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- April 3, 2011 at 5:25 pm#241871
Remind me again how knowing whether spirits have bodys or not is crucial for ones eternal salvation? Oh ya! It's not! It's really just something to talk about and debate over and speculate about. Here is some speculation. OK. Assuming God is somehow localized and the visible glory of God in human terms is the universe we can presently interact in. Then, yes, God is everywhere as far as we can tell via his glory which while it may not be the central localized God it wouldn't exist if God didn't exist, so a strong interconnectiveness exists. We are part of that glory, angels are part of that glory, spirits are part of that glory. We are all interconnected to God via that glory. God didn't want us to have identity issues so he gave us a brain that can discern one object from the next. He had Adam naming all those animals. Imagine if he would have began and stopped at cat. Every animal would be cat! lol! Now getting on with discerning objects. Jesus tells us God is spirit. the glory of His spirit is infinite. This is just one of commonly held attributes of God. We humans think of spirit as non-physical. Maybe that's not quite so true. Scripture tells us God is light. That is pretty non-physical, yet, light scientifically can either be a wave or a particle depending on how we measure it. Using the Light Anology, God would be the Highest frequencie attainable, every thing else lower. So God makes the objects, we call them angels like Michael and Raphel and a host of others if you want google angelology. Now God has the discernment to be able to tell the object he created apart from on another. He thinks “I don't want them to get confused and bump into each other” so he gives the objects the same ability. Now do these objects have a body? God doesn't have a body. physical creation hasn't been created yet, so no gravity has been created yet. Most things that have a body are most likely needing one as a result of living in an environment that has gravity. Probably safe to say these angels/objects don't have a body yet. They do have a limiting paramiter or spiritual skin so that they know when they are interacting with other angels that the thing they are intereacting with is, indeed, not themselves. Then God gets busy and creates the universe. He uses gravity and all kinds of other stuff todo this like maybe those little string thingies in “String Theory”(google it). If not these just simply “God made stuff”. He creates man. He has issues with man. He want them to grow, be smart, live peaceably, enjoy life like he does. Man get territorial. Must have learned it from the animals and not from God. Lot of strife and bad feelings are the result. God wants them to learn and grow on thier own, but, they are not doing so hot. God doesn't want robots or puppets on a string. So he sends angels, prophets, saviours. We are ok with prophets and savious because they were created after gravity. Angel were not. So when they leave their heavenly realm and come to the lower vibrations that have gravity they need to adjust. Just so we don't try to kill or run for the hills in fear, God give the angels what is now called an angelic appearance. They also tell us to “Fear not” this usually does the trick. in this lower gravity dominated realm they have a body of sorts just so the we can discern them as something different from the background scenery in our field of vision. God in his infinite wisdom gave us this ability also. Now the story Jesus tells us about the spirit leaving a man, going out getting 7 of his spirit buddies and bringing them back to the man. are they physical? Probably not, at least they are less physical than we are. Do they have a body? Not like we do. They are an object created either by God or our minds or some combination of both. They are discerned as seperate objects so they definately have some kind of limiting parameter (skin).
Even if I had a glass full of water and poured in food colored fluids they would have a limiting parameter initially. I could mix them up and make the cup homogeneous. I could then distill it to seperate them back out again.
Just some speculation. It's fun!With Love and Respect and Humor(hey! Isn't humor a spirit!)
WispringApril 3, 2011 at 5:53 pm#241875mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Gene Balthrop @ April 01 2011,08:40) Mike……….You did not answer my question about what SATAN (THE BEING) looks Like , and asking a question about a question which i ask by the way, does not count as answering question put to you. So I will ask it again Please tell us what YOUR SATAN (BEING) actually looks like?. IMO
Gene, this is the wrong thread. I was asking which question I haven't answered about spirits having bodies, since this is the thread I asked the question in.But my answer about Satan is “I don't know”. Does it matter? I also don't know what Jesus looks like in his new glorious SPIRIT body, but does that mean Jesus doesn't exist?
You'll have to admit your premise is rather lame. Your assertion is that if I don't know what Satan looks like, then he doesn't exist. That's not really logical thinking, Gene.
But this is off topic here, so if you are going to respond to my “I don't know” answer, do it in the right thread, okay?
April 3, 2011 at 6:25 pm#241881mikeboll64
BlockedHi Wispring,
You've echoed and expanded on what I've been trying to say in this thread all along. A “body” is ANY “outer perimeter”, whether it be made up of wave lengths, particles, frequencies, or a “spiritual skin”. I have argued contrary to the general belief that spirit is “immaterial”. Just because humans don't yet have the technology to detect the physicality of say, a thought, doesn't mean that thoughts are “immaterial”. It only means that we can't yet detect the material they're comprised of.
I have also argued that angels don't “create” a flesh body when on earth, but you have explained it in a way I can get my brain around. Imagine a hummingbird's wings flapping. Humans can't visibly discern each wing flap…….unless we film them with a high speed camera and play it back much slower. Angels could be put, or put themselves in “slow motion mode” in order to be seen by humans.
We also know that some animals “speak” to each other in sound frequencies our human ears cannot hear. But scientist have now been able to record these “conversations” and play them back in a frequency we CAN hear. Imagine, animals are “talking” all around us right now, but we can't hear all of them. The same could be with angels. They could be standing next to me right now, existing in a visible “frequency” I can't detect with my human eyes, and speaking to each other right next to me in a frequency that is inaudible to my human ears.
Quote (Wispring @ April 03 2011,11:25)
safe to say these angels/objects don't have a body yet. They do have a limiting paramiter or spiritual skin so that they know when they are interacting with other angels that the thing they are intereacting with is, indeed, not themselves.
But a “limiting paramiter”, as you put it, IS a body of sorts. A body is simply something that separtates what is INSIDE from what is outside. When God filled the tabernacle with the dark, gloomy plume of smoke, that pillar of smoke was a BODY. What was WITHIN the pillar represented where God WAS at the time, and what was OUTSIDE OF the pillar represented where God WASN'T at the time. Why would some places of ground be considered “holy”, like the spot in front of the burning bush, while the rest of the ground on earth at that same time was NOT considered “holy”? There has to be places where the presence of God IS and places where His presence IS NOT, at any given time, IMO.If there isn't an outer perimeter of “spiritual skin” on God, then angels would not ever be said to enter His presence, or leave from before His presence.
If there is nothing that distinguishes where God IS from where He ISN'T, then God is everywhere and everything, including you, me, and Satan. There has to be something that determines that God is NOT Satan, don't you think?
Good thoughts Wispring, even if we don't end up seeing completely eye to eye on this subject.
April 3, 2011 at 7:46 pm#241900Istari
Nice try… Not quite homogeneous in context and sounds too earthy and bound in physics.
The latest scientific thinking dismisses GRAVITY in place of THE BENDING OF SPACE.
Also, Angels ARE Spirits … The use of certain words used in certain languages adopted by today's common language needs to be taken into proper context.
Angel is simply a word or term meaning 'Messenger' which is applied to Heavenly Spirits who carry out the words/orders of God.
So Jesus is an 'Angel', Michael is ONE OF the CHIEF PRINCES of the HEAVENLY SONS OF GOD. Gabriel is one of the MESSENGERING SPRITS (Angel) who 'Stands in the presence of God'.
This tells us many things some of which you can easily work out yourself: for instance, that there are different orders of Angels and there are some closer to God than others, and that there are some who are more special than others.
Michael, who is he 'Prince' to? Who are the other 'Chief Princes'? How many 'Chief Princes' are there?IsWas Jesus one of these 'Chief Princes'? Or Chief of the Chief Princes – God's equivalent of the 'Firstborn Son'?
Look to all the analogies (Fractals) in Scriptures that illustrate this – ELSE For what purpose are they? Why the repeated themes (See the thread on Fractal Scriptures)So back to Spirits with Bodies… Please remember the thread question – do Spirits have bodies.
Please do a Google search and find that literally no one has ever made comment on this issue – why ? simple – it is obvious that SPIRITS (Immaterial beings) Do Not Have Bodies!!Irene, is claiming that they do because she misinterprets SPIRITUAL BODY believing it to mean the same as SPIRIT BODY. however, When asked to consider her response using Holy Spirited discernment, she apologised stating that she didn't know there was a difference (Previously even claiming that a 'Celestial Body' meant an Angel with Body – and…. TERRESTRIAL meant Sun, Moon and Stars!!!) Irene mainly tries to maintain her stance because she has a grudge against me and sided with Mikeboll as she hoped he would be proved right – but Mike realised he was wrong and left that initial line of thought to his current reduced and incomprehensible line of thinking.
Therefore, only Mikeboll can be considered a credible believer and continues to try to claim that Spirits have bodies – but read carefully – his claims WERE based on JESUS saying he was raised into a Spiritual Body (And we know he was raised into the same physical body he died in… Think about it! We know that that body was also made glorious, renewed, even such that his disciples themselves did not recognise him at first until he proved it by showing the wounds in his hands and feet – AND he even (as if he knew the Mikeboll's of the world would be asking) told them he was Physical FLESH AND BONE (His blood had been drained on the cross remember) and NOT A SPIRIT!!
this then is the Spiritual Body that Jesus showed them…Notice that he never tried to prove from Scriptures that any other Spirit other than his idea of a risen Jesus, had a body….and further, did jesus' spirit ONLY ACQUIRE a body after he was risen…check his arguments and see that no where is this mentioned in his defence of his claims… Anyone Wonder why?Mike realised this error and, in case any one has not noticed, he is simply claiming that ANY EXISTING THING MUST HAVE SOME BOUNDING BORDER… this BOUNDING BORDER is what Mike has declared to be 'A body' and he even declares therefore that God Almighty has a body because God is IN SOME PLACES BUT NOT IN OTHERS. so, Mike is saying that we can, in fact, HIDE FROM GOD!!!
A flesh based level of thinking cannot contemplate how an Intellect with force and power can be everywhere all at once because of the phenomenon called FLATLANDER… a two dimension mythical intelligence cannot contemplate how a three dimension intelligence can be (Google: Flatlander's)
Spirit… Is not Flesh…
Flesh… In context here means anything made of physical matter which includes all matter visible or invisible to our eyes (Remember that our eyes only see a limited range of light from the visible spectrum of light)
Flesh (Physical matter) is Compressed Energy – and needs to be BOUND as a Body to maintain it's purpose.
Raw Energy is all around us all the time – there is no place that we can go where we are hidden from ENERGY of some kind… Can we really hide from God as Mike suggests? If even raw energy can 'see' us and God is PURE ENERGY From which all energy has it's source, is not God then EVERYWHERE ALL AT THE SAME TIME?
to answer Mike in one Place… Some places God has designated as Holy to him for his own purpose – is the inner sanctuary of the temple really especially Holy? Yes and No, but overly by symbolism. A young girls bedroom is quite an inner sanctuary – to her!! Who may enter without her consent?April 3, 2011 at 8:33 pm#241906mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Istari @ April 03 2011,13:46) Mike realised this error and, in case any one has not noticed, he is simply claiming that ANY EXISTING THING MUST HAVE SOME BOUNDING BORDER… this BOUNDING BORDER is what Mike has declared to be 'A body' and he even declares therefore that God Almighty has a body because God is IN SOME PLACES BUT NOT IN OTHERS. No Istari, Mike hasn't realized any error and changed his claim. This is the third post I made on this thread, from page 1 out of what is now 225:
Quote Hi Shimmer, Thanks for your opinion. But where's the scriptural support for your assertion? We KNOW for a fact that spirits have bodies, for Paul CLEARLY says they do. We KNOW for a fact that God is a spirit being. And we KNOW for a fact that God does not envelope everything around Him, or there would be no end to what is God and no beginning to what is not God.
What is it that keeps God from making your face glow like Moses' did Shimmer? What “boundary” is it that is making God be “there” while you are “here” so that your face isn't always glowing like Moses'? God is obviously “stopping Himself” from being right there in your face. By what means does He “stop Himself”?
So you see, I've been preaching the same “bounding border” for 225 pages now.
Is this really how you're going to come back to this thread after being banned for months? By lying about me?
Some things will never change, I guess.
April 3, 2011 at 8:42 pm#241908Istari
The boundary of a physical object is not called 'a body' – it is called 'a Skin'.Can you define the boundary of the Wind?
(p.s. If you bind the Wind does it not cease to be wind?)Does Water of itself have boundaries
(Think carefully please)When Angels appear to mankind, in what Form and shape do they represent themselves?
Do you believe they are in this same form (Flesh with physical Human attributes) as when they are 'invisible'?
Why would they need 'White clothing'? Why clothing at all?
Where did Jesus get his new outfit from when be walked out of the burial chamber?Jesus could have 'Materialised' outside of the burial chamber without the need to move the rock but God deemed that he wanted to demonstrate a Physical rising.
Do you think the Angels physically rolled the stone away from the doorway (Read Romans or was it ACTS, where an Angel broke Peter's chains while he was in prison and led him out … With the gates Opening of their own accord!!!)Mike, why do you want Spirits to be like Flesh?
You dismiss the definition of SPIRIT and create your own definition? Can you explain why that is?
Mike, if you can redefine things that YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, then you are going to come unstuck by allowing EVERYONE ELSE to redefine what they don't understand in their own words – Mike, what would be the result of that?
I see from your 'discussions' with WJ that this REDEFINING has already taken off and 'GOD' has so many definitions that anyone can claim any vagarious meaning hence there will never be consensus of thought – discuss on then!!April 3, 2011 at 9:09 pm#241912SimplyForgiven
ParticipantQuote (Istari @ April 04 2011,01:42) Mike, why do you want Spirits to be like Flesh?
You dismiss the definition of SPIRIT and create your own definition? Can you explain why that is?
Mike, if you can redefine things that YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, then you are going to come unstuck by allowing EVERYONE ELSE to redefine what they don't understand in their own words – Mike, what would be the result of that?
I see from your 'discussions' with WJ that this REDEFINING has already taken off and 'GOD' has so many definitions that anyone can claim any vagarious meaning hence there will never be consensus of thought – discuss on then!!
Mike only cherrypicks whatever fits his topsy tervy doctrineApril 3, 2011 at 10:02 pm#241922Istari
I forgot to answer your initial question.It is not necessary at all to know whether Spirits have bodies or not (and no one else but Mikeboll thinks that Spirits do as even the very word 'Spirit' means 'Immaterial').
This thread, as you may gather from page 1, is due to Mike's misunderstanding which increased the more he tried to understand why an immaterial being is not composed of Material matter. Please note that his views have changed several times as he tried to prove by Scriptures and realised he couldn't.
His current ideas has NOTHING to do with proof by Scriptures but simply that 'Objects must have a bounding border which he calls a Body… (Mike, it's called SKIN)No, it doesn't matter but it does show and expose how adherence to wrongful thinking and unwillingness to concede in the face of realisation can lead one to delve into deception of thought to try and maintain that wrongful thought…and what if you pursued others to your wrongful idea – as Mike persuaded Irene and Terraricca (and then ran away leaving them with that completely wrongful thought even now!!)
No, Wispring, it doesn't matter but it shows how easy it is to present wrongful interpretation of clear and irrefutable Scriptures. Paul, in Corinthians 15 does not speak of anything but physical body being raised from the dead but it was THE ONLY VERSE that Mike could find that he could use when trying to prove his insane idea that an Immaterial Entity had a Material Body!
Thus he had to spin it out until he believed it – then realised he was wrong and ran away leaving his disciples holding his baby. Notice that Irene can only post verse lines but never explain what she means and Terraricca just post incomprehensible utterings (I mean that I don't understand what he means by what he posted to me Nor Why!!)April 3, 2011 at 10:26 pm#241924Istari
Read Mike's post. Like SF says, Mike cherrypicks as he pleases but accuses others of not answering HIM.
Then, when he can't do anything more he does what he learnt from WJ and accuses me of 'Ad Hominem' towards him as a prelude to giving me a tile (He weeps like a small girl and gets the headmaster to give me a beating … Ps they never ask why though -just get the belt out!)What Mike has not shown is his initial thoughts – read for yourself… It is based on his misinterpretation of Corinthians and what 'Spiritual Body' means …as opposed to 'Spirit Body'.
There is NO SUCH THING as a SPIRIT BODY.And Mike: What is a Celestial Body, again?
Can you give me an example of a Celestial Body, please?
Oh, Just what IS a SPIRIT BODY and where in Scriptures did you find that?
Oh and oh, what do you now say that a SPIRITUAL BODY is?
What BODY was Jesus raised up in and showed to his disciples?
Was it not his SPIRITUAL BODY?
And, seeing that you couldn't answer before: did Jesus have a Spirit(ual) Body before he came to earth as man… Because (your) Scriptures says God gave him his UNDYING INCORRUPTIBLE SPIRIT(UAL) Body AFTER HE WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD!!
And therefore, do the Angels have SPIRIT(UAL) bodies … As you say, 'As those of Heaven have'.
So therefore, the Angels have Spiritual bodies BEFORE Jesus did??
M-i-k-e… When ya gonna stop digging in that hole?
You climbed down from leading a war on 'Spiritual' to simply implying that 'things' must have a bounding border which you call a BODY … Which everyone else calls SKIN.
April 3, 2011 at 11:09 pm#241934GeneBalthrop
ParticipantIstari………I do agree with much of what you have said. I have said for a long time here , Spirit is not a Body it is what is (IN) bodies. Thanks for you insight .
peace and love to you and yours…………………………………….gene
April 3, 2011 at 11:26 pm#241937mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Istari @ April 03 2011,14:42) Mike, why do you want Spirits to be like Flesh?
I never said they were like “flesh”. In fact, I've repeatedly stated that Paul makes it clear flesh cannot enter heaven.I'll tell you what Istari: I know this thread has been a thorn in your side since I started it because of a discrepancy you and I were having. I also know that everyone on this site has voiced their opinion that angels DO HAVE a body or form of some sort………….EXCEPT FOR YOU. And the only reason Gene fakes compliance with you is because Gene doesn't believe the scripture that tells us angels ARE spirits. Like John 1:14, he has to include the word (IN) into the scripture to make it fit his own understanding. So when he says he agrees with you that SPIRITS don't have bodies, remember that he doesn't think angels ARE spirits, and he DOES think angels have bodies.
I know that all this agreement with me angers you to the point that you've got out of line and have had to be banned from this site…………not once, but twice in the last year.
So, I'll leave this thread to you. You can post a million words about how I'm a liar and confused and carnal-minded or what not. It's all yours, buddy – have at it.
I think 225 pages of hate and animosity, on a subject that scripturally should have lasted maybe 10 pages, is enough for me.
I'll leave you with this question, although I know I won't need to return to respond to your answer. For I've asked it for 200 pages now and have never received your DIRECT answer to it:
Hey All, what is it that separates one angel from the other angels, and consequently from God Himself?
It's all yours Istari. I'll leave you alone here so you can trash talk me and tell everyone how I've “run away” again, okay?
April 4, 2011 at 12:21 am#241952Istari
You should run for Politician of the year!!Step backwards by step backwards until you step out the door – didn't you give in before …. ?
And tell me that what you are really doing is conceding on ALL POINTS after giving one last futile punt claiming everyone in this forum believes Angels have 'Some sort of Form'.
Mike, not one single person in this forum has shown that Angels have 'any kind of form' – they merely think so from inability to think anything otherwise – that is – to think IN THE SPIRIT!!
I asked simple question and you refuse to answer by way of 'giving up' but were ready to continue for hundreds of pages were I not here… So it only proves that in fact it is me – truth – that you fear!
All your arguments have come DOWN to 'they must have SOME SORT of bounding border – mustn't they??'
Hardly hard PROOF of even your own committed belief, eh?A bounding border is called SKIN…
What about those even 'easier' questions: you usually DEMAND that people answer you but you let questions to you run off like water from a ducks back ( Are you exposing a weakness, Mike?)
Mike, I am amazed… I thought you really believed your theory – I was JUST ABOUT TO CONCEDE TO YOU… pity….!
April 4, 2011 at 12:29 am#241954Istari
ParticipantOoh, I don't have editing rights back yet so apologys…
Angels Spirits have the 'Form' of SPIRIT as does God and Jesus for only Spirits inhabit the Spirit realm of Heaven.
And SPIRIT is IMMATERIAL as any dictionary will tell you!
And IMMATERIAL, as any dictionary will tell you, means 'Not composed of Material matter'…
Seemples yes!April 4, 2011 at 12:37 am#241956SimplyForgiven
ParticipantQuote Wispring,
Read Mike's post. Like SF says, Mike cherrypicks as he pleases but accuses others of not answering HIM.
Then, when he can't do anything more he does what he learnt from WJ and accuses me of 'Ad Hominem' towards him as a prelude to giving me a tile (He weeps like a small girl and gets the headmaster to give me a beating … Ps they never ask why though -just get the belt out!)HAhahahahhahaha…Mike this is so trueee
April 4, 2011 at 12:47 am#241960Istari
ParticipantOh, and Mike, Angels are not Separated from God, God is IN THEM by his Holy Spirit.
Demon Angels do not have GOD IN THEM by virtue of NOT HAVING THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM.Everything is WITHIN GOD but God is not IN EVERYTHING if that thing does not have HIS HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM.
This means they that are without the Holy Spirit are condemned as mankind was condemned and Satan and the fallen Angels are condemned (the fallen Angels are shackled away from the presence if God by virtue of not having the Holy Spirit – which is Life)
Jesus saved mankind from original sin by his blood sacrifice thus making the Holy Spirit accessible to as many as believe in the Word of God. Jesus will give them life in the new kingdom by retaining their names at the judgement (Jesus GIVES LIFE by retaining their names – God gave them their life but Jesus maintains it. Many people misread the scriptures to claim that Jesus GIVES LIFE … the human Spirit is never 'dead' (Trinnies look away) but without the body is inoperable (This is where Gene gets his positive AND negative ideas mixed up)
Anyway, I stray from the point…
April 4, 2011 at 1:10 am#241963Istari
ParticipantPlease can everyone see Mikeboll's post above with his BOLDED TEXT stating that he has asked the same question for 200 pages and never received an answer.
Please let it be known that this is called 'being disingenuous' on Mikes part.!!
Indeed, the question is not a question at all seeing that SPIRITS ARE IMMATERIAL.
Immaterial matter do not need SEPARATING BOUNDARIES.. therefore Mikes pointless and desperate question is Mute!! And the fact that he claims to have been asking it for 200 pages shows be has nothing else to ask and is hanging onto the only viable ( in his mind) question left in his arsenal.
What Separates the radio waves he receives on his wireless as he rushes along immune car at 70 miles an hour…? Aren't radio waves … Everywhere? Do they have a body, a bounding border… Not. True analogy of course because radio waves are MATERIAL MATTER but it should serve to illustrate 'Everywhere all at the same time'.
His radio, his neighbour, his friend(!), a meter, a mile, 10 miles, 20, 50, 100 miles …same radio station…and that is unintelligent force!!!Mike couldn't (ha – read DAREN'T) answer not even ONE of my simple questions yet acts as though he knows it all.
Truth be known – I offered him the freedom to concede long ago without any repercussions – in fact, with the hand of friendship back to the fold – mike refused!!!
I said to him, in all fairness, 'Think of me like a doctor – If you were at death, I would be there to pull you through!!'
Of course, I meant the door of death of the fleshly thinking into the room of Spiritual enlightenment – you did think that's what I meant, didn't you?
April 4, 2011 at 3:03 am#241987Wispring
ParticipantHi All,
OK. I shine a light(laser beam) in dark room and you are in this same darkened room. You observe a difference between the coherent light(body)(immaterial) and the air(immaterial). I don't know what the scientific word or term is for the “skin” of the laser that allows us to visually discern that is different from the surrounding air. When one thinks a thought and it is seperated from other thoughts what is the “skin” that surrounds the one thought from another. This is all going on in the spirit or immaterial realm. The use of the word “body” is really a semantic conveniance. The word gravity my be dismissed in scientific theorys describing observed phenomena, however, the concept of that which is called gravity remains the same. The metaphysical model I am using isn't my own invention it is based on hinduist metaphysical concepts and quantum theory. Both describe things not readily apparent or evident using normal methods of observation. This thread seems to be an arguement/debate that is based on different peoples semantic and heuristic understanding and application of words. You can say a spirit has or doesn't have a body. According to the uncertainty principle both are true and one never know until takes one or another out of the box and by observation gathers data, therefore, making the other false. If God ever sees in his divine wisdom to let me talk to a real live angel and to enlighten me fully in such matters, I will immediately report my experience.With Love and Respect,
WispringApril 4, 2011 at 3:10 am#241988Wispring
ParticipantRadio waves are energy not matter. I knew this from my own studies and having to learn stuff to be a radio operater and radar operator in the USN. Google it if you think I am in error on this subject.
With Love and Respect,
WispringApril 4, 2011 at 11:45 am#242017Istari
I studied Radio and made radio sets as a hobby as part of my learning many aspects of science.I used radio waves only as an analogy and stated that it wasn't really valid but it was the closest thing I could find given a running post…: I write without looking up – I write from my mobile so Googling isn't easy – I write from pre-knowledge!
Radio waves are part of the spectrum of Energy waves as is visible light, X-rays, Gamma rays, microwaves, etc… I thought of using Shortwave to illustrate that even around the world he could pick up the same radio signal but, how many people here know or understand VHF, FM, MW, SW, such that an analogy would make sense. Wispring, this is how Mikeboll and others pooPooh theories they can't understand – being unwilling to say, 'Sorry, sounds good but I don't understand'.
Instead, They say 'No, you are wrong!!' (Meaning: Damn – I can't let him see that I don't know…!)The point was that SPIRITS are far superior to any Material Matter. Material Matter NEEDS to be contained to give them 'visibility' in our Material World.
Mike rightly points out that if we use technology we can eventually detect all Material Matter… Yes, MATERIAL MATTER because they have 'Bounding borders' from which an aura of 'Skin' can be detected…
All MATERIAL MATTER is Compressed Energy hence the dematerialisation of such creates huge amounts of that energy as demonstrated by the work carried out in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland.
And, of course, by Albert Einstein's great formula: E=MC^2.
This says that all mass can be converted to pure energy if a large enough force was applied to that mass. Fortunately for the world, we cannot generate that required force!! It's MASSIVE!! it's the amount of force that would be required to propel that mass to the square of the speed of light…
The converse is therefore also true – to create MASS from Energy!!Wispring, how do you supposed that Jesus materialised into the room that was locked with the disciples inside – twice!
The Intelligence is the Spirit – the Spirit is pure Energy – Energy is Everywhere and Anywhere it wants to be…
What Material matter can affect pure Energy… A volcano? watery depths? a wall or door?
And how, Wispring, did the demons in the mad mad in the cave, legions of them, occupy the man all at the same time ….
And … Move immediately – in the blinking of an eye – from the man's body into the pigs that were a way of in the distance!
Please read back several pages to where I describe HOW using the idea of 'Dimensions'… It's a perfect solution because it is completely feasable!
If you are 'On the ground' you can only move from one contiguous place to the next contiguous place in each moment of time.
If you are 'Above – in the air' pick a place – and you are there – no matter how far they are apart – DISTANCE – IS NO OBJECT
And are not Angels far superior in Power over man yet they are restrained in their use of that power against man because God has deemed that they must not. Intellect then is their weapon, those of whom are demonic, that is.When man sees an angel, the angel is always in the form of a man (Why not a female?).
At various times the Angel has materialised a temporary vision of a body and is discernable as an angel in that it is like a (clothed) man surrounded by shimmering light.
At other times the angel acquires a full body that is hard to discern from a full human, the angel even needs to EAT FOOD to maintain that body else it would decay from hunger (Lack of Energy!!)
Jesus demonstrated his REAL BODY by eating Broiled Fish.April 4, 2011 at 8:44 pm#242056terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Istari @ April 05 2011,05:45) Wispring,
I studied Radio and made radio sets as a hobby as part of my learning many aspects of science.I used radio waves only as an analogy and stated that it wasn't really valid but it was the closest thing I could find given a running post…: I write without looking up – I write from my mobile so Googling isn't easy – I write from pre-knowledge!
Radio waves are part of the spectrum of Energy waves as is visible light, X-rays, Gamma rays, microwaves, etc… I thought of using Shortwave to illustrate that even around the world he could pick up the same radio signal but, how many people here know or understand VHF, FM, MW, SW, such that an analogy would make sense. Wispring, this is how Mikeboll and others pooPooh theories they can't understand – being unwilling to say, 'Sorry, sounds good but I don't understand'.
Instead, They say 'No, you are wrong!!' (Meaning: Damn – I can't let him see that I don't know…!)The point was that SPIRITS are far superior to any Material Matter. Material Matter NEEDS to be contained to give them 'visibility' in our Material World.
Mike rightly points out that if we use technology we can eventually detect all Material Matter… Yes, MATERIAL MATTER because they have 'Bounding borders' from which an aura of 'Skin' can be detected…
All MATERIAL MATTER is Compressed Energy hence the dematerialisation of such creates huge amounts of that energy as demonstrated by the work carried out in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland.
And, of course, by Albert Einstein's great formula: E=MC^2.
This says that all mass can be converted to pure energy if a large enough force was applied to that mass. Fortunately for the world, we cannot generate that required force!! It's MASSIVE!! it's the amount of force that would be required to propel that mass to the square of the speed of light…
The converse is therefore also true – to create MASS from Energy!!Wispring, how do you supposed that Jesus materialised into the room that was locked with the disciples inside – twice!
The Intelligence is the Spirit – the Spirit is pure Energy – Energy is Everywhere and Anywhere it wants to be…
What Material matter can affect pure Energy… A volcano? watery depths? a wall or door?
And how, Wispring, did the demons in the mad mad in the cave, legions of them, occupy the man all at the same time ….
And … Move immediately – in the blinking of an eye – from the man's body into the pigs that were a way of in the distance!
Please read back several pages to where I describe HOW using the idea of 'Dimensions'… It's a perfect solution because it is completely feasable!
If you are 'On the ground' you can only move from one contiguous place to the next contiguous place in each moment of time.
If you are 'Above – in the air' pick a place – and you are there – no matter how far they are apart – DISTANCE – IS NO OBJECT
And are not Angels far superior in Power over man yet they are restrained in their use of that power against man because God has deemed that they must not. Intellect then is their weapon, those of whom are demonic, that is.When man sees an angel, the angel is always in the form of a man (Why not a female?).
At various times the Angel has materialised a temporary vision of a body and is discernable as an angel in that it is like a (clothed) man surrounded by shimmering light.
At other times the angel acquires a full body that is hard to discern from a full human, the angel even needs to EAT FOOD to maintain that body else it would decay from hunger (Lack of Energy!!)
Jesus demonstrated his REAL BODY by eating Broiled Fish.
Istarieven with many more findings of men into the universe it would not be useful to them and they would never come to the understanding of God.
that said ,God only can be known to who he want to be known,it is not up to us.
and you like your science culture may be it as become your god and so trust more in what poor knowledge you have acquired over the years than the knowledge of God himself,
if God as a soul just like we do this shows that any being as one and so have to be separated because of being a soul or have one individual soul,
I can not tell you what is separate them but they all are separated or they are none existent,
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