Daily Devotions

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    It’s very easy to be a hypocrite, to sharply or unjustly criticize others when you’re not living up to your own standards. Jesus warned, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:4, 5). He’s saying it’s okay to take the speck out, but make sure you don’t have a log in your eye first!

    The Bible commands, “He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. … Who are you to judge another?” (James 4:11, 12). We should not judge another person’s motives because only God can read the heart. “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). We can try to guess someone’s motives, but we’re likely to be wrong.

    While we don’t know the heart of any person, we should be able to tell whether their actions are in accordance with Scripture. We don’t know why a person is doing something, but if it’s wrong, maybe in a humble, non-offensive way, we can help and encourage that person and “restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness,” while at the same time “considering yourself lest you also be tempted” (Galatians 6:1).

    Although Christians should not judge the motives of others now, the Bible tells us a day will come when we will judge the world and even angels. “Judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts” (1 Corinthians 4:5). Sometime after Jesus returns, God will show us the motives of those who are lost— both humans and angels—so that we can know that He has treated them fairly.


    Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 1 Corinthians 6:2-3

    God bless




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    Daily Devotional


    The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. … It is the smallest of all seeds; but, when it has grown, it is taller than vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come to dwell in its branches.
    Matthew 13:31, 32.

    The germ of the seed grows thanks to the biological principle that God has given it. Its growth does not depend on human strength. So it is with the kingdom of God: it is a new creation. Its rules of development are diametrically opposed to those which govern the earthly kingdoms which prevail by brute force and are maintained by war. The founder of this new kingdom is the Prince of Peace. … They envisioned plans and methods, while Christ instills a principle. With truth and righteousness he fights error and sin. …
    So it is with the kingdom of God: its beginnings seem humble and without appearance. Compared to the earthly kingdoms, it is the most insignificant. The princes of this world ridiculed Christ’s claims to kingship. However, this spiritual realm, by the powerful truths which were entrusted to its subjects, possessed a divine life; its expansion was rapid and its influence extraordinary. At the time this parable was given, this kingdom was represented only by a few Galilean peasants. … But the mustard seed was to grow and spread its branches in all parts of the world. After the fall of the earthly kingdoms, whose glory then filled the known world of men, the kingdom of Christ was to be established and attained unlimited power. …
    So the work of grace is slow in its beginnings. A word is spoken, a ray of light penetrates the soul, an influence acts which is the starting point of new life. Who could predict the outcome? … The parable of the mustard seed is to obtain in this generation a triumphant fulfillment. The little seed will become a great tree, and the last message of warning and mercy will be brought “to every nation, to every tribe and to every people” (Revelation 14: 6-14) to choose from among them “ a people who bear his name ”Acts 15:14. And the earth will be illuminated with the glory of God Revelation 18: 1. 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional

    An unstoppable force 

    The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman has taken and put into three measures of flour, until the dough is all leavened.
    Matthew 13:33.

    In the Savior’s parable, leaven is used to represent the kingdom of heaven, the quickening and assimilating power of God’s grace. … God’s grace must be received by the sinner before he is ready for the kingdom of glory. Neither culture nor education will succeed in turning a child of sin into a child of heaven. This transforming power must come from God. … The leaven, mixed with the dough, acts in an invisible way and transforms the whole mass; It is the same with the leaven of truth: it operates in secret, in silence, under the influence of the grace of God and transforms life. …
    The leaven hidden in the dough works in an invisible way. The leaven of truth also works secretly, silently, on an ongoing basis to transform the soul. The natural inclinations are tempered then subjugated, and new thoughts, new feelings, new motives appear. The life of Jesus Christ is the model to be emulated. The mind is changed and our faculties are moving in new directions. … Consciousness is awakened. … The heart of one who receives grace from heaven overflows with love for God and those for whom Christ died. At home, the ego does not try to claim its rights. … He remains kind, considerate, modest and nonetheless full of hope, trusting in the mercy and love of God. …
    The grace of Christ must control character and voice. His action will be noted in the politeness and kindness towards the brothers. We feel an angelic presence in the home and life gives off a sweet scent that rises to God like a pleasant scent of incense. Love manifests itself in kindness, affability, support and long-suffering. The very face is completely transformed. Christ, dwelling in the heart, shines in a way on the face of those who love him and keep his commandments. … When these changes occur, the angels burst into songs of praise, and the Father and the Son are filled with joy to see souls transformed into their divine likeness.

    Monday January 10, 2022, Power of Grace is a collection of biblical meditations by Ellen G. White.

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional

    The cross, foundation of the kingdom

    He who himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that dead to sins we might live for righteousness; him by whose stripes you were healed.
    1 Peter 2:24.

    So when they (Jesus’ disciples) believed their Master was about to ascend the throne of David, how disappointed they were to see him arrested as a criminal, beaten with rods, derided, condemned and suspended. on the cross of Calvary! …
    The proclamation made by the Apostles in the name of the Savior was accurate in every detail, and the events foretold were then in the process of being fulfilled. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15), was their message. … The kingdom of God, whose proximity the apostles announced, was established by the death of the Savior. But this kingdom was not, as they had been taught, an earthly monarchy. It was not about the everlasting kingdom … that reign where “all rulers shall serve and obey him” Daniel 7:27. In the scriptures, the term “kingdom of God” is used to refer to both the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory. …
    The kingdom of grace dates from the fall of man. … But this kingdom of which one became subject by faith was not definitively confirmed until the death of the Savior. … Jesus could have, weary of the ingratitude and stubbornness of men, shrunk from the cross of Calvary. In Gethsemane, where the bitter cup quivered in his hand, he could still have wiped the sweat of blood dripping down his forehead and let our rebellious world perish in its iniquities. … It was when the Savior had given his life, when he cried out, expiring, “It is finished,” that the plan of redemption was definitively assured. The promise of salvation made to the disobedient couple in Eden was ratified, and the kingdom of grace, which until then existed only by virtue of God’s promise, was founded. Thus the death of the Savior, which the disciples saw as the final ruin of all their hopes, on the contrary confirmed them for eternity. … The event which had plunged them into despair was the very one which opened the door of hope to all the sons of Adam, the one on which depended the future life and the eternal happiness of the faithful of all ages .

    Tuesday January 11, 2022, Power of Grace is a collection of biblical meditations by E. G. White.


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    Daily Devotional

    A kingdom whose principles are revealed 

    The law therefore is holy, and the commandment is holy, just, and good.
    Romans 7:12.

    By its very nature, the law of God is immutable. It is a revelation of the will and character of its author. God being love, his law is also love. Its two main principles are love of God and love of neighbor. … The character of God is made up of righteousness and truth; such is also the nature of its law. …
    The man created in the image of God was in perfect harmony with the nature and law of the Creator. The principles of righteousness were written in his heart. But sin separated him from God. He no longer reflects the divine image. He is at war with the holy principles of his law. … But “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son”, in order to “reconcile man with himself”. By the merits of Jesus, harmony was restored between the Creator and his creature; this, renewed by divine grace, brought into possession of a new life, is transformed by a “new birth”. …
    The first step towards reconciliation with God is conviction of sin. … “By the law comes the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20. To see his guilt, the sinner must compare himself with the great rule of divine justice. It is a faithful mirror which gives the image of perfect character, and which enables the sinner to discern his faults. … If the law promises life to the one who obeys, it pronounces the death penalty against the transgressors. Only the gospel can cleanse the defilements of sin. By conversion to God, whose law he has broken, and by faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, man obtains “remission of past sins.” …
    By the new birth, the sinner is brought into harmony with God and with his law. As soon as this change occurred, man went from death to life, from sin to holiness, from transgression and revolt to obedience and faithfulness. … His disciples are therefore to become like him, that is to say, to form, by the grace of God, characters in conformity with the principles of his holy law. This is sanctification according to the Scriptures.

    God bless
    Wednesday January 12, 2022, Power of Grace is a collection of biblical meditations by E. G. White.



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    Daily Devotional


    Jesus’ comments regarding the “abomination of desolation” come as a response to two questions from the disciples—first, about the destruction of the Hebrew temple, when there would not be left one stone upon another; second, about the signs of His coming and the end of the age (Matthew 24:3). Christ then speaks of this abomination, saying, “There will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (v. 21).
    Jesus tells us directly that to understand this subject, we must go back to Daniel the prophet. Daniel 8:13 speaks of “the vision … concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot.”

    The first fulfilment of the desolation happened when Roman armies destroyed the Jewish temple in a.d. 70. This is why Jesus says in Luke 21:20, “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” This brought a great tribulation to the Jewish people. In fact, Jesus uses the same words as Daniel: “Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).

    The final desolation spoken of by Jesus and first mentioned by Daniel (8:13; 11:31; and 12:11) speaks of the rise of an evil religious power that will, at the end of time, bring desolation into God’s church, His spiritual temple, mingling paganism with Christianity. Just as God gave early Christians a warning to flee Jerusalem, so at the end of time, the Lord gives us a similar warning to come out of Babylon or receive of her plagues. When a corrupt world church unites with worldly powers, we know the time of the end is at hand. Like the apostles, we might need to flee to more desolate places before the great tribulation begins.
    When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Matthew 24:15-16 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Perhaps the strangest human computer ever is Charles Grandemange of France. He was born in 1835—a one-pound baby without arms or legs. But he was endowed with a prodigious brain. At age 14 he toured Europe in demonstration of his calculating ability. He lived in a wooden box only one foot wide, but he could multiply two 100-digit numbers by one another within 30 seconds. He could divide a 23-digit figure by another and find the remainder at one glance. He was billed as the most lightning of all lightning calculators. It seems as if his misfortune resulted in the extraordinary development of mathematical skills.

    More recently, Scott Flansburg of San Diego, California, has been dubbed “The Human Calculator” by Regis Philbin. This American mental calculator was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records in 2001 for his speed in mental calculation. Scott first realized his calculating skills at age nine and began solving his math teacher’s questions without writing down the calculations. He began keeping a running tally of groceries being purchased by his family at the store and giving his father an exact amount before the cashier rang up the total.

    Flansburg has the ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and find square and cube roots in his head almost instantly. His calculations are always accurate. He is an advocate for raising math standards and has appeared on television shows. He has also written a couple of books to help children and adults increase their math skills.

    The ability to calculate and store numbers in your head is an admirable quality. But there is nothing like storing God’s Word in your mind. David wrote, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). To help Abraham understand the great power of God, the Lord had him do some math. “Then He brought him outside and said, ‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be’” (Genesis 15:5). When we give our minds to the Lord, He promises to multiply our blessings. You can count on it!
    Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. Hebrews 6:14 

    God bless



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    Babylon was a enemy of the Israelites. Isaiah gives us insight into this nation when he explains how the literal city would be destroyed by the Medes. “It will never be inhabited, nor will it be settled from generation to generation; nor will the Arabian pitch tents there, nor will the shepherds make their sheepfolds there. But wild beasts of the desert will lie there, and their houses will be full of owls; ostriches will dwell there, and wild goats will caper there” (Isaiah 13:20, 21).

    Babylon became a symbol in Revelation for apostate religious organizations that oppose Christ and His people, especially at the close of time. In Revelation 14, we read about the fall of Babylon in the second angel’s message. Revelation 18 expands on her destruction with a final “loud cry” to “come out of her” so that people do not share in her final destruction.

    Whereas Revelation 17 describes Babylon as a “mother of harlots” (v. 5) and a prostitute who is executed, Revelation 18 uses a metaphor of a wealthy city being sacked. Though the term “Babylon” has been used over the centuries to describe different organizations that oppose God, modern Babylon stands for apostate Christian churches that have departed from the “everlasting gospel,” including the Roman apostasy of the early centuries and the more recent departure of mainstream Protestantism.

    One of the modern rulers of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, wanted to rebuild this city with the purpose of overthrowing this biblical prophecy. His efforts were interrupted by war. He now is dead, and the tourist site is once again being reclaimed by the desert.

    Those who take up the call and separate from spiritual Babylon in the last days, who become messengers of this final warning, will be like lights that “illuminate” the earth with glory (Revelation 18:1). These servants of God will proclaim heaven’s last call to the world.


    And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
    Revelation 18:2

    God bless



    I to all


    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: A 45-year-old Bosnian named Amir Vehabovic wanted to find out how loyal his friends were (he obviously had his doubts), so he faked his own death and arranged his own funeral. Then Amir hid in the bushes to count the attendees. Only his mother turned up. Incensed, he sat down and wrote an angry letter to all 45 of his mates. “I paid a lot of money to get a fake death certificate and bribe undertakers to deliver an empty coffin,” he wrote. “I really thought a lot more of you, my so-called friends, would turn up to pay your last respects. It just goes to show who you can really count on.” There is no word on exactly what his former friends didn’t like about him. Perhaps they found him a bit needy.
    In another interesting story, a man supposedly died to protect his family from … his death? That was the intention. Graham Cardwell was a dockmaster who supposedly disappeared in September 1998. Eight months later he was discovered. Someone asked him, “What were you thinking?” His response: “I thought I had cancer and wanted to spare my family.” Cardwell had never even been to a doctor. His supposed sickness was “just a hunch.”

    Still another man faked a drowning when he went canoeing in March 2002, even though the weather was calm and a massive search for his body turned up nothing. Five years later the man, John Darwin, walked into a London police station and claimed to have no memory of the previous seven years. But his wife told on him when she explained that he showed up at their house to collect money from a life insurance policy. He had actually been living at home for three years. After her confession they were both arrested.

    The chief priests and Pharisees had successfully carried out their plot to have Jesus crucified. But they were concerned that Christ’s body might be stolen and the disciples would “claim” that the Lord rose from the dead. So, they sent a delegation to Pilate asking for the tomb to be guarded. But after three days Jesus rose from the dead. There was nothing fake about Christ’s death. Even His enemies knew He was dead and wanted Him to stay dead. Jesus had other plans!
    Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Matthew 27:63


    Hi to all



    In this passage, God’s church is represented as a bride. We find support for this in Jeremiah 6:2: “I have likened the daughter of Zion to a lovely and delicate woman.” The apostle Paul also supports this picture when he writes, “I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:2). See also Ephesians 5:22, 23 and Revelation 19:7, 8.

    This bride is spoken of as being “clothed with the sun.” Jesus is represented by the sun in the Bible. “The Lord God is a sun” (Psalm 84:11). And also, “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2). The righteousness of Christ is a garment spoken of throughout Scripture as the clothing worn by the redeemed.

    She also stands with “the moon under her feet.” What could the church stand on that reflects the light of the sun? I believe nothing pointed to Christ more powerfully than the Jewish sacrificial system. Jesus said all the Old Testament Scriptures testify of Him (John 5:39). All these symbols and types pointed toward—or reflect—the great atonement of Jesus on Calvary.

    Finally, the number 12 represents the church and its leadership. In the Old Testament, there were 12 patriarchs of the 12 tribes and 12 judges. The New Jerusalem will have 12 foundations and 12 gates into the city. The number 12 is important to the Lord. So when we look at the 12 stars on her head, it makes sense that the head represents leadership—the 12 apostles who crowned the work of the early church.

    The most important question is, will you be part of the bride of Christ—God’s remnant people? The Lord invites each of us to be part of that bridal party and the marriage supper of the Lamb!


    And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: Revelation 12:1.


    God bless



    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: A 60-year-old man of genius, Pierre-Paul de Riquet began the grandest project of his life when most his age are thinking retirement. In the 17th century, the intrepid French engineer conceived the idea of constructing a canal across France from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Since the government refused to share the cost of the gigantic enterprise, he assumed the enormous project himself.
    Riquet’s design called for a canal that traveled uphill to a point and then downhill the other way, like crossing a bridge, whereas most canals of the day simply descended. This design would serve to save time and help ships avoid pirates lurking along the straits of Gibraltar. It would also join the economies of the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. With shovels and primitive tools, 12,000 laborers worked 14 years from 1666 to 1681 to create the incredibly long trench.

    During its construction, Pierre-Paul Riquet oversaw the entire project. The 79-foot-wide passageway with its 8-foot depth, 228 bridges, and 114 locks, gradually lifted water 621 feet and then back down to the level of the Atlantic. This feat beckoned the amazement and the admiration of all Europe. King Louis XIV referred to it as the greatest achievement of his entire 72-year reign.

    This purely civil project was paid for by the money of one man—158 miles costing $68 million. It came from his fortune earned as the salt-tax collector. He sacrificed everything to ensure the canal’s completion—even using his wife’s fortune and his daughters’ dowries for the cause. Six months before its completion, Riquet, exhausted and sick, retired at home and died without ever seeing his life’s masterpiece achieved.

    The Bible describes the Lord’s power with these words: “By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas” (Psalm 65:5). Just as Riquet gave his life to open a waterway that brought strength to France through his famous canal, so Jesus performed an awesome deed when He gave His life to bridge the gap between heaven and earth.
    Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? John 14:5Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 

    God bless



    Berean…….Tell us, was Jesus,  Jesus’ sacrifice for our SINS? OR WAS JESUS, GOD THE Fathers SACRIFICE for our SINS?.  Have you given the “glory”  of God the Fathers sacrifice for our sins to Jesus?

    You people never stop trying to rob God the Father and giving it to Jesus, something Jesus never did.  Jesus’ “first love” was for God the Father and because of that,  he laid down his own “will” to the “Will”, of God the Father.
    Truth is,  it was God The Father “ALONE”, Who saved us,  no matter who he used to do it through rather it was Moses or Elijah or Jesus Christ, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. God the Father “ALONE” IS OUR SAVIOR.  

    To him that has ears to hear, let him hear.

    peace and love to you and yours Berean…………..gene



    “Truth is,  it was God The Father “ALONE”, Who saved us,  no matter who he used to do it through rather it was Moses or Elijah or Jesus Christ, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. God the Father “ALONE” IS OUR SAVIOR. ” 


    If the Father ALONE IS our saviour, THEN IT IS HE WHO DIED ON THE CROSS…. 



    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    January 18, 2022


    An Amazing Fact: During the first Gulf War, a small team of U.S. Navy SEALS created a diversion so convincing that it completely fooled the Iraqi army. About a dozen SEALS stormed the beaches of Kuwait and created such havoc that Iraqi generals believed the U.S.-led attack was coming from the sea. Iraq sent the majority of their army to repel this fake attack—only to find they had been duped as the main U.S. force came through the Saudi Arabian desert! Within hours the war was over, and it all started with less than 20 soldiers!

    We don’t think of the desert as a place where exciting things happen, but don’t be fooled like the Iraqi army. Deserts are places on our planet characterized by little rain or plant growth. Specifically, they receive less than 10 inches of water per year. They are mostly made up of sand, rocks, and gravel. Deserts cover about one-fifth of all the land in the world. The largest hot desert in the world is the Sahara in North Africa. It covers 3.3 million square miles. Others have names and nicknames like “Death Valley,” “The Empty Quarter,” and “The Place of No Return.”

    But did you know that deserts are only second to tropical rain forests in the variety of plants and animals that live there? Even though they have a reputation for supporting little life, they have high biodiversity, including animals that remain hidden during daylight hours to control body temperature.

    One of God’s greatest soldiers in the Bible was John the Baptist. This prophetic “voice in the wilderness” grew up in the desert. The Bible says, “So the child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel” (Luke 1:80). Many scoffed at this “wild man” from the desert, but John caught the attention of a growing number of leaders. His message cut deep. His voice rang true. And he eventually introduced the greatest figure in history, Jesus the Lamb of God.

    Don’t be surprised at what God can bring out of the desert!

    The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
    Isaiah 40:3

    God bless




    Berean…….So who is this,  and said this,

    Isa 45: 21-22….Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take council together: who has declared this from ancient times? Who has told it from that time? Have not I the LORD? AND THERE IS “NO” GOD ELSE BESIDES ME; A JUST GOD AND A “SAVIOUR”,  THERE IS “NONE” BESIDES ME. verse 22,  LOOK UPON ME , AND BE YOU SAVED,  ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH; FOR I AM GOD , AND THERE IS “NONE” ELSE.

    Hos 13:4…..Yet I am the LORD thy God, from the land of Egypt, and you shall “Know ” NO GOD” but Me:  for there is “NO”  SAVIOUR besides ME.  

    So tell me again Berean who is your saviour?  Who saved Jesus from eternal death , was it Jesus,  or his God that saved him.   Me and Jesus give “ALL” the Glory, to God our Father .  How about you? Do you rob God of his “glory” and pay Jesus as so many others do also?

    Who is your “FIRST LOVE” Berean?    Rev 2: 4

    peace and love to you and yours Berean……….gene





    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Gene,

    If God the Father is the only Saviour then how do you explain 1 John 4:14?
    “And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”

    God bless


    Hi Gene,


    Isa 45: 21-22….Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take council together: who has declared this from ancient times? Who has told it from that time?





    Hos 13:4…..Yet I am the LORD thy God, from the land of Egypt, and you shall “Know ” NO GOD” but Me:  for there is “NO”  SAVIOUR besides ME.



    You: So tell me again Berean who is your saviour?  

     Gene, just read scripture

    2Peter1:1 Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained equal faith with us in the justice of



    Peace and love in Jesus Christ




    Carmel…….All those that are from God the Father see Him in their minds eye.  The eye of your mind can only see the physical thing , just as it says,  “they have eyes to see but see not”.  That fits you Carmel.

    Did not God say “I am found by them that seek me”.  Try seeking God himself, instead of trying to make the man Jesus your God,  for a change, you might be surprised as to what you can see.

    If you and others here,  “truly knew this , and truly “believed” , What Jesus Christ, actually “said”,  you would already know this.

    Peace and love to you and yours Carmel………..gene


    Danny……If the Father sent the Son then “HE”  is the one that saved us,  that to me is just common sense.  I never said Jesus never had a part to play in it, did I.,  Moses had a part to play in saving The Israelites also,  but it was all in the plan and Will of God alone.  So who should get the Glory Moses , or,  God the Father?

    why can’t people understand that but can’t understand it is the same thing with Jesus Christ and God the Father?

    Jesus  gave “ALL”,  the glory to God the Father” for everything he did, saying, “I have glorified  “YOU” on the earth “.

    WHY rob God the Father of “His” Glory and pay it to Jesus, ? , Jesus Christ never did that,  so why should we?   Danny we need to be like Jesus and Glorify Him like Jesus did. We need to listen very carefully to what he said and do it, and you will become exactly like Jesus in your relationship with the Father as he is.

    peace and love to you and yours Danny……….gene

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