Flat Earthers gather in New Zealand

Flat Earthers hold a conference in Auckland, with speakers from around the globe.

Flat Earth celebrities have flown across the globe to speak at the Flat Earth Expo in Auckland, New Zealand. Flat Earthers believe that we live on a flat plane rather than the accepted globe model. Flat Earthers also believe that most evidence to the contrary is controlled by a giant conspiracy of which NASA is at the forefront.

The Flat Earth model has the north pole in the centre of a flat circular disc and the South Pole as not existing at all. Instead, they believe that Antarctica is a giant encircling ice wall that hems in the world’s oceans. They point out that nearly all of us have never visited Antarctica, thus we rely on the testimony of a few who claim to have visited the frozen continent, and who are mostly lying to us and are part of the conspiracy. Flat Earthers are quick to point out that it is illegal to visit Antarctica. Whether this is true or not, the fact is, it is illegal to do a number of things in any protected wilderness areas of the world of which Antarctica is a special one.

This conference in Auckland comes with a huge opportunity. Flat Earthers flying to New Zealand from the Northern Hemisphere have a unique opportunity to prove to themselves that the Earth is not flat and instead the mostly accepted globe. They only need to travel via South America to New Zealand and note the hours spent getting there will be way less than their Flat Earth model would have you believe. You see, the Flat Earth disc with no south pole has New Zealand, Australia, South America, and Africa many times apart in distance from each other as the globe suggests, simply because, instead of reducing down to a single point we call the South Pole, the area of land in the Southern Hemisphere expands out to the giant ice wall circumference of the whole disc. This projection is similar to how we view Canada, Russia, or even Antarctica on most world maps where they are many times larger on these maps than they are in reality . This is because maps have difficulty projecting a 3D globe onto their 2D canvas. In essence, the Flat Earth model is a 2D construct as it is a flat surface albeit disc shape, so it has the Southern Hemisphere as being much larger in area than it really is.

Sitting in an isolated spot in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand gives these Flat Earthers travelling to Auckland the unique opportunity to debunk their own belief. But how many will actually test this out? I am thinking perhaps a few, but most of these guys will just be looking forward to rubbing shoulders with their Flat Earth brothers when they get here and on-route looking out toward the flat horizon because they are simply not flying high enough to see the curve.

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  • #944780
    Danny Dabbs



    Lol. All the evidence against your belief and teaching, yet no answers from you. All you do is close your eyes and post a meaningless meme that proves nothing because the bible translates firmament as ‘sky’.

    It is one thing to be caught in a lie and repent, but it is quite another to perpetuate the lie and hide all truth that exposes your lie. Truth is light in the darkness and you reject truth when it is presented to you.

    This is the verdict @dannyd:

    Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

    Danny Dabbs



    Easily explained. The firmament is the heavens or sky and bibles translate it as such. The word is ‘RAKIAH’ just means ‘an expanse’. It doesn’t say that there is a glass dome over a flat earth. Lol. Stop clinging to lies @dannyd.


    Another launch from NZ near where I live

    Enjoy the view of the beautiful God created globe that we live on.

    Now show me a similar video of the flat earth.


    Flag on the moon too small to see from earth


    Strong headwinds cause flights to fly over Antarctica

    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Proclaimer,

    It is hard to admit but I’m no longer sure if we live on a flat earth.
    I accused you of being a coward but the truth is that I am the coward.
    I simply cannot answer many of your objections.
    So I did ignore your questions and hide behind some memes.
    That’s cowardliness.
    I apologize for accusing you of many things.
    The truth is that I was all those things.
    But no more. No more dishonesty.
    I want the truth about the shape of our earth.

    God bless



    Hey Danny, I totally respect the honesty you have shown in your last post. It is rare these days for someone to admit they may be wrong. All the best going forward man. I pray God shows us both the light of truth about not just where we live, but in all things. For now, I will continue to post other points about the flat earth for the benefits of other readers. So the posts are no longer aimed at you.

    God bless.


    Star trails debunk Flat Earth

    Not only do stars rotate in opposite directions in each hemisphere which is only possible on a globe, but the stars paths are always circular no matter where on Earth you take a video or delayed photo. But on a flat Earth, you would get ellipses as you move away from the north pole, but that doesn’t match observation.


    The Erdapfel


    The globe was not invented by NASA. Not even close.

    The Erdapfel, which means ‘earth apple’ in German, was crafted by Martin Behaim between 1490 and 1492. This globe is renowned as the most ancient extant terrestrial sphere. It’s fashioned from two halves of a linen ball that are laminated, fortified with wood, and adorned with a map skillfully painted on gores by Georg Glockendon. The map itself was originally drawn on paper and then affixed to a layer of parchment encircling the globe. Notably, the Americas are absent from this depiction since Columbus did not return to Spain until at least March 1493.


    Danny Dabbs

    Thanks Proclaimer

    God bless.


    Flat Earth Logic Means Multiple Local Suns



    Flat earthers say that the North Pole is at the center of the dome, and magnetic north is approximately there too. However, the question arises: where can we locate the South Pole? After all, you can’t have a magnetic north without a corresponding magnetic south (a concept familiar to most from our school days). So, the precise location of the South Pole on the flat earth is nowhere or the whole circumference of the ice wall. This doesn’t match reality.


    Flatland doesn’t work

    Time to align with truth.


    Flatland fails mightily, especially when it comes to the Southern Hemisphere.





    Reality doesn’t work on a flat earth



    Some flat earthers cannot read their bible properly


    Humans start with flat and then progress to curves

    Posting this to watch later. Looks good so far, but can’t vouch for that once I have watched the whole thing.

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