The Bible in the Oval Office

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  • #848536

    Hi t8,

    I watched a few videos the other day of Kim Clement, they brought a seriously bad taste to my mouth.  Clement prophesied that the rapper Eminem and also Steven King would in the year 2006 be raised up by the LORD to be a voice for the LORD, this guy is a sick joke. He is a man who is nothing but delusional and false. I find Kim, hands down, to be SERIOUSLY CREEPY.

    Likewise the first video you posted is of a man said to give prophecy of Trump who is supported by a husband and wife that are all about selling products to keep you looking young. Also this man and his wife are all part of the televangelist world, John Hagee and Joyce Meyer, which they make me want to vomit, as they are nothing but hypocrites and liars to the word of God.

    Paula White, as said prior, is Trump’s spiritual adviser, that also is SERIOUSLY CREEPY.






    Is Trump seriously creepy too?



    According to rap’s and religion’s insiders, Eminem has “turned his life over to Christ,” and is “building a relationship with God and using that to help him spiritually, and with his addiction problems.” It is impossible to know, with any accuracy, the truth about Mathers’s spiritual journey.



    Stephen King

    King might have had a conversion too. I do not know for sure, but would be great if true. He certainly appears to believe in God now if the stories reporting this are to be believed.


    Likewise the first video you posted is of a man said to give prophecy of Trump who is supported by a husband and wife that are all about selling products to keep you looking young.

    They are working. Why are you so judgmental? What do you do for a living? Are you better than them because of your job?


    Also this man and his wife are all part of the televangelist world…

    Were they making appearances before the vision or did they get appearances because of the visions. If the latter, getting the message out is what was likely important to them. Appearing on a television show is not how you judge a message and never will be the way to judge a message.


    How t8,

    I’m sorry, but I’m not convinced that either Eminem or Steven King were raised up by the LORD to be a voice for the LORD in 2006 that would make me think Kim Clement is a true prophet, that is totally ridiculous to me. Kim Clement says that Pope Francis is God’s chosen. He is a total FAKE. 

    t8, the people you posted worship a false god.

    They are “working”and why am I so judgmental?

    Appearing on “The Jim Bakker Show” earlier this week, conservative activist and pro-Trump “Christian leader” Mary Colbert issued a dire warning to all those who oppose or criticize President Trump. Referring to Trump as “the chosen one of God,” Colbert declared:

    …” if you come against the chosen one of God, you are bringing upon you and your children and your children’s children curses like you have never seen.”

    She gives us further details of her thoughts,

    “It’s not that Donald Trump is all that perfect of a guy. We all know he’s not. And we know that he’s not necessarily perfect in every way that we would like. That’s not how God works. He works through the ones he chooses. We don’t choose them. All we have to do is recognize them and when you recognize a chosen one and you have the discernment to know that they’ve been chosen and know that that’s the will of God, then your life will be blessed. And if you come against the chosen one of God, you are bringing upon you and your children and your children’s children curses like you have never seen. It puts a holy fear in me.”

    People who are, or associate closely with televangelists who preach against the True God, all the while taking people’s money, are certainly “working”. The bible tells us to test all spirits, to watch out for false teachers and false prophets. You have posted people who I see as just that, totally false.

    If you want to know what I do for a living it is to support young children who have been neglected and abused, children who are homeless, in foster care, children with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities. My job everyday makes me pray for the return of Christ. 



    Hi t8,

    I see Kim Clement is a total false prophet, have you read what he prophesied concerning the Pope? Eminem and Stephen King were not raised up by the LORD “to be a voice” for the LORD upon 2006.

    t8, the article you posted by the Blaze speaks of theories made all over,

    the article says,

    “After repeated attempts to receive an answer, the publicist offered a brief response when asked if the singer is now a born-again Christian. “He is not,” the message back to TheBlaze read, thus debunking — at least until we hear a response from the rapper himself — the notion that has has personally embraced Jesus Christ’s teachings.

    “Rumors and intriguing theories surrounding Eminem’s faith are nothing new. As USC Annenberg communications professor Marcia Dawkins writes:…” 

    then that is what you posted t8, that which are the intriguing theories.


    From the Hollowverse,

    “In 1999, Eminem revealed that he had become a Christian to justify the lyrical content of his songs, saying he is “down with the Bible.” Apparently, he was contacted by a Reverend Louis Sheldon from The Traditional Values Coalition, who told him that if he became a Bible-loving Christian, it would help him with his public relations woes. Eminem said:

    “By being able to say that I was just stating my ‘Christian religious beliefs’ instead of just personal stuff, they Traditional Values Coalition told me I could say all kinds of shit and no one could touch me about it… And so I read the Bible for the first time and I was down with it. God represents. I mean, God hates faggots and bitches, too… So now, when I sing about hating fags and sluts I can say ‘Hey man, I am talking bout my religious views!’2”

    Clearly, this is joke and puts Eminem in the category of those having no problem with offending the religiously faithful. But he was probably already in that category.

    Seriously, though, Eminem has reported that he has become more religious of late. In 2009 he said, in all seriousness:

    I definitely pray a lot more than I used to. I don’t feel like I’m crazy wacky religious. But I do believe in God, and I do pray.3

    Eminem doesn’t indicate what denomination he adheres to, or even if he prays to the Christian God or the Hindu’s Vishnu–just that he prays. But he’s probably Christian.


    I will say it again, Kim Clement is a false prophet, here he is supposedly speaking the WORD of the LORD, “This year, I will raise up Eminem to be a voice. Conversion shall come to his house — Eminem. This year I will touch Stephen King, and he will write for the Kingdom of God,”

    In 2014 Stephen King gave an interview with Matt Lauer, in that interview it is clear that King believes in a god, in a higher power, but not the God of the bible, Jesus, or the resurrection. He doesn’t believe in an afterlife he says. In 2006 the LORD that year certainly didn’t touch Stephen King. This interview was for King’s new book “Revival”, where “he’s written a sermon delivered by a doubting preacher that compares religion to an insurance scam — and that’s just for starters.” The LORD in the year 2006 did not touch Stephen King moving him to write a book for the kingdom of God.

    If you are a true prophet you don’t collaborate with false teachers. Mary Colbert says that she is a prophet herself and she says “if you don’t believe that Trump was chosen by God than you and your children and your children’s children will be cursed”, seems similar to what Paula White has also said.

    I don’t have a problem with Mary and her husband making money by books and speaking about healthy diet, and food cures, I’m all about that myself actually. But her god is not my God, their faith is far from my faith, thus I wouldn’t be inclined at all to believe in any of her prophecies nor the prophecies of people who associate with her.

    One should pray for God’s will to be done, and as you know and believe in what that will is, a New beginning, a Kingdom to come, your prayer reflects your faith in God and your hearts desire. As Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”.  No matter who the rulers of this world are and the state of their nations at the time of their rule, one thing that I know in my heart is that God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in His Heavenly abode.  



    As far as Trump goes, I believe that he genuinely ran for office because he really wants to “make America great again”, and that he is working hard to try and accomplish that. The level and effort to slander him by the Swamp is CREEPY. With Trump as president they are like a dragon in fear of a fall, wreaking havoc, causing unprecedented division in our nation through mass lies and deceit adding corruption to corruption.


    To all……I believe president Trump,  is doing a good Job, restoring some of the things our country has lost.  But we must all understand that Satan is the underbelly of all the kingdoms of this present world, and all these present kingdoms and Nations are still a product of Babylon and operate accordingly (by and sell for gain) non of these present nations are of the kingdom of God.  So they are all flawed, one way or another.  All will be replaced soon with the return of Jesus .  But I do believe that the United States, England,  Australia,  Canada, New Zealand  and other nations that try to obey God’s laws and truly care about their citizens rights, are the best forms of governments afforded to us at this time. But all theses Governments still have their own sidesite of coruptions in them.

    Pray for the Kingdom of God and his rightiousness.

    Peace and love to you all and yours. ………gene


    Hi Gene,

    Very well put brother, I agree with what you have said!


    At least you are predictable Jodi. I also read that conclusion so you would think based on that, it would be impossible to judge for sure, but you made the judgement without checking out if it was wrong. That is a clear lack of wisdom on your part.

    Your statement that Clement as a creepy false prophet based on that particular prophecy is actually creepy in of itself. My advice, only judge when you are sure and keep quiet when you are not sure. Do you agree?


    But I do believe that the United States, England,  Australia,  Canada, New Zealand  and other nations that try to obey God’s laws and truly care about their citizens rights, are the best forms of governments afforded to us at this time.

    Totally agree.

    But we must all understand that Satan is the underbelly of all the kingdoms of this present world,

    The kingdom of Israel is based on Satan?

    Further, Jodi said that God chooses all kings and leaders, so God is influenced by Satan who is the underbelly?

    I will leave you guys to sort this discrepancy out.

    Ed J

    Here’s another video by the same guy


    Thanks Ed J. I watched it this morning.


    T8…..The ultimate controller of “ALL THINGS” is God himself, make no mistake about that.  Scripture also say he give Leaders and Kings over nations, so all creation serves him, in one way or another, even Satan.  Lets not kid ourselves in whose in “ultimate” control.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………….gene


    Hi t8,

    Gene said:

    “But we must all understand that Satan is the underbelly of all the kingdoms of this present world,”

    Nations are still a product of Babylon and operate accordingly (by and sell for gain) non of these present nations are of the kingdom of God. So they are all flawed, one way or another. All will be replaced soon with the return of Jesus . ”

    t8 said:

    “The kingdom of Israel is based on Satan?”

    “Further, Jodi said that God chooses all kings and leaders, so God is influenced by Satan who is the underbelly?”

    “I will leave you guys to sort this discrepancy out.”

    ME: First off t8, it is NOT what I said, but that which scripture directly tells you, let’s get that straight. 

    Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

    God is not influenced by the adversary that makes kings and leaders sin t8, that is impossible. That which makes men weak and sin, and thus is man’s great adversary, is defined directly in scripture. 

    Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

    t8, ONLY GOD is GOOD, man without God is nothing, without God man is like an ignorant natural brute beast, who perishes in his own corruption. The carnal mind is not subjected to the law, God subjected the carnal mind to mortality, the fear of death, placing it in bondage, where by it’s very nature it is drawn to serve the flesh in order to live.

    God does not have a carnal mind, nor is He subjected to any sort of weakness, such as mortal flesh.  God does give forth the fruits of His Spirit as He pleases. Without those fruits the entire world would be nothing but exceedingly evil all the time.

    SAW-TAWN, Hebrew for ADVERSARY, lives in all mortal men, all mortal men have a carnal mind that is of total ignorance, it trusts in it’s self, and follows it’s own devices that proceed out of the heart. Man is likened to a SERPENT for this reason, called a serpent for being a liar, false accuser, deceiver, also known as DIABOLOS -slanderer.

    The king of Babylon said in his heart that he would be like the most High, such is SLANDER, he was the DEVIL -DIABOLOS of his time. The LORD brought him down, for he had pride in his heart. How many kings have declared they were god t8? How many kings asked to be worshiped as a god t8? Many! Their carnal minds, filled with their own devices brought forth slander against the true God. Man IS just like brute beasts, territorial, dominating, ruthless to slaughter and destroy for their own gain.

    Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

    Leaders throughout history t8 SERVE their own devices,that are aroused by weak mortal flesh. They are to us for an example, to show us that man can do nothing of himself, that man without God is ruthless.

    t8, God sets up kings and removes them according to His will. He allows for ruthless men to lead for a time, as well He allows for those that aren’t as ruthless that have some good lead according to their pre-appointed time, eventually we have seen all kingdoms fall, and we know that in the end there will be one kingdom that will never be removed. 

    Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. 

    t8, we live under the mercy of God, we can look upon nations and recognize where His mercy has been given and to what measure, and where it has been taken away. Our desire is for His righteousness and His kingdom, where His mercy will abound with the fruits of His Spirit and we will live in a Kingdom where we are all led by His Spirit.  God resurrected Jesus giving him the mercies that He had promised unto David, giving him the promise of the Holy Spirit, and He has promised us that we shall also receive. 


    Hi t8,

    It is not foolish to be cautious and skeptical when it comes to televangelists, the Christian world is dominated by false lights. It doesn’t take much to recognize a false prophet who poses as a minister of light, at least for me it is not, as I don’t fall in line with the mainstream Christian doctrine. 

    You falsely presumed that it was based on my part by that one prophecy. I watched enough videos of this man and his daughter after he died, to tell you that he was not chosen by God to reveal God’s word through prophecy.

    I used the word creepy in the place of darkness, and we are directly told to watch out for false teachers who bring others into darkness.  

    YOU:Further, Jodi said that God chooses all kings and leaders, so God is influenced by Satan who is the underbelly?

    ME: Scripture tells you t8 that God sets up and takes down kings and leaders, it’s not what I say, it’s the word of God.

    Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

    You are also told, “Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;”

    NO, God is not influenced, to say such would come from one who does not know God in the slightest. Kingdoms rise and fall along with their leaders according to the will of God. God gives His mercy according to His will and plan, who are we to judge Him, as He brings forth blessing and cursing.

    Man without the LORD is nothing but a brute beast, without His mercy upon the earth, the earth would look like a most wild habitation with sin abounding everywhere at all times, it would be dreadful for all, at all times. ONLY GOD is GOOD, He is the source, the fruits of His Spirit are given in measure according to His will, whether you know Him or not. 

    God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, maybe we should discuss that t8.





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