Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #890798

     Did you know that the US had ZERO excess deaths last year over any other year?  The US had only 1800 flu cases in 2020 – compared to the usual 30-40mm.  Do you see what happened there?

    Also, did you realize that the medical term “case” has ALWAYS referred to someone who had symptoms.  In 2020, they changed the meaning to include anyone who even tested positive (with faulty PCR tests that were rigged to 40 amplifications), even though the vast majority of “positive cases” never ended up having any symptoms at all.



    Understand now?  If the trouble was with the unvaxxed, then there’d be no reason to even talk about more shots for those who were vaxxed.

    I will explain it for you. When you are vaccinated, you are not immune, rather you develop a response that fights the virus. Think of the flu. You can get the vaccine and it might give you a sore arm and you might even feel a bit ill. But that doesn’t give you 100% protection from the virus, rather it saves you from the worst symptoms and maybe the virus too.

    I received the flu vaccine for years because I got it free from my employer and also because I got the H1N1 virus in Argentina and after that, a random flu virus that turned me into a zombie for 3 weeks. I couldn’t even eat humans that how sick a zombie I was. The flu shots worked for me in following winter seasons as I never got the flu again. But after I left that employment I stopped taking the vaccine and I still haven’t had the flu.

    Now take the Covid-19 vaccine. It is not 100% protection, but will protect you from the nastiest symptoms of the virus. Yes there is a risk with the vaccine just as there is for a risk if you eat some peanuts. Some people will react badly to it. But by and large, you are way better off with the vaccine than fighting the virus from scratch.

    As I said before. My own personal observations show this to be the case. And we also had family in Colombia die from this virus and the death toll over there was quite big. It has since dropped significantly. In fact, even in Israel it has helped big time. But when you have a large amount of your populace vaccinated, then that will skew the stats somewhat because the non-vaccinated are so small the stats might look favourable to the untrained eye. It’s simple mathematics Mike. It’s like saying that people with Icelandic heritage living in America have the lowest crime stats. That said, it is that small group that is allowing the virus a home and to mutate and then new strains develop and attack the vaccinated so a booster is needed. This is probably the main reason why people dislike the unvaccinated. Because it affects everybody. I do not harbor such resentment myself however.

    I think you need to distinguish between the NWO and a virus. Yes corrupt politicians never let a crises go to waste, but that doesn’t change the fact that there is a virus that is harming and killing some people. And there is a vaccine that is harming and killing way less people and protecting them from a virus.

    Of course, what I cannot guarantee is that the new mRNA technology won’t have unforeseen implications years from now. But so far, it seems to be better than getting the virus when you are unprotected. But my biggest worry about the vaccine besides that is our future. Politicians have seen first hand how they can take your liberties away from you during a pandemic.



    Miia and few others think that the Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast based on the ancient texts of First Century CE

    Adam, only me. I think it may be the mark of the beast. But, unlike others (not here, elsewhere), I believe that IF it is, repentance is possible.


    Yes it is harder to do a big study in NZ given that we have 5 million people. But everyone is connected. I may not know someone, but there is a big chance that they know someone I know. If there were deaths we would know about it.

    Proclaimer, I know people who have family that have died from the vaccine. All swept under the carpet. Facebook has groups reporting deaths, and there is a hell of a lot more than the ONE they put on the news, trust me. TVNZ news is BS.


    Just found out the NZ private support group of NZers discussing covid vaccine related injuries and deaths in Nz was taken down. Jacinda Ardern made a related post and this is what happened..


    Miia…….My Cousin yesterday called me and told me his Son who would not take the vaccine, has come down with COVID and had to be taken to the Hospital and is now on a ventilator .  My son-in-law’s cousin died a month ago she was in her fifties ,  please be careful what your telling people Sis,  it could cost someone their life. And remember , brother Mike still believes the world is flat.

    I tend to go along with Proclaimer on this one,  and I know your loving nature and you would never want anyone to-get hurt by misrepresenting something.

    peace and love to you and yours…………..gene

    Ed J

    I’m over Covid now. Thank God I had ivermectin


    Ed, that’s fantastic!  So sad that Gene’s cousins didn’t even know about Ivermectin/HCQ.  Of course them not knowing about it was by design.  As Miia pointed out, the only way the death shots get/keep their Emergency Use status is if there are no other remedies available.  Since it’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ivermectin/HCQ (with a Z-Pack) destroy Covid within a day or two, Big Pharma stands to lose out on HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars.

    So naturally, the MSM propaganda machine must LIE about these very safe and effective drugs, so that even among the 50% of the world that knows about them, half believe they will kill you.

    Florida started early treatment centers using Ivermectin and similar prophylactics, and are having great success – especially among their mostly elderly population.  So what did Biden do?  He had the federal government take over the supply chain of Ivermectin, and has cut Florida’s shipments in half.  I wonder if Gene or Proclaimer have a good reason to offer as to why a government would withhold a drug that is working miraculously and saving thousands/millions of lives.

    Thankfully, Governor DeSantis is working out a deal to buy it direct from the manufacturer, and cut the Feds out of it altogether.  I pray that he is successful.

    Anyway, glad to hear you’re back in good health.


    I’m over Covid now. Thank God I had ivermectin

    Hello Ed J, it’s good to see you back on Heavennet. Yes Ivermectin is very good medicine and we are prescribing for COVID19 here in India. I also took it this year along with my family.


    Super Edj God be praised, I rejoice for your healing. May God keep you.


    Good to hear from you again Ed J. I hope all is well.

    I take it that Covid-19 knocked you around a bit.

    Tell us your experience.

    And what is your take on the vaccine or vaccines.

    Any advice that you want to share.


    Proclaimer:  MSM is mostly corrupt. They peddle lies.

    That’s only half of the story.  They also completely ignore REAL news, and even bend over backwards to subvert and distort it.  Sadly, our world is filled with people who have forgotten how to think for themselves or never learned how in the first place – because they certainly don’t teach critical thinking in schools or universities anymore.  This is also by design.


    Gene: Proclaimer …..I was alive then and remember that ,there were millions of people infected with the polio virus ,  and I knew three personally .  Dr. Jonas Salk,  invented a Vaccine that wiped it out completely in our country and most the world.

    Those vaccines greatly aid our immune systems in fighting viruses.  May all  here please get your shots.

    Gene, have you ever heard of the Amish people?  They don’t get ANY vaccines.  How many of them get polio?

    Also, how often do you go get tested for polio?  How often are you tested for measles?  Or mumps?  Or chicken pox?

    Now compare your answer of ZERO TIMES to the massive push for everyone in the world to be tested for Covid – whether they are sick or not.  What do you make of that?

    Do you ever go in to be tested for flu in the middle of summer when you feel great?  Of course not.  That would be stupid, right?  So why did common sense and longstanding protocols get turned upside-down for Covid?  🤔


    Proclaimer:  And I am saying that in my small world, that the vaccine has way better results than those without.

    That’s an empty claim with no significant data to back it up.  For example, how many vaxxed people do you personally know that got Covid?  Were hospitalized for Covid?  Died from Covid?  How many unvaxxed people in those same categories? How many got Covid, had the sniffles for a couple of days, and went on with their lives?  How many had Covid and didn’t even know it because there were zero symptoms?

    You don’t even know the difference between a “vaccine” and this shot that you’ve taken, do you?  Do some research and find out how much of the “Covid virus” your “vaccine” has in it.  Find out how much of it is aborted baby cells.  See how much of it is poisonous antifreeze, and graphene oxide.  How much of it is heavy metals that are very harmful to humans when injected?  Find out if it is really an mRNA code that directs your own cells to produce spike proteins.  See if it will cause you to develop ADE:

    See if there have been thousands of cases of perfectly healthy and fit male athletes developing myocarditis.  See how many pregnant women miscarried in the CDC test.  Does it cause severe blood clotting?  Why?  What else does it do to your blood?  Miia knows.  She has a video of it that I hope she links soon.  (If not, I’ll link some photos of blood before and after this “vaccine”.)

    Ask yourself when a vaccine has ever been offered up to the public with no testing.  How long do vaccines usually take to create and test before being released for public consumption?

    If you’d watch that 30 minute video I linked before, you’d already know the answer to many of these questions.


    Adam:  …after rapid  Vaccination in India we could control massive deaths here with 1.4 Billion population.

    Yes Ivermectin is very good medicine and we are prescribing for COVID19 here in India. I also took it this year along with my family.

    So if they are prescribing Ivermectin AND giving the vaccine, which one is stopping Covid?  You don’t have to think about it too hard, since we already know for a fact that the vax doesn’t stop you from getting, spreading, or dying from Covid, right?

    Do you wonder why Africa was barely touched by Covid?  It’s because HCQ is taken regularly there by all as a malaria prophylactic.  In fact, foreigners visiting Africa since 1955 are prescribed HCQ before they go to protect them from malaria.

    HCQ and Ivermectin are anti-bacterial drugs, Adam.  Yet they stop Covid in its tracks.  What does that imply about Covid?

    And now they’re having success against CANCERS with HCQ/Ivermectin too?  😳  Watch…


    So what do you guys think about HCQ and Ivermectin kicking the crap out of bacterial and parasitic diseases like malaria – and doing the SAME DANG THING for “viruses” like Covid, and even CANCER?

    What really is cancer?  What really are viruses?  Are they actually bacterial or parasitic infections?

    And why would the MSM and governments fight SO hard to steer people away from these very cheap and effective remedies?

    And if Covid actually is a “virus”, why don’t the vaccines contain any of it?  Aren’t vaccines supposed to give you a tiny bit of the actual virus so that your immune system develops tools to fight it off before you ever get a big dose of it in the wild?

    Q once asked concerning cancer:  What if cures already exist?  What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?

    You beginning to get the picture yet?  Big Pharma makes BILLIONS each year promoting their lab chemicals that don’t do anything but keep you sick – without ever finding a CURE for all these ailments they keep “treating”.  Understand?  “Treating” maladies with crap that hides the symptoms and that you have to buy more of every month is worth billions.  Providing a cheap and natural CURE for these maladies isn’t.


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