Did Jesus quote the Book of Enoch?

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  • #228847

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 15 2010,16:06)
    Hey Shimmer,

    Did you read what I learned from the book of Enoch?  I posted it in the “Nephilim” thread I think.


    Hi Mike. I couldn't find anything in that thread. Are you sure it's that one? I'll have another look.


    Hi Shimmer,

    I brought it over here for you.

    Hi Shimmer,

    That is wild about the mules, huh?  Who knows?  And I'm going to read Enoch sometime.  I read a couple of chapters at Ed's urging, and came across something interesting.

    You know how Moses told God he didn't want to speak to Pharaoh because he was “uncircumcised of toungue”?  Enoch tells of an angel touching Moses' lips with a hot coal when he was a child to save his life.  And he ended up with a deformed mouth after that.  Cool, huh?  After all, it was men who decided what went in the canon and what didn't, right?  Whose to say we can't learn much from Enoch?  Jude quotes him, and I think Paul mentions him too.  It seems his book was regularly read and believed in Biblical times.

    Oh, I almost forgot.  Moses was actually being saved by the angel……….FROM BALAAM OF PEOR.  That's the guy that gave the Israelites a blessing from God instead of the curse that Balaak paid him to put on them.  I had always wondered why they speak poorly of him in the NT, when scripture doesn't say anything except that he blessed them instead of cursing them.  But in that chapter I read of Enoch, he was the one trying to have Pharoah kill the baby Moses.  So adding that info, the harsh words about him in the NT started to make sense.

    Anyway, thanks for the info.  Maybe we'll both read Enoch and discuss it someday.

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 16 2010,11:44)
    Hi Shimmer,

    I brought it over here for you.

    Hi Shimmer,

    That is wild about the mules, huh?  Who knows?  And I'm going to read Enoch sometime.  I read a couple of chapters at Ed's urging, and came across something interesting.

    You know how Moses told God he didn't want to speak to Pharaoh because he was “uncircumcised of toungue”?  Enoch tells of an angel touching Moses' lips with a hot coal when he was a child to save his life.  And he ended up with a deformed mouth after that.  Cool, huh?  After all, it was men who decided what went in the canon and what didn't, right?  Whose to say we can't learn much from Enoch?  Jude quotes him, and I think Paul mentions him too.  It seems his book was regularly read and believed in Biblical times.

    Oh, I almost forgot.  Moses was actually being saved by the angel……….FROM BALAAM OF PEOR.  That's the guy that gave the Israelites a blessing from God instead of the curse that Balaak paid him to put on them.  I had always wondered why they speak poorly of him in the NT, when scripture doesn't say anything except that he blessed them instead of cursing them.  But in that chapter I read of Enoch, he was the one trying to have Pharoah kill the baby Moses.  So adding that info, the harsh words about him in the NT started to make sense.

    Anyway, thanks for the info.  Maybe we'll both read Enoch and discuss it someday.

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike, Cool. That is interesting.

    I read all of Enoch years ago. I might read it again sometime soon.

    Theres a bit in it about Jesus too. I'll try and find it.

    The thing in the other thread about the RH negatives and Nephillim, it is quite unreal.


    I know! Trippy! :)

    I think Pierre is mad at me about the Nephilim topic. I can see what he thinks and why he thinks it, but without a scripture that says God forbid angels from mating with humans after the flood, I'll remain undecided.


    OK Mike. Well, if I find out more, if I read Enoch again, I will post it here. Whatever I find out.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 16 2010,09:44)
    Hi Shimmer,

    I read a couple of chapters at Ed's urging…

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    Were you referring to Chapter 14 and Chapter 40? (Click Here)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    were can i get a copy of this book on enoch i would like to have a copy of it i injoy reading it but was very hard on my neck reading it on the pc i broke my neck and holden it up that long to read . thanks harvey hill


    Could buy one from Amazon.

    Karyn Dickson

    Please send me more information. Thanks


    All content here is digital and distributed through the Internet. Feel free to ask questions though.

    Timothy of Britannia

    Hello, I am glad this is posted on the internet.

    I am a Christian but not a mainstream one as I don’t believe homosexuality is a sin. So this is really incredible, I have been reading this for months now and I am completely amazed by it, it really is a revelation to mankind. Some mainstream Christians tell me that the sin of Sodom is homosexuality not the lust of men of sodom for the two angels who visited Lot and his family, I explained them everything and I even used this book of Enoch since it has a reference of angels-humans sexual relationship. Thank you again, and God bless you.


    Quote from the page
    The famous book by the Russian scientist! The most amazing study of our Calendar ever published! You will read about something really incredible! For the first time in our history, the Message left by an ancient advanced civilization has been discovered!
    The story of the Message begins with the events described in the ancient Book of Enoch. This book was banned, lost and forgotten for a thousand years. The Book of Enoch talks about “Two hundred angels, the children of heaven”, who descended to earth. They explained the calendar to Enoch, which he recorded, “but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come”. What was hidden in the calendar for future generations? Vladimir Pakhomov has found this information!
    Page by page and chapter by chapter, the author takes us through a keen analysis of our ancient calendar to discover the amazing lost history of our race. We are led to understand the intelligence and ingenuity of those who found the means to communicate over the millennia. Vladimir Pakhomov has deciphered this ancient cryptogram and he has called it – “The Message to the Unborn”. In this eBook, the author begins to acquaint you with this message that was left to us many thousands of years ago by a civilization much more advanced than ours. This book is the key to our search for an ancient extra terrestrial Intelligence.
    You can check all these facts without leaving your computer.


    One can’t understand the evolution of the NT without understanding the Scrolls of Enoch. The NT is based as much on Enoch as on the LXX. (It isn’t based on the Hebrew scriptures at all because it was written by Alexandrians).


    Really its a worth studies of our hidden Biblical Truth !


    Message of the Watchers, Book of Enoch, Calendar
    (mathematical analysis)
    The Message of the Watchers was decrypted!


    I’m more than a little overwhelmed at the light these writings shed on the scriptures. I wonder why it was not considered inspired by the Council of Nicea. At any rate, it has answered a lot of questions for me concerning how people knew about astronomy, astrology, when to plant, when to harvest, what to plant, what not to eat, herbal medicine, drug use (sorcery), and much more. Considering the short history of human presence, it is clear that mathematics, science, etc., could not have been “figured out” by such uneducated men. But, most importantly, the line of Christ was protected, and all of the scriptures concerning sin v. righteousness are in direct agreement with the scriptures, including Christ. I didn’t see anything that was in conflict with the scriptures. I’m going to study it closer, but those are my first impressions.


    No one be deceived about homosexuality. Homosexuals are those who when a woman lies with a woman and where a man lies with a man. In this course of time, higher order beings inclined themselves to lay with the women of the earth, and they caused many to be defiled and caused confusion and shame. There should be no effeminacy or even the appearance of it or the joking of it. No man should lay with another man. No woman should lay with another woman. This is all perverse and unlike what God, the Lord of Hosts has envisioned for His own vision of mankind. God lacks no provisions and Strength to break the chains of homosexuality. In His Right Arm, there is the power to break, to loose, and to destroy. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and He will return again and again completely destroy homosexuality from the face of the whole earth. He will do according to the Council of His own will until all peoples everywhere come into the inclusion of His power and are turned within to openly repent for their wickedness and the unlawful toleration of that which is considered perverse in the eyes of the Lord of Hosts.


    Hi Rachel.

    I agree with you, jerusalem as of today is also seen by God as
    Sodom and Egypt,rev 11:8.

    I have seen someone on Tb joshua; (scoan)(synagogue church of all nations).
    A gay person,the demon inside him cast out,and he has no more
    feelings for men,he was cured. All of them are possessed by demons but dont know it.
    Most of them are doing well in this world;because they are of this world.If one is not of this world,he is put in a corner.
    Enoch is a witness of the old world,and I enjoy reading it.




    it seems to me that those people homosexuals and lesbians are not possessed by demon perhaps some of the worst kind ,but it is the pursued of the way of the flesh that make them do what they do ,within themselves they have rejected God and so God as given them the illusion of the devil lie,



    The scriptures does not evolve.
    God is the same yesterday,today,and forever.

    Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.


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