Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #246391

    I meant to say, Irene, Gene, Wispring, thankyou for your posts, quite a few pages back.


    Shimmer – your blessed soul is as a comforting wings that shelter me innthe midst of a storm. They lift me up and convey me away from the wickedness around.

    As you to me.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ May 20 2011,20:10)
    Then we agree, a revelation may provide new understandings (to us) but never outside of the scriptures. In other words it is a corrective “revelation” to what was previously error(s) in our belief.

    God has never spoke to me audibly either, but it is an intangible thought, an urgency within, that drives me to a revelation that is not new, but new to me. I've always found that these “new revelations” fit better with the whole of scripture.

    And I believe the Spirit has led me at times in writing, sometimes when I finish a post and although I was conscience of the research, the composing, and the entry, after reading it, in my mind I'll think “I didn't know that”.  So in the end those postings have helped me the most, I know now what I believe, and why I believe it. If that sound arrogant I apologize, I realize my posts may be simple to some of you, but I'm simpler and they have produced thoughts beyond my intellect, and I at least feel humbled by the experience.

    God has used many others to lead me to the truths I have and it is the inner guidance of His Spirit that has led me around many of the false teachings from others. So all glory is due to God for what He has done in my life, the errors I still have are due to my hardness, but I give them over to God for His correction.

    I apologize for rambling on so much off topic, but I felt to pour my heart out on this.

    More humble then usual (I hate sharing at this level)

    Seeking, I felt the spirit in you as you wrote then. What comes from above is powerfull.   

    With what I said, that I don't belive God speaks in an Audible voice, I will say, I have heard one man speak of hearing an audible voice giving him stength while he was coming off drugs. He was hearing other things too that werent good. So, the way I think I see it is, God was getting through the negative bad voices and put something good there, as it was of God, and the man went on to become a Christian believer and lecturer in Prisons and Schools on the dangers of Drug addiction and his belief in God. So in some cases such as this I do believe it can happen, but it wasnt to show any new idea of God, it was to strengthen him and show him God was there as he was withdrawing.

    Bit off topic. Thankyou for your 'rambling' as you put it. I love reading some of the posts here.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 20 2011,01:51)
    Istari, Your write too much. Go to sleep.

    Hear, hear!


    Phi 2:6 NET
    who though he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped,

    This is what the Greek word means, also from NETNotes:
    1) the form by which a person or thing strikes the vision
    2) external appearance

    And this is another use of the word in scripture:
    Mar 16:12 NET
    After this he appeared in a different form to two of them while they were on their way to the country.

    So I ask you all:  Does Phil 2:6 say that God has a form?  YES or NO?

    And I ask Istari, who thinks that Jesus was just “one of the many angels” before being made in the flesh:  If God has a form, according to the very words of scripture, and Jesus was sharing that form as an angel before he became flesh and before he became a “new creation”, do angels have forms?

    Please people, heed Shimmer's truthful words:

    Quote (shimmer @ May 19 2011 @ 02:17)

    Insight and visions must be in line with scripture.

    Mine are……………are yours?


    So Mike, we should all listen to you, or maybe Mormans, and forget about what the Jews and Christians believe/d?

    Where can you escape from God? How does God know your mind, heart, everything you do if he is in a form or body in one place at one time?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 21 2011,05:26)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 20 2011,01:51)
    Istari, Your write too much. Go to sleep.

    Hear, hear!

    Istari is scared of me :D :D :D :D :D
    I made him shake in his old man boots



    The FORM of Almighty God is SPIRIT.
    Jesus is in the same FORM as Almighty God: A Spirit.
    The Angels/Messenging SPIRITS are in the FORM of Almighty God: SPIRIT.
    The FORM of Humankind is Man (Flesh).
    The FORM of Animals, Birds, Fish – is FLESH
    FLESH has to be enclosed to act as one unit – that one unit is called BODY. The enclosing entity is called SKIN.
    All Composite material matter has a Skin (Container) within which is the material matter is retained and restrained. The Crust on the surface of a planet, the surface tension on the open area of an enclosed body of water, the Epidermis in animals…more…

    An individual Fish does NOT have a 'BODY OF FISH' (One Thing does not 'make' a BODY)
    But… A Fish IS ITSELF a BODY of material matter in the 'FORM OF A FISH'.
    When MANY Fish come together and act together as One Unit – then it is called 'A body of Fish' (Note: not 'a Fish Body'). The 'Skin' of that 'Body of Fish' is the outer layer of fishes that keep the fish within in a basic orderly shape even as the whole flexies in movement.

    And – Just as the BODY OF FISH can come together from seemingly nowhere, so that BODY can disperse back to nowhere.

    So to the Spirit. The Spirit ACQUIRES a physical form when it comes into the physical world by bringing together or creating material matter around itself.
    Initially, and for most purposes, the BODY is temporary – which accounts for the shimmering effect around the 'Man'. Often, the POWER of the Spirit is felt by the observer.

    If the Spirit is to remain long in the physical world then it acquires a more robust Form of Flesh that requires maintaining – requires FOOD!
    Where does the material matter come from to create this physical body? ALL AROUND. 70% of the human body is WATER and water is Oxygen and Hydrogen and Oxygen and Hydrogen are the most abundant elements in the air all around us.
    Moreover, the SPIRIT itself is PURE Power and Energy – and….All material matter is made from…Pure Power and Energy!!

    Formless (Without Shape) Energy and Power can create a formed (Shaped) Body.
    The individual Fishes can come together to form a Body of Fish.

    But… The ANALOGY of Fish – is a Physical ANALOGY for unless you THINK IN SPIRIT. You cannot SEE IN SPIRIT.

    God IS a Spirit – and they that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT (i.e. Not in the Flesh)


    I note that you only choose to define 'Form' in the Physical sense.

    Is there a reason for this?

    You well know that FORM also is defined as:

    3) The Essence of something as distinguished from it's matter.
    4) The way or mode of which a thing exists, acts, or manifests itself.
    5) Kind, or type of a thing.

    Now, which definition, including your own, do you think best fits 'Jesus, being in the Form of a God'?

    And does that have anything, contextually, to do with comparison of Material and immaterial?
    No! For the point of the exposition was that Jesus was also a Mighty Spirit creature who did NOT (Unlike Satan) DESIRE to place himself – even in his MIGHTINESS – on the same LEVEL as his ALMIGHTY Mightiness (YHVH).


    Sorry (No edit facility – what is the link between having edit facility and having tiles when there is no link between the getting the tiles and using (mid-using Edit facilities)

    T8… Any answer here?

    Ok, scrub 'a' from '… in the FORM of a God' ('… in the same form as YHVH, our God', a Spirit of Mightiness… Trinnies, it doesn't say that Jesus was God but 'in the [same] form [as] God' and God is [in the form of] Spirit.)


    a leader of blind ones, a light of those in darkness, an instructor of foolish ones, a teacher of babes, having the form of the knowledge and of the truth. – Rom 2:19

    traitors, heady, lofty, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of piety, and its power having denied; and from these be turning away. – 2 Tim 3:4

    nay, but, O man, who art thou that art answering again to God? shall the thing formed say to Him who did form it, Why me didst thou make thus? – Romans 9:20

    and [it is] good to be zealously regarded, in what is good, at all times, and not only in my being present with you;
    my little children, of whom again I travail in birth, till Christ may be formed in you. – Galatians 4:18


    Bye. Leave you's to it.


    Mike, your netNotes:
    1) … Is this not purely a definition for physical objects?
    2) … What is the EXTERNAL form of an immaterial and invisible thing?

    Spirit is not a physical object (entity) so why did you chose those two definitions (only).

    Surely, Mike, if you were so confident of yourself you would not have excluded all the other definitions and left it to the reader to make up their own mind?


    Quote (Istari @ May 21 2011,20:54)
    I note that you only choose to define 'Form' in the Physical sense.

    Is there a reason for this?

    You well know that FORM also is defined as:

    3)  The Essence of something as distinguished from it's matter.
    4)  The way or mode of which a thing exists, acts, or manifests itself.
    5)  Kind, or type of a thing.

    Now, which definition, including your own, do you think best fits 'Jesus, being in the Form of a God'?

    And does that have anything, contextually, to do with comparison of Material and immaterial?
    No! For the point of the exposition was that Jesus was also a Mighty Spirit creature who did NOT (Unlike Satan) DESIRE to place himself – even in his MIGHTINESS – on the same LEVEL as his ALMIGHTY Mightiness (YHVH).

    JA………..Right on brother. Jesus existed while on this earth in the Form of GOD because the Nature or Spiritual influence that was (IN) him. We also can exist the same way as he did. The blind can't percieve that. Because they have SEPARATED Jesus from their own identity and can not relate with him on any equal basis. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene


    Quote (shimmer @ May 21 2011,22:05)
    a leader of blind ones, a light of those in darkness, an instructor of foolish ones, a teacher of babes, having the form of the knowledge and of the truth. – Rom 2:19

    traitors, heady, lofty, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of piety, and its power having denied; and from these be turning away. – 2 Tim 3:4

    nay, but, O man, who art thou that art answering again to God? shall the thing formed say to Him who did form it, Why me didst thou make thus? – Romans 9:20

    and [it is] good to be zealously regarded, in what is good, at all times, and not only in my being present with you;
    my little children, of whom again I travail in birth, till Christ may be formed in you. – Galatians 4:18

    shimmer……Right on , you have it right little one. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

    Tim Kraft

    Hey All!! Shouldn't everybody be gone? I thought the “Rapture” was supposed to be yesterday or whenever! If I didn't truly feel sorry for the blind ignorance of people I would have taken advantage of the lying situation and would have tried to buy everybodies cars and houses and jewelry. I mean, since they won't be needing any of it afterword. Have they already readjusted the date for the next fluke? TK


    Thanks Gene. Im trying to get away from this thread, and say less, again! Haha. Hope your well. Bye…


    Tim, my son (20) texted me and seemed worried! I told him not to worry, I said thats the problem when people listen to other people, and that the Bible says nobody knows the day or time, and that the day would come when least expected. He worries about things like that. I suppose thats a good in a way, (that he does).


    S'truth – you mean there were people who believed the guy – Does Scriotures not say that the time will come as a their in the night?

    If we knew what time the their was coming we would all be prepared!

    Please no more about this – thanks!


    Quote (Istari @ May 21 2011,03:27)

    The FORM of Almighty God is SPIRIT.
    Jesus is in the same FORM as Almighty God: A Spirit.

    Hmmm………….that doesn't seem to fit the known definition of “morphe” though.  Istari, look at the other scripture I posted with that same word in it.  Does it mean that Jesus took on other “invisible spirit qualities”, or that he appeared in different outward appearances that the disciples were able to see?


    Quote (Istari @ May 21 2011,03:54)
    I note that you only choose to define 'Form' in the Physical sense.

    Is there a reason for this?

    I didn't show the definition of the English word “form”, but the definition of the Greek word “morphe”. And I listed the only two definitions there were for that Greek word.

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