What did the Tetrad of 2015 point to?

Now that the tetrad of 2014-15 has passed, can we see what if anything God was highlighting?

The Bible states in Genesis that God uses the sun, moon, and stars for signs and seasons. The word ‘seasons’ is also translated as ‘festivals’ elsewhere in scripture so that equates to the Jewish Feasts which are marked in the Jewish calendar. This calendar is based around moon cycles unlike our Gregorian calendar which is based on the sun. The Passover for example, is always marked by a Full Moon and a lunar eclipse coincides with a Full Moon by definition. So what is a tetrad? It refers to four things in a group, so in the case of a full moon, the word is used to describe four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between.

Since the first century, there have been 62 tetrads with only eight coinciding with both Jewish feasts making them significant in a biblical sense. So why is this significant? Well as already mentioned, God gave the moon as a sign to mark festivals and when we look at the last four tetrads, what we find are periods of time that were very significant in Jewish history. Here are the last four tetrads. Take a look at the dates. Some might not mean anything to you immediately. Let’s take a look at each of these years to see what happened in Jewish history on these dates. What you will find are the most significant events in modern Jewish history. Here are the years of the last four tetrads:

  • Tetrad of 1493-1494
  • Tetrad of 1949-1950
  • Tetrad of 1967-1968
  • Tetrad of 2014 – 2015

So were these years significant for Israel, the Jews, or Bible prophecy in general? At first glance the year 1967 certainly stands out to most students of prophecy, but what happened in and around all the last four significant tetrads?

1493- 1494

The Spanish Inquisition was a significant event for the Jews that took place in 1492 just one year prior. That year, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave the Jewish population a mere four months to convert to Catholicism or leave the country. It is estimated that between 165,000 and 400,000 Jews fled the country at this time. As many as 50,000 decided to stay, converting to Roman Catholicism.

Many historians now believe that Christopher Columbus was Jewish and they believe his voyage to the west in 1492 was his way of escaping the Spanish Inquisition of that year which of course resulted in his discovery of America. Some studies of Columbus show he was a deeply religious man whose purpose was to sail to Asia to obtain gold in order to finance a crusade to take back Jerusalem and rebuild the Jews’ holy temple. Whether true or not, his voyage was not as is commonly believed, funded by Queen Isabella, but rather by two Jews who converted to Catholicism to avoid death. Louis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez advanced an interest free loan of 17,000 ducats from their own pockets to help pay for the voyage. Another prominent Jew, Don Isaac Abrabanel, who was a rabbi and Jewish statesman, also donated money for the voyages of Christopher Columbus.

Just a couple of months before 1493, Columbus discovered America and in 1493 there was a tetrad perhaps signifying how important these events would be  for the Jews. As we know, Jews migrated to America to escape persecution resulting in the United States having the largest Jewish population on earth today with more Jewish people than even Israel. Certainly this was a significant time in Jewish history.


After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, Jews were driven into exile. The Jewish people were scattered through the nations of the world but still managed to retained their identity. After the WWII holocaust, the Jews were finally granted their homeland. On May 14, 1948, the modern state of Israel was born. In 1949,  Israel was officially recognized as a legal state by the United States with Israel becoming a member of the United Nations in 1949 after the Israeli elections.


God said many times in the Old Testament that He would place His name in Jerusalem. The Jews during their 2,000 years of exile turned their faces toward Jerusalem each day praying for the restoration of their beloved ancient city and the rebuilding of the temple. On June 7, 1967 the Jordanians launched an attack against Israel and west Jerusalem. Israel counter-attacked driving Jordan out of east Jerusalem, out of Judea-Samaria, and back into its own land across the Jordan River. Jerusalem was undivided and under Jewish control for the first time since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.

2014 – 2015

Islamic Caliphate

Looking back at what happened in 2014 and 2015 it seemed the most obvious event relating to Bible prophecy, Israel, and the Jews was probably the rise of ISIS. The leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed an Islamic caliphate from the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul in mid-2014. In 2015 the caliphate seemed unstoppable, but met some serious resistance with US air strikes. Despite that, ISIS maintained their ground. However, by 2016, ISIS was losing territory it had gained and in 2019 they were driven out of the last remaining pockets of land they held.

So was this significant to Israel or the Jews? Well it did seem at the time that ISIS could eventually attack Israel, but their defeat put a stop to that plan. This however led to a different problem that does relate to the Jews, namely the European migrant crisis. In 2015, millions of Muslims fled to Europe to escape ISIS and in the confusion many Muslims from Africa also took advantage of the opportunity to go to Europe for better economic opportunities. This wave of Muslims and the Islamic culture they brought with them led to increased persecution of Jews in Europe prompting many to live in Israel. But the impact for Jews could be much greater in the future due to the increase in percentage of Muslim Europeans due to immigration and a higher birth rate. In years or decades to come, parts of Europe could have a Muslim majority population leading to a more Islamic Europe than a Christian Europe that we know of today. Could this be the catalyst for what we read about the last days regarding the persecution of both Christians and Jews including death and even beheadings as we read in scripture? Well if ISIS was a catalyst, then yes a resurrection of an Islamic Caliphate in both the Middle East and parts of Europe could indeed bring some serious persecution of Jews and Christians.


But there was an even more significant event during this tetrad? Yes there was. That event was the presidential campaign of Donald Trump which was launched on June 16, 2015, the same year as the tetrad. The following year in November 8, 2016, Trump became the President. On December 6, 2017, he announced the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The US embassy was officially opened in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018 which coincided with the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

In hindsight, if God was using this tetrad to show us a significant sign, then it was probably the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and its endorsement by the United States. It does follow the pattern of the other tetrads in question which relate to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews. However, Islamic immigration to Europe could also be a significant end time factor that could have a profound impact on both the Jews and Christians in the future.

Of course it has to be said that Trump is still the president and this King Cyrus type leader could enact many other major changes that will affect Israel and the Jewish people. Remember that during his administration he also defeated ISIS in Syria and Iraq and he is also making great changes to the relationship that the US has with China, which could in itself change things globally. It is also looking likely that he will win another term.

NOTE: The comments below are a topic that was started back in 2013. The speculation was what the tetrad would bring. It is now the year 2019 and with the benefit of hindsight, the above writing was written.


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  • #438737

    First blood moon and we see the rise of ISIS.
    Second blood moon is October 8, 2014.
    Who knows what we will see next.
    Things are heating up though.
    God uses the sun, moon, and stars as signs.

    Right now there are super moons, and after the next Blood Red moon is a full solar eclipse.

    Super Moon


    Jubilee Resources International is a cult-busting ministry.  While I am not a fan of these cult busting ministries due to their belief that the Trinity Doctrine is the standard Orthodoxy, I do like this video from them on the End Times. I like it because it sums up information in a simple way. Sure none of what this guys says is new, but the presentation is concise and easy to follow and put together in a way that makes you see that we may well be living in a very significant time.

    Subjects covered include:

    • Blood Moons and Solar Eclipses this and next year and what that could mean;
    • Jubilee years and their possible significance;
    • the rise of Islam as possibly the next and final beast, the one that was, is not, and will be;
    • advice on finances during these difficult times.

    It appears that more and more End Times ministries are starting to take a similar view to this guy and of course Walid Shoebat the main promoter of Islamic Beast.



    I think that those moon event are like the quatrains of Nostradamus and men will try to link anything or some thing to it for many like to see what is not ,but don’t like to see what is ,the truth of God.

    But it was God who said that such things are given for signs of the times and for seasons.

    And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,

    NOTE: These moons fall on Jewish festivals.

    And Jesus said:

    “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.”

    Your post seems to be encouraging us to doubt that these things could have any meaning. Is this true?

    But since the first moon we have already seen the rise of the Islamic State. I think that event alone could turn out to be significant. Our brothers are being crucified as we speak. They are in tribulation. Pray for them.




    if something happen at 12 noon at my lunch hour ,would that mean that it was significatif ? who said that i had to have my lunch at noon ? man made it that way ,not God , we usually eat when we are hungry at any hour ,


    and those blood moons are they falling really at a jewish festival OR CLOSE TO IT ?

    or are the blanks filled with men’s view like it was with the aztec calendar  ,don’t be deceived ,for ir is the holy spirit of truth that will tell us the truth ,


    So God doesn’t use these things as signs then. And those that promote this say that they fall exactly on the feasts. All of them. But it has been pointed out that the Hebrew calendar is a lunar one. Thus not too coincidental if the feasts are based around the moon, but does show the importance of the moon in the Jewish calendar all the same. But you seem to teach that it is just random and of no importance.

    But I believe these things are for signs and seasons and are important. Not because that is what I want to believe, but because it is written. And if the Jewish feasts and calendar is based on the moon, then you have to ask why. And who controls the moon? NASA?

    And as the proponents of this point out, this will not happen again for a thousand years.


    But I believe these things are for signs and seasons and are important. Not because that is what I want to believe

    Why don’t you want to believe it?


    What I am saying is that I am impartial on this. I have no desire that the cycle of the moon has any significance beyond the laws of physics. But I have faith in YHWH and his prophets. Scripture says there is significance, so I am swayed to believe because of that, not for any personal reason that makes me want it to be so.








    It is a done deal. NASA have confirmed the dates and they happen to match Jewish feasts. It’s not a prediction it is a certainty. If it is wrong, then NASA is wrong. But as said before, the Jewish calendar is based in the moon cycles, so that explains it right there.



    Blood Moons

    Found this graph. You can get the dates from NASA here, but I haven’t checked that they match Jewish festivals because I know little about Jewish festivals.

    These purportedly are the eclipse dates and their corresponding Jewish feasts. Because NASA doesn’t care about Jewish feasts, I haven’t provided a graph produced by NASA. This graph spans 2013 to 15, so it is a fit far reaching for this topic, but the festivals are mentioned in that which is to come. As you can see, from the first blood moon, something significant happened to Israel. Remember that this was preached before the Hamas Israeli War and the rise if ISIS. And remember that the previous three Tetrads were also significant, twice for Israel and once for the Jews before modern Israel was established.

    We will see what if anything happens in these following eclipses, but note that in between there are also 2 solar eclipses which are also purportedly on Jewish festival dates too. Logically speaking it could be a coincidence, but scripture alludes to signs and seasons marked by the son, moon, and the stars. And here we have red moons and two sackcloth suns. But I am not saying this is the fulfillment of the prophecy Jesus gave about that. Remember that there will be more tetrads to come this century.

    Because  I know almost nothing about Jewish festival dates, I can only go on what others say, but this information has been out for a while and no one is saying that it is not true and it would be relatively easy to check if you could be bothered.














    I believe that God uses signs,I have no doubt about that.
    The jewish festivals are important. I also believe that in the next few years something great will happen.
    I believe that the false prophet will be revealed.
    He will sell himself to the world by bringing peace,and many wonders.
    The world will be deceived, and accept him as the messiah.
    Then He will enforce his mark on all. Then he will change, and show the real him.
    A fierce king,a wicked king.The son of hell.



    I understand what you mean T8, I do and I get it.
    This day and age we have much information and data to explain such things, before hand they just had the universe.

    Could you imagine seeing the first red moon?

    If you think about it, the Jews do not believe in the blood of Jesus, strange they would choose to call it a blood moon. Then again, the door being smeared with blood is their Passover celebration.


    While the rise of ISIS and the Hamas War have been huge as far as Israel and the Middle East, IMO these alone would be events big enough to signify these signs in the moon. However there are also signs in the sun too. Could 2015 reveal something even bigger?


    I wander witch of the feast in the Jewish law would be coincide since there are at the least 12 feast ,as far that it concern my understanding we do not look at the local news but the world news for the return would be seen around the world and the wrath of God will come as a thief ,

    there have been many wars during the past 500 years with the changes in the countries that were implicated in them ,and as for signs in those days there were signs as well , all of this are natural ,but what is not is the interpretation of them ,

    one thing is for sure it keep the mind of people into the motion ,just like the UFO sightings


    There have always been earthquakes too, but then that is a sign of the last days. The point is that yes these moons, suns, quakes, meteors are all natural, yet these are given to us as signs. So why is it then that many miss the signs? Perhaps because they say exactly what you say Terr, that they have always happened so relax nothing is going on here. Yet those that read the signs will know the time. Not the day or the hour, but the seasons. Jesus once rebuked people for not being able to read the signs.


    And now (today I think) the USA, England, and Australia has declared war on the Islamic State. Walid Shoebat teaches that there will be seven Islamic nations that will rule with the Beast, but will be defeated by the most terrible of nations. I don’t agree with all his teachings, there are certainly things he teaches where I think he is completely wrong. That said, he has made some interesting points that are worthy of consideration.

    Not many question the traditional view that the Antichrist will rule the world and the Church will be taken up just before or during that period. He questions it and that is a good thing because not many test this. It is also perplexing as to why some will completely miss being taken up to be with our lord. How is this possible. If these things were happening as they believe then they would be ready. Instead Christ comes as a thief in the night. Perhaps because their end-time eschatology gives them a false sense of security as to when Christ returns and comes as a thief in the night for them.



    based on the understanding that i have i can tell you right now that their will be nothing with those blood moons or sun activity ,but many people will interpret what ever event comes along to cover some aspect of whatever they want ,to see it should be ;

    there is no prophecy given beside that the time of the end will come as a thief and when it comes we all will see it around the earth ,

    so the real battle is not with the nations but with ourselves and Christ gospel of truth to bring his people from all over the nation to serve him,and make his kingdom over come the earth until it is done at the end of this age (only those that looks to be saved by God grace will be saved the others will be handle by God as he wishes, so let see what happen next year


    You offer an opinion only. You are allowed to do that. 🙂


    Pastor Mark Biltz was the first person to find the blood moons and solar eclipses. He has much better information on them than Hagee. For instance, Hagee’s only showing 4 blood moons and 1 solar eclipse on feast days in 2014-2015. Biltz shows that there are 6 total eclipses (4 blood moons and 2 solar eclipses, all on feast days). I’ve never been fond of Hagee. He believes in pre-trib, but it’s really easy to disprove pre-trib futurism. Post-trib is a little more accurate, but I don’t care to get into that.

    Mark Biltz believes in pre-trib futurism too, but he’s not some TV pastor who’s uber rich and has controversies. He’s a Messianic Jew (Christian) who teaches about all the Hebrew/Jewish traditions and sayings in the Bible. He gives tons of good information about what the different sayings mean. If people don’t know the sayings and traditions, they’ll completely misunderstand what they’re reading. Sayings and traditions are everything, and most translators and pastors have no clue what they mean. Very few Americans do. Our scholars are even way behind on this stuff. Translators in Israel are 50 years ahead of our American translators. Jeff Benner is excellent at explaining these new finds and helping people understand translation properly. And if you want a completely disprovable prophetic interpretation, check out Ellis H. Skolfield’s The False Prophet. It’s free to read online, or you can order a copy. Ellis isn’t in it for money, so he puts his books free online when possible. Some of his books are out of print, and no one’s put them online yet. He’s a real nice guy.

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