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- June 26, 2011 at 11:59 pm#250022
Ed J
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ June 27 2011,10:41) Quote (Ed J @ June 26 2011,14:54) Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 27 2011,07:21) Ed, do you agree that since you claimed “space” is what separates one angel in heaven from another, that there has to be an “end” to what constitutes the being of those angels in order for “space” to even come between them?
Hi Mike,Sure, I would agree with that premice.
God bless
Ed J
Okay, that's a start, Ed. We know what constitutes the “end” of Ed J, right? Is it not your BODY or “outer perimeter” that distinguishes where the being of Ed J begins and where it ends? So if angels also have an “end”, there is some limiting parameter that tells us “This is where the being of Gabriel ends”, for example. That limiting parameter is a body, whether it appears and acts to us like a hologram, a cloudy mist, or a man-like creature with wings. Either way it is still a body which encompasses the being of Gabriel and makes what's inside it the being of Gabriel and what's outside it NOT the being of Gabriel.peace,
Hi Mike,If that is how you are defining the word “body”, I can go with that.
Here is some more of my “proof”:1. To EVERY SEED God gives a body to His liking.
2. If there is nothing separating one being from the other(s), those beings would all just blend into each other, creating ONE being.
3. If there is nothing that distinguishes where a particular being ends, that being would go on and on into infinity, and would never be able to COME TO or LEAVE FROM any place at any time – for it would already be everywhere all the time.
4. The dead, who are risen to a life in heaven, will be given spiritual bodies, and as is the heavenly man, so ARE those of heaven.
5. We wait for the Lord, who will transform our lowly bodies into glorious bodies like the one he HAS NOW.
6. Jesus became a life-giving SPIRIT.
Ed, #2 and #3 are just common sense. The others are all scriptural. If Jesus now IS a spirit, as the scriptures say, and Jesus DOES have a new glorious body, as the scriptures say, then at least ONE spirit has a body.
If you believe that Jesus is the ONLY one in heaven with a body, then you believe that the ruler OVER the other heavenly beings is for some reason more constrained than they are – which doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
And if you consider that Paul was answering the question, “What kind of bodies will we be raised in?” when he said, “as is the man of heaven, so ARE the heavenly”, we can assume that those raised to a life in heaven will have the same kind of spiritual bodies that those of heaven ALREADY have.
What say you?
Do you want me to comment on your points 1-5?God bless
Ed J
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgJune 27, 2011 at 12:19 am#250024mikeboll64
BlockedIf you want to. It seems we agree that angels have a defining outer perimeter that separates where they ARE from where they ARE NOT, and also separates what IS that angel from what IS NOT that angel.
That's the ONLY point I've been trying to make for 333 pages now.
mikeJune 27, 2011 at 12:32 am#250028GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTo All…….No Spirit is a Body it is what is (IN) Bodies (IT) has NO BODY OF IT'S OWN. (IT) ANIMATES BODIES> Spirit is useless without a BODY to exist (IN)> (IT) has not rest. God lives vicariously (IN) and (THROUGH) His CREATION. “That God may be (IN) ALL and (TROUGH) ALL.
peace and love to you all…………………………………gene
June 27, 2011 at 12:34 am#250029Ed J
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ June 27 2011,11:19) If you want to. It seems we agree that angels have a defining outer perimeter that separates where they ARE from where they ARE NOT, and also separates what IS that angel from what IS NOT that angel. That's the ONLY point I've been trying to make for 333 pages now.
Hi Mike,Glad we can agree!
Your brother
in Christ, Jesus!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgJune 27, 2011 at 12:51 am#250033mikeboll64
Blockedshhh…………don't let Istari hear you say that!
June 27, 2011 at 9:12 pm#250129Istari
ParticipantStruth, Mikeboll does a KJ by pulling up verses and sticking them together in random order called “Premises” and then stating that the outcome is a truth.
Mike, says
Premise 1) 'Jesus was raised a Spiritual Body'
Premise 2) Jesus is a Spirit
Result: The Spiritual Body is SpiritFalse false false – bad boy – bad bad bad boy, Mikeboll.
That is not what Scriptures says…
'The BODY IS RAISED A SPIRITUAL BODY'What is sown and what is raised: The BODY – the SAME BODY.
The SAME BODY that is Sown IS the SAME BODY that is RAISED.
You forget, deny, did not consider… Mikeboll, that the BODY that is RAISED UP has the SPIRIT of the One who died PUT BACK INTO THAT BODY…Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah….!!! Mike is saying that the Spirit is put in a Spirit Body…!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah…
Crazy dude – which Spirit has the body? Why does the Spirit that rests with God not have a Body and NEEDS a SPIRIT BODY to enter…???!Wow Mike, are you not tired of inventing fairy tale reasons.
Are you so deluded that you delude yourself – mike, most people who deceive themselves have some idea that they are doing so – you completely believe your own deceptions!!
Mike, WHO WAS PAUL TALKING TO with regard to the resurrection?
Who was Paul telling that the BODY was to be RAISED UP IN INCORRUPTION.Was it not the CORINTHIANS ?
So if the Corinthians are told that THEY ARE TO BE RAISED UP IN EVERLASTING BODIES – unlike the non-lasting ones they now have then will all Corinthians be IN SPIRIT BODIES?So, Mike, who are those who will be FLESH AND BLOOD ON THE PARADISE EARTH?
June 27, 2011 at 9:20 pm#250130Istari
ParticipantMike, you prostitute yourself – you will go with anyone who you can pay a price to…
You go with Gene when you know that Gene does not believe there are such things as Spirits as entities… So don't kid yourself…
You know that Gene is seducing you and you getting seduced because you need suckling…
So, Mike, it is not even anything to do with this thread…
See, Mike, nothing you say makes any sense … You agree with desparate ideas because you have nothing to support you – you cling to loose threads…
June 28, 2011 at 7:39 am#250176Istari
ParticipantEDJ and Mike,
Which one of you has seen an Angel in Heaven such that you aire a view on it's 'Body'?
Which one of you has seen a description of an Angel in Heaven to know what you claim?This is all desperation conjecture based on desire to appear to be right – actually, since Mike already knows he is WRONG – he is simply trying to muddy the waters of this thread – creep it into Amharas where he can say 'See, I am right'.
But Mike, nothing doing… The Thread topic is 'Do Spirits have Bodies (How about God)'.
'Spirits', here, means those in Heaven, not the manifestations as seen in the physical world.
The error of using the manifestation has mostly been avoided and for that reason I have avoided arguing with Gene about 'A SPIRIT is IN A BODY' because this is perfectly correct – for all animated physical and earthly entities.
Just as Paul's examples suggest:
There are LIVING BODIES: Birds, Fish, Animals, Man…
There are inanimate BODIES: Stars, Moon, Sun……but the GLORY OF EACH IS DIFFERENT.
At no time – in the Only place making this equation – does Paul make any suggestion of SPIRITS else he would have had to make THREE comparisons.
But he does NOT!In order to get to the position that 'the three Kings' suggested one would have to DREAM UP a new term for the phrase 'Spiritual Body'.
However, sadly, in their desire through ANGER because they hate me (Even though Irene claims she does not though in her writings it was appallingly apparent!! And Terraricca just plain dumps pointless words with random connections and unqualified support for both his 'Princely brethrens') they all create and adopt this new term for SPIRITUAL BODY .. renaming it 'SPIRIT BODY'.
Now, nowhere in the history of ceredible writings of any kind is there a reference to 'SPIRIT BODY' …(Forget the Mormons)
Yet this is what Mikeboll64, Terraricca and Irene (Baker) claim as their 'Great ideology'.So what then is 'Spiritual Prostitution' – do Angels have illicit sex (Or any kind of Sex?) – Scriotures says 'No' so what does 'Spiritual Prostitution' mean.
Of course it means 'Unreverential mixing of godliness with ungodliness' – it does not mean 'Angels cruising down Welton Boulevard looking for loose women' desiring 'SPIRIT PROSTITUTION'.Then neither does 'Spiritual Bodies' mean 'Spirit Bodies'.
If Paul had meant 'Spirit Bodies' why not say so and saved the writers and printers three characters?
Irene (and George) even tried to claim that 'Spiritual' and 'Spirit' were the SAME THINGS – Just drop the last three characters… Wow – can you think what could be done if we all did that when we get stuck spouting deluded concepts: just make up another word and claim it means the same thing… Neat trick!! (But remember Simon the Magician!)
Mike won't address the points I have raised and has gone off licking hissss wounds (And seeking less able-bodied mice prey to snap up from hissss hiding place in hisss deep dark dank den.
Mike says that 'Spritual' has two meanings… And he has chosen the second meaning to hang hissss Shed Skin on.
Spiritual Wickedness (Wickedness of a Spirit?) : does this pertain to ANGELS or is it a principle?
Spiritual Wisdom (Wisdom of a Spirit?) : again – Wisdom of Angels or a Principle of Godliness?
Spiritual Body (Body of a Spirit) : Really… ? Or a righteous and sinless body?Mike, what does the term 'Spirit' mean from the Greek word (Pneuma)?
Does it not mean 'Wind' or 'Breath' – funny how you never jumped to use it in your writings of 333 pages… Hmm…. Knowing you Mike, you would certainly have looked it up: didn't say what you wanted it to say – change it – the GREEKS MUST HAVE BEEN WRONG then, Mike!!
Ooh, ooh, what about the Hebrew: 'Ruach': breathe… Again, Mike… Did you really miss all that for 333 pages…So, pneuma and ruach: force, motion, breathe, wind… Bodied entity?
Can it (ha ha…) be captured, embodied, used solidly… Yes!
Is it, itself, a body? No!The Spirit, ruach, pneuma, is not a body… It is what is CANNED IN A BODY…it is the intelligent force – the life giving Breathe OF A BODY.
Mike, when the body dies, where does the Spirit go?
Is the SPIRIT corruptible, can it die? Does it DECAY?So, why when God raises up that part that DOES DIE, DECAY and IS CORFUPTIBLE, why would God make the SPIRIT into a BODY – and then put the SPIRIT of the dead back into that SPIRIT BODY…?
Surely, Mikeboll64, God makes the BODY (recreated from the DNA) into an INCORRUPTIBLE BODY that can …No longer… Die (What purpose was there in saying the Spiritual Body cannot die if we already know that the Spirit cannot die – Destroyed yes – die, no!)
See, Mike, you don't make any sense… (God puts the bodiless spirit of the dead into a body of Spirit – come on man….)
Time to 'wake' up before you die in your sins just to say that Istari is wrong
Mike, is it Really worth it??
June 28, 2011 at 12:58 pm#250183GeneBalthrop
ParticipantMike………if there is no resurrection of a Body then your faith is in vain because Jesus no longer lives, Paul plainly said that. Our hope is in the resurrection of our bodies exact DNA as Istari brought out. You can not exist without a Body as a “living Soul” again after you die unless God reconstructs another exact same DNA body and add spirit back into it again. Its just that simple, but your MYSTERY RELIGIOUS beliefs you have acquired from false past “religious” concepts as many have has distorted the truth about this Mike. Much of this comes from the concept of a Body,Soul, and Spirit concept introduced by false Christianity , a Person consists of ONLY a BODY With SPIRIT added into It and that is what a “LIVING SOUL” is. IMO
peace and love………………………………….gene
June 28, 2011 at 7:03 pm#250209Istari
Sorry but you are wrong about Mike's belief.
There are two reasons for THIS GREAT ERROR of hisssss.1) Mike refuses to acknowledge being BEATEN so he will keep flailing around creating distorted ideas that he hopes will 'hit home' – he has more chance of finding another alien inhabited planet in the Universe… Mike is FRIGHTENED to give in because this would be the FOURTH TIME he has LOST TO ME…so he is using an old trick of perpetual minor changes to his ideology that CREEP and MEANDER and CRAWL and SLITHER snakelike towards the truth until what he then says is what has been said to him from the beginning. Then Mike will say that HE WAS ALWAYS SAYING 'That' and it MUST HAVE JUST BEEN A MISUNDERSTANDING ON EVERYONE ELSE'S PART.
2) Mike is Earthbound in mind – he has little Spiritual Wisdom – he is what Jesus termed 'Greek' because the Greeks love DEBATE and PROVING (Read: OVER PROVING) every point to the level of nausea… He has become a deceiver in his posts knowing full well that he posts falsely and forcing the points and inventing unscriptural links and making angry threats and childish whining comebacks trying to throw his opponent off his track…
In this thread: the topic is 'Do Spirits ….have bodies?'
Mike can ONLY find a SINGLE verse that he can try to twist to his advantage: 'it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY'…
Search the Internet, Scour the Web, Rip through EVERY KNOWN DICTIONARY… dig up all known CHURCH FATHERS writings ….nothing…nothing that says that “Spiritual Body” means 'Body of a Spirit'…!!!!Why, because it does not mean that and NO ONE SINGLE OTHER PERSON EVER THOUGHT SO…
Why, because SPIRIT means 'Immaterial, Invisible, BODILESS, WIND, BREATHE…'
Scripturally, it is the 'Animating Force, the LIFE, the QUICKENER, the INTELLECT…' of the FLESH body.
And in tbe Spirit realm – the Messenging Force, Angel, ministering agent – of God!!Mike has this weird idea that Angels sit on chairs around tables in Heaven and stand in front of God – Where is Heaven and where in Heaven is God sitting, Mike?
Why, because the KINGDOM OF GOD is IN YOUR HEART…!
Oh, sorry, Mike would believe 'Heart' means the physical beating heart in ones chest… Therefore Heaven is a Physical place.
I would give up with that man…!
June 28, 2011 at 7:17 pm#250211Istari
ParticipantMike says that the Body that Jesus was raised up in 'BECAME A SPIRIT BODY' just before Jesus entered Heaven.
Oh, hold up… But the SPIRIT of Jesus had to have been put back into the FLESH AND BONE BODY THAT WAS RAISED UP ….before Jesus ascended … But none the less is there something we missed…?
Yes… The Spirit of Jesus … Is PUT INTO THE BODY that was RAISED UP – was THAT SPIRIT 'a Body'?Hold up again, If the Spirit has a Body, why is it called a Spirit?
If the Spirit IS IN A BODY – why is it then put IN ANOTHER BODY?
if the Spirit is in SPIRIT BODY AND THEN PUT INTO a Flesh and Bone body AND THEN …BECOMES A SPIRITUAL BODY (Spirit body) – ummm – somat not write hear…June 28, 2011 at 7:24 pm#250212Istari
ParticipantHas anyone asked Mike to explain his nonsense – end to end…?
Mike normally just posts bitty bitty so that no one notices that each bitty bit doesn't match the other bitty bits.
You know, like putting a toy train track together with the wrong pieces… Yes, if you only look at one small section at a time – that parts fits… Mike quickly breaks up that part and puts the next section together and asks you to check it… And yes, looks ok… But never see that subtle changes are made between sections…
Mike, can we see your track ALL TOGETHER, at the SAME TIME, thanks!!
June 28, 2011 at 7:52 pm#250216csaliba
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ June 28 2011,23:58) Mike………if there is no resurrection of a Body then your faith is in vain because Jesus no longer lives, Paul plainly said that. Our hope is in the resurrection of our bodies exact DNA as Istari brought out. You can not exist without a Body as a “living Soul” again after you die unless God reconstructs another exact same DNA body and add spirit back into it again. Its just that simple, but your MYSTERY RELIGIOUS beliefs you have acquired from false past “religious” concepts as many have has distorted the truth about this Mike. Much of this comes from the concept of a Body,Soul, and Spirit concept introduced by false Christianity , a Person consists of ONLY a BODY With SPIRIT added into It and that is what a “LIVING SOUL” is. IMO peace and love………………………………….gene
Gene,You are wrong.A spirit cannot live in a flesh body that's nonsense!!! OK??? A spirit is too powerful to live in flesh,therefore it needs a soul to protect the flesh from being destroyed!!
Jesus had to receive that kind of Passion in order to misguide Satan that He was the Son of God. If He didn't receive the passion the body would have deteriorated just the same,and it would have been obvious that He was the Son of God,which Jesus never wanted to!!
Jesus couldn't remain in the most powerful spirit more than three years,and not all the time, the reason that He remained so long, only through the relief He received from all those miracles.
When you read the gospel you will notice that every time He achieve a big miracle, He would go on a mountain to pray and receive back the spirit.
Jesus preferred to be by himself in order to receive through praying more spirit, this because He couldn't hold the spirit all the time as proof that He was both son of man,and also Son of God.
One of the proofs we have, that occasionally Jesus becomes an ordinary man and also without so powerful spirit, when He went to eat figs, and realize that the tree was empty,while if He was within the power, He would have known that the tree was empty!! I believe that this was purposely happened for those who study the gospel, to be aware what Jesus was!!
When at the end it was the time to die,He only wanted so because He knew that His body started to deteriorate,and the first sign was at the Garden of Gethsemane,but as I said,the passion hid all the deterioration of the body.
Regarding your statement That a person consists of only a body with a spirit,Read 1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole SPIRIT,AND SOUL AND BODY be preserved ………. etc……etc
A living soul means that it has received life through the spirit of Jesus Christ,where before it was dead because it had the spirit of Satan .
June 28, 2011 at 8:05 pm#250217csaliba
ParticipantOne more important thing,
The reason that between Adam and Noah humans lived up to 900 years,for the simple reason that humans had the filthiest flesh ever,therefore Satan spirit only was able to abide in them.While after the flood God generated cleaner flesh through Noah,and Satan's spirit could only abide 120 years in them!!
June 28, 2011 at 8:44 pm#250221Pastry
ParticipantQuote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:05) One more important thing, The reason that between Adam and Noah humans lived up to 900 years,for the simple reason that humans had the filthiest flesh ever,therefore Satan spirit only was able to abide in them.While after the flood God generated cleaner flesh through Noah,and Satan's spirit could only abide 120 years in them!!
Charles! That is nonsense. All born again Christians have Gods Holy Spirit inside of them. There is no Scripture that I know of that proves it. Prove all things1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Any time you say something like that give a Scripture…..
Peace Irene
June 28, 2011 at 8:53 pm#250223csaliba
ParticipantSomething else which you most probably are not aware of is:
That in these two thousand years from Jesus death,all nature became spiritually born with Jesus Spirit,since it replaced Satan's.
Therefore our body through all kind of food are being purified gradually from generation to generation, and purified spiritually through living the gospel. So Jesus gave us life through nature by food and also through living righteous in the gospel.
The only Evil we are subject to receive is through the evil spirits which are being multiplied continuously through their release from the environment,like nature disasters,developments,digging of mines,etc.These will instigate our flesh to commit evil deeds, and the only help we depend on is definitely through the involvement of Jesus in our lives according to the gospel,not Just believe and do nothing to imitate Him!!
June 28, 2011 at 9:02 pm#250226csaliba
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ June 29 2011,07:44) Quote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:05) One more important thing, The reason that between Adam and Noah humans lived up to 900 years,for the simple reason that humans had the filthiest flesh ever,therefore Satan spirit only was able to abide in them.While after the flood God generated cleaner flesh through Noah,and Satan's spirit could only abide 120 years in them!!
Charles! That is nonsense. All born again Christians have Gods Holy Spirit inside of them. There is no Scripture that I know of that proves it. Prove all things1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Any time you say something like that give a Scripture…..
Peace Irene
Irene,Jesus destroyed Satan's spirit on the cross 2000 thousand years ago.OK
That's the reason that He had to come to save us.OK and Gave us life both in Nature,and in Spirit, BLOOD AND WATER FROM HIS SIDE !! OK
June 28, 2011 at 9:21 pm#250230Pastry
ParticipantQuote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:53) Something else which you most probably are not aware of is: That in these two thousand years from Jesus death,all nature became spiritually born with Jesus Spirit,since it replaced Satan's.
Therefore our body through all kind of food are being purified gradually from generation to generation, and purified spiritually through living the gospel. So Jesus gave us life through nature by food and also through living righteous in the gospel.
The only Evil we are subject to receive is through the evil spirits which are being multiplied continuously through their release from the environment,like nature disasters,developments,digging of mines,etc.These will instigate our flesh to commit evil deeds, and the only help we depend on is definitely through the involvement of Jesus in our lives according to the gospel,not Just believe and do nothing to imitate Him!!
Charles! You believe that Satan still has power over us born again Christians is false. He has no power to poison our food. Mankind has. Satan who can influence us to sin, if we are weak is the only thing Satan can do, now….At the time of Job, God let Satan do whatever He wanted, except take His live. After Christ Humans have put all kinds of Poison into the air to destroy it. Cars, Planes etc. God has let Humans do so, that we understand we could never exist without Him…. And we have a Mediator Jesus Christ to go to the Throne of God and He will forgive us in a twinkle of the eye…
We live by Faith through Jesus Christ our lord…Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.Eph 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 2:19 ¶ Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];
Peace irene
June 29, 2011 at 6:09 am#250279csaliba
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ June 29 2011,08:21) Quote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:53) Something else which you most probably are not aware of is: That in these two thousand years from Jesus death,all nature became spiritually born with Jesus Spirit,since it replaced Satan's.
Therefore our body through all kind of food are being purified gradually from generation to generation, and purified spiritually through living the gospel. So Jesus gave us life through nature by food and also through living righteous in the gospel.
The only Evil we are subject to receive is through the evil spirits which are being multiplied continuously through their release from the environment,like nature disasters,developments,digging of mines,etc.These will instigate our flesh to commit evil deeds, and the only help we depend on is definitely through the involvement of Jesus in our lives according to the gospel,not Just believe and do nothing to imitate Him!!
Charles! You believe that Satan still has power over us born again Christians is false. He has no power to poison our food. Mankind has. Satan who can influence us to sin, if we are weak is the only thing Satan can do, now….At the time of Job, God let Satan do whatever He wanted, except take His live. After Christ Humans have put all kinds of Poison into the air to destroy it. Cars, Planes etc. God has let Humans do so, that we understand we could never exist without Him…. And we have a Mediator Jesus Christ to go to the Throne of God and He will forgive us in a twinkle of the eye…
We live by Faith through Jesus Christ our lord…Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.Eph 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 2:19 ¶ Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];
Peace irene
Irene,Quote We live by Faith through Jesus Christ our lord… Read please James 2:and reflect
14What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?
15If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food,
16and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?
17Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
18But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”19You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.
20But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?
21Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
22You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected;
23and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and he was called the friend of God.
24You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.
25In the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?
26For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
We must imitate Jesus our saviour,in what He did to us, and we must do to others as much as we can!!
He on the cross demonstrated: Charity,Mercy,Love, Humility,Meekness, Obedience,Endurance,Compassion,Sacrifice,and the list goes on and on.
Peace and love in Jesus Christ
June 29, 2011 at 6:16 am#250280csaliba
ParticipantOne more thing Irene:
If you live by Faith through Jesus Christ our lord…
Therefore you must practice your life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you believe in a particular good food, you definitely eat that particular Good food.
Jesus is the best whole food for your soul, so consume whole Jesus' food through Him and in His name except sin!!
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