Daily Devotions

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  • #891616


    Hi To all


    Daily Devotional

    Some seek to interpret the word “soul” here to mean some immaterial, ghost-like, conscious entity that floats out of our bodies and up to heaven (or down to hell) when we die. This false teaching crept into the church not through the Bible, but from Greek mythology and thinking. Comparing this Bible verse with many others on the word “soul” helps to clarify that it simply refers to “life.” In other words, when Rachel “was near death,” she gave birth to Benjamin.

    The Hebrew word used here is nephesh and is used 119 times in the Old Testament to refer to a person’s life. “You shall not eat flesh with its life (nephesh), that is, its blood” (Genesis 9:4). Obviously, an immaterial spirit floating around doesn’t have blood. The word also means “breath.” Speaking of a giant sea creature, Job writes, “His breath (nephesh) kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth” (Job 41:21). In fact, God said of the creation, “Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life (nephesh)” (Genesis 1:30).

    Solomon explains both people and animals have “breath” (ruach), which simply returns to God at death. “For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, they all have one breath” (Ecclesiastes 3:19). King David also tells what happens at death: “His spirit (breath) departs, he returns to his earth; in that very day his plans perish” (Psalm 146:4).

    The Bible teaches that when God created man, He combined the dust of the ground with His divine power by breathing into Adam (Genesis 2:7). These two components make a living soul (being). When a person dies, his body returns to the earth and the power of life returns to God. He ceases to be a soul (living being), and his thoughts perish.


    And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. Genesis 35:18





    HI, Praclaimer,

    Thank you!

    Honestly speaking, I posted only half of what I wrote, as I added a part that was dedicated to the different perceptions among the scholars of Revelation. Hereunder are two different versions of Rev. 2:4

    ESV: But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had AT FIRST.

    NAS: But I have this against you, that you have left your FIRST LOVE. 




    Hi Carmel

    What I read this morning on Facebook


    “You can’t read scripture with a sinful or stony heart.

    Because when you read the bible through a carnal mind then you’ll always be reading it with having hate in your heart which will flip the meaning of God’s word around to the opposite understanding, from good to bad. We need Christ to able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and set our hearts free to know only what is good for God is good and spiritual. We, in our fallen natures can’t be good without Him living in us first. Therefore, we must come to repentance and ask God to renew our minds and cleanse our hearts from all evil thinking and get right with Him so that we’ll be able to read scripture as it is.”


    Carmel……..Who was Jesus’ “first love”, was it himself ? Or was it God the Father?  Or was it  us? ,

    Jumping around finding scriptures that have nothing with the subject of Rev 2:4 , and trying to make them fit into this subject matter , is the way Satan does things. I asked a simple question and you are just unable to simply answer it.  Is Jesus your,  “first”love” ?   The Church at Ephesus did all there works for Jesus, and in his name,  they like you were all about Jesus Christ and did all their works in his name, and still lost their “first love”, according to Jesus that is,  but you really don’t believe Jesus nor what Jesus said it appears.

    But I will give you an answer from scripture also that shows you completely wrong ,

    Mar 7;22…..“MANY” will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in “YOUR” name, and in “YOUR” name cast out devils ? And in “YOUR’ name done “MANY” wonderful works”.
    verse 23, ” And then I will profess unto then ,   I never knew you, depart from me, you that work iniquity “

    Here  comes your  answer Carmel and Berean

    Mar 7:21…..Not everyone that. Says unto me , Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; BUT HE THAT DOES THE WILL OF “MY FATHER”,   WHICH IS IN HEAVEN”. 

    So again who SHOULD really be , OUR,  “FIRST LOVE”? ,  IS IT NOT GOD THE FATHER,? That’s who Jesus’,  “first love” was.

    Matt 22:36-40,  shows us who is the first love and who is the second love.

    peace and love to you and yours ……….gene


    Hi to all

    Revelation 2: 2-6: I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot endure those who are wicked. And you have tried those who say they are apostles and are not, and you have found them liars; and you persevered and you had patience, and you worked hard for the sake of my Name and you did not grow weary. However, what I have against you is that you gave up your first love. Therefore, remember where you fell; repent and do your first works, otherwise I will quickly come to you and remove your candlestick from its place – unless you repent. But what you have is that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, whom I also hate.

    Like a bright star, gleaming in a dark sky, the story of the early church makes hearts shudder in all ages. The Good News triumphed everywhere. Hard, proud, loving the world, hearts were captivated by his strength. There was no need to urge believers to work for their friends and neighbors. The love of Christ constrained them. They couldn’t resist. Each saw in his brother a reflection of the beauty of Christ. The hearts were tied together as with a gold chain. But gradually a change came. Many have lost their first love. They began to forget what it cost the Lord to save them.Mists and clouds enveloped the cross, obscuring its radiance. The church has lost the true meaning of what the love of Christ means. Love has been the power of the gospel. As soon as a lamp sizzles and dies when the fuel is gone, so the salvation ministry of the early believers ceased when they lost their first love. The word John uses is agape, (love) which is like the sunlight that envelops all the colors of gospel truth. This love that the early church “lost” was new to the old world. It was something very strange that came from the sky.
    The pagan Greeks thought that they had discovered what love is, when the beautiful Alcestis was ready to die for “a good man” (or a beautiful man), her noble and beautiful love Admetus. But the apostles said: “No, it is wrong”. God shows His agape for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. “(Rom. 5: 7, 8, RSV) This love for enemies turned the old world upside down (See Act. 17: 6) Giving up their “first love” they prepared the way for the corruption of Christianity. It was as if one substituted a candle for the light of the sun, the beginning of the “fall” predicted by Paul (2 Thes 2: 3-7) The book of Revelation will lead us to the rediscovery of this Agape. What can be more important than the discovery of what the early church left? The Nicolaitans were a group. inside the church which claimed to be disciples of Nicholas, one of the seven formalized deacons (Acts 26: 5). However, Nicholas himself never taught the immoral doctrines that this group had adopted. Their teaching led to immorality, lust and passions This disavowed the Gospel message.
    John was inspired to record messages of warning, rebuke, and supplication to those who lost sight of the fundamentals of the gospel, and jeopardized their hope for salvation. But the blames or (reproaches or reprimands) which God always found necessary to give, were said with tender love, and with the promise of peace to every penitent believer “(Peaceful Conquerors, p. 507).


    HI, Berean,

    Thank you!

    Honestly speaking, I posted only half of what I wrote, as I added a part that was dedicated to the different perceptions among the scholars of Revelation. Hereunder are two different versions of Rev. 2:4

    ESV: But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had AT FIRST.

    NAS: But I have this against you, that you have left your FIRST LOVE


    Carmel and Berean………So who ‘IS” your personal “FIRST LOVE”. ,  you both still refuse to answer or are simple unable to answer that simple question ,  so you both make all kind of diversions to avoid a direct answer,  just as I thought you would do , I haven’t seen a single Trinitarian able to answer that simple question yet correctly yet.  Why,  is it because you lost your “First Love” ,  when you became a Trinitarian?  You transferred it from God the Father and applied it to Jesus, who should have been your “second love” .  That is exactly what the Church of Ephesus did,  Rev 2:4,  so, REPENT, while you still can. Put God the Father ‘” First above “all” things, even above Jesus, because that’s , “exactly” what Jesus did, even above himself.

    Peace and love to you and yours………..gene







    Berean……I wouldn’t say , “just any man” But,  “a Man, none the less.”  That is if you believe what he said over eighty time about himself.  I realize you people say, you believe Jesus , but truly you actually don’t believe what he says , about himself, nor what the other writers of our scriptures say either.

    “But unto us (true believers). there is but “ONE” GOD, and one mediator between men and God “the “MAN ” Jesus Christ.

    Berean no not “JUST” , “a man “,   But a “MAN” none the less.

    I have “NEVER”,  said Jesus was “just a man” ,  those words are “your” words and only show how much you despise mankind, the Crown Jewel of God  the Fathers creation, and by saying that,  you despise God the Father too, who created us, and Jesus himself also.
    I realize, Berean your doing this through the  ignorance in you, but you really should try to be more involved with the scriptures themselves then with the false teachings of your Church. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours Berean………gene




    Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
    [7] But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
    [8] And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


    Form OF God  👉 form OF human servant


    Hi Gene,

    YOU: Carmel and Berean………

    So who ‘IS” your personal “FIRST LOVE”. ,  

    ME: Gene, IF I ASK YOU:













    Peace and love in Jesus Christ

    our first love



    Hi To all

    Daily meditation

    November 2, 2021


    For you have been redeemed at a great price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which belongs to God. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

    OUR FIRST DUTY to God and to our fellow human beings is to develop our capacities. We should cultivate each of the faculties that he has entrusted to us to the highest degree of perfection. We could thus accomplish all the good of which we are capable. Time will therefore be devoted to establishing and maintaining physical and mental health.

    Man is God’s work, his masterpiece, created for a holy and lofty purpose, and the Lord desires to write his law on every part of the human tabernacle. […] Every nerve and muscle, every mental and physical faculty, must be kept pure.

    God designed the body to be a temple for his Spirit. A solemn responsibility rests on every soul. Your individual influence is exercised for good or for evil. If you defile your body, you not only harm yourself, but many others. Christians have an obligation to God to keep soul, body and spirit free from anything that could defile them because they were bought at a great price. […]

    No man or woman has the right to form habits that reduce the optimal action of an organ of the mind or body. […] Those who indulge in the use of tobacco and alcohol do not know how to appreciate their intelligence. They do not realize the value of the faculties that God has given them to cultivate and improve them. Thus, men allow their faculties to wither and deteriorate. God wants all who believe in him to feel the need to improve. Every faculty with which he has endowed us must be developed. No donation should be overlooked. As a work and edifice of God, man is under his supervision in every sense of the word, and the more he gets to know his Creator, the more his life becomes sacred to him.


    Carmel……So where does God the Father fit , being You believe Jesus Christ is your “first love”.  Then God the father must be your second love right?   A good Trinitarian answer, and what do you what Jesus told us,  which is found in Matt 22:36-40,  is that not in your bible ? ,   Rev  2:4,  fits your Trinitarian’s belief very well Carmel.  You continue to  defy what Jesus said himself saiid,  “this is eternal life that they might come to know you Father,   the “ONLY” true God”,   Evidently those words aren’t in your bible or you simply do not “really” believe Jesus Christ right? 

    Peace and love to you and yours…….Carmel.



    Hi to all

    Daily devotional

    And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have everlasting life.
    John 3:14, 15.

    An important spiritual lesson emerged from the elevation of the serpent in Numbers 21: 4-9. The Hebrews could not by themselves protect themselves from the effects of the fatal poison. God alone could heal them, but on condition that they believe in the divinely prescribed remedy. You had to watch to live. It was their faith that was pleasing to God, and this faith they manifested by viewing the serpent as the symbol of the Redeemer to come, through whose merits alone one can be saved. Until then, many Israelites had brought their offerings to God with the thought that they were thereby making the full atonement for their sins. Now, God wanted to teach them that their sacrifices being of themselves no more virtue than the brass serpent, they should direct their minds to the promised Savior. …
    The Israelites who saved their lives by looking at the serpent had manifested their faith. Likewise, the sinner who looks at the Savior will live. By faith in the atoning sacrifice, he will receive forgiveness. Different from the inert and inanimate symbol, Jesus Christ possesses in himself a virtue, a power which heals the repentant sinner.
    But if the sinner is unable to save himself, he still has something to do to gain salvation. “I will not put out anyone who comes to me” (John 6:37), says the Savior. We must come to him, and when we turn from our sins, we must believe that he welcomes us and forgives us. Faith is the hand of the soul which takes hold of divine grace and mercy. … Jesus gave you his word. He saves everyone who comes to him. Millions of people seeking healing reject his mercy, but he will not let a single one perish who trusts in his merits.


    To All…….God the Father is the only true Savior, who he does it through is his choice, but nonetheless he is the “ONLY” TRUE SAVIOR.  IMO. 

    Peace and love to all of you and yours………..gene

    Danny Dabbs

    And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
    1 John 4:14

    God bless


    Hi Gene,

    YOU: To All…….God the Father is the only true Savior,

    who he does it through is his choice,

    but nonetheless he is the





    without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively:



    YOU:Carmel……So where does God the Father fit, being You believe Jesus Christ is your “first love”.  

    Then God the father must be your second love right?  




    John14:6 Jesus saith to him:

    I am the way, and the truth, and the life.

    No man cometh to the Father, BUT BY ME.

    7If you had known me, you would without doubt have known my Father also: and from henceforth you shall know him,

    and you have seen him.

    8Philip saith to him: Lord, shew us the Father, and it is enough for us. 9Jesus saith to him: Have I been so long a time with you; and have you not known me?

    Philip, he that seeth me seeth the Father also.

    How sayest thou, Shew us the Father?


    Luke 10:22 ALL THINGS  are delivered to me by my Father;

    and no one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son,

    and to whom the Son will reveal him.


    John 10.30 I AND THE FATHER ARE



    ANSWER Gene:



    Peace and love in Jesus Christ




    Hi To all

    Daily meditation

    Start your day with a Bible meditation.

    Keep in the sorrow
    The Lord is near to those who are brokenhearted, and he saves those who are in despondency in spirit.
    Psalm 34:19.

    Satan knows that all those who ask God for his forgiveness and his grace will be successful; therefore he presents their sins to them to discourage them. He never ceases to create opportunities for complaining in those who strive to obey the Lord. He even tries to present their best deeds to them as vile. Through countless ploys, of incomparable subtlety and cruelty, he sets out to bring about their condemnation. It is impossible for man, by his own strength, to stand up to the accusations of the enemy. Standing before God, dressed in dirty clothes, he confesses his sins. So Jesus, our advocate, effectively pleads on her behalf. He defends his cause, and, thanks to the sacrifice of Calvary, he triumphs over the accuser. His perfect obedience to divine law gave him all power in heaven and earth, and he begs his Father to show mercy to the sinner and to be reconciled to him. He declares to the accuser of his people: “The Lord repress you, Satan! These people have been redeemed by my blood, they are a brand plucked from the fire. ” And to him who trusts in him he gives this assurance: “Behold, I take away your iniquity, and I put on you festive clothes.” Zechariah 3: 4.
    All who have put on the robe of Christ’s righteousness will stand before him as his elect, his faithful, his righteous. Satan will have no power to pluck them out of the Savior’s hand. No soul that claims its protection with faith will fall under the power of the enemy. The Word of God assures us of this. “Take me for refuge,” says the prophet Isaiah in the name of the Lord, “make peace with me, make peace with me.” Isaiah 27: 5. The promise to Joshua is also for us: “If you walk in my ways … I will give you free entry among those who are here.” Zechariah 3: 7. The angels of God will be with us right here on earth.


    Carmel…….Jesus said,  “NO MAN”, “CAN COME UNTO ME”, “EXCEPT” the Father  “DRAW” him.
    He also ask Peter who he was and Peter responded , “you are the Anointed one,  the Son of the living God,  Jesus responded ,  blessed are y0u Simeon bar Joana because flesh and blood did not tell you that. BUT MY FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN , has “revealed ” it unto you, ( Jesus was flesh ad blood So it wasn’t Jesus that told Peter that),  now was it ?

    Jesus went on to show that He had that revealed knowledge from God in him also,  like Peter did, saying,  and I say unto you are Peter,  and “UPON” THIS ROCK  ( the power of God the Father to reveal in “our”  minds the truth ) was what Jesus would build the church with, and the gates of hell would not prevail >.

    Now tell us again who is our true savior,  is it Jesus or is it Jesus’ “first love” , God the Father?

    Hos 13:4….“Yet I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you shalt know no god but me: because there is “NO” savior besides ME” .  Again God the Father is the “ONLY” true savior, who he does it through is his choice.  

    BUT then again Carmel, you don’t “REALLY CARE”.   what Jesus or God the Father says, but just your twisted up “Trinitarian ” teachings, right Carmel?  Well good luck with that,  your going to need it, unless you repent.

    peace and love to you and yours Carmel………..gene

    Danny Dabbs

    Gene Balthrop,
    “And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” John 4:42

    God bless

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