Four Blood Moons

Blood Moons Tetrad

Will 2014-2015 be a significant period of time in God’s calendar? The last time there were four blood moons was apparently the six day war and the previous time, Israel had just become a nation.

Here are a couple of videos to provoke thought on this subject.


Visit a topic on our forum dedicated to the four blood moons

For more up and coming astronomical signs in 2014 – 2015, see this video:
Astronomical signs for 2014 +

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    Acts 2:20
    The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.….M#t=683



    Thanks for this info & videos. I love it when something or someone brings up new questions or unique topics that give me that spiritual urge & zeal to dig into the scriptures to look for answers about what God might have on his mind and want to share with me. After watching the three videos ( i’m not sure why you included the second one about the revelance of pretrib rapture or the need to suffer through it though, it just seemed to be a bit off topic with the other two) i broke open my Bible and started digging through the books of Joel, Luke chapt 21, and Psalm 83. The Holy Spirit led me to reading, cross-referencing & comparing the above listed scriptures with some Ezekiel and Book of Revalation thrown in for good meassure. I just spent the last 6 hours on a wounderful journey through God’s word where the Spirit revealed some deeper level insite on the possible significance of the upcoming period of the 4 blood moons with a total solar eclipse in the middle. I have high hopes that the next 18 months or so may be very interesting for Born again Jesus Freaks like myself. I’ll definately be continuing to review these & other scriptural references while following world news & events in Israel closely. It is exciting to be blessed by God to have been born in the last days & be witnessing the culmanation of over six thousand years of profacey in my lifetime. Thanks again, Your brother-in-Christ, Weldon.


    Sorry for being “too wordy” but i put down what I was led to say. If that’s a problem you’ ll just have to delete it yourself, or take it up with the Holy Spirit, he’s the one that wanted me to leave a comment.
    Love & Peace be with you, Weldon.


    No problem. It was good to hear what you said. And I can’t remember why I posted the second video, but if I watch it again, it will jolt my memory.



    Although not the same topic, you might also be interested in this page as to time we are living in:



    it seems to me that many only sees Israel and some of world events ;even cosmic events ,but I still wander why God would deal with the infidel Israel that he rejected and divorced in 70 AD and Paul said that there are no longer Jews or gentiles all are the same before God ;and are so judge equally ,as for Jerusalem the city of God is in heaven and will come down in do time ;



    You could argue the same with the Church. She has done the same things as Israel. But God is faithful concerning his promises.


    3 days of darkness = 24 – 26 may 2014 due debris comet linear 209/p
    27 th = explode alpha orions


    Opposing view or rebuttal to the videos above.

    Just a couple of views after watching this video.

    He says what good is a sign after the fact? I would argue to prove that what has happened is significant. I am not saying that Hagee is right, just that I thought many of the points made in this video were not necessarily valid ones. Further, it is probably what happens after that is significant in God’s plan anyway. As it becomes the catalyst to the fulfillment of prophecy. So the expulsion of the Jews led to plans to discover a new land where Jews could live.

    Also, we know that the sun will be darkened etc before the coming of the son of man. However, I don’t think Hagee is saying it will happen immediately after the fact. There are many signs for the coming of Jesus, such as being thrown into prison for your faith. Likewise, no one is arguing that Jesus came back when the first man went to prison.

    However, he makes many good points in the video. But you could make similar arguments with anything if you think about it.


    Hi t8 – any reason why you’ve locked me out of trinity debate..?


    You are not locked out. What has happened is a cache problem. If you are logged in, your browser will force a new copy of each page from the server which is slower, but will be the latest page. If you are not logged in, then you are served a cached page which doesn’t always show the latest comments for example, but is much faster and this is done to please Google, who rank faster sites better.




    I think that those moon event are like the quatrains of Nostradamus and men will try to link anything or some thing to it for many like to see what is not ,but don't like to see what is ,the truth of God


    I am going to buy some PUT options on DOW and NYSE for mid September 2015. Specifically 9-13-2015

    Do the research if you’re so inclined. Jonathan Cahn is a good starting place.


    First blood moon and we see the rise of ISIS.
    Second blood moon is October 8, 2014.
    Who knows what we will see next.
    Things are heating up though.
    God uses the sun, moon, and stars as signs.

    Right now there are super moons, and after the next Blood Red moon is a full solar eclipse.

    Super Moon

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