The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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    Nobody takes flat earthers seriously

    Danny Dabbs


    You didn’t refute my meme at all.
    Here it is again:




    You lack understanding and your question is wrong.

    North is not up and South is not down. Fact!

    Up is toward the sky and down is toward the centre of the earth.

    To even assert the meme or ask the question, you first need to prove that North is up and South is down before the question becomes a legitimate one.

    Show me the proof of this please. You won’t be able to however, because it is not true.

    It’s like saying, show me the proof that I have stopped drinking alcohol. You first need to establish that I am drinking alcohol before the question becomes relevant or legitimate. If I never drank alcohol, then the question not a correct one.

    So you need to prove that North is up before the question is relevant. If North were up and South down in a true sense, then water would flow from north to south. But it doesn’t.

    One could easily turn a paper map upside down and south be placed at the top and north at the bottom. Indeed early Chinese maps had it this way. It is what it is today because people from the Northern Hemisphere created most of the early maps, thus we just orientate it that way because they were focused on their own context.

    It’s like you saying that Genesis is the oldest book in the bible because it is the first book, when Job is actually older. Just because men organize maps with north at the top or Genesis as the first, this has no bearing on reality. It’s simply just an arbitrary way to organize something.

    In a universal and true sense, North is not up so your meme and question is useless danny.

    If you continue to say your meme is not answered then I don’t think anyone can help you and perhaps you need to discuss things that you can mentally grasp? Because you seem to lack the ability to comprehend this subject.


    Crows Nest

    Before RADAR and GPS ships had to rely on a man in the Crow’s Nest to spot objects at a distance. As seen in the photo of a ship from that period. When searching for land or other ships a man would be stationed at the top of the mast with a telescope. This would maximize the distance he could see, since the World’s Oceans follow the curvature of the Earth. If the Oceans were flat, a man with a telescope on the deck of the ship could see the same distance as a man in the elevated Crow’s Nest. But sailors have known, then and now, through practical experience, that a man can see farther out to Sea from an elevated position, that’s why they went to the trouble and expense of installing a Crow’s Nest on these ships.


    Danny Dabbs


    Proclaimer, you missed the point.
    Please read:
    The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense.

    (This is from 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay)

    End of story!


    Danny, Dubay has deceived you just as Mike did. You have been conned. Scammed.

    You say that water is always level. But water sticks to the planet and we have a massive amount of proof of that. Yet you just believe Dubay and Mike verbatim and deny all the clear evidence. Further, we have tides, so if a lake only has a small amount of curvature, you somehow think the water would flow down the sides, yet everyday where I live, I drive past a harbour where the water level is different. It’s called tides. So if water always found the sort of level you imagine, then why does it not flow down and even out with no tides after that?

    Please think if you are able. I will give you a thought experiment.

    An eternal circle would be a straight line if you travelled around its circumference and you would never complete a full round. Comprehendo?

    Now think a bit smaller. A massively huge, but finite circle. It would be like the eternal circle, it too would look level and straight, but because it would gradually curve, you could eventually go around the earth and you could measure it, and you could photograph it from a long enough distance away. But you couldn’t detect the curve with your eyes alone in most cases. This matches reality.

    Next, I will post a video below that demonstrates curvature and also show how flerfers debunk their own theory by denying the very same curvature that you deny.

    Let me know what you think when it debunks your understanding of curvature and level.




    Explain this away. You can’t, and that should worry you because truth can be explained.




    Danny Dabbs

    Water always finds its level even in a level

    Wait up. It is curved.


    Anyway, your argument is foolish.

    You are looking at a very small area where curvature is undetectable to the eye. There are photos of the beautiful God created globe, but you just call them fake because you are not wise. Your argument is as foolish as saying that the USA has no coastline and showing a photo of a redwood forest. Yes the redwood forest exists, but it doesn’t cover the whole area. There are coastlines and forests and all this exists on a planet that is shaped like Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. And these wandering star orbits are circles once you place the sun in the center. What a coincidence.



    I am going to say it straight.

    When a person is born of the Spirit, they are led into all truth. They may be deceived for a time, but the light increases in their life and darkness is overcome.

    But a man who lives a lie, teaches a lie, and persecutes or opposes those who speak truth are not likely to have the Spirit of truth in their life right Danny?

    Has it not crossed your mind that the scriptures say to not rely on our own understanding. And did you not notice how bad your grades were in science when you were at school? I mean, this sort of paints a picture does it not?



    Look at the moon. Buy a telescope. It’s a globe. It is rocky. You can see the craters.

    Look at the sun. Don’t use  a telescope though. It is a globe too.

    Look at the planets / wandering stars. You need a good telescope. They are globes.

    Yet, you say the earth is not a globe.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Yet you have no evidence.

    You do not even have a bible verse.

    How foolish of you.

    You bring shame to your own name by believing and peddling lies.

    It is not a sin to lack IQ. But we can all be wise and we can all be fools.

    Your choice.


    Danny……God gives us the SPIRIT (cognisity) OF TRUTH,  those who have it cannot be decieved. Therefore it says,“he would even decieve the very elect, “IF IT WERE POSSIBLE”. You see it’s not possible to decieve the elect of God, because the “SPIRIT” (COGNICITY) of the Truth abides “IN” them,  and they cannot be decieved. 

    And again……“brethern you have no need of a teacher, for the Spirit itself will teach you all things”  and again,  Jesus said (not me),   “you shall all be taught of (or by)  God”

    Danny do you know if you have recieved the , spirit of truth yet? 

    Peace and love to you and yours Danny……….gene


    Danny Dabbs

    A warning about embracing lies as truth


    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are.

    Danny Dabbs


    You OC and CO people are the liars and blasphemers!
    Repent before it’s too late!


    Every lie comes from the Father of Lies. It is his native tongue.


    Once you go flat, you never go back

    That saying is kind of true. Because of this.

    Once you go flat, you acknowledge to the world your foolishness. But going back to the globe means you acknowledge to yourself that you were a fool. Hard to take that step I imagine.



    Danny, do you believe in reality and truth?

    If so, after the sun has set on the flat earth because it is too far away to see, bring it back into view using zoom on your camera.

    If you cannot do it, then the earth is not flat because the sun has gone over the curve. It is lower from your perspective.

    An easy experiment to do. An easy way to see if you believe and teach truth or lies.

    A wise man would test out his own conclusions.

    A fool will argue for things that he neither has confirmation or proof of.

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