Signs of the end

Around 1991 I asked God when the end of the world would take place. Graciously,

Signs of the end God gave me a series of dreams that showed me a period of time to look for. These signs were not great events, rather things that exist today, but being different in appearance due to futuristic technology.

The following writing describes two of the dreams I had. Maybe these dreams might help you understand the time we are living in.

Signs Before the End of the Age


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    first as I always have declared ;i am not belonging to any man made organization ,for my church leaders are all in heaven including my God ,

    what I told you is not strange but the plain truth from scriptures if you let the scriptures guide you ,so that the spirit of truth will show you and give you the true understanding of the word of God ,

    I still have many scriptures to show that this is the way i am telling you ,


    the world cannot see it nor understand it including the religion leaders ,this is why they come up with those things that keep changing from day to day and showing that they don’t know were they are going ,while the true believer guided only by the word of God lives in peace without ups and downs in his faith ,but stable and prepared for the day of Christ’s return/end of this age,but totally ready to stand before him ,for this is the only purpose of men in this world that waits for its destruction

    LK 17:20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; (the coming of the kingdom is also the coming of Jesus and also the end of this age ,for when the kingdom comes their would be no place for the world that exist now to remain as well ,


    but let see what Jesus says next ;Lk 17:21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”


    why does Jesus says “the kingdom is within you ” ? for it is us that we have to change to become a part of this /his kingdom ,


    so we can become a part of God’s kingdom by washing our clothes into the blood of Christ /meaning accepting his teachings and obey it by put it to practice in our daily lives and show all what God has accomplished within us ,


    Jn 3:21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”


    everything we do should be done for the glory of our God and his son




    No signs ,but enough warnings of what to do and what not to do to be save through the sacrifice  of God’s  son,

    So many looking for signs that they believe  will come for they believe that by the signs we can be saved by knowing  them ,



    No signs ,but enough warnings of what to do and what not to do to be save through the sacrifice  of God’s  son,

    So many looking for signs that they believe  will come for they believe that by the signs we can be saved by knowing  them ,



    Jesus said that kingdom would rise against kingdom before his coming again.

    What was this prophecy referring to if he came in 70AD?



    if you look at the history  of the 37 years or so before 70 AD you would learn that what Jesus said came to be fulfilled in those years,

    Google it it’s all there, Rome did many wars during those years and like the feet in Daniel says iron and clay is also fulfilled during those years

    To many religion people jumped from 33 AD to 1914 not paying attention  that they have jump through almost 1900 years of history and ignored  it ,this is not what Jesus said to do


    What kingdom rose against what kingdom in the preceding 37 years before 70 AD?


    I am not taking count of them ,for I study this 40 years ago and never keep records of it but you can google it and find out for yourself if not don’t make me a liar before you do ,

    you can start also with the name of Vespasian the adoptive father of TItus the general that came and destroyed Jerusalem and step backward from there



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    Roman Republic Timeline:

    Early Period

    5th Century BC

    4th Century BC

    3rd Century BC

    2nd Century BC

    1st Century BC

    Roman Empire Timeline:

    1st Century AD

    2nd Century AD

    3rd Century AD

    4th Century AD

    5th Century AD

    Roman Timeline 1st Century AD

    Roman Timeline 1st Century AD



    4 AD

    Adoption of Tiberius as heir to Augustus after the deaths of Gaius and Lucius Caesar.

    5 AD

    Tiberius campaigns in Germania.

    6 AD

    Revolts in Pannonia and Illyricum.

    8 AD

    The future emperor Claudius is appointed an augur, his only official post under Augustus.

    9 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Vespasian in the town of Reate.

    9 AD

    The Battle of Teutoburg Forest between P. Quintilius ending in a complete route (including the destruction of 3 legions) for Rome.

    9 AD

    The Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace) is completed by Augustus in Rome.

    14 AD

    Death of the Emperor Augustus, in the city of Nola in Italy. Ascension of Tiberius

    14 AD

    Mutiny of the Rhine legions upon the news of the death of Augustus which is quelled by Germanicus Caesar.

    14 – 16 AD

    Germanicus Caesar campaigns against the Germanic tribes.

    14 AD

    L. Aelius Sejanus is appointed as Praetorian Prefect.

    14 AD

    Death of the Roman historian Livy, in the city of Patavium, Italy.

    14 AD

    The aqueduct, the Pont du Gard, is completed near modern Nimes in Gaul.

    15 AD

    Emperor Tiberius transfers the elections from the popular assemblies to the Senate.

    15 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Vitellius.

    17 AD

    Death of the Roman writer Ovid, who died in Tomis, Moesia while exile, apparantly because of offenses to Augustus’ moral code.

    19 AD

    Death of Germanicus, possibly but not necessarily by the direct order of Tiberius.

    22 AD

    Construction of the Castra Praetoria (Praetorian barracks) by Sejanus is completed and the Praetorians are forever changed into a political force.

    23 AD

    Birth of the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, in the town of Novum Comum, in Italy.

    26 AD

    Pontius Pilate is appointed as the prefect of Judaea.

    26 AD

    Tiberius retires to his estate on Capri, effectively giving Sejanus unlimited imperial authority.

    28 AD

    John the Baptist is executed by Herod Antipas, son of King Herod in Judaea.

    29 AD

    Livia, the wife of Augustus dies in Rome at the age of 86.

    30 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Nerva in the city of Narnia.

    31 AD

    Execution of Sejanus, for conspiracy against Tiberius. Replaced by Gn. Naevius Sutorius Macro.

    32 – 36 AD

    Estimated date of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

    32 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Otho in the city of Ferentium.

    37 AD

    Death of Tiberius on the island of Capri. Caligula ascends to the throne.

    37 AD

    Birth of the historian Flavius Josephus, in Jerusalem.
    Birth of the Emperor Nero, in the town of Antium.

    39 AD

    Caligula marches with the legions to Germania in a ‘mock’ campaign.

    39 AD

    Caligula bridges the Bay of Naples with boats from Baiae to Puteoli

    40 AD

    Caligula marches to the English Channel with the intention of invading Britain. Instead, the legions collect sea shells and he returns to Rome to celebrate a fabricated triumph.

    40 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Titus. Birth of the Roman general Gn. Julius Agricola, in the province of Gallia Narbonesis.

    40 AD

    Emperor Caligula orders that a statue of himself is to be erected in the temple at Jerusalem. Herod delays implementation long enough to prevent wide-spread revolt in Judaea.

    41 AD

    Caligula is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard. Claudius, supposedly found hiding in the curtains of the palace is hailed the new Caesar.

    41 AD

    The Roman writer Seneca is banished to the island of Corsica after he is accused of committing adultery with Claudius’s wife Messalina.

    41 AD

    Livia, the wife of Augustus, is finally deified by the senate.

    43 AD

    Claudius begins the first large-scale Roman invasion of Britain, at first under the command of general A. Plautius.

    43 AD

    Lycia is annexed into the empire.

    44 AD

    Judaea is annexed as a Roman province after the death of Herod Agrippa.

    46 AD

    The client kingdom of Thrace is annexed into the empire as a province.

    47 AD

    The Roman general Gn. Domitius Corbulo defeats the Frisii.

    47 AD

    Claudius celebrates the Secular Games, as Rome celebrates the 800th anniversary of the founding of the city.

    49 AD

    Claudius passes an edict expelling all Jews from Rome.

    50 AD

    Claudius adopts Nero as heir.

    51 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Domitian in Rome.

    54 AD

    Death and deification of Claudius. Nero ascends to the throne.

    56 AD

    Birth of the great Roman historian Tacitus, probably in Rome.

    56 – 57 AD

    Nero expels actors from Rome and dictates reforms of circuses and festivals.

    58 AD

    The Roman general Gn. Domitius Corbulo conquers Armenia, after the capture of the capital Artaxata.

    61 AD

    In Britain, Boudicca, the queen of the Iceni tribe, leads a revolt against Roman occupation.

    62 AD

    Birth of the Roman historian Pliny the Younger in Italy.

    62 AD

    Suetonius Paullus defeats the Iceni revolt of Boudicca, who commits suicide.

    62 AD

    Lucius Caesennius Paetus in Armenia surrenders to invading Parthians after a defeat at Rhandeia. Gn. Domitius Corbulo returns and invades Parthia.

    62 AD

    Nero divorces his wife Octavia and marries his mistress Poppaea Sabina.

    62 AD

    The first signs of volcanic activity are recorded in Mt. Vesuvius, when an earthquake damages some nearby Campanian towns. (Much of which damage would never be repaired prior to its eruption some 18 years later.)

    64 AD

    The Great Fire of Rome speculated to have been started by Nero to make room for his palace. Christians Persecuted as scapegoats. Nero begins construction of the domus aurea (the Golden House).

    65 AD

    A plot against the Emperor Nero, known as the ‘Pisonian Conspiracy’, led by G. Calpurnius Piso. Nineteen men are executed or forced to commit suicide.

    65 AD

    Death of Nero’s wife, Poppaea, whom he kicked to death after an argument.

    67 AD

    The future Emperor Vespasian is sent to Judaea to put down a Jewish revolt.

    67 AD

    Nero enters the Olympic games and is named the winner of every he event he enters.

    67 AD

    Death of Paul the Apostle.

    68 AD

    Widespread revolt forces Nero to commit suicide, sparking civil war.

    68 – 69 AD

    Year of the four emperors.

    69 AD

    Death of the Emperor Galba. Executed by members of the Praetorian Guard.

    69 AD

    The German legions proclaim Vitellius as emperor. He defeats rival Otho at Bedriacum and is victorious. Otho commits suicide.

    69 AD

    A fire breaks out on the Capitoline Hill, destroying much of Rome’s archives.

    69 AD

    Battle of Cremona, in which Emperor Vitellius is defeated (killed) by one of the armies of Vespasian.

    69 AD

    Birth of the Roman historian Suetonius, in Rome.

    69 AD

    Vespasian proclaimed emperor, and while consolidation would take another 6 months his reign marked the end of the civil wars.

    70 AD

    Titus, the son of Emperor Vespasian, captures Jerusalem after a four month siege.

    71 – 74 AD

    Petilius Cerealis conquers the Brigantes in modern Yorkshire.

    73 AD

    The final Jewish stronghold, Masada, is captured after a long seige.

    73 AD

    The nomadic Sarmatians, the Alans, invade Parthia and Armenia.

    74 – 78 AD

    The governor of Britain, Julius Frontinus, defeats the Silures in modern South Wales.

    75 AD

    The construction of the Temple of Peace is completed. The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus is rebuilt.

    76 AD

    Parthian invasion of Syria is repulsed.

    76 AD

    Birth of the Emperor Hadrian, in Rome.

    77 – 84 AD

    Final conquest of Britain by Gn. Julius Agricola.

    77 AD

    The Roman writer Pliny the Elder completes his work Naturalis Historia (Natural History).

    79 AD

    Death of Vespasian. Ascension of his son, Titus.

    79 AD

    Mt. Vesuvius erupts burying the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Pliny the Elder suffocates by getting too close in order to record the event.

    80 AD

    The Flavian Ampitheatre (Colosseum), begun by Vespasian, is completed by the Emperor Titus.

    80 AD

    Destruction of the Capitoline temple. The dedication of the Baths of Titus.

    81 AD

    Arch of Titus is constructed in Rome.

    81 AD

    Death of Titus, possibly at the hands of his brother Domitian. Domitian succeeds Titus as Emperor.

    81 AD

    The Roman general Gn. Julius Agricola campaigns in Caledonia.

    82 AD

    The Capitoline temple is restored and dedicated.

    83 AD

    Domitian campaigns in Germania.

    84 AD

    The Roman general Gn. Julius Agricola defeats the Caledonians under Calgacus at the battle of Mons Graupius.

    85 AD

    Invasion of Moesia by the Dacians under Decebalus.

    86 AD

    Emperor Antoninus Pius is born in the town of Lanuvium.

    87 AD

    Gn. Julius Agricola is recalled to Rome by Emperor Domitian, who seemed to be jealous of Agricola’s victories.

    88 AD

    Tettius Julianus defeats the Dacians at Tapae.

    89 AD

    A short-lived peace treaty is signed between Rome and Dacia by Emperor Domitian and King Decebalus.

    89 AD

    Domitian campaigns aganst the Chatti.

    90 AD

    The head of the Vestal Virgins, Cornelia, is buried alive as punishment for promiscuity. Her lovers are beaten to death.

    93 AD

    Death of the Roman general Gn. Julius Agricola.

    93 – 96 AD

    ‘Reign of Terror’ of Domitian.

    96 AD

    Assassination of the Emperor Domitian.

    96 AD

    With the ascension of Nerva, the era of the “Five Good Emperors” begins.

    97 AD

    The future emperor Trajan is made governor in Germania and adopted as ‘Caesar’ or heir by Nerva.

    97 AD

    The alimenta (a form of social welfare for poor children and aid for farmers) is instituted.

    97 AD

    A Chinese embassy en route to Rome is perhaps turned back in Mesopotamia by the Parthians.

    98 AD

    Death of the Emperor Nerva who is succeeded by Trajan.

    98 AD

    Tacitus finishes two of his books, the Agricola and the Germania.

    98 AD

    Trajan defeats the Bructeri in Germania and returns to Rome as a hero.

    Did you know?

    The suicide of emperor Nero, in 68 AD followed a short period of civil war known as the Year of the four emperors. Between June of 68 and December of 69 AD, Rome witnessed the rise and fall of Galba, Otho and Vitellius until the final accession of Vespasian.


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    Roman Timeline 1st Century AD – Related Topic: Deeds of the Divine Augustus


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    everyone of those emperors have to search for their personal doing ,so just google their name


    Personally I do not see Kingdom against Kingdom till the world wars or maybe when the Ottoman Empire clashed with the Roman Empire, although the latter was the same as other empires that superseded the previous. There were also clashes with the British and French, plus Spanish empires/kingdoms.

    In the ancient past, there seemed to be one great empire. Much later on, there were numerous kingdoms existing together and clashing against each other.



    so you want me to dig out every was that Rome as made to show it was done against another nation ? and another kingdom ? and so to its selfs ,

    I think you are missing the point ;wars at the time of Rome where made to conquer and so they did ;now scriptures says ;Mt 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

    are you understand this wrong like ; NATION(S) WILL RISE AGAINST NATION(S) AND KINGDOM(S) AGAINST KINGDOM(S)

    WE CAN CALL THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE IN PLURAL RIGHT? it says; “famines” and earthquakes” but it is not so with the previous sentence right ?no ,or do i see it wrong ?please let me know


    Why do we think that terrorism specifically is a sign of the end of this world?  Terrorism kills almost no one, compared to homicide or war deaths or car accidents or just about anything.  It does make the news.  And in making the news, it fulfills its purpose–to create fear at minimal cost.  The average person is infinitely more likely to die by slipping and falling on their kitchen floor or in a car accident.


    hi David

    some seems to make signs in everything they see and hear ,they float on the waters of the world and go with all the waves having no control just go up and down ,left and right ,like children on a rollercoaster ride



    Mt 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
    Mt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
    Mt 24:9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
    Mt 23:37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.
    Mt 23:38 Look, your house is left to you desolate.

    1)43 AD

    Claudius begins the first large-scale Roman invasion of Britain, at first under the command of general A. Plautius.

    2) 43 AD

    Lycia is annexed into the empire.

    3) 58 AD

    The Roman general Gn. Domitius Corbulo conquers Armenia, after the capture of the capital Artaxata.

    4)62 AD

    Suetonius Paullus defeats the Iceni revolt of Boudicca, who commits suicide.

    5) 62 AD

    Lucius Caesennius Paetus in Armenia surrenders to invading Parthians after a defeat at Rhandeia. Gn. Domitius Corbulo returns and invades Parthia.

    6) 62 AD

    The first signs of volcanic activity are recorded in Mt. Vesuvius, when an earthquake damages some nearby Campanian towns. (Much of which damage would never be repaired prior to its eruption some 18 years later.)

    7) 64 AD

    The Great Fire of Rome speculated to have been started by Nero to make room for his palace. Christians Persecuted as scapegoats. Nero begins construction of the domus aurea (the Golden House).

    8)67 AD

    The future Emperor Vespasian is sent to Judaea to put down a Jewish revolt.

    9)69 AD

    The German legions proclaim Vitellius as emperor. He defeats rival Otho at Bedriacum and is victorious. Otho commits suicide.

    10) 69 AD

    Battle of Cremona, in which Emperor Vitellius is defeated (killed) by one of the armies of Vespasian.

    these are only a few mention but there are more just google it



    Why do we think that terrorism specifically is a sign of the end of this world?  Terrorism kills almost no one, compared to homicide or war deaths or car accidents or just about anything.  It does make the news.  And in making the news, it fulfills its purpose–to create fear at minimal cost.  The average person is infinitely more likely to die by slipping and falling on their kitchen floor or in a car accident.

    Why do you presuppose that it is an end-time sign only if there is maximum carnage?

    Terror is a sign. In the end-times, the love of many will grow cold and fear and terror will increase in its place. I think it is obvious when love declines that something will replace it, and that is fear. Anyway, God showed this to me personally, so it was not something I gleaned from scripture. So I only share what he showed me that is all. He also showed me the future where cars look different than they do today. Cars do not cause maximum carnage either. God answered me a question I had for him. The answer was for me personally, but I was not instructed to not share it. I share that which God tells me, unless he specifically told me not to share it.



    all those signs you mention are and have happen to the Christian people just before the fall of Jerusalem even before like about 4 years before ,I don’t understand why people like to go to a end where there are no signs proclaimed for ;Jesus said himself HE WILL COME BACK HAS A THIEF “MEANING NO SIGNS ,

    WELL THIS IS OUT NOW FOR ME end of story


    hi t8

    I have now understand that the end conditions of the age (our age) will be the same as those in NOAH’s time ;as per Jesus words

    MT 24:37 “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
    MT 24:38 “For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,

    LK 17:26 “ And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:
    LK 17:27 they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

    Ge 6:5 The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

    Ge 6:11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.
    Ge 6:12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.

    Ge 6:9 This is the account of Noah.

    Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.

    MT 24:45 “ Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?
    MT 25:21 “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
    MT 25:23 “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’
    LK 12:42 And the Lord said, “ Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants, to give them their rations at the proper time?
    LK 16:10 “ He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.
    LK 16:11 “Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you?
    LK 16:12 “And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?
    LK 19:17 “And he said to him, ‘Well done, good slave, because you have been faithful in a very little thing, you are to be in authority over ten cities.’

    2Ti 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
    2Ti 4:8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

    Jn 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

    Ed J

    Why do you presuppose that it is an end-time sign only if there is maximum carnage?

    Terror is a sign. In the end-times, the love of many will grow cold and fear and terror will increase in its place. I think it is obvious when love declines that something will replace it, and that is fear. Anyway, God showed this to me personally, so it was not something I gleaned from scripture. So I only share what he showed me that is all. He also showed me the future where cars look different than they do today. Cars do not cause maximum carnage either. God answered me a question I had for him. The answer was for me personally, but I was not instructed to not share it. I share that which God tells me, unless he specifically told me not to share it.

    Hi T8,

    Can you please give more details as to what you were shown?
    Like what did the cars looked like. Also, what specifically was
    significant about the part of the future that you were shown.
    “Communicate” “with spirit” specifics are a interest of mine.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Why do we think that terrorism specifically is a sign of the end of this world? Terrorism kills almost no one, compared to homicide or war deaths or car accidents or just about anything. It does make the news.

    , true that. Consider also it is supposedly the reason we have lost our privacy!


    “Communicate” “with spirit” specifics are a interest of mine.

    Ha ha, really.

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    Some are made kings others are made priests,
    I was made a priest of the most high God. (ref. Rev 1:6)
    Why would you think it funny that some “Communicate” “with spirit”

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