Flat Earthers gather in New Zealand

Flat Earthers hold a conference in Auckland, with speakers from around the globe.

Flat Earth celebrities have flown across the globe to speak at the Flat Earth Expo in Auckland, New Zealand. Flat Earthers believe that we live on a flat plane rather than the accepted globe model. Flat Earthers also believe that most evidence to the contrary is controlled by a giant conspiracy of which NASA is at the forefront.

The Flat Earth model has the north pole in the centre of a flat circular disc and the South Pole as not existing at all. Instead, they believe that Antarctica is a giant encircling ice wall that hems in the world’s oceans. They point out that nearly all of us have never visited Antarctica, thus we rely on the testimony of a few who claim to have visited the frozen continent, and who are mostly lying to us and are part of the conspiracy. Flat Earthers are quick to point out that it is illegal to visit Antarctica. Whether this is true or not, the fact is, it is illegal to do a number of things in any protected wilderness areas of the world of which Antarctica is a special one.

This conference in Auckland comes with a huge opportunity. Flat Earthers flying to New Zealand from the Northern Hemisphere have a unique opportunity to prove to themselves that the Earth is not flat and instead the mostly accepted globe. They only need to travel via South America to New Zealand and note the hours spent getting there will be way less than their Flat Earth model would have you believe. You see, the Flat Earth disc with no south pole has New Zealand, Australia, South America, and Africa many times apart in distance from each other as the globe suggests, simply because, instead of reducing down to a single point we call the South Pole, the area of land in the Southern Hemisphere expands out to the giant ice wall circumference of the whole disc. This projection is similar to how we view Canada, Russia, or even Antarctica on most world maps where they are many times larger on these maps than they are in reality . This is because maps have difficulty projecting a 3D globe onto their 2D canvas. In essence, the Flat Earth model is a 2D construct as it is a flat surface albeit disc shape, so it has the Southern Hemisphere as being much larger in area than it really is.

Sitting in an isolated spot in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand gives these Flat Earthers travelling to Auckland the unique opportunity to debunk their own belief. But how many will actually test this out? I am thinking perhaps a few, but most of these guys will just be looking forward to rubbing shoulders with their Flat Earth brothers when they get here and on-route looking out toward the flat horizon because they are simply not flying high enough to see the curve.

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  • #944065
    Danny Dabbs




    When driving through the countryside, you’ll notice the trees on the roadside whizzing by, while structures in the distance move slowly, and mountains that are far away hardly seem to move at all. The stars, on the other hand, are incredibly distant, but they are huge too, so they are not only visible, but also seem stationary like distant mountains. Yet we know those mountains are not still compared to our movement, so the same for stars but all the more.


    Flat Earthers can’t explain it. Lol.

    This red area is a void. Once the flight hits the red space it magically teleports to the other side making the travel time and distance match what we see in reality. Otherwise the flight is impossible on a flat earth. Please explain this anomaly @dannyd. If you cannot, then another piece of evidence to support the notion that you are peddling lies.





    More flat earth absurdity






    Danny Dabbs


    Danny Dabbs




    Three easy to understand points for you to consider:

    1. While many satellites regularly take pictures of the Earth, most of them are in a low orbit that’s too close to show the whole planet at once. It’s like trying to take a selfie with your phone right next to your nose. So they are often the result of many images stitched together.
    2. Knowing this, it explains why you might see repetition in the clouds and storms because they move and images are taken at different times.
    3. Finally, you see in one image that North America looks bigger in the first image compared with the last. This is the result of differing heights above the earth. You can demonstrate this with a desktop globe. You can zoom in and still see a ball, and the features appear bigger. What you don’t notice is that some of the ball is outside your view because you are too close to see it.



    How To Debunk Flat Earth With Your Camera

    This video demonstrates how to create astro-timelapses and star trail animations that showcases the Earth’s rotation and debunks certain flat earth notions.



    The Flat Earth model holds that the sun does not go DOWN as the bible states

    The sun comes up and the sun goes down, then does it again, and again – the same old round. The wind blows south, the wind blows north. Around and around and around it blows, blowing this way, then that – the whirling, erratic wind – Ecclesiastes 1:5-6 .

    If the earth were flat, the condition below would be impossible. Clearly, the sun is going down as the bible states that it does. The image shows us that the sun is low enough to cast a shadow of this volcanic peak.


    If you cannot explain this @dannyd, then you need to consider that you have been believing and teaching a lie. Repentance should be your response.



    Hey dabber. This is like you right?



    Flat Earthers deny Science and the Bible



    Flat Earther Claims Checkmate!


    Flat Earth Teaching is a bunch of lies. Lies are not of God.

    No maths, no physics, no geometry. Just simple observations. You just need your eyes. Remember that millions (if not billions) of people see this at the same time.

    How can people in Europe or North America see the moon as it is on the left, and people in Australia see the moon as it is on the right. How is that possible on a flat earth? It isn’t. But a globe explains it perfectly.



    When flerfs are confronted with truths like this, they ignore it because they prefer the lie.

    Go ahead and explain the following. Flerfs can’t. So they ignore it instead of admit the truth because they prefer the darkness of a lie than the light that truth give us.

    Why does the flight from Sydney to Los Angeles, take LONGER (both in time and distance) than a flight from Sydney to Santiago Chile?

    Why does the circular route, (over water on the Flat Earth illustration) Santiago Chile to Sydney Australia, take LESS time than the straight route?

    Two pertinent questions that flat earth liars ignore.



    @dannyd, are these rays parallel?



    To flat earthers

    Here is what people think of flerfs

    They consider you the laughing stock.

    That’s fine I guess. But don’t bring the bible into your foolish theories.

    It brings God and the truth of scripture into disrepute in the minds of men.

    Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves.

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