Do spirits have bodies?

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    Mike, thats my mother not me.

    I think this is good.

    Gene, you and me and Jay agree on some things, the others dont. I actually learnt a lot from you Gene, and Jay. And im sure we all learnt something here.

    But, time to move on now.



    Hi Kar,

    You can't really add Gene to your number. He DOES believe that angels have bodies. He just, for some reason, doesn't believe the scripture that tells us angels ARE spirits.

    But that's just Gene for ya. He only believes the scriptures he wants to believe.



    Mike, drop it!

    (I learnt from Gene that Jesus was ressurected in his flesh, but that wasnt this thread.

    And im still unsure whether Jesus is still in his body in heaven, I think maybe Gene is right. Though a glorified body).

    Anyway thats it, I really cant say anymore and you all should end this thread and Jay too, though he posts through me, I think this thread is done.



    God bless.


    Not another word!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 06 2011,12:02)
    Hi Kar,

    You can't really add Gene to your number.  He DOES believe that angels have bodies.  He just, for some reason, doesn't believe the scripture that tells us angels ARE spirits.

    But that's just Gene for ya.  He only believes the scriptures he wants to believe.


    Mike……..So those angles that ate with Abraham and that appeared to many in scripture did have Bodies according to YOU right? They were just a figment of those peoples imaginations right? And you don't believe Jesus either right?, because he said he had a body AFTER his Resurrection and let the Apostle touch him to prove it .

    You believe God creates his angles as spirit (BEINGS). I believe He creates His Angel's SPIRITS (that is in them) AND SENDS THEM OUT TO MINISTER. I think there is far more proof on my side then yours, in scripture, but then again Proof and truth is not what you are after is it Mike ? IMO

    peace and love…………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 06 2011,09:19)
    You believe God creates his angles as spirit (BEINGS). I believe He creates His Angel's SPIRITS (that is in them) AND SENDS THEM OUT TO MINISTER.

    Gene, it doesn't really matter what YOU think, does it?  The scripture says that angels ARE spirits, not that angels HAVE spirits within them.  So you can THINK whatever you want.  My thoughts align with the scriptures, and yours, as a general rule, do not.

    You have tried to align yourself with JA since I started this thread.  Actually, I don't think aligning yourself with JA was the real intent, it was more a matter of you wanting to DISALIGN yourself with me.  But guess what Gene?  YOU believe that angels have bodies, and so does everyone else at HN except for JA, and possibly Karmarie.

    So even in your ignorance and stubborness and willingness to ignore scriptures, you have STILL aligned yourself with ME on this topic.  Live with it.  :D

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 06 2011,09:19)
    I think there is far more proof on my side then yours, in scripture,  but then again Proof and truth is not what you are after is it Mike ? IMO

    Says the man who unashamedly and frequently adds his own words to the scriptures to make THEM fit around HIS own doctrines!  :D :laugh:  :D

    Gene, go bug someone else.  



    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 05 2011,19:20)
    Mike, drop it!

    Hey Kar,

    You are responsible for the posts of Karmarie ONLY on this site.  You don't have control over what others here post.  If YOU want it dropped, then YOU need to stop posting in this thread.

    But go away knowing that YOU and JA can't answer my separation question and that YOU and JA are the ONLY ones who don't think angels have bodies.



    Mike…… Nor does it MATTER what “YOU” Think either. We not only answered them but showed you how wrong scriptural you are. As i have said You have bought into the LIE and are spending all you time pushing it. IMO and Others also I might add.  You and Irene, slowly push people off the site that don't agree with you like you did with JA and Martin, Adam< and Now trying with Karmarie, and next it will be  Me or Paladin and all others who oppose your false teachings.  The only ones that will be here will be You and Irene and Terricca before long.  IMO




    Either address the points I made or be quiet!  

    Irene, Pierre, t8 and I POST SCRIPTURES and scriptural truths.  If that “pushes people off this site”, then GOOD!  Because those people should be ACCEPTING truth, not running from it or acting beligerently when it is shown to them.

    YOU can't even accept the word of God that says angels are spirits.  YOU can't accept the word of God that says the Word BECAME flesh.

    So don't you dare talk down to me about being “scripturally wrong”!

    Show me ONE simple thing I've posted on this thread in the last two days of this discussion that was either a LIE or UNSCRIPTURAL.  If you can't do that, or actually ADDRESS the points I DID make, then PIPE DOWN!



    Mike………What you truly mean is your interpretation of Truth right? I think Your the One who need to SHUT UP HERE, so other can learn from the truth and not some destroyed views of yours. AS I SAID BEFORE IT WAS A MISTAKE FOR T8 to allow a NOVICE to be a Monitor Here in the first place. You have no right to tell me to SHUT UP (LITTLE MAN) . Your are not my example of anyone who knows scripture at all. In fact you still believe a WORD (CAN) “BE” FLESH. You ask for a LIE Then there is one FOR YOU, you Just said one, not to mention all the other misunderstood scriptures that many have tried to get you to see before you ran them off. IMO



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 06 2011,11:55)
    Your are not my example of anyone who knows scripture at all.

    I'm well aware of that Gene.  If I were your example, you'd be speaking scriptural truth on this site.  Instead, you spout whatever hairbrained idea some idiot out there comes up with.

    Like I said before, I'm surprised you didn't join The Professor in his hairbrained idea that God is a he/she.  Lord knows you jump on all the other hairbrained ideas out there.  :)

    Bye now Gene,

    I'm done with you.  One should never argue with an idiot, because they only bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.  And if I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong……… take a hike heretic.  


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 07 2011,05:15)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 06 2011,11:55)
    Your are not my example of anyone who knows scripture at all.

    I'm well aware of that Gene.  If I were your example, you'd be speaking scriptural truth on this site.  Instead, you spout whatever hairbrained idea some idiot out there comes up with.

    Like I said before, I'm surprised you didn't join The Professor in his hairbrained idea that God is a he/she.  Lord knows you jump on all the other hairbrained ideas out there.  :)

    Bye now Gene,

    I'm done with you.  One should never argue with an idiot, because they only bring you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.  And if I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong……… take a hike heretic.  

    Greetings M….. This is a difficult question to answer with any certainty simply because our knowledge of the spirit world is so limited…What i do know is God certainly has demonstrated the ability to manefest himself in a physical body many times as cited in scripture, having said that Iam reasonably sure that satan has the same ability and has probably done so through a form of possession as demonstrated in the several biblical examples of the extracating of demons from human beings eg. The maniac of Gaderer…..I would think that there is a distinct diference between flesh and spirit and that distinction will be realized by us at the resurection..


    Mik…. Nothwithstanding….My answer to your question would be…. No to the first part and the answer to the second part is God can do anything he sees fit…after all he is God..


    Gene, in regard to what mike said, just ignore that. weve all been tested on this site, and your not alone in it.

    Theres always one or more who tend to powertrip the others, hold people in a type of fear.  never being sure how they will react.

    Nick never did that, not that i was aware of.


    – mispost –


    Mike……… Sounds like your past “ORTHODOX” TRINITARIAN AND PREEXISTENT TIES, THEY WERE THE ONES WHO WENT AROUND CALLING A people HERETICS and killing them as i believe you are also capable of doing, Tell us do you get a Tile for calling a Person a Idiot as you would give other who do that?. Your hypocrisy is evident to anyone who have a mind to see it . IMO



    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 07 2011,05:40)
    Gene, in regard to what mike said, just ignore that. weve all been tested on this site, and your not alone in it.

    Theres always one or more who tend to powertrip the others, hold people in a type of fear.  never being sure how they will react.

    Nick never did that, not that i was aware of.

    Karmarie………..Right Nick and i disagreed on some things but He was alway stayed away from getting Personal as far as i recall, I greately respected him and still do. Mike to me is a Hypocrite and is trying to control this site to accommodate (HIS) distorted views of what (HE) thinks is “Truth”. Even if he had to force the text to meet his dogmas. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene


    Quote (theodorej @ Mar. 06 2011,12:31)
    Greetings M….. This is a difficult question to answer with any certainty simply because our knowledge of the spirit world is so limited…

    Hi Theo,

    It's no more difficult than adding 1+1.  :)

    1 Corinthians 15:45
    So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” ; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    Philippians 3:21
    who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    There you have it, cut and dry.  IS Jesus a spirit?  YES.  DOES Jesus have a body?  YES.

    See?  It's not that hard.  :)



    Hey Kar and Gene,

    This may come as news to you, but I'm not Nick.  :)

    Besides, does any part of the argument Gene and I were having have anything at all to do with moderating?

    Gene wasn't being dealt with by “The Moderator”, but by an equal member of HN who is tired of his crap.

    It's funny that you two don't even believe the same thing, yet have banded against me!  :D  Gene believes angels DO have bodies, while Kar does NOT believe this.  Hmmmm…………..odd bedfellows indeed.  :)



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 07 2011,04:34)
    Mike…… Nor does it MATTER what “YOU” Think either. We not only answered them but showed you how wrong scriptural you are. As i have said You have bought into the LIE and are spending all you time pushing it. IMO and Others also I might add.  You and Irene, slowly push people off the site that don't agree with you like you did with JA and Martin, Adam< and Now trying with Karmarie, and next it will be  Me or Paladin and all others who oppose your false teachings.  The only ones that will be here will be You and Irene and Terricca before long.  IMO


    Gene! I about had it with you. I have nothing to say to you ever again. You have denied Scriptures so much it is not even funny. To drag me into your argument with Mike is very uncalled for.
    Adam did not believe in our Messiah of the NT. Do yiu agree with that? It simple is not fair that kejonn was banned, and not Adam….
    t8 did the right thing. As far as Martian is concerned he too was abusive. It would suite me just fine if you left…..I don't think that Paladin would do what you do, my friend….I could be wrong, but I think He is of a better intellect then you are….Bye, bye .

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