The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #942297
    Danny Dabbs


    Return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm. Joel 2:13

    Danny Dabbs


    Danny do you know if you have recieved the , spirit of truth yet?

    Yes, I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was 16.


    You OC and CO people are the liars and blasphemers!
    Repent before it’s too late!

    And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, “Now have come salvation and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night.


    Yes, I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was 16.

    Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

    But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

    You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?  Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

    No lie is of God.

    Danny Dabbs


    You are acting more and more like your Father the Devil.
    I know that I am saved. You can’t take that away from me.


    I do not judge your relationship with God. I can only see fruit and repeat to you that no lie is of God.


    What are the four corners of the earth

    Well there are not four corners on a pizza earth.

    Anyhow, it is probably the four points on a compass. Read the following verse:

    Then it will happen on that day that the Lord
    Will again recover the second time with His hand
    The remnant of His people, who will remain,
    From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath,
    And from the islands of the sea.
    And He will lift up a standard for the nations
    And assemble the banished ones of Israel,
    And will gather the dispersed of Judah
    From the four corners of the earth.


    It is difficult to minister to someone who is deceived because no matter what facts you give they just think they are right. Why? Because they are deceived.


    Flat earthers claim they can bring back boats using a zoom lens, although globies say such were never over the horizon to begin with. They were just too small to see in the first place. So my question is this. Why has no flat earther shown a video of the sun being brought back into view with a zoom lens after it has set and disappeared?

    No flat earther has ever shown this proof or even answered the question. The silence is deafening. I can only conclude that they don’t say anything about this easy to do experiment because deep down they know it disproves the flat earth and they do not want to be wrong above all things.

    Sad that pride can go this far.


    Why the moon disproves the flat earth

    What is your explanation dabber?

    Danny Dabbs



    Hi Proclaimer,

    Your bring back the sun argument will be solved in this video.
    Start from 28:15 till 30:23.

    Not even close @dannyd

    The explanation contradicts itself. It says you can bring back boats, so even you can figure out that if you can do that, then you can bring back the sun.

    But you can’t bring back the sun because the earth has rotated away from the sun. No zoom lens no matter how good can do it because magnification is not going to go around the curve.

    So how are small boats brought back then? Easy. They are not over the curve to begin with. They are too small to be seen, especially if you zoom out beyond the human eye which flatties deceptively do. Then of course, magnification will work.

    Can you admit that this point alone debunks your belief system danny, or will pride continue to make you ignorant due to arrogance?

    Danny Dabbs


    I have looked into this.
    The other point is that the sun just fades away.

    Here’s the proof



    Nope. That is just cloud or mist making it disappear. On a cloudless day, the sun clearly sinks below the horizon. I know because I can watch this anytime I want as I live near the coast. Here is one of my own photos. It does this everyday unless cloud obscures the sun.

    If you really believe the sun just fades away every evening, then how come people who are under the sun at that moment do not see it fade away above their head? Or if you think that it fades away every day because that is what happens when things get too far away, then how come planes, boats, and even the moon do not fade away.

    Flatties are very proud of bringing small boats back using a zoon lens, yet they cannot or do not dare bring back the sun.

    The ball is still in your court. If truth matters to you, then watch the sunset yourself and bring it back just like your compatriots who zoom in and bring small boats back do.

    You won’t be able to do it because the earth is not flat.

    Test all things. Test the spirits. Test your own assumptions. You would do this if truth mattered to you.


    Here’s a typical video of a sunset.

    Can’t happen on a flat earth.

    Danny Dabbs


    Did you read the comment on this video?
    This person said:
    This fade out observation can NEVER be seen from the ground and with naked eyes. It ONLY can be captured when the air is super clear, dry, cold and from an elevated position with a 4K camera. This is UNDENIABLE proof we are not spinning. I have captured this 5 times now under the same conditions.
    Sun Fade Out Playlist:



    My photo is from an elevated position and clearly the sun sinks below the horizon. Further, it sinks below the horizon even from the beach. It also sinks below the horizon for all others who watch the sunset. Of course the sun will fade or disappear when clouds obscure it and that is verifiable by anyone with a pair of eyes. If you deny this, then you deny reality which to be honest at this point would come as no surprise to me.

    Further, where I took my photo of the sun going over the horizon is one of the best places in the world to see long distance. It is the exact same spot I took my famous photo of Mt Ruapehu that is 200km away.

    Once again @dannyd, if the truth mattered to you, you would test your own conclusions. If lies bothered you, you would check this out for yourself because anyone can do this. Just find a suitable flat landscape or go to the coast. Wait for the sun to nearly set. Video the sun setting and when it has disappeared, bring it back by zooming in.

    You can’t do it because the earth is not flat. Instead you would observe that the sun sinks below the horizon, the same observation as everyone else. Obviously clouds obscuring the sun may hinder this. But do it on a cloudless day.


    Danny Dabbs


    You are obviously not interested in the truth.

    Danny Dabbs



    You are obviously not interested in the truth.

    You have zero facts and 100% opinions with zero support.

    You ignore 100% of evidence that God created a universe that clearly displays his eternal nature.

    Then all you can do is make a silly comment like a kid and state that I am wrong.


    It is only when we are born of the Spirit that truth really matters to us. Being of the world means being of the god of this world who is the father of lies. This is a fact. This old adage is a true saying.

    “Like father like son”.

    Why do you ignore truth danny and believe in myths?

    It is your life, so you can do what you want of course.

    Just asking the questions.

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