Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 18 2011,12:47)
    Shimmer, interesting post…. even though I don't agree that John 1 replacing the Word of God with Love is not according to Scripture, it still is interesting…. love is a  feeling.  A couple of nights ago, I was by myself which I hate.  So I started singing Songs to God.  After a couple of Songs, Love came over me so strong, and the peace that went along with it, is hard to describe…That reminded me that eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard prepared for them that Love Him…. What a great God and Jesus His Son we have….. The only hope I have this would happen more often to me while still in the flesh……
    Peace and Love Irene

    Irerne, where did you feel it? Did you find, it started in the area of your heart, and mind, and sort of radiated out? I know the feeling, and I know the peace that comes with it.

    The funny thing with what happened to me, the vision I had, if you could call it that, is, the words that I was thinking during it was … “what is the word for this love?” I find it unusual that 'the word' comes into scripture, as in, 'In the beginnining was 'the word'. I have been  thinking about it today.

    I hope, Irene, that you experience it again here. You never forget it.

    Bless you, and Georg, and your family.


    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 18 2011,12:52)

    I think i have ask you ones what is it that you call LOVE  ?

    I mean related to God



    A lot of people have never known love, I mean real love. I never had untill what I was experiencing about six years ago, it started during prayer.

    Gods love is not like anything here, because love today for many has grown cold. It can be fake, shallow, or temporary, or conditional. But love lasts forever. Love still loves even if you do wrong, or make mistakes. Love, as Irene said, is a feeling. It is peacefull.

    But Gods love, to me there is no word to describe it. It is complete.

    I could say much more, but is that what you were meaning?

    Also, there is no fear in love. With God, there is no fear. The only fear is in being seperated from it.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2011,14:17)

    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 08 2011,22:36)
    I HAVE answered your questions, I'm sure Mike. It's just you don't know or understand my answers. Just like the one I gave you above. To you, it won't directly answer your question. However, you have to understand what I'm meaning or trying to say. What I'm saying is that you complicate things too much.

    Hi Shimmer,

    Your last sentence drastically contradicts the other ones!  :D

    You tell me that I must “read between the lines” to figure out what you're saying, but then say that I complicate things!   :laugh:

    I'll tell you what I told Ed yesterday:  PLEASE SPEAK TO ME PLAINLY FROM NOW ON.

    Phil 3
    20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    Now if you don't mind, tell me if you think Paul was anxious to have his lowly body transformed into a body he wouldn't even need in heaven.  He says “so that they will be like his glorious body”.  Does that mean Jesus DOES have a body in heaven, or DOESN'T?

    Please, answer me in DIRECT and PLAIN words, Shimmer.


    Hi Mike.

    You asked me how I understood Phillipians 3:20.

    When I read the Scriptures for the “first time” six years ago, it was all clear to me. However, when I came to the letters of Paul, it wasn't so clear and I stopped reading them. I didnt know why it wasn't clear.

    After learning about Paul, I learnt Paul was an important vessel God used. However, people can do the following with his writings:

    Greek – 2nd Peter 3:15

    just as also beloved of us brother Paul according to the given to him wisdom wrote to you as also in all letters speaking in them of things in which are hard to understand things which the untaught also unstable distort as also rest Scriptures unto the own of them destruction

    Can YOU make perfect sense of the following?

    Greek – Phillipians 3:18-22

    many for walk whom often I told you now and even while weeping I say enemies of cross of Christ whose who end destruction whose who god who appetite and who glory in who shame of them who who things who mind of us

    For the citizenship in heaven is from which also Savior we await Lord Jesus Christ who will transform the body of vile of us similar in form the body to the glory himself according to of exertion the able of him even to subject himself of the things

    so then brethren of me beloved and longed for joy and crown of me this way stand firm in Lord beloved


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 18 2011,20:11)

    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 18 2011,12:47)
    Shimmer, interesting post…. even though I don't agree that John 1 replacing the Word of God with Love is not according to Scripture, it still is interesting…. love is a  feeling.  A couple of nights ago, I was by myself which I hate.  So I started singing Songs to God.  After a couple of Songs, Love came over me so strong, and the peace that went along with it, is hard to describe…That reminded me that eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard prepared for them that Love Him…. What a great God and Jesus His Son we have….. The only hope I have this would happen more often to me while still in the flesh……
    Peace and Love Irene

    Irerne, where did you feel it? Did you find, it started in the area of your heart, and mind, and sort of radiated out? I know the feeling, and I know the peace that comes with it.

    The funny thing with what happened to me, the vision I had, if you could call it that, is, the words that I was thinking during it was … “what is the word for this love?” I find it unusual that 'the word' comes into scripture, as in, 'In the beginnining was 'the word'. I have been  thinking about it today.

    I hope, Irene, that you experience it again here. You never forget it.

    Bless you, and Georg, and your family.

    Hi Shimmer! The love and peace I felt, was not because of any Scripture, I was singing songs. Several of them…. I have some listed in the Song to Praise God tread… my whole body felt love and peace, your right there is no way to describe it…..It does start in your mind and Heart…..Maybe the reason you felt love, and thinking of The Word of God, is because it represents who became Jesus…. Our Heavenly Father has so much love not just for His only begotten Son, but us also….. So when we do certain aspects of His Word we should feel love. However we get so rapt-up in what we are doing and saying, that we don't feel like that all the time…..
    And the main reason that I believe The Word of God in John 1:1 is Jesus, because of verse 14 where it says that He is the only begotten of the Father…. and of course Rev. 19:13-16 explains it in detail….
    Peace and Love to you and yours Irene


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 19 2011,03:29)

    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 18 2011,12:52)

    I think i have ask you ones what is it that you call LOVE  ?

    I mean related to God



    A lot of people have never known love, I mean real love. I never had untill what I was experiencing about six years ago, it started during prayer.

    Gods love is not like anything here, because love today for many has grown cold. It can be fake, shallow, or temporary, or conditional. But love lasts forever. Love still loves even if you do wrong, or make mistakes. Love, as Irene said, is a feeling. It is peacefull.

    But Gods love, to me there is no word to describe it. It is complete.

    I could say much more, but is that what you were meaning?

    Also, there is no fear in love. With God, there is no fear. The only fear is in being seperated from it.


    yes that s the one ,and thank you now i know you know



    Irene and Terra :)


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 18 2011,05:21)
    Can YOU make perfect sense of the following?

    Hi Shimmer,

    It seems you are making an attempt to say that since Peter said some of Paul's letters are hard to understand, and therefore some people twist up his meaning, that I am doing the same in Phil 3.   Is that about it?  :)

    I tell you what:  Go back to Biblos, and under “Translations”, choose “Apostolic Bible Polyglot” for the Phil passage you just posted the Greek for. Scroll down to verses 20 and 21.

    They use the same exact words you just posted, but rearrange them in the order that we use nouns and verbs and adjectives in English.   It is even listed in the order the Greek words actually appear in the mss, but they put numbers there to let us know that when it says, for example, “loved him I a lot”, the word “I” has a #1 under it, the word “loved” has #2, the word “him” has #3, and the words “a lot” has #4.  That way we know to read it as “I loved him a lot”.

    Give it a look, and tell me what you think about it.



    It seems you are making an attempt to say that since Peter said some of Paul's letters are hard to understand, and therefore some people twist up his meaning, that I am doing the same in Phil 3.   Is that about it?  :)

    No Mike, thats not what I was meaning.

    Theres just been quite a bit of debate here from day one, and I have to say that there are just some things we dont know yet.

    Our focus though is on now, and what we should be doing.

    In the vision I had, I saw wings. I was lifted up away from here, but it was so close, it took no time, just a second to be there.

    I was eventually put back down again. So theres an up and a down. Our world and another place. And things like wings.

    But ok thanks and I have looked at the translation you gave me just now, and, ok.

    If I have any further questions, I'll ask. Or comments.



    Okie-dokie, Shimmer. :)



    A lot of people have never known love, I mean real love. I never had untill what I was experiencing about six years ago

    is true Love not some thing that we have to understand ?



    Pierre! Let me answer this…. Love is an experience… Love is of God, and when He shows His love to you, you will know it…. It fills the whole hearth and room you in. Some time ago when my best friend died, at age 57 I was upset. We had talked about previously how it would be, if it hurt to die, or what it would be like. The day after She died, I was seating in my room thinking about Her, wondering how it was. Gods love came to me and filled the whole room, to tell me she is OK…. Those kind of experiences one never forgets…. It was almost like She was right there in the room with me…. but knowing that the death know nothing, I realized it was God letting me know…. Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 24 2011,23:15)
    Pierre!  Let me answer this…. Love is an experience… Love is of God, and when He shows His love to you, you will know it…. It fills the whole hearth and room you in.  Some time ago when my best friend died, at age 57 I was upset.  We had talked about previously how it would be, if it hurt to die, or what it would be like.  The day after She died, I was seating in my room thinking about Her, wondering how it was.  Gods love came to me and filled the whole room, to tell me she is OK…. Those kind of experiences one never forgets…. It was almost like She was right there in the room with me…. but knowing that the death know nothing, I realized it was God letting me know…. Peace and Love Irene


    experience is it not understanding ?

    Pierre :)


    Terra, I dont quite understand your question. But Terra Im having a break from posting, so I have to be quiet now. Good lesson.



    if you are experience a event unless you understand it you have nothing



    Terra I know what your saying now.

    Your right.

    And what your saying is one reason Im taking a break from posting,
    because Im THINKING and Im trying to understand some things, mainly that.


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 25 2011,20:24)
    Terra I know what your saying now.

    Your right.

    And what your saying is one reason Im taking a break from posting,
    because Im THINKING and Im trying to understand some things, mainly that.

    :) :)


    See ya later Terra.
    Ill get back when I figured it out=)


    To All……….Again Spirits do not have Bodies, spirits are what is (IN) Bodies IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 23 2011,08:56)
    To All……….Again Spirits do not have Bodies, spirits are what is (IN) Bodies IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………………………………………….gene


    you still don't have understanding of it

    God is spirit but it is not us ,right ? he has is own body

    what you are thinking in your mind is spirit ,right ?

    the will of God is spirit but ,right

    angels are spirits and have their own body (i do not know the sort of body )

    so if you are a being you have a body of a sort,if not then it is something else,



    Terricca………..God does not have a Body of his own His creation is the Body he lives in and through, Jesus said God is a Spirit, no scripture shows Spirit as having it's own Bodies. Scripture show Spirits are what is (IN) Bodies.IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………gene

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