Is the virus natural or manufactured?

The following documentary makes the case that Coronavirus is man-made. Is this the truth or not. You be the judge. It is worth noting that this film is banned on the major tech networks so you will only find it on alternative platforms like BitChute.

Note: I have been careful to not mention this documentary by name because it would likely lead to the site suffering a penalty is search. To be honest, I am concerned at the current title too. I will see what happens.

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  • #929725

    Coronavirus is God’s judgment on China’s widespread cruelty towards animals. If you don’t eat meat you are immune. Wait and see.

    Hi Miia.

    We waited. But didn’t see.


    Docs Show Government Paid 100+ Media Outlets to Advertise Vaccines


    Natural immunity was ignored

    Djokovic for example was as immune as a vaccinated person.

    I guess there is no money in natural immunity.


    I’m part way through this video. So I am not endorsing it. I post it for evaluation purposes. The title of the video is interesting to me as it describes a vision I had which is related to 2020 and beyond.


    I just watched it. Mind blowing! It’s almost too far fetched to even believe, but the facts align with reality. 😳😳😳


    It does match with two visions I had many years ago. The main points of the two dreams were NZ,  China, 2020, and water.

    Invasion of New Zealand


    Watch the water:  just saw that on FB. Quite mind blowing.

    Proclaimer, regarding my statement on meat (I see above): I still haven’t caught covid (yet) even though I have been exposed to it multiple times (including puffing on my sons vape device the day he was diagnosed as a strong positive a month ago). Just saying. None of us in my home who don’t eat meat have caught it. My oldest son works with youth, and everyone at his workplace caught it but him.



    My family hasn’t caught Covid yet  except one son. Pretty sure he got it despite getting 2 negatives. He never gets ill and suffered for over a week. His PCR test might have been too early to read positive and RAT tests came available near the end of his isolation, so might have been too late to read positive.

    If it was Covid then miraculously, we never caught it from him despite being in the same car as him and other close contacts before he isolated.

    If it wasn’t Covid then something else as nasty. None of us are vegetarian.


    Hi Proclaimer.

    So my son who did have covid (the strong positive): I gave him my secret stash of treatment and it cured him immediately. He spent the rest of his week in isolation bored out of his mind lol, 100% fine and definitely no long covid.

    That is: quercetin, vit c, zinc, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and Naproxen (sold as sonaflam – a safer but more expensive NSAID).


    (Quercetin is a natural alternative to the banned Ivermectin… I have bottles of it in storage).


    Did you buy this in NZ?


    Proclaimer, Yes. I brought it off a Trade Me pharmacy. Prices went up quite high though.


    Some people are now arguing against the venom theory.  But it hit home for me when I remembered that “smokers” were among those who were EXEMPT from the mandatory vaccines in America.  Why exempt smokers?  And why were smokers only 5% of the hospitalized for a RESPIRATORY illness?

    Perhaps the ones pushing this poison/venom shot on everyone were like, “Let’s exempt smokers.  Why waste good venom on people it won’t even affect?”

    Anyway, I’m sure more info (for both sides of the argument) will be forthcoming.


    Posting this to watch later


    The Vitamin D Paradox in COVID-19 and Why It Predicts But Doesn’t Always Protect

    Melatonin is the key.

    1. Good sleep at night and the Pineal Gland will create Melatonin.
    2. Go outside in the day and the sun will expose you to NIR (Near Infrared) which produces Melatonin.

    Melatonin helps with good oxidation and anti-oxidants protect cells.  Covid takes advantage of pro-oxidants because they damage your cells. This partially explains why the US with 4% of the world’s population was well above that number with Covid deaths. Many who live in highly industrialized nations stay indoors at home and work. When they go outside, they sit inside a car. So we need to go outside more and be exposed to the sun.



    Forgot to say – Neem leaf is what I use to protect against covid, many people are doing the same. Just a feeling I’ve had and I love the taste of Neem (I was using capsules but have recently purchased the ground powder to use as a tea). I’ve been using it for months.

    Can’t be used by people trying to conceive though! It’s also used a a birth control (pretty much kills anything).

    Heals the liver, lungs etc also, so could be good for long covid. I think they are just now doing studies on it.


    I have been following this page since the beginning:


    Watch the water: just saw that on FB. Quite mind blowing.

    Proclaimer, regarding my statement on meat (I see above): I still haven’t caught covid (yet) even though I have been exposed to it multiple times (including puffing on my sons vape device the day he was diagnosed as a strong positive a month ago). Just saying. None of us in my home who don’t eat meat have caught it. My oldest son works with youth, and everyone at his workplace caught it but him.

    Hi Sis Karmarie, COVID nothing do with our food whether it is Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian. Most of our Indians are pure vegetarians but were affected by COVID and few of them even succumbed to it during second wave in 2021.


    Hi Sis Karmarie, COVID nothing do with our food whether it is Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian. Most of our Indians are pure vegetarians but were affected by COVID and few of them even succumbed to it during second wave in 2021.

    Hi bro Adam. That’s a good point.

    Do they eat fish out of curiosity?




    Nope sis, they are pure vegetarians here in India from their birth due to their religious and community background.

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