The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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    Reality Matters


    Please explain this phenomenon if the world we live on is a flat disc.
    You can’t. This means your teaching and belief is fake.
    At this point all you can do is either repent or explain how this matches reality.
    For the record, the globe model fits this observation and all other observations.



    The sun is too far away to see on a flat earth argument

    Status: Debunked




    If you were a truther

    • If you were a truther, you’d be interested in being proven wrong, as it would bring you closer to the truth.
    • If you were a truther, you’d embrace criticism of your own model, as it would bring you closer to the truth.
    • If you were a truther, you wouldn’t deny incontrovertible evidence that you are wrong. In fact, you’d ENCOURAGE people demonstrating how and why you’re wrong, as it would bring you closer to the truth.
    • If you were a truther, you’d have no problems answering direct questions pertaining to your belief system, as it would bring you closer to the truth.

    It’s pretty simple. If flat Earthers had truth on their side, they wouldn’t need to lie to defend it or ignore truth when it is presented. The actual truth and conclusion you can draw from this topic is that both yourself and mikeboll are not truthers. You enjoy the conspiracy theory more than the truth. You do not love truth enough and that is a symptom of your relationship with The Truth himself.

    2 Timothy 4:4-5
    They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation… 

    Danny Dabbs



    The last two light projections are a joke. Absolutely ridiculous @dannyd.  Funny how flat earth requires extreme mental gymnastics to explain. But if you accept the heliocentric model, it is as simple as it can get. Because the truth just adds up while lies need pages of explanations. The devil is in the details as the saying goes. Yes is yes and no is no. Simple. The further BS support arguments are from the evil one.

    Light shines out in all directions and casts its light on a globe in the exact way that we observe here on the ground. This is not the case on the flat earth. Simple.

    Reminds me of the orbits of the wandering stars argument. You have to believe that they go forward and backwards rather than just from our perspective. In the heliocentric model, again, they have circular orbits around the sun. Simple.

    What are the chances that a lie explains everything observational in simple terms like it does.

    The flat earth model cannot explain any of it without creating all these foolish spinoff explanations that in turn have zero proof or evidence. You need to spin a web of lies. Further, why is it that you have no standard model? Because no flat earth model explains reality. You have different models when explaining different things. Ridiculous.

    Not loving the truth is a deep symptom of something. Just as loving the truth is a symptom that you love God and his Son.

    This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

     “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

    But whoever practices the truth comes into the Light…

    Danny, you are running away from the light of truth just like mike because you guys do not practice truth. You are always denying it.

    Danny Dabbs



    End of story.



    The close sun argument fails again

    Think Dan think!

    Let’s assume that this is a close sun and those are the rays of the whole sun spread out at the correct angle. Well if that was the case, then that would lead to a small part of the planet experiencing day. Thus, 99.99% or so of the world would be experiencing night while this local spotlight lighting up 100 miles or so of the surface is experiencing daylight.

    It doesn’t match reality does it Danny. You have to admit that if half the world is in day and half in night, that this local sun must be wrong.

    So what could explain reality that half of earth experience day and the other night? A globe explains it perfectly because half of the globe is facing away from the sun at any given time.

    So let’s look at what we know are parallel lines yet like the sun, do not always appear that way from our perspective.


    So there you have it. Light travels in straight lines, but due to perspective, these tracks appear to get closer together the further back you look. So if you traveled to the section of tracks that you can see in the distance in this photo, would you see the tracks merged? No. They would still be parallel. So the sun’s rays are like that too. You think they merge at the point of the sun and this shows a local sun. But like the tracks, the rays would keep going beyond where you thought the sun was originally. In fact the rays would just keep going for 93 million miles.


    Use your geometry in this pic.

    Once again, the local sun argument fails. Why? Because if you argument is true, now only less than a mile is experiencing day and the rest of the world is in night.

    Once again, this doesn’t match reality.


    Really? One mile of daylight on the earth when this photo was taken?

    Time to grow up danny.


    Really danny, your belief is embarrassing. I do realise that you are blind to this, but most can see it.

    You believe the earth is flat.

    Most people would believe you are a nut, so please do not bring God into your nutty ideas. It’s a bad witness and insulting to God.

    Danny Dabbs



    It’s your choice to believe and propagate lies danny.

    Danny Dabbs


    Planes don’t fly that way.
    “Gravity” doesn’t change that FACT!



    In the past, village idiot’s opinions were not widespread because they lacked the intelligence to spread their foolishness to the masses. Today is different however. With the rise of the Internet, village idiots and liars can use this scientific marvel to spread foolishness and lies to the four corners of the world. It also connects village idiots with other idiots who in turn will only listen to their own communities and the teachers they have gathered.

    For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.



    The circle of the earth

    Job 26:10
    He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.


    Flat Earth Logic
    He has inscribed different weird shapes on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.



    Conservation of momentum

    Flat Earthers do not understand conservation of momentum. Basically speaking, we only notice movement if we accelerate or decelerate. Otherwise, everything is still no matter what speed you are actually travelling at and your speed is constant.


    Proclaimer…….When are you going to let this flat earth BS , die , this is all of the world and has nothing to do with the KINGDOM OF GOD.  Why waste your and everyone else’s time with it. You to caught up in it , let it die brother.

    peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer…….gene


    I’m cataloging all the evidence for an eventual writing. This lie is being used by Satan to discredit the Bible and therefore people will not see the need for salvation from a book that is supposedly unscientific.


    Funeral March for Flat Earth


    A message for all flat earth basement dwellers


    Yes , “UNIQUE”, in it’s “STUPIDITY “!     Let it die and Mikeboll’s “stupidity with it.

    Peace and love to you all and yours……….gene

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