The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #938280

    Gene:  …you have not proven any of your Flat Earth “BS” right so far…

    I’ve proven that there is only one raqia, that the luminaries are IN it, and that there are waters ABOVE it…


    I have already DISPROVEN your understanding of a spinning ball orbiting the sun in outer space.  So you and Pretender can keep LYING by saying that waters above the thing the luminaries are IN don’t have to also be above the luminaries that are IN the thing that the waters are ABOVE.  It makes no difference to the FACTS of the matter – only to whether you two will ever again be considered honest or intelligent.  Because even a kindergartner knows that if the car is IN the garage, and the birds are ABOVE the garage, the birds must also be ABOVE the car that is IN the very garage that the birds are ABOVE.  Only a blooming IDIOT or a LIAR would say, “Yes, the birds are above the garage, but no, they are not above the car that is IN the garage!”

    The Biblical FACTS already won, Gene.  The Bible says that your worldview is impossible.  Science also says it is impossible.  The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner I can help you to understand the Biblical world that we actually DO live in.





    yak yak raq, yak yak raq. How many raq. Yakity yak.

    There are as many expanses as you like. There is as many spaces as you want.

    One for the stars, one between the waters. There’s space in my house. Perhaps lots of space or sky between your ears. The list goes on. Context is key.

    Nobody cares for specks. More interested in important things like logs. Why strain a gnat but swallow a camel.

    Ye blind guides. If there is a layer of water outside the cosmos then that doesn’t prove the earth is flat anyway.

    Insisting on one raq to rule them all. One dome to stop the air from escaping due to uppity. And one disc to walk on and go to flat earth conventions is your choice. But people who can reason just see folly.


    Mike  have thought about starting up a competitor to NASA. Maybe FLATA?


    Place two basketballs next to each other. They are both globes right. So there are angles in play and you can get that result. You would only see it always above if the earth and moon were 2D.

    Once again you were bamboozled by the third dimension and the angle of sunlight probably confused you further.



    Pretender, how many raqias are mentioned in the Bible?  Remember that the word is always proceeded by the definite article, (ie: THE raqia), and is always a singular word in the Bible.  Remember that it is often called “THE raqia OF heaven” in the Bible.


    How many raqias are specifically mentioned in the Bible, Pretender?

    (Also keep in mind that the “expanse” between the waters IS the “expanse” that the sun, moon and stars are IN.)


    Mike……You said, “NO”,  to my question about the ISS  “INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION”  that anyone can see for themselves traveling around our earth 24/7 , 365 days a year , transmitting it’s view of this earth to us,  EVERY SECOND of every day .  NOW sense your a real “honest person” as you present yourself, then please proceed to tell us , what is that thing  we “all can see” for ourselve going around this earth . WHAT IS IT MIKE?  ,  come on, show us what it is,  we  “all” see, going around out there,  what is it Mike.,  , and tell us how, when we all with our own eyes,can see it, and  at the same time it is showing us exact where we live on this planet, and can actually see it on the internet,  going by out there . 

    Come on Mike, give us you actual “proofs”, and show us,  ‘simpletons’ , your ‘clear’ and a actual “proofs”, “YOU” have Mike. 

    Truth is you have NO proof at all about any of it nor that we live on a “flat earth”.  All BS, Mike , and i think you know it, if you don’t know it , you truly are a “wack job”. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike………gene


    Mike. How many skies are there in the bible. Perhaps one. How many heavens – maybe one. But you can also reference the sky between two layers of water – clouds and sea. You can reference the heaven where the birds fly. Common sense is lacking in your understanding.

    The bible translates raqia as expanse and sky. And God called it heaven. Get use to it Mike.




    What is the main proof you have to support this? Keep it simple please.


    This is what Genesis 1 teaches.


    Bahahaha! Great comeback Berean. You roasted me.

    Seriously though, I’m betting even your SDA doesn’t teach the flat earth.

    You may need to make a decision about which cult / denomination to take orders from.

    If Genesis teaches that there is a sky, then birds fly there, clouds are there, stars are there etc.

    Still works on a globe Berean.

    And it is true that God called the raqia – heaven.

    And God dwells in heaven.

    But he also dwells outside his creation.

    So guess where he probably was before he created everything?

    “But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him?


    Sunsets are impossible on a flat earth



    And it is true that God called the raqia – heaven.

    And God dwells in heaven 


    But The throne of God is not in the raqyia*, that’s for sure. 

    He was on His throne, in His Heaven BEFORE creating our Raqyia called “Heaven”


    Proclaimer:  The bible translates raqia as expanse and sky.

    The Bible uses the Hebrew word raqia. It doesn’t “translate” that word as anything.  But let’s run with your misinformation to see where it leads…

    Using “expanse”, Genesis 1 says God created the expanse to separate the waters below the expanse from the waters above the expanse.

    You say that this refers to the space between the sea and the clouds. Okay.

    A few verses later we’re told that God created the sun, moon and stars and placed them in THAT expense.

    Note that we are not told that God created a SECOND raqia for the sun, moon and stars, but that He placed the sun, moon and stars in THE raqia (singular) that was already mentioned a few verses earlier… the ONLY raqia that is ever mentioned in the entirety of the Bible.

    So your understanding, where the clouds are the waters above the expanse, requires the sun, moon and stars to be in the raqia that is between the sea and the clouds, since it is the ONLY raqia God ever created.

    And that is why King David can say, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and THE raqia shows His handiwork.”

    Think on that.


    Proclaimer…….Mike is still trying to play his smoke and mirror games with you,  the true fact is that the word raqia, simply means,  in English,   the Sky, or Heavens,  which simply means whats out or  up there,  from the earth, we live on.  

    But you see,  he has us talking about his  stupid ideas, which are only destractions from more important things.  Satan is trying to destory this site through these ignorant and stupid descussions brother,  Satan couldn’t ask for a better person to destory this site with,  then him.

    We need to completely stop dialoging with him, about this “flat earth” BS.  send him off to talk with himself, or on some other site where someone will listen to him , if such a site exists, that is stupid enough to engage him.  Enough is enough Proclaimer , time for action , change the title back to

    “THE FLAT EARTH”, BS,  by Mikeboll64  , and stop the dialogue about it, or it will never end,  IMO. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer…………gene




    Thanks gene. Mike is definitely batting for the other team.


    Still clinging to a flat earth after all the truth that has been shown. Lol. Stupidity explains it.


    So your understanding, where the clouds are the waters above the expanse, requires the sun, moon and stars to be in the raqia that is between the sea and the clouds, since it is the ONLY raqia God ever created.

    God called the raqia – heaven. How many heavens are there again?


    Using “expanse”, Genesis 1 says God created the expanse to separate the waters below the expanse from the waters above the expanse.

    You say that this refers to the space between the sea and the clouds. Okay.

    A few verses later we’re told that God created the sun, moon and stars and placed them in THAT expense.

    THAT expanse? If so, then:

    God separated the waters with an expanse. This expanse cleared the view of the stars so they appeared in that expanse. Just think ‘sky’.

    Or God created the stars in an expanse just as there is an expanse between sea and clouds.

    Or there was only water and God separated this water so that the top layer is beyond the cosmos itself and beyond the James Webb telescope to see it.

    Here’s the thing. None of these require a flat earth.

    If the water above the raqia is your best argument, then you have not only failed, you have failed spectacularly.

    But God called the raqia – heaven and there are levels to heaven.

    Deal with it and instead show us how you can bring the sun back because it is local. Lol.

    Your too blind to see you lost this debate. But keep embarrassing yourself Mike. That said, please don’t give up your day job.


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