The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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    And to answer your question, “Yes”, Nick.  Just as “my science” would be better if Gene insisted that the value of pi was 4.5 instead of 3.14.


    Hi Mike,

    Same as you.

    My opinion.


    Okay, the history lesson ended with the Ptolemaic stationary earth system, which was an “accurate predictive model“, and generally accepted “until the Earth was displaced from the centre of the universe in the 16th and 17th centuries by the Copernican system and by Kepler’s laws of planetary motion“.

    Copernican system, in astronomy, model of the solar system centred on the Sun, with Earth and other planets moving around it, formulated by Nicolaus Copernicus, and published in 1543.

    Copernicus didn’t really “discover” anything new.  He just decided that Ptolemy’s system of the heavenly bodies moving around a centralized earth could also be explained by imagining the sun was the centralized figure, with the earth and everything else moving around it.  But let me stress that there is no possible way of knowing this unless we could go outside of the system, and look at it from afar… something that wasn’t done until the 1970’s – if at all.

    Kepler’s addition to modern cosmology was to change Copernicus’ circular orbits to elliptical ones in 1609.  And then in 1685, Isaac Newton proposed a theoretical force called “gravity” to explain how all these orbiting motions could be kept in check.  It’s called the “Law of Gravitation”, but it is anything but.  No experiment on earth could prove such a thing even existed, and so again, it wasn’t validated until the 1970’s – if at all.

    Are you starting to get the picture here?  For many thousands of years, everyone “knew” the earth was fixed and stationary, with heavenly luminaries circling around it on appointed circuits – like the Bible says and like their own observations told them.  And only for the last 475 years (a mere 7% of mankind’s history) has the heliocentric model even been seriously considered.

    So this flat earth thing isn’t some crazy idea formed by ignorant goat farmers – nor is it a brand new movement.  Despite what the mainstream media and big science would have you believe, the heliocentric model has never been “settled science”, and brilliant people have been exposing the many flaws associated with it since it was concocted within the minds of a few flawed mortal men.

    More to come…





    Nick:  Same as you.

    My opinion.

    Really?  Is it only a matter of opinion that 2+2=4?   Is 3.14 as the value of pi just a matter of opinion – and any other opinion as to its value is equally valid?  Hmm…


    Hi Mike,

    True Science keeps developing new knowledge.

    But you seem to offer us old ignorant historical opinions and anecdotal experience.


    The glue that holds it together for you is is your impassioned belief.



    Continuing on, in 1871, G.B. Airy set out to prove the heliocentric model by proving that the earth really was rotating.  It was the first test that would actually be able to scientifically verify that the earth was in motion.  The idea was to fill a telescope with water, since water slows down light, and determine from that whether it was the earth moving, or the stars moving over the earth.  The reasoning behind it is a little complicated to put into words, and so I recommend this 7 minute narrated documentary about it…


    Suffice it to say, the experiment to scientifically prove the earth was in motion is famously known as “Airy’s Failure”.  Of course it’s only a “failure” to those who believe the earth is in motion.  To those of us who believe it is stationary with stars moving around us overhead, it was a fantastic success.

    So as of 1871, we had a heliocentric theory, and a scientific experiment that concluded the earth was stationary with stars moving overhead.




    Hi Mike,

    It would be exciting if you were telling us of the amazing work the Holy Spirit was doing through you.

    Healings, deliverances, baptisms etc.


    Flat earth has to be the ultimate in sidetracks.


    Nick:  True Science keeps developing new knowledge.

    Although it’s clear you don’t even know what “science” is, may I point out that what you refer to as “true science” says we can’t see a full moon in the daytime? (Look it up for yourself.) Real science, on the other hand, demonstrates that we can.

    Nick:  But you seem to offer us old ignorant historical opinions and anecdotal experience.

    It’s actually quite the opposite, as anyone who’s been following this thread can easily see.  It is you who keeps offering opinion and theory, while I’m offering observational scientific evidence.  Which do you think carries more weight?

    Nick:  The glue that holds it together for you is is your impassioned belief.

    Again, it’s the exact opposite.  Have you considered the “arguments” against me that have been so far laid out on this thread?  Everyone of them lacks observational evidence, and is instead a desperate plea designed to hold on to this impassioned belief in a spinning ball that none of you have ever even observed or experienced.

    I offer my own eyewitness and photo of a moon being eclipsed from top to bottom, you offer condescending snark.

    I offer my own eyewitness and photo of a full moon in bright daylight, you offer tripe.

    I offer Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still in the sky, you offer scriptural gymnastics.


    I’m curious why you haven’t provided a single proof that the earth is a spinning ball flying through a near-infinite vacuum… or even a direct and honest answer as to why you believe that far fetched notion in the first place.


    Nick: It would be exciting if you were telling us of the amazing work the Holy Spirit was doing through you.

    Healings, deliverances, baptisms etc.


    Flat earth has to be the ultimate in sidetracks.

    Spoken like a man who is beginning to realize that his ball is going to be taken away – like it or not – and the only thing he can think of to stop it is to change the subject and hope the ball thief forgets all about it and moves on to something else.  🙂

    Nick, why can I see a full moon in the middle of the day?


    Hi Mike,

    No it sad to see a man who seemed to want to progress the kingdom

    wasting his energy trying convince others he is right about something less relevant.




    Next up, the Michelson-Morley experiment to test for the alleged motion of the earth.  This one is intense, and will bring us right smack in the middle of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity… which was developed as a direct answer to their experiments.  I will go a little more in depth on this one, as it is a lot of priceless information.  So until tomorrow, cheers.


    The sun-worshipping heliocentric model has everything to do with the Kingdom of God, and His right to rule over His own creation.  But if you can’t even offer a reason why we can all see full moons in the daytime, how will you be able to accept the much deeper things I’m going to show you about the god of this age, and how he’s been running this earth for quite a while already?  Christians are dropping away from the faith in alarming numbers, Nick.  They are doing so because they’ve been led to believe they are insignificant pond scum that dwell on an insignificant rock in the midst of trillions of others just like it.  They’re being led to believe that our world was an accident of nature, life was an accident of nature, and God is just a silly mythological superstition made up by ignorant goat herders eons ago.  Why adhere to moral values or value life when we’re all just big accidents and a plague on the “planet” anyway?  Abortion, eugenics, assisted suicide… do these things ring a bell to you?  They all stem from the same Big Bang heliocentric model, Nick.  You don’t see it yet, but if I am successful, you will.

    Have a good day.  I’m off to dinner with my son, who turned 17 yesterday.  He’s quite a bit bigger now than he is in my avatar.  🙂


    Hi Mike,

    If it is obvious  to you we do not understand what science is

    why do you bombard us with your version of it?



    Hi Mike,

    We do not need evidence that God exists so stop worrying.

    We know Him and enjoy the harmony and order of His creation.



    Woah Mike, your son is 17 already? My youngest is 13 now.

    But that is a good question. Why can we see the moon in the daytime. Isn’t it supposed to be on the other side of the globe by then.



    Hi Mike,

    Yes this might be fertile ground to plant your seeds.

    Believers are a special breed and can be naive and just like children,

    till the Spirit of Christ becomes their teacher and they learn to ignore the voice of strangers.


    Hi Nick. Was that post referring to me?


    Hi Miia,

    No way.


    Ok Nick.


    Hi Miia,

    Paul expressed similar concerns in Gal4.19

    We are told to be as little children to enter the kingdom.

    Then advised to be as gentle as doves and as cunning as serpents.

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