Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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    1.  The guy who actually invented the PCR technology explicitly said that it could never be used to diagnose any illness or virus.  (He also said Tony Fauci was a blathering idiot… years before Covid 19 was intentionally unleashed upon the world.)

    2.  The PCR test was calibrated to the common cold, because to this day, nobody has ever seen or been given an actual sample of this supposed virus.  This means that if you had a COMMON COLD, the PCR test could find fragments of it – thereby “diagnosing” you as “positive for Covid 19”.

    3.  The PCR test is designed to work at 20-25 amplifications.  The inventor of it said that anything above that would find the tiniest remnants of a common cold that you may have had 50 years ago.

    4.  During Trump’s term, the US (and most western nations) was purposely testing at 40 amplifications to increase the positivity rate and turn a seasonal flu into “the worst deadly pandemic ever”.

    5.  With the start of Biden’s term, the US immediately started testing at 25 amplifications.  The “positive” results still didn’t mean a dang thing – but the drop in positive results from the moment Biden took office would give the appearance that he all of a sudden started “solving” this “deadly pandemic”.

    6.  The CDC admitted very early on that the PCR couldn’t distinguish between Covid 19 and the seasonal flu – and said they would be coming out with another test that could distinguish between the two.

    7.  There were no excess deaths in the US in 2020 vs any of the last 5 years.  The only difference was that we used to have 60-70 million positive flu cases (and many elderly and comorbidity deaths) each year – but in 2020 we only had 1800 flu cases and a handful of related deaths.

    Proclaimer, is it remotely possible that, via a PCR test that can’t diagnose any illness, people who wanted to rule as tyrants (and those who wanted to share in the most profitable pharmaceutical product in history) just called common colds and seasonal flus “Covid 19” to further their own goals?  Is it possible that certain governors (5 states) purposely put elderly people with the flu into nursing homes filled with people who had many comorbidities – just to ramp up the death rates of this “killer virus that everyone should fear”?

    During Covid, who profited?  Big Tech billionaires and Big Pharm billionaires.  Who suffered?  Mom and Pop businesses that had to close down and sell their properties.  Who bought those properties for pennies on the dollar?

    Wake the heck up already!  I have never known anyone who is so desperately eager to make himself look stupid by intentionally disregarding all kinds of evidence – empirical, circumstantial, and anecdotal.  Listen closely this time…

    Proclaimer, what is YOUR personal proof that Sergio truly and undeniably had Covid 19?

    “Well Mike, a test that can’t even diagnose an illness and was likely set at such a high amplification rate that it’d show positive due to remnants of a common cold that Sergio had when he was 3 years old” is NOT a valid answer to my question.  Your only HONEST answer would have been, “You’re exactly right, Mike.  I guess I simply CAN’T personally verify any such thing.”

    Look at the case of your own son.  If the test came back “positive”, did you son actually have the “Covid 19 virus”?  How would you know?

    And since the test was negative, did that somehow mean your son wasn’t sick?  Of course not.

    Never in the history of the world have there been so many human beings who were so ignorant and gullible that they went around testing themselves when they weren’t even SICK!  All for a flu with a 99.95% survivability rate!

    If even half of the world’s population could think rationally for themselves, this entire plandemic wouldn’t have even gotten off the ground.  Sadly, it’s starting to seem like the number of mindless, gullible sheeple in our world is closer to the 70-80% range.

    Now, it’s bad enough that you WERE one of them and danced your jig for the king saying yessa masta.  It’s even worse that you badmouthed the smarter people who didn’t bow the knee to tyrants.  But you don’t have to STILL be that gullible sheep that you once were.  You can learn from your mistake, and teach others to never fall for the same stupid BS that you fell for, right?  And since that is a viable option, it boggles my mind to see you continue to bend over backwards in an attempt to “vindicate” your prior stupidity.

    My God… You are laser-focused on ONE football player – as if he “saves” your argument or something.  What about the HUNDREDS of other high school, college, and professional athletes dropping dead or passing out on the pitch with heart problems they never had before?

    What about the newly released info that the CDC and Big Pharma KNEW that myocarditis and other heart problems were an adverse reaction to the jabs?

    What about all the recent “public service messages” about how it’s now all of a sudden “normal” for young kids to drop dead of heart attacks during sports activities?  What about the various things they’ve been trying to blame this massive increase in heart attack numbers on – anything from “climate change” to “referee’s whistles”?

    Doesn’t any of that even make you at least CONSIDER what might really be going on?  I’m having a very hard time believing that you are truly, literally, and sincerely this damn stupid.

    But maybe you really are.  After all, you demonstrate the same lack of intelligence every day with your responses to the Biblical creation discussion.  In which case, I guess instead of asking YOU to wake the heck up already, I should be praying that God wakes you up.  I will do that.  🙏


    Carmel:  I have just received  A LIGHT definitely from the TRUE LIGHT!

    And what did you test that spirit against – to make sure it was from God?




    Proclaimer:  It looks like you are grasping at straws.

    I think that God is not contained in a creation, but that creation is contained in him. There nothing outside of God. He is the original life.

    That doesn’t answer my question… AS USUAL. 🙄

    Do you remember saying that God doesn’t have a giant “heaven sun” that governs the passing of days for Him?  I’d find and quote exactly what you said if you had a decent search function.  The way the Duck Duck Go search is set up, it’s even worse than the old Google search.

    If you can find that quote, great.  If not, I’m only asking if God in heaven is governed in any way by days or any other set time periods.  I say no.  You also said no.  I want to make sure you haven’t changed your mind.


    I think God can obviously talk of stages as he has a plan.


    Hi Mike,

    And what did you test that spirit against – to make sure it was from God?

    Me: the fact is that:

    Both what I posted, and that I haven’t answered you yet is









    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    To all,  what is the greatest value of seeing Jesus as a flesh and blood  human being, who, came into his, “ONLY”,   Existence, exactly   as we have?  

    1……THEN, we know he had no advantage over us, and his “overcomming”, this world , must be the same exact same way we have to overcome it.  THE EXACT SAME WAY, WITHOUT EXCEPTION OF “ANYKIND”. 

    2…….What Jesus achieved in his life we can also, achieve,  by living the Exact same way he lived, with total, “FAITH” and “TRUST,” in ALMIGHTY GOD, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.   

    3……The more we see Jesus as one of us human beings the closer we relate with him on a equal bases as another human, as a “fellow”,  human being, and as viewing him as a fellow human being, we then are more connected with him,  in a real sense.

    4…… By viewing Jesus,  AS A REAL human being like we are,  we come to “really know him” and truly relate with him that way.

    Satan does not want you to see Jesus that way, so he invented the “Great “lie” , to change the “image” (our view of him into a God)  this was done to cause a “SEPERATION” , of Jesus from the human race.  SATAN and his ministers wants all of us to make Jesus  different the we are, IN EVERY WAY,  that was and still is, his GOAL.  

    Peace and love to you all and yours……….gene




    Hebrews 2:7

    You have made him a little lower than the angels: In chapter one, the writer to the Hebrews brilliantly demonstrated from the Scriptures the deity of Jesus and His superiority over all angels. Now(Heb.2) he demonstrates the humanity of Jesus from the Scriptures and applies the implications of Jesus’ humanity.

    It is Biblically wrong to think of Jesus as merely God or merely man. It is wrong to think of Him as half God and half man (or any other percentage split). It is wrong to think of Him as “man on the outside” and “God on the inside.” The Bible teaches Jesus is fully God and fully man, that a human nature was added to His divine nature, and both natures existed/existe in one Person, Jesus Christ.

    Significantly, the first false teaching about Jesus in the days of the early church did not deny that He was God, but it denied that He was really human and said He only seemed to be human. The heresy was called Docetism, coming from the ancient Greek word “to seem,” and was taught by Cerinthus, who opposed the apostle John in the city of Ephesus and whose teaching is probably the focus of 1 John 4:2 and 1 John 5:6.

    Hebrews Chapter 2

    God bless


    Hi Mike. In years past, there was Mers, Sars, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, etc. I got Swine Flu and it was pretty brutal. Was that just a Cold?


    What about the newly released info that the CDC and Big Pharma KNEW that myocarditis and other heart problems were an adverse reaction to the jabs?

    I don’t think this new. The controversy if there is one, is how common Myocarditis is. Medical authorities make the argument that Covid is associated with Myocarditis too. Myocarditis from Covid is thought to be a combination of direct viral injury and cardiac damage due to the host’s immune response. COVID-19 myocarditis diagnosis should be guided by insights from previous coronavirus and other myocarditis experience.


    2.  The PCR test was calibrated to the common cold, because to this day, nobody has ever seen or been given an actual sample of this supposed virus.  This means that if you had a COMMON COLD, the PCR test could find fragments of it – thereby “diagnosing” you as “positive for Covid 19”.

    Got it. So Skiba died of the common cold and some people get a thing called Long COLD, not Long COVID. Interesting. But I never remember Long Cold, pre-Covid. Could that memory have been wiped by powerful beings who can hack the Matrix?

    It’s all so simple now. Covid is a cold. The earth is a small disc. A day is always without exception 24 hours except when it is 12 hours. And that goes for God too, despite the sun not being created yet. His days were always 24 hours for all eternity past because he knew one day that the Sun would be created. And of course, the Day of Wrath only lasts 24 hours.

    So how many are enlightened to this level? 574? make it 575. Where do I sign Mike?

    Wake the heck up already!  I have never known anyone who is so desperately eager to make himself look stupid by intentionally disregarding all kinds of evidence – empirical, circumstantial, and anecdotal.  Listen closely this time…

    Waking up now, but still feel a bit tired. Maybe I have Covid, I mean a Cold. Hopefully not a long one aye!

    Mike, you seem to be the world’s greatest scientist or one of them, expert doctor, and a fabulous warrior all wrapped up in one person. You know more than anyone it seems. Congratulations!

    • Gene,

    By viewing Jesus,  AS A REAL human being like we are,  we come to “really know him” and truly relate with him that way.

    People do not take your teaching here seriously because they already believe that Jesus was a man. That is not the debate and never was. Your wasting your time with that argument. Think of all the wasted hours or days that you will never get back.

    Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Thus he became a man. Now he is in the glory he had with the Father before the cosmos. And what will we be like. We will be like him, having a body like his.

    If you do not believe this, then can I suggest that you teach the Koran is its version of Jesus seems to align with yours.


    Wake the heck up already!  I have never known anyone who is so desperately eager to make himself look stupid by intentionally disregarding all kinds of evidence – empirical, circumstantial, and anecdotal.  Listen closely this time…

    To be honest, it is hard to take anything you say seriously. You believe the world is flat. Thus, you could be duped into believing in anything IMO. I listen to stats and evidence. Statements on their own are not good enough.


    Mike, you are in the Stone Age.

    But we live in the Space Age.

    Knowledge has increased.

    You need to catch up. It’s 2022 AD. Not 2022 BC.

    BTW, this facility is about 4 hours away from where I live. The reason I choose this video.

    So a question for you Mike. How come they never hit the dome?

    And from here, the end of the disc should come into view since it is relatively close to Antarctica.

    Or are these people really shape-shifters who are good with Photoshop?

    Anyway, where are the Flat Earther’s rockets being launched into space and showing us the flat disc?

    The answer is that they cannot do it because you need a good understanding of science ot launch rockets.

    Lol. Enjoy the view!


    Hey, this topic has jumped into the top 25 topics as measured by posts.

    I’m predicting big things for this topic.

    It might even overtake the Flat Earth topic which is currently at 6th place.

    Popular Topics


    Proclaimer: Whereas, we come from a line of older beings, our ancestors right up to the first man.

    Mike: What? What “ancestors” did mankind have before God created the first man?

    Proclaimer:  Read it again Mike.

    Okay, I read it again.  My question still stands.  Who is this “line of older beings” from whom mankind comes?  Who are the “ancestors” of mankind?


    Adam:  The above verse says only God alone is immortal and can not be seen. This is the dilemma and confusion created by the NT writers for Christianity.

    It is true that no man can see the face of God and live.  It is also true that many men saw the face of Jesus.  That proves that Jesus is not God.

    It is true that God alone is truly immortal/everlasting/eternal.  That proves that all other beings, including Jesus, had a beginning and can cease to exist.

    This is the teaching of Psalm 82, where the judgement Yahweh passed on some of the other gods (Yahweh’s spirit sons) is that, for their crimes, they would die like mortal men die…

    Psalm 82:6-7… I declare that you are gods – all of you sons of the Most High – but like mortal men you will die…

    In the Book of Enoch, God tells these gods that although He created them immortal so that they’d never have to experience death, because of what they did (teaching mankind sorcery, the forging of weapons, and even producing offspring with human women), they will be destroyed.

    So all of God’s spirit sons, including Jesus, were created by God.  All of these gods were created to be immortal.  They do not die of natural causes like mortal men do… but they can be destroyed by Him who created them in the first place.

    Jesus, at his God’s request, willingly emptied himself of his immortal nature and took on the mortal nature of a human being…

    Philippians 2:6-8… Who, existing in the form of a god, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross.

    Existing in heaven at the right hand of God before the world began (John 17:5), death had no power over Jesus.  He was created immortal.  He willingly became obedient to death and made himself a sacrificial lamb.  But he was rewarded by his and our God for doing so…

    Romans 6:9… For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.

    1.  He was existing as a created but immortal being in heaven alongside his God.

    2.  He did his God’s will and emptied himself of his immortality.

    3.  He subjected himself to death, and died on our behalf.

    4.  God raised him from the dead, and he is in heaven alongside his God as an immortal being again.

    Rom 6:9 is another proof that Jesus cannot be God – because death can’t possibly EVER have mastery over the only truly immortal being, who always was and always will be.


    Adam, I learned these things from the NT.  I never once learned in the NT that Jesus was the very Most High God that he is the son, servant, messiah, priest, sacrificial lamb, and prophet of.  Where are you seeing what you call the “confusion created by the NT writers”?


    Let me add to the Psalm 82 teaching…

    John 10:33-36…  “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

    Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods’? If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken—what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?”

    The confusion is caused by the translation of the Greek “theos” (without the definite article) as “God” – with a capital “G” – in verse 33.  This is a terrible mistranslation – just as bad as the intentional mistranslation of John 1:1c.

    The Jews never thought Jesus was claiming to be Yahweh, the Most High Creator of the world… nor did Jesus ever once claim to be Yahweh.  I mean, how ridiculous would it be for a man to go around claiming that he was the Most High God who dwells in inapproachable light?  How stupid would the Jews have to be to think this very Jesus they were seeing with their own eyes was somehow making a claim to be the God who can’t even be seen by human eyes?

    What Jesus claimed was that he was a son of God who once dwelled in heaven and was sent down from heaven, ie: a god like all of God’s other spirit children.  These spirit sons of God are called gods all throughout the OT and the NT.  Jesus was claiming to be one of them – and the Jews, who thought he was just another mortal man like them – considered it blasphemy for him to be claiming such a thing.

    So verse 33 actually says… “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be a god.”

    And Jesus responded with Psalm 82, pointing out that if God called these other spirit sons “gods”, then why wouldn’t the spirit son that God set apart as His very own (firstborn/only-begotten/messiah) be as much of a god as those to whom the judgment of God came in Psalm 82.

    Jesus even made this interpretation undeniable by answering them, “Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said I am God’s Son?”   

    Notice that he didn’t say, “What are you talking about?  I never claimed to be God!”

    He didn’t say that because the Jews never accused him of claiming to be God.  They accused him of claiming exactly what he did claim:  that he was a son of God that used to live in heaven alongside God… ie: a god.

    Understand?  Heavenly son of God = a god in the Bible.  And since Jesus truly claimed to have been a heavenly son of God, Jesus was claiming to be a god who had been sent down from heaven.  And he didn’t deny the accusation. He only pointed out that it wasn’t blasphemy to claim to be what he truly was.


    Proclaimer…….Wrong, they do not see Jesus tbe exact way they see other humans,  nor do you.  You and they believe he was a preexisting being,  of some kind,  that view just proves my point. 

    You or they have never proved at any time any activity of Jesus before his birth on this earth ever.

    To say you and others here see Jesus as a ordinary human being is a “LIE”, there is no way you or they view him as a real human “EXACTLY” like us, in every way.  A “MORPHED” being is not “Exactly” like the rest of humanity.  So please stop saying no one takes me seriously, when you mean you only don’t,  what give you the right to speak for anyone here?

    Berean response to what I wrote should plainly show you that.  What I have written is apsolutely true.

    YOU on the other hand are,  as I have said  many time here are halfway in and halfway out ,  Luke warm  and we all know what happens to those right.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene




    Another example of the Jews’ misconceptions about Jesus…

    John 8:56-59… “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

    You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

    “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I have been!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

    Again, the Jews didn’t think Jesus was claiming to be God – a thing he never did.  But just like in John 10, the Jews thought that Jesus was merely a man like them, and his truthful teachings that he was “from days of old, ancient times” (Micah 5:2) really incensed them.

    Jesus taught that he existed alongside God in heaven before our world – let alone Abraham – even existed.  In Hebrew and Jewish culture, that would make Jesus a god – not the God.  And they didn’t like the idea of a “mere mortal man like them” claiming to be a god who had existed before all of them, and even before their great father Abraham.

    And those Jews remained convinced that Jesus was lying (blaspheming) until the day he died…

    Matthew 27:39-43… Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’ ” 

    As they watched Jesus dying, these same Jews who tried to stone him for saying he was a heavenly son of God who was sent down from heaven (a god) were convinced they were right about him.  They later set out to persecute and kill all of his followers.  Most of them likely went to their graves believing that they were right about Jesus “lying and blaspheming” by claiming he was a heavenly son of God who was sent down from heaven.

    But notice again the accusation that the elders, teachers, and priests make while Jesus is dying.  Not that he claimed to be GOD – but that he (blasphemously) claimed to be “the son of God“.   And it’s not like they thought they were NOT sons of God like all men are.  It’s that Jesus was claiming to be a son of God in a different way.  Jesus claimed to be a heavenly son of God who was sent down from heaven… ie: a god.

    The Jews never thought Jesus ever claimed to be God Himself – nor did Jesus ever claim such a thing.  The proper translation of John 10:33 (“a god”) clears up a whole lot of confusion.  Add in the proper translation of John 1:1c (“a god”), and both the Trinity Doctrine and the doctrine that Jesus didn’t preexist his time on earth wouldn’t even be something we still discuss today.

    It was the PURPOSEFULLY faulty translations of these two verse (and a dozen others) that keep these unscriptural doctrines alive and well.


    Gene:  Proclaimer…….Wrong, they do not see Jesus be exact way they see other humans…

    Gene, you should really read my last 3 posts.


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