The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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    @genebalthrop, this website is about debunking lies pertaining to God, the bible, etc. Flat Earth is a lie that blinds some believers who even think the bible supports their view. The bad thing about this is it lays a stumbling block for some to entering the kingdom of God. If they are told the Bible teaches a flat earth, they will run a mile from salvation because they won’t want to join a stone age cult. The lie needs to be fully exposed and this is what I have done. I just need some time to make a writing about it and maybe even publish it as a book. It is fascinating to see how the mind of a flat earther thinks too. Such need to trust God and his spirit, but instead the make the mistake of relying on their own understanding which of course is flawed.


    Copied from another source

    The reason a flat-earthers believe the earth is flat is the same reason a 4 year old believes in Santa Claus, they both think alike. The reason is the brain of both haven’t developed the mental faculties necessary to differentiate between fact and fiction, and while the 4 year old will eventually mature mentally and realize the myth, the flat-earth believer refuses to grow mentally. How can you explain gravity to someone who cannot grasp the difference between flat and level? They lack the intelligence to understand in space there is no up and down, their intelligence is so weak they actually believe on a globe people in Australia are walking upside down, (that’s how a 4 year old would think).

    Getting them to understand why you can’t see the curvature of the earth is impossible because they lack the intelligence to understand how big the earth is compared to the insignificant size of man, like an ant that cannot see above a field of grass.

    Flat-earth believes are like the Bush people in the Kalahari desert (average yearly rainfall is 8 inches) in this respect, most of the Bush people have never seen a body of water big enough to swim in, they can’t perceive a large lake or constantly running river, if you tried to explain there are several oceans deeper than the mountains they would consider you insane, much like Flat-earth people who believe that people who believe the earth is a globe are insane.

    Flerthers believe satellites don’t exist and the International Space Station is a myth, totally ignorant of the fact there is an app that tells where it is at any given time, and with a telescope (you will have to describe what that is, how to use it and which end to look thru) they can see this magical flying device, not only that, they can see the craters on the moon, Mars and even Saturn with the rings and red spot. If you really want to blow their mind, just tell them the device they are reading this on can prove the earth is a globe, an app called Google Earth, open the app and put Africa in the search bar, then South America, Australia, North America and finally Asia, they will see the globe in all its glory, but that’s not all, as a last search enter their address and like magic it will zoom in and show them their house, apartment or townhouse, the street they live on and possibly their car in the driveway. But sadly, the flat-earth believer will scoff and claim it’s fake because they cannot and will not accept reality, WHY?

    Because as I stated at the beginning of this post, the brain of a flat-earth believer has failed to develop the mental faculties necessary to understand concepts beyond the thinking of a 4 year old.

    Danny Dabbs



    Think man think

    You only see the moon as a light because when it is dark (no sunlight reflection), you don’t see it from earth. This pic (if legit) shows the moon because it is the moon despite where the sun is.



    Think man think 2.0

    Flat Earthers cannot understand scale. Imagine an ant in your car as you are travelling at 70mph. Scale wise, they are travelling at about 24,000 mph or so. Yet, they can walk around, fall into you coffee, and with zero physical effects at that speed !!!…. Think!


    Sunsets debunk flat earth!










    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional


    Eight degrees north of the equator in Micronesia, on the remote island of Pohnpei, can be found the haunting ruins of Nan Madol—known also as the Machu Pichu of the Pacific. On this jungle-clad island surrounded by beautiful coral reefs rests a lost city made of bizarre stone “logs.”

    The ruins of this forgotten civilization are one of archaeology’s best-kept secrets and greatest mysteries. Nan Madol, which means “reef of heaven,” was abandoned centuries ago. The ruins cover nearly 150 acres in shallow tidal waters bordering the reef-protected jungle, and a labyrinth of stonewalled canals crisscrosses 92 small manmade islands.

    Its major buildings are constructed of giant stone logs that are 18 feet long and several feet in diameter. These logs are made of volcanic basalt crystal and weigh up to two-and-a-half tons. They are stacked like cordwood to form walls up to 50 feet high and 18 feet thick.

    The main structures resemble the ceremonial squares constructed by the Mayans and Aztecs. It would have required a large organized workforce and sophisticated culture to create this “Venice of the Pacific,” but this race of builders has vanished. The reasons for its construction, how the massive stone were transported, or why it was abandoned are all unknown. Even the natives now presently living on Pohnpei are equally mystified by Nan Madol.

    In the book of Revelation, John describes a civilization that will last forever. A holy city will come down from heaven to the Earth and will be inhabited by God’s people for eternity. Immense and beautiful stones will be used in its construction. But one thing will be missing. Unlike Nan Madol, which had a temple, John says, “But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Revelation 21:22).

    Will you choose to be part of this civilization?

    And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Revelation 21:27

    From Amazing facts


    God bless

    Danny Dabbs

    If you directed a powerful spotlight on a rock that was in pitch black darkness, it would light up. After all, what do you think a falling star is? When they hit the ground intact, they are rocks. So that is one example of a rock reflecting light. Further, when your in a plane and look down at the earth below, it is lit up if it is day and earth is a rock too. Think please.



    Further, here is the moon emitting light in part from the sun and in the other part from the earth (earthshine). Notice the difference in light being reflected? Why, because the sun emits light and earth reflects it in part which then can be reflected again on the moon. This might be too complex for you to comprehend however. So try and imagine putting a large rock into the dark sky and shining a powerful spot light onto it.




    Why not fly to Australia and book a flight over Antarctica. Yes it would be expensive, but not as expensive as peddling lies and then facing God on Judgement Day.

    Danny Dabbs


    1965 scientist claims the moon is plasma:


    He said his view would be confirmed. But when man landed on the moon 4 years later, he was obviously proven wrong. In fact he was proven wrong way before that too.


    What 3 dimensional shape Always cast a curved shadow on another object regardless of it’s orientation?

    Danny Dabbs



    Exactly. No matter how much you pretend the bible teaches the earth is flat, teach that the earth is not a globe, or that the heliocentric model is incorrect, the truth of the earth being spherical shaped and revolving around the sun remains true. Your belief makes no difference to reality. It changes not the fact that the earth is in the solar system and the solar system in the Milky Way and the Milky Way is in the universe. In reality, the universe is testament to God’s ETERNAL nature, not testament to a finite god or goddess of a flat pizza world. It is written that some would depart the truth and follow myths.



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