Do spirits have bodies?

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,11:34)
    Mike…… Nor does it MATTER what “YOU” Think either. We not only answered them but showed you how wrong scriptural you are. As i have said You have bought into the LIE and are spending all you time pushing it. IMO and Others also I might add.  You and Irene, slowly push people off the site that don't agree with you like you did with JA and Martin, Adam< and Now trying with Karmarie, and next it will be  Me or Paladin and all others who oppose your false teachings.  The only ones that will be here will be You and Irene and Terricca before long.  IMO



    why do you use my name ,can you not defend your scriptural position with your bible knowledge ?

    why is it that you do not present truth from scriptures?

    you are on this site for years and yet you have learn nothing in scriptures,so you are hopeless ,

    even with scriptures in black and white you still deny truth.

    there is a section on the site it is called the “sceptics” i am sure you would fit right in.they do not believe what you believe but they use your very tactics to get there message across,and with your experience you be save.



    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected. Another LIE, which you seem to have a clear problem with.You call every one who disagrees with your distorted preexistence views a Skeptic or Satan Just like the Pharisees did Jesus , . But the fact is it is you and people like you who don't understand clear scriptures and add your past religious learned  false teaching to them. I am not the only one here who has seen this, many have.  IMO



    Terricca………..Show ONE Scripture that say a SPIRIT (IS) a BODY of any kind, Just ONE will do.



    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 06 2011,21:52)
    and with your experience you be save.

    :D :laugh: :D


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,08:24)
    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected.

    How about brown and white?

    John 1:14
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Do you accept this scripture, Gene?

    Hebrews 1:14
    Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    How about this one?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 08 2011,11:44)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,08:24)
    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected.

    How about brown and white?

    John 1:14
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Do you accept this scripture, Gene?

    Hebrews 1:14
    Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    How about this one?


    Hi Mike! I have finally given up on Gene. His thinking is so set, there is no way anyone can teach him. Not only that, He has called us that believe in Scriptures like John 1:1 to have the Spirit of Ant–Christ. And then we are still in our past religious view. That to me is laughable, we never believed in the preexisting of Jesus, not in the W.W.Church of God, and in the Catholic Church we never read the Bible. He is the one who does not even believe that Satan is real. Boy is He in for a big surprise.
    Keep up to good work, the truth will prevail……
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 08 2011,01:24)
    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected. Another LIE, which you seem to have a clear problem with.You call every one who disagrees with your distorted preexistence views a Skeptic or Satan Just like the Pharisees did Jesus , . But the fact is it is you and people like you who don't understand clear scriptures and add your past religious learned  false teaching to them. I am not the only one here who has seen this, many have.  IMO


    :D :D :D


    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 07 2011,20:58)
    He is the one who does not even believe that Satan is real.

    Are you kidding me? ???

    peace and love to you,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 08 2011,14:18)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 07 2011,20:58)
    He is the one who does not even believe that Satan is real.

    Are you kidding me?  ???

    peace and love to you,

    No Mike, I am not kidding you. I brought the tread up for you, it is in “i am”is Lucifer title, in Truth or Tradition….above this one.
    I think there is another tread, but of hand can't think of it. If I find it will let you know…
    Peace and Love Irene


    There is one where Jodi Lee was spouting nonsense of this type.  I made a post including many scriptures that show the Devil is a real person, complete with angels (demons) who follow him.

    She never replied to it, even though I bumped it for her at least twice.  

    But I don't remember the name of the thread right off the bat.

    How do intelligent people even think these crazy thoughts that are so obviously unscriptural?  It's beyond me.



    Mike! read this, yes Jodi is someone else who does not believe in a Satan…

    To all……Back to the thread……….> the word I am has nothing to do with the word Lucifier at all. The word Lucifer means rising star as the king of Babylon was before God cut him down, It has nothing to do with an elusive (BEING) called a devil,or a Satan. Pure apostate teachings. There is (NO) devil or Satan (BEING) GOING AROUND JUMPING IN AND OUT OF people, we are the only adversaries on this earth of GOD, man is the only Satan there exists on this earth. Man is the( prince) of the powers of the air (which transfers words ) and rules in high places in the kingdoms of this earth, not some elusive being of some kind but man himself is the adversary or Satan of GOD. Jodi has rightly posted this, go back and reread it and think about what she said.IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene


    Irene………….So when Jesus said to Peter “get behind me SATAN”, are we to believe Peter is a SATAN BEING of some Kind or Peter was acting as an (Adversary) of Jesus at the time He said that. The word Satan Means ADVERSARY. And while you trying to figure that out also tell us what did Jesus mean when He said “HAVE I NOT CHOSEN YOU TWELVE AND ONE OF YOU (IS A DEVIL)”. Your mentality is the same as Mikes and Terricca and you truly lack true understanding of scriptures as many have told you before including JODI who has more understanding of scriptures in he little finger the all you three put together. IMO



    Hey Irene,

    I'll try to find the Jodi Lee “Satan” thread. We can talk over there about it, because the post I made was killer, and maybe Gene hasn't seen it.

    Besides, this is way off topic here. :)



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 08 2011,11:44)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,08:24)
    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected.

    How about brown and white?

    John 1:14
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Do you accept this scripture, Gene?

    Hebrews 1:14
    Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    How about this one?


    MIke………..When you see a FLESH WORD lets us know , i realize that is what you call brown and white, Because you certainly can't call it Black and white but Brown is usual good enough for you right. Tell us Mike what does a “FLESH WORD” LOOK LIKE is it brown and white to you or tell us how a WORD comes to Be A FLESH> if that is possible other than in the dark chambers of your mislead minds.

    As regarding Angle being Ministering Spirits , that is true they are ministering spirit because GOD Made their Spirits (IN) them and sent them forth to minister to those GOD sends them to.

    read carefully and this time think about what is written

    Heb 1:7 And of the angels he says, Who makes his angels spirits (their intellects), and his ministers a flame of fire,

    Tell us Mike and Irene do you both also thing Ministers are really a flames of fire burning (literally)? And We all know GOD is Spirit and no man has seen him because he is spirit, but can you say that about Angels (NO) YOU CAN'T. Because angles have been see and have eaten with men and touched them they all have bodies they are b=not invisible spirits But being that have Spirits (IN) them.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 09 2011,14:26)
    Who makes his angels spirits (their intellects),

    What translation are you using? I have never seen (intellects) in any scripture.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 09 2011,21:26)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 08 2011,11:44)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,08:24)
    Terricca…….. Show me (ONE) Scripture in black and white i rejected.

    How about brown and white?

    John 1:14
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Do you accept this scripture, Gene?

    Hebrews 1:14
    Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    How about this one?


    MIke………..When you see a FLESH WORD lets us know , i realize that is what you call brown and white, Because you certainly can't call it Black and white but Brown is usual good enough for you right.  Tell us Mike what does a “FLESH WORD” LOOK LIKE is it brown and white to you or tell us how a WORD comes to Be A FLESH> if that is possible other than in the dark chambers of your mislead minds.

    As regarding Angle being Ministering Spirits , that is true they are ministering spirit because GOD Made their Spirits (IN) them and sent them forth to minister to those GOD sends them to.

    read carefully and this time think about what is written

    Heb 1:7 And of the angels he says, Who makes his angels spirits (their intellects), and his ministers a flame of fire,

    Tell us Mike and Irene do you both also thing Ministers are really a flames of fire burning (literally)?  And We all know GOD is Spirit and no man has seen him because he is spirit,  but can you say that about Angels (NO) YOU CAN'T.  Because angles have been see and have eaten with men and touched them they all have bodies they are b=not invisible spirits But being that have Spirits (IN) them.



    Ho boy:::::



    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 09 2011,14:28)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 09 2011,14:26)
    Who makes his angels spirits (their intellects),

    What translation are you using? I have never seen (intellects) in any scripture.

    T8……….Spirit is (INTELLECT) example when It say to “try the Spirits to see if they are of GOD” , What are we trying is it not what some one is saying and is not what someone is saying coming from his or her intellects.  Or here is another one When an unclean Spirit leaves a man (IT) goes about in Arid Places> Now is that a (spirit body) as some here believe or a thought or form of intellect effecting the mind of a person.  Spirit is not a body or a person it is what is (IN) a Person. His MINDS INTELLECTS (ARE) SPIRITS.

    Jesus said the words i am speaking to you are SPIRIT (and) LIFE. Now what does that mean, What are WORD are they not the expression of Intellects, and they come from the mind of a Person, and Scripture say so a man thinks so he is.  Do you see what i am saying ? A mans life is his thinking and his thinking is a result of his intellect (IN) HIM> And that is his Spirit (IN) Him. IMO

    peace and love………………….gene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 09 2011,14:07)
    Hey Irene,

    I'll try to find the Jodi Lee “Satan” thread.  We can talk over there about it, because the post I made was killer, and maybe Gene hasn't seen it.

    Besides, this is way off topic here. :)


    Mike! Sorry I went of Topic, but didn't know if you seenthat tread where Genn made that post….Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 07 2011,09:05)

    Quote (theodorej @ Mar. 06 2011,12:31)
    Greetings M….. This is a difficult question to answer with any certainty simply because our knowledge of the spirit world is so limited…

    Hi Theo,

    It's no more difficult than adding 1+1.  :)

    1 Corinthians 15:45
    So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” ; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    Philippians 3:21
    who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    There you have it, cut and dry.  IS Jesus a spirit?  YES.  DOES Jesus have a body?  YES.

    See?  It's not that hard.  :)


    Greetings Mik….You have a talent and a flipant manner that one could take as authoritarian….Iam not quick to judgement,however, if you read my two posts in their entirety you would not have given such a rediculous answer….In addition the complexity of the question demands alot more than the paroting of a few scriptures in answer to a line that you obviously took out of context….The answer is not that simple if it was the question would not have been raised….We do not know the capability of the spirit world for as long as we have evolved to date we only know it exists we have know Idea of its capabilities….Jesus is lord vested with all the power and autority of the eternal if so desires he could manefest himself in a human body and the same goes for the angels if God sees fit….Admitting you do not know something is the beginning of education and learning..Educate me….


    To All……….Again Spirit is NOT a BODY (IT) Never was a BODY, (IT) is what is (IN) Bodies. When it say “let this MIND be (IN) you that was (IN) Christ Jesus our Lord”, that alone should show you Spirit is not a BODY but the (Intellect) that is IN a BODY. All physical life has Spirit (IN) it or It could not function and Live. This is a simple subject what, complicates it is all the false teaching derived from Fallen Christianity driving its source from Pagan Greek thoughts like demons and devil invisible (BEINGS) like Dante's inferno hell pagan teachings simulated into Cristian thought many years ago. We need to start clarifying and simplifying things here so we can start coming out of these MYSTERY RELIGION Teachings and develop a sound Mind with regards to the words of GOD. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………..gene

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