Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #245737


    The physical world confines – the Spiritual world frees.
    Why would free 'Spirited' Angel want to be restricted by the confines of flesh more than it had to?

    Can you produce your scriptures that confirm this way of thoughts?

    so i wait and see your true way.



    Quote (Istari @ May 11 2011,05:46)
    So… Spirit is useless unless it is in a body to animate it…you say.

    And you also say,'God is a Spirit'….

    Gene, it is a good thing that God forgives such errors!

    Moreover, no one ever said that a 'Body of any kind is a Spirit' – you make up your own error then attribute that error to others!

    You are right that a spirit is in a physical body to animate it… That is the sad level of your argument that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON disputes. Gene, as to the physical world – yes, you are absolutely correct: Man, Animals, Fish, Birds, even plants, have some sort of Spirit in them – yes, intelligence of different amounts… Perfectly true…

    But Gene, we not talking fleshly physical entities… So, in fact, seeing that you don't believe in heavenly spirits (Called Angels) then you have nothing to say regarding the content of this thread.

    The thread is about 'Spirits in the heavenly realm' – it is not stated explicitly as there is no one (else except yourself) who could ever think there were NOT anything called SPIRITS in heaven.

    Why does 'Sting' write a song about 'Spirits in the material world' if all Spirits were only IN bodies in  the material world?

    Gene, your posts are like a man going into a maternity ward and telling the women inthere that childbirth is painless.
    Yes, it CAN BE… but more often that not – it's not!

    Yes, Spirits are IN BODIES. But Bodies are only in the Material world.
    What does the word Angel mean: Messenger.
    Why are you hung up on the word Angel/Messenger when it is only a Title of a class of Spirit – the class of Spirit which God uses to deliver his word.
    There are other Spirits (Cherubims, Seraphims, etc) who do not Messenger – are not SENT FORTH… but offer Sacred Service and Worship to God.

    Gene, you speak of Angels in the material world (Messenging Spirits) that have bodies. Have you examined the text surrounding those descriptions? How should an invisible being make themselves visible to someone in the physical world: by LOOKING LIKE them.

    Angels appear as temporary human-like persons – often in simmering pure White apparel… Why shimmering? Because they are not fully whole bodies.
    Of course, if need be, they can become whole but their MESSENGING more often than not does not require it – they appear – deliver their message – then leave again immediately.

    The physical world confines – the Spiritual world frees.
    Why would free 'Spirited' Angel want to be restricted by the confines of flesh more than it had to?

    Gene, your argument is not in line with the thread topic.

    JA……….First of all what i am saying is in exact lineament of the topic, Do Spirits Have Bodies, and i have said they do not have bodies of any kind. I assume the word Body being talked about means a Physical body. As There exists no such thing as a Spirit Body IMO.

    Secondly I did not say Spirit is useless outside a body , Jesus did, ” when an unclean spirit leaves a man it goes about in ARID places looking for REST”> It seek a body to be in, also look at the example of Jesus casting out the demonic spirits of the legion and they sought the bodies of pigs. Why? is it not because spirits not being in a body exists in a form of torment. This not only applies to unclean Spirit but to clean also, they are useless if not in bodies to animate. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours JA…………………gene


    And God is a Spirit.


    What you ask is pointless.

    If you cannot understand a simple statement then I suggest you don't join in the discussion.

    But just to give A simplified ANSWER: when you open the top of a bottle containing a gas that has been confined as a body in the 'skin' of the bottle – does the gas not disperse in the surrounding air – HAS it not been FREED from it's confinement – is it now not FREE to go where it will?

    What is the BODY that the gas now has?
    A body has a shape – what is it's shape?



    So you are saying that 'A Spirit has no body'.

    Good – why did it take so many posts to say that. That answers the question in ONE SINGLE SENTENCE!

    Please add 'A Spirit has no body' to the head of each of your next posts to make that point absolutely clear.
    You can then add everything else you like as you right to write.


    To All! Do Spirits have bodies? I believe and Scripture says this

    1Cr 15:35 ¶ But some [man] will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?

    1Cr 15:36 [Thou] fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:

    1Cr 15:37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other [grain]:

    1Cr 15:38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.

    1Cr 15:42 So also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

    1Cr 15:43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

    1Cr 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    1Cr 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit.

    1Cr 15:46 Howbeit that [was] not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

    Scripture is clear that those who will be Spirit Beings will have some kind of form….I don't think that a Spirit Being will float am-less in the Air….How would you identify anyone….First the natural body then the Spiritual Body….that is what I believe….. could I be wrong… of course I could… time will tell….
    Peace Irene


    Quote (Istari @ May 11 2011,11:28)
    A body has a shape – what is it's shape?

    Did you guys see the videos of those massive tornados that hit the south-eastern U.S. last week?  Those were some seriously powerful BODIES of wind.

    Human beings were able to see those bodies because of the visible dust and debris being carried along with the body of wind.  But imagine that one of those tornados was in a absolutely clean environment, so that nothing visible to humans was being carried along with it.  Does the fact that human eyes can no longer see the body of wind mean that it is no longer a body of wind?



    Quote (Istari @ May 12 2011,11:28)
    What you ask is pointless.

    If you cannot understand a simple statement then I suggest you don't join in the discussion.

    But just to give A simplified ANSWER: when you open the top of a bottle containing a gas that has been confined as a body in the 'skin' of the bottle – does the gas not disperse in the surrounding air – HAS it not been FREED from it's confinement – is it now not FREE to go where it will?

    What is the BODY that the gas now has?
    A body has a shape – what is it's shape?


    you do not want to answer ,and  so the gas if you let it go were does it go ,the gas can be heavier that air and so stay to the ground or in holes in the ground but it will not run away some will mix with air some will not ,even mix with air it looses is density but still is there  ,some gases are blowing away by  the wind,but it is still there that body of gas or fumes ,what is it that polluted the air?you see many clouds in the sky it is all water in a gas form are all the clouds the same ?no are they free or are they just blown by the wind ?
    just like your gas out of the bottle it becomes free of one enslavement to start moving in a other.

    and so it is with the spirit.



    Quote (Istari @ May 12 2011,04:21)
    And God is a Spirit.

    To all……….Yes GOD is a Spirit, and Spirits are (NOT)the Bodies they live (IN) both now and in the future.  And GOD does have a  body it is his creation that he lives in and through given it life.  Again No Spiirt has a body it needs a body to animate and live in and through, or it is useless and simply exits in a Arid or Dry state with no power or control of anything unless it lives (IN) something to animate. God took material matter and put Spirit into it in order for it to live as an individual type of being. All life has God's Spirit in it or it could not live. Life is from the spirit not matter that is true, but spirit lives and exists (IN) matter.

    All of God's creation is physical matter and he lives vicariously (IN) and (THROUGH) his creation. Remember,  “know you not that your (BODY) (IS) the Temple of the living GOD”> That is why it says, “the invisible attributes of GOD can be clearly seen by the things created”, God did not create this earth with its physical live bodies to be removed to some other state of existence without bodies, not now or ever. Without a BODY you can NO LONGER EXIST, as a separate individual being of any kind, both now or in the future. IMO  

    It is good that God lives in and through what he creates, all these thing are his body he lives (IN)>  “be you HOLY for I am HOLY, be you Perfect for I am Perfect He say”>  God want to perfect us and live in and through us all as we are with physical bodies both now and in the future. IMO

    If living in a spirit form was such a great state to live,  GOD would  have never created this world and all the billions of living things in it , in the first place if he did  not plan for it to continue for ever. This is a wonderful and beautiful world we live in, it never stops to amaze me and i see God in it All. It brings me great joy and admiration of GOD the FATHER and HIS Magnificent mind in all his creation. IMO

    AS it say and ALL the creation shall be delivered from this bond of corruption into the glorious liberty of the son of GOD. Yes being a son of GOD with a (RESURRECTED PHYSICAL BODY) is just fine with me, i don't need to be a spirit drifting around in endless space seeking a body in order to find rest, finding rest in a physical created body is good enough for me and i believe Jesus also. IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………..gene



    Christ says to let their light shine to his apostles, but some believers today still do not understand those words ,I guess it is because they have electricity at home.



    Terra and Mike,

    You know when Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a Mustard seed?

    You know when Jesus said that his body is food and that those who love him should eat it?

    You know when Jesus said that his blood is drink and that they that love him should drink it?

    You know when Jesus said that the Spirit is like the Wind and it goes where it will?


    Flatlander man cannot see up nor down, left nor right.

    Tell Flatlander man that he could move one step to the left and he will laugh it of as stupid and impossible. He sees with his own perspective which is of a two dimensional world.

    Yet, 3D man knows that he could take Flatlander man to another position – fl-man would be amazed and scared…
    Wasn't Daniel (Book of Daniel)taken in Spirit to some other place?…was he in a body when he was AT THAT PLACE?

    Was not John (Book of Revelation) taken up in Spirit to another place?…was he in a body when he was AT THAT PLACE?

    What is the IMAGINATION but a confined Spirit?
    Can you imagine yourself on a beach in Rio? What is stopping you from being exactly there? Your body? The body that confines the spirit of it's owner.

    What I'd you could shed the body?
    (Ok, there would be no point in going to the beach as there would be far greater places to go – the desire for the beach was only as of the flesh!)


    Quote (terraricca @ May 13 2011,04:48)

    Christ says to let their light shine to his apostles, but some believers today still do not understand those words ,I guess it is because they have electricity at home.


    :D :D Pierre, you are so much like my dear Husband its funny… That would be Georg's answer too…. Peace Irene


    Quote (Istari @ May 13 2011,06:02)
    Flatlander man cannot see up nor down, left nor right.

    Tell Flatlander man that he could move one step to the left and he will laugh it of as stupid and impossible. He sees with his own perspective which is of a two dimensional world.

    Yet, 3D man knows that he could take Flatlander man to another position – fl-man would be amazed and scared…
    Wasn't Daniel (Book of Daniel)taken in Spirit to some other place?…was he in a body when he was AT THAT PLACE?

    Was not John (Book of Revelation) taken up in Spirit to another place?…was he in a body when he was AT THAT PLACE?

    What is the IMAGINATION but a confined Spirit?
    Can you imagine yourself on a beach in Rio? What is stopping you from being exactly there? Your body? The body that confines the spirit of it's owner.

    What I'd you could shed the body?
    (Ok, there would be no point in going to the beach as there would be far greater places to go – the desire for the beach was only as of the flesh!)

    Istari! What is a Flatlander??? Sorry I never heard that before….
    Question… When you in the pirit, (if you that lucky) how will you tell what your Wife looks like?
    Peace Irene



    Jesus has a Spiritual Body…. Which you say 'proves' that SPIRITS have BODIES.

    Do the other SPIRITS have bodies – and how did they acquire that body since they have not died from a NATURAL BODY.

    'It is sown a Natural Body'
    'It is raised a Spiritual Body'

    To gain the Spiritual Body it must first DIE (Be sown)
    For a seed to grow (Germinate) it must first go into a dormant state (Death)


    Quote (Istari @ May 13 2011,07:14)

    Jesus has a Spiritual Body…. Which you say 'proves' that SPIRITS have BODIES.

    Do the other SPIRITS have bodies – and how did they acquire that body since they have not died from a NATURAL BODY.

    'It is sown a Natural Body'
    'It is raised a Spiritual Body'

    To gain the Spiritual Body it must first DIE (Be sown)
    For a seed to grow (Germinate) it must first go into a dormant state (Death)

    Istari! Does that Scripture not say that there are Spiritual Bodies? I don't think that the Angels are without a body….Almighty God I am not sure of. Can you tell me what a Flatlander is?
    Peace Irene


    Flatlander is a 2 dimensional fictions creature that can only move in one direction – forward.
    Or can only move around on a flat surface it knows nothing of up or down.
    If you stand in front of it it can see you – if you move to the side it cannot – you have 'disappeared' as far as it is concerned.
    The 'you' here is 3dimensional man. So you are as you see yourself.
    You can move around in a 3dimensionsl world – in 4th dimensional Time.
    This is how WE SEE OURSELVES. to us 2d Flatlander is silly not to understand up and down.
    Flatlander is mesmerised how 3d man can appear behind him or below or above him. – it's impossible.

    And so to higher Dimensions. How can 5d man appear it MORE than one place at different moments in time immediately. His did the demon spirits appear in the mad man in the cave and then the next moment in the pigs hundreds of yards away in an instance?

    To US this is impossible – to 5d man we are like cubelanders… And we look silly to them. How many times was Jesus exasperated by the lack of FAITH in his disciples? It is because Jesus always thinks in the (Free) SPIRIT – not the earthbound flesh body.


    And Irene,
    Simply saying scriptures mentions Spiritual body is not saying anything to answer my question.


    So what of the billions of Angel Spirits?

    It is sown a natural body – it is RAISED a Spiritual Body!
    To gain the SPIRITUAL BODY – the Body must first DIE.

    So Irene, how did the Angels Die…to gain their SPIRITUAL BODY?


    Hi Irene,
      Here is a link to the free to read book “Flatland” by E. A. Abbot:
    The book “Flatland” by E. A. Abbot

      It's an interesting read.

                                                      With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ May 13 2011,08:36)
    Hi Irene,
      Here is a link to the free to read book “Flatland” by E. A. Abbot:
    The book “Flatland” by E. A. Abbot

      It's an interesting read.

                                                      With Love and Respect,

    Thank you ,very interesting with what I did read so far….Peace Irene

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