one”, show us the words “SPIRIT BEINGS” as meaning a BODY of any kind, written in any scriptures.  I can show you where it says Says the spirits of Just men made perfect.

    Heb 12:23……..< The universal gathering; and to the assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven; and to God, judge of all; and to the (SPIRITS OF JUST MEN MADE PERFECT).

    now this is how you  and Mike see this (the spirits which are  “BODIES” of Just Men are made Perfect)…..You make it appear that a mans “Body” has a Spirit “Body” (IN) it.  Pure garbage at best>

    A Spirit is what is (IN) a BODY it is NOT the BODY it is (IN)> Even a child could figure that out. IMO  

    peace and love…………………………………………gene


    on this I say good by to you ,you have received enough inside to understand what scriptures are saying ,and still persistent on teaching you men made understanding ,

    this is final



    Mike………Why would they be terrified if they Knew what a Spirit was or perhaps or maybe they were frightened becasue they did not know. Please give us your personal accounts of “SEEING” a Spirit “BEING” or perhaps anyones account of (SEEING) a SPIRIT “BEING” in scripture. Mike…………I was very sick once at the point of death on my bed and was unable to eat or drink anything for seven day not food or water, i was burning up with fever. On the third day i called the elder of the church i belonged to to be anointed by him , but i kept getting worse and on the seventh day I looked up and said to GOD that it appeared he was going to let me die now, i was so weak i could hardly open my eyes, But i had come to the conclusion i was going to actually die, Then suddenly this object came through the door and went directly in line with my feet and advanced forward to my head and it looked like a oblique rope about a foot in diameter and was slowly spinning and then went out the exact same way it came in, and I was Instantly healed. Not any symptoms at all. The appearance of it was Just like WATER that would come out of a Hose you could see it but it also was clear like clear water.

    So i do believe there are thing that exist that we cannot see. But that does not mean they do not have a Body that can be seen and I believe that the Spirits (IN) those Being are not themselves the Body they reside (IN). A spirit is useless outside of a Body to occupy. Spirit can come and go in and out of a BODY so obvisely they themselves are not the body they are in. Common sense would tell you that. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………gene


    Hey Gene,

    Good testimonial!  But it proved the point Pierre and I have made all along in this thread.  It seems that YOU are the one understanding only one meaning of “body”, just like you understand only one meaning of “spirit”.

    Your “spinning water rope” HAD a body!  If it came through the door and moved towards you, then it HAD TO HAVE a body.  If it had no body, it would have been everywhere at once.  The fact that it WAS at your door, and then WASN'T at your door a minute later says that some “outer perimeter” was distinguishing that it was HERE and NOT THERE.  That “outer perimeter”, which you recognized as a rope made of water, was it's BODY.

    I linked photos of drops of water in this thread a while back.  The shape of the drop that you see IS the drop of water's BODY.  And that BODY (outer perimeter) is made out of the same substance that the entire drop is made from.

    Just like angels are spirits with spiritual bodies.  Their bodies are made of the same substance as the rest of them – SPIRIT.

    You need to stop thinking “body” always means visible and physical.  It doesn't have to.  A cloud of invisible natural gas is still a BODY of gas in that the gas is contained within certain parameters.  Let's say that the gas was hovering exactly over the state of Oklahoma.  We can't SEE it with our eyes, but since the gas IS over Oklahoma, but is NOT over the surrounding states, that cloud of invisible gas has a BODY that looks like the shape of Oklahoma – even though we can't see or touch it.

    Gene, I will continue this thought with you later.  Right now I want you to acknowledge that if the word “spirit” didn't mean “spirit being” in Luke 24, then your understanding that Jesus was telling them he was not a spirit being is flawed.

    Do you acknowledge that the word “spirit” in that teaching referred to “spirit BEING”?



    Mike………….No i do not acknowledge that Mike, And Jesus also explained what spirit was in other scriptures and none of those showed they were bodies of any type. A again i never said you could see those different BODIES alway They still can be Physical and you cannot see them as in the case of Angels unless God allowes you to.

    Even Physical Bodies that we can see have disappeared in Scriptures and changed from being seen to not being seeing. Even Jesus did, But as He said He was NOT A SPIRIT “BEING”. because a (or for that matter any) SPIRIT doesn not have a Body Period! they (spirits) are what is (IN) a Body and can enter it or leave it. Do you actually believe the the Man Possessed by thousand of demonic Spirits had thousand of BODIES (IN) HIM , no he did not he had a legion of Spirits (in his BODY) effecting he thinking and causing him to react the way he was, and when threatened with removal they employed Jesus to provide them a Bodies to go into. Now ask yourself if they were Spirit bodies why would they want another body if they already had one. Also Jesus told us the a unclean spirit leaving a BODY goes about in ARID Places looking for rest. Why is that Mike?, if they have their own bodies why do they look for rest in another body? Face is, Spirit is not a body at all it only can only have control if it is (IN) a BODY, because a Spirit is (INTELLECT) that works in the Mind of a existing BODY as it did in the Man Legion and also the Pigs they went into.

    There exits no such thing as a “SPIRIT BODY” if you believe that then simply post a Scripture that say there is such a thing as a “SPIRIT BODY” and the disagreement is over. Not scripture you can bend and force the text to say something what is in fact does not, like saying a “SPIRITUAL BODY” means a “SPIRIT BODY”. No Mike a Spiirt is no a BODY of any kind it never was and never will be, it is what dwells in a Body rather a clean spirit (intellect) or a unclean one, rather the Spirit (intellect) of the world or the Spirit of GOD none of these are bodies of any kind. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………………..gene

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