A message from a physicist and a message from a flat earther


I am a physicist and it comes naturally to me that all planets are spheres mainly because of gravity.

The gravity of a planet is directly proportional to the planet’s mass and inversely proportional to the planet’s radius.

Gravity can be calculated 6.67*10^-11(planet mass/planet radius^2).

This also means that, according to Newton, the earth’s rotation does not have a particularly large effect on gravity.

The sun has the greatest gravitational force in our solar system, approx. 247N/kg or 247 m/s^2, which means that if you fall one meter on the sun, you will hit the “ground” with a speed of 247 m/s. Similarly, 1 kg on the Sun will be 247N, while on Earth 1 kg will only be 9.81N.

We have formulas to calculate the curvature of the earth, and these are very accurate.

Why do some people think the earth is flat? When all scientific findings indicate that all planets are spheres?
All scientific sources on the shape of the plates are available to anyone. Flat earth documentation is not available, logically enough because it doesn’t exist. As a physicist, I must be able to explain observations and natural phenomena through mathematics and scientific models. This is exactly what makes physics so exciting!

A model must be able to explain all phenomena and observations, you can do that on a sphere. On a flat earth it is not possible, so above all one does not use false values.

The globe rotates 360 degrees/24 hours. Our solar system is moving at 600,000m/s towards the center of the Milky Way where there is a gigantic hole with an enormous gravitational force. Since the acceleration is constant, we do not  notice any of this, so Newton’s second law is fulfilled.

If, on the other hand, the earth’s rotation increased or decreased, we would notice it because Newton’s second law will no longer be fulfilled.

I love my subject and am happy to answer questions, but do not respond to sarcasm.

– Physicist

Flat Earther

The earth is flat because I rolled a marble on a table and it disappeared bottom up. Although when I moved my head up a little to be level with the table, it didn’t do that for some reason.

I brought a small boat back into view that was too small to see, although I can’t bring the sun back for some reason.

The bible teaches the world is flat, although I cannot find one verse that teaches this.

The flat earth map is accurate and explains observation, although it doubles and triples distances in the southern hemisphere for some reason. But the southern hemisphere kind of doesn’t matter.

The globe earth conspiracy means millions are in on the secret, yet not one person has leaked the truth despite the anonymity of Wikileaks etc for some strange reason,

The flat earth is hidden from the populace because it proves that God exists. Although the scientific view proves an eternal God because the cosmos is so finely tuned for our existence, that the odds of it being random are greater than 1 in a number bigger than all the atoms of the universe. Further it does demonstrate the eternal nature of God, but it is just too big to give God the glory if you have a simple mind. The pizza model and dome on top which BTW to keeps the pizza warm and contained makes it easier to see that there is a God, although not a very impressive one.

– Flat Earther

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    Which piece of evidence can you personally verify? Just list one.

    I can neither prove the Earth is a sphere or a flat disc on my own. What I do have like everyone else is the weight of indirect evidence.

    I posted a couple of videos showing the Antarctica and a base there. I posted some personal photos of the Antarctic Centre and Airport wing in Christchurch Airport, basically the launch pad for Antarctica. When I watch the New Zealand news, not a month goes by without some story on the Antarctic often accompanied with video footage of the frozen continent. There is also the current or recent flights to the Antarctic by Qantas and the historic flights of Air New Zealand. These are ordinary citizens like you and me who take these flights. That’s just the Antarctic. I could list out heaps of stuff for a spherical Earth like private companies here in NZ and other parts of the world that launch stuff into space etc. I mean, where does one begin.


    Hi T8,

    When you deal with zealotry you need to expect the calm rejection of commonsense and of all evidence to the contrary.

    Their mission is based on their sure knowledge they cannot be wrong. Their foundation is laid.

    Like Christianity but without the empowerment of the Spirit.


    A Christian astronaut’s addresses the shape of the earth.


    This is not absolute proof Mike, because this can be faked. But ask yourself why fake this?
    And these tests could easily be replicated by Flat Earthers. This would be the perfect video to debunk for them, surely.


    Mike, while you offer some videos as proof of a flat Earth, I can post videos as proof of a spherical Earth.


    The video above pointed me to this website for the calculation. See the video about this calculation method if you have any questions.


    I ran the stats through this site to see the result, but I don’t understand how to use it and haven’t got time to focus on it and learn what it all means.

    Can someone tell me how much of the mountain is suppose to be hidden? Is it 4855.64 m?

    Here are the stats:

    Earth’s Curve Horizon, Bulge, Drop, and Hidden Calculator
    Distance in Kilometers: 305

    Viewer height in Meters: 248

    Imperial Metric Advanced

    Distance = 305 km (305000 m), View Height = 248 meters Radius = 6371 km (6371000 m)

    Results ignoring refraction
    Horizon = 56.21 km (56214.57 m)
    Bulge = 1.83 km (1825.43 m)
    Drop = 7.3 km (7304.85 m)
    Hidden= 4.86 km (4855.64 m)
    Horizon Dip = 0.506 Degrees, (0.0088 Radians)

    With Standard Refraction 7/6*r, radius = 7432.83 km (7432833.33 m)
    Refracted Horizon = 60.72 km (60718.59 m)
    Refracted Drop= 6.26 km (6260.34 m)
    Refracted Hidden= 4.01 km (4013.09 m)
    Refracted Dip = 0.468 Degrees, (0.0082 Radians)


    I took this video of the moon on 4 Dec 2017.

    My question is this, if the moon looks like that, why can’t the Earth look a similar shape from the moon?


    Hi T8,

    Have you never wondered why you cannot see the other side of the moon?

    It should be obvious to you that it is actually a disc.

    If you squint you can see the wall.


    Hi just to say I have been reading so far with interest, and watching the videos and thinking thinking thinking, just can’t reply atm.




    Anyone else spotted the American flags on top of the wall?


    10 Things That Would Happen If The Earth Was FLAT

    One of the points mentioned is we would see different sides of the moon if the Earth was flat. That is, I see this face and the other side of the flat earth would see a different side of the moon. But the reality is, we always see the same side. Not possible in a flat earth right?


    Hi Mike.

    Hey miia, thank you not only for the very logical question, but for the honest, truth-seeking way in which you asked it – as opposed to some here whose questions are really more akin to, “Oh yeah, smart guy? Well then what about THIS? And what about THAT? Hmm? Can’t answer those, can you? I can’t believe you’ve bought into this nonsense! Lol!”

    Of course I usually just laugh people like that off, because if they’re not being unnecessarily condescending and smug, they are spouting fancy scientific jargon and theories that they’ve HEARD other people talk about before – but don’t actually know anything about those things themselves.

    I agree.

    As Einstein said “The important thing is to never stop questioning.”

    Or as my avatar says “I’ve always been someone who looks too deep into something or someone. That’s because I realised from a young age that there’s always more than meets the eye.” (unknown).

    and how He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. Do you remember me and JustAskin going at each other like rabid dogs over whether or not God and angels have physical bodies? 🙂 Well I still believe they do. I believe God has a literal physical form, and a literal throne from which He rules.


    The most popular flat earth model is the one you see on the United Nations flag. It is called the azimuthal equidistant projection, or more commonly the AE map.

    Similar to this weather satelite?


    Here is a flat earth map I found too:

    (Orlando Ferguson flat earth map if the picture’s too small)


    Hey I was at my parents and discussing this theory, which my dad has said all along. And mum had a small globe of the earth and it broke off its axis when my son pointed to something. Sign? lol.

    Really though. I feel there is something in this. Not sure what. But there’s something in this.


    This is what I find the most interesting:

    And the theory of the motive behind a possible conspiracy!


    Hey LU, I saw that video of the Christian who went to space, but quickly discounted it because anyone can claim to be a Christian (you must have googled the same as me: Christian astronauts).

    I also mentioned this topic to my oldest son, and he told me to watch Felix someoneorrather, for the curvature. Felix was a guy who wanted to break the record for the highest jump.

    And that was his opinion. But I’m sure they will be thinking about this now, tehe.



    Mike….why not try the laser test, and you will find that on water a beam will move 6ft higher in three miles, because the earth is droping down as a leveled laser beam goes straight out from it’s scource. The experment LU posted here is also apsolute proof, of curvature of the earth also.

    The satilite picture also are proofs, notice the land never apears in the same place on the photos, why,because the earth is spining on it’s axes, they also have satilites that take pictures of the earths 360 degree spins, showing different land mass all around the earth as it spins.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Mike….I think our little “shimmer”, Miia, has some good points, it certanily is not a shame to question all things, and i respect you for that, and i think as you unbiasly seek it out and as smart as you and T8 are you guys will put it together soon with God’s help. I like your challenges it helps dig in on things more. Thanks

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    Perhaps I should state that the sky is not blue but burgundy.

    All your beliefs are due to conditioning.


    Prove me wrong.


    Gene, I am seeing a different side of you. Hard to believe it is the same guy. I’m impressed a bit. Lol.


    Hi miia,

    I was glad to see that parachute open…wow! Anyway, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt especially when they boldly declare their faith in the LORD. Not only is the astronaut a Christian declaring his faith but also lived on the space station and sailed the seas in the navy. He must be courageous to be in the Navy for 30 years and faithful to serve his country for that long. He must be very smart to be an astronaut. He explained why there has to be a sphere and about orbitting it. This is not my specialty to know this stuff. My hats off to this guy in the video. Plus he has his family at the Creation Museum and the Ark exhibit. I discern in my spirit that he is not spreading a conspiracy of any kind.

    I’m going with the many astronauts on this debate.

    Take care,


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