Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #890412

    Hi All.

    I read these replies but haven’t had a chance to reply yet, sorry.

    Hi Mike! Good points.



    I am mainly on Facebook these days despite its censorship. There are many of us.


    Summary of the situation in seven minutes


    Not sure if this link will work:


    Revelation 18:23.

    “for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for with your sorcery all the nations were deceived.

    The Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, “administer drugs”). The use of medicine, drugs or spells.


    My posts keep disappearing after I edit them. I give up! Not rewriting them, lol


    Hi t8.

    You said:

    It would be cruel beyond question for the mark of the beast to be a vaccine or administered via  a vaccine during a world wide pandemic. Knowing that you cannot be saved if you have the mark and then making it a vaccine

    I guess it depends what you think covid was.

    I always believed it was God’s punishment on the wicked world. So if we decide to take a vaccine AGAINST God’s punishment, Who are we fighting against?

    You said:

    A mark is a sign of ownership. If you worship the Beast and its image, and you receive the mark, then you basically know what you are signing up for.

    Serving the beast (system) is a form of worship. Watching the image of the beast (TV) is also a form of worship. Receiving the mark is placing trust IN THAT SYSTEM (even though the vaccine was not tested), rather than in God (who has the life).

    Anyway, there is no microchip smaller than the head of the needle. Further, the vaccine goes into the arm. Not the right hand or forehead.

    Who said it was a microchip??

    Revelations is symbolically written.

    The forehead (frontlets between the eyes) is mentioned in the OT (Deuteronomy 11:18, etc.), regarding the ten commandments.

    The seal of God on the forehead – is that literal /seen also?

    Whatever it is, no man can buy or sell without it. Is that not happening now? Wake up people!


    Hi Miia

    Hearing this guy doesn’t reassure me …. the music, his way of speaking ….
    Be careful Mia, lean on the Word of God.

    Hi Berean.

    I don’t have itchy ears (any more!). Truth only. Bless you.



    Don’t know where or IF this fits in but carbon..

    Carbon nanomaterials (in the vaccines) include graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes..


    Wasn’t the last kingdom iron mixed with clay? Man is clay.


    Mike said:

      It is not a vaccine, but an mRna injection that gives your body new instructions.  Doctors have already examined the blood of vaxxed people, and it is scary to see it under the microscope.  It is causing blood clots, myocarditis (heart problems), and a host of other adverse reactions and death.  Already more people have died from this “vax” than all the other vaccines in the history of the world put together.

    Your mask doesn’t work (it’s like trying to keep mosquitos out of your yard with a chain link fence).  Social distancing is laughable – as if your exhale can only travel 6 feet in a crowded grocery store or whatever.  And the vax is confirmed to have many poisons, aborted fetal tissues, and heavy metals in it.  Plus, it doesn’t even work.  The majority of people getting sick with Covid today are those who have had multiple injections.

    Israel is the most vaccinated nation on earth, and has a huge surge in Covid hospitalizations.  They just announced a FOURTH shot that will be mandated now.

    So think it out… there is a flu going around that has a 99.5% survivability rate for anyone under 70.  Why would anyone need a vax for that? And why the big push?  If you are vaxxed, then why I have to be?  The entire thing is stupid.  It is a plandemic, and will kill millions while also making evil people very rich.

    Did you know that the Rothschilds had a patent on the Covid vax in 2015 – 5 years before it was a thing?  What does that tell you?

    I wear my mask on the inside.  It’s called an immune system.  God designed it, and it’s all any of us need.  Nobody can outrun or completely eliminate any virus – or death for that matter.  It’s stupid to think we can.  Herd immunity is the only way.  But the people who purposely unleashed this flu on us don’t want that.  They want a world population of 500 million, with a few thousand ruling over their slaves.  That’s why they suppress HCQ and Ivermectin – two completely safe medications that have been used by billions for half a century.  This is all on purpose, Miia.  This is the New World Order trying to establish itself.  Look at the current state of Australia to see it in action.


    Yep I follow this almost obsessively daily.

    Prayer and peace is good.


    Hi Miia

    You Wrote

    Wasn’t the last kingdom iron mixed with clay? Man is clay.

    Iron= pagan Rome

    Iron WITH Clay= papal Rome(the sea beast…(538AD -1798AD)

    Revelation 17:8

    The beast that thou sawest was, (538AD   -1798 AD)

    and is not(1798 AD …NOW); 

    and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, (NOW ….is done gradually…to become the eighth king (Revelation 17:8) 

    With the help of the beast that ascends from the earth and speaks like a dragon (Revelation 13: 11-18)And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

    [12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.


    Rev.17:8b  ….and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and YET IS. 


    Rome and its Jesuits are involved in the history of covid19.


    God bless Miia


    My posts keep disappearing after I edit them. I give up! Not rewriting them, lol

    Sometimes that happens when you edit multiple times. the spam filter probably thinks it is someone flooding the forum with the same content. Who knows.

    I do regularly unspam posts. To be fair, most of the time there is nothing there, so it can’t happen that often.

    I will do this now.


    I saw two posts in the spam queue. I have unspammed them.

    Not sure if this is because when you edit your post you are hitting the back button and posting again thus the forum now sees two posts with the same and spams them. Or that the first post disappeared into spam and so you had another go. The latter is unfortunate but can be avoided when you keep your edits down. Try to do them in one go if you can. The former is just a matter of not hitting the back button.

    And whatever happens, if you post and it doesn’t go through because your internet connection or the server went down momentarily, you can hit the back button and your post should be save in your browser in the editor at the bottom of the page.


    Miia…………………Proverbs 17:22…………A merry heart does good “like a medicine” , 

    why would Medicine be compared to a merry heart,  if they were evil?

    peace and love to you and yours……….gene


    I guess it depends what you think covid was. I always believed it was God’s punishment on the wicked world. So if we decide to take a vaccine AGAINST God’s punishment, Who are we fighting against?

    Hello Sis Karmarie, it is a great misconception of the Christianity if they think that COVID is God’s punishment against the wicked. I saw many true Christian Pastors and individual believers were victims of this Pandemic in India. Many children lost their parents and parents lost their children. If you assign this Pandemic to God’s activity you are against humanity, the very God becomes a monster instead of a human Emperor becoming a beast in the Biblical writings.. Please come out of such great blunder of treating the COVID Vaccine as the Mark of the so called Beast of Revelation. In fact the so called prophecies of the Revelation were for the audience of the writer and not for the distant future generation of ours. I guaranty you that no such Beast is going to rule the world of our day and timeline. It is purely the speculation of Christianity on applying those ancient texts to our post-modern timeline.

    We know this is clearly visible when look back to the historical failures of such speculations of the Christianity based on the Book of Daniel and Revelation.


    Hello Sis Karmarie, it is a great misconception of the Christianity if they think that COVID is God’s punishment against the wicked.

    Key word on your statement is IF.

    And it doesnt matter what Christianity thinks, even if there was a such thing as a single entity called Christianity that has an infallible dogma.

    What matters is the Kingdom of God. What matters is what God thinks. That is our aim. Not the many works of religion that are more about man than God


    Thanks Admin. No back button, and only edited the post twice for typos. Perhaps it is my browser or something. You can delete the repeat posts if you want 😀


    Hi Gene.

    Natural medicine.



    Hi bro Adam.

    I think only a minority of Christianity sees Covid as God’s punishment, and from what I have so far seen it is mainly evangelical Christians against the vaccine.

    Yes, it is sad so many have lost their lives, but this life is only short compared to heaven and eternity. I was ready to die if I got covid too. Jesus died for the sins of the world.

    Please watch this ten minute video which is (almost) exactly how I see it.


    Thanks for the info Berean.

    I have read something similar with the SDAs years ago.

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