Does 1 John 5:20 call Jesus the true God?

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    Quote (t8 @ April 05 2013,13:58)

    Quote (jammin @ April 03 2013,23:38)
    nice to know that you are accepting the truth that we are both HUMAN by nature.

    but you do not want to accept the truth that Christ has the same nature just like his father. he is God by nature.
    you cant read in the bible that christ is a lesser god. only that fake NWT says he is god but ALL OF THE VERSIONS SAY HE IS GOD.
    do you understand that?
    ill repeat

    You are barking up the wrong tree.

    Although he existed in the form of God…

    That is not meant to be interpreted as, “although he existed as God”.

    Similarly, we can say that Jesus existed in the form of man/adam. But we cannot say that he was Adam, Eve's husband. Rather that he partook of Adam's form, that is flesh.

    Form and identity are not to be confused.

    do you exist in the form of MAN?
    yes or no?

    are not you MAN?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 05 2013,13:11)

    Quote (jammin @ April 03 2013,03:40)
    so im telling to you what is written in the bible.
    i can read word for word that Christ and his father have the same nature and that is nature God.

    Where can you read in the Bible that “God” is a nature?

    Having the nature OF “God” is not the same as saying “God” IS a “nature”.

    God is a person, jammin.  He (not “they”) is a being.  “God” is the word used to describe the PERSON who created all things.  It is never used in scripture to define a “nature”.

    i already gave you the verse long long time ago.
    you have memory gap boy

    Philippians 2:6

    New International Version (NIV)

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 05 2013,13:13)

    I worship the God OF Jesus as my God, since Jesus said that our God was also his God.

    You worship the God of Jesus PLUS other “persons”.

    Which one of us is aligned with what Jesus actually taught?

    i also worship the God of Jesus
    but i also worship Jesus bec he is God just like his father

    John 20:28

    New International Version (NIV)

    28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”


    So like I said, you worship the God of Jesus…….. PLUS other persons.

    I worship only the same God that Jesus himself worshipped. I try to emulate my Lord and Savior.


    Quote (jammin @ April 05 2013,04:56)
    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,

    Sorry sunshine. Even if we were to translate “morphe” as “nature”, the verse would say that Jesus was existing in, or with the nature of God.

    There is no way the Greek words could be HONESTLY translated as you've shown.

    And even your extremely biased and flawed translation still doesn't say “God is a nature”, does it?

    Back to the drawing board for you, jammin.


    Quote (jammin @ April 05 2013,04:55)

    Quote (t8 @ April 05 2013,13:58)

    Similarly, we can say that Jesus existed in the form of man/adam. But we cannot say that he was Adam, Eve's husband. Rather that he partook of Adam's form, that is flesh.

    Form and identity are not to be confused.

    do you exist in the form of MAN?


    t8 is trying to explain to you something very simple. Even most kids can understand it. Here, let me try…………

    YES, t8 most definitely exists in the form/nature OF the first man, Adam.

    Does that mean t8 IS the first man, Adam? YES or NO?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 06 2013,14:18)

    Quote (jammin @ April 05 2013,04:56)
    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,

    Sorry sunshine.  Even if we were to translate “morphe” as “nature”, the verse would say that Jesus was existing in, or with the nature of God.

    There is no way the Greek words could be HONESTLY translated as you've shown.

    And even your extremely biased and flawed translation still doesn't say “God is a nature”, does it?

    Back to the drawing board for you, jammin.

    if i say human nature, does it mean that your nature is not HUMAN?

    scholars also agree that the word morphe also means nature

    sorry sunshine but you need to study hard


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 06 2013,14:14)
    So like I said, you worship the God of Jesus…….. PLUS other persons.

    I worship only the same God that Jesus himself worshipped.  I try to emulate my Lord and Savior.

    do you understand what i said?
    the father is God so i worship him
    Christ is also God and i worship him too.

    if you are human, you cant be worshipped.

    Christ and his father have the same nature, God


    Clearly the true God in this scripture is the one who has a son.


    do you understand what i said?
    the father is God so i worship him
    Christ is also God and i worship him too

    A perfect example of defining God by anyone that has divine nature.

    But of course, no one here thinks we are God and yet:

    Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

    So why do people define God as a nature and not a person?

    Because of the Trinity Doctrine. They find it hard to unlearn it.

    Best way to unlearn something is to replace it. And the best replacement is always the truth. And what is that truth?

    yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.


    Jesus is not a false god.

    But he is also not the one true God.

    So what is he then?

    Scripture tells us that he is the Son of God.

    Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

    Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me.



    You asked:

    So what is he (Jesus) then?

    The Father identifies the Son as YHVH, see here:

    Hebrews 1:10-12

    O Lord (the Son),

    You (the Son) laid the foundations of the earth,

    and the heavens are the work of Your hands (the Son’s hands).

    11They will perish, but You (the Son) remain;

    they will all wear out like a garment.

    12You (the Son) will roll them up like a robe;

    like a garment they will be changed;

    but You (the Son) remain the same,

    and Your years (the Son’ years) will never end.”

    This OT passage gives further witness to that here:

    Compare with Psalm 102

    24I say, “O my God (the Son), do not take me away in the midst of my days,
    Your years (the Son’ years) are throughout all generations.

    25“Of old You (the Son) founded the earth,
    And the heavens are the work of Your hands (the Son’ hands).

    26“Even they will perish, but You (the Son) endure;
    And all of them will wear out like a garment;
    Like clothing You (the Son) will change them and they will be changed.

    27“But You (the Son) are the same,
    And Your years (the Son’s years) will not come to an end.


    The words in parenthesis are added by myself for clarification.

    PC, who is the Father identifying as the YHVH who founded the earth and the heavens are the work of His hands if you claim that the Son is not YHVH?


    Thanks for your post LU.

    Over the years I have debunked each verse claimed by Trinitarians as support for Jesus being God Almighty. I believe i have successfully argued against their claims and have reinforced the truth that Jesus is in fact the son of God instead.

    However, while looking for the debunking of this particular claim, i noticed that i have never addressed this.

    So, I will indeed address it, and add it to the place where I have all these recorded.

    So please be patient. It might be ready today, but could also be another day. If you feel this is taking too long, then feel free to send me a reminder.

    In the meantime, my next post will have the list of so-called Trinitarian support verses where I will also add this one.




    You’re welcome. I look forward to your response.

    Also, please remember that I do not teach the trinity doctrine.

    I teach the Unity of YHVH, with the Father who is within the UNITY, as the head of the UNITY, His Son within the UNITY as the only begotten son of the Father, and the Holy Spirit which comes from them as one Spirit.



    I usually mention Trinity because it is the most widely followed of all the polytheistc doctrines. What I say applies to the Binity doctrine too.

    Remember that the Trinity doctrine came from the Binity. The Spirit was added as a third person decades later.


    BTW, I already have the answer. I just need time to articulate it clearly and add it my Trinity writing first.

    I do this partly because I can copy and paste my answers in the forum. Otherwise you can use endless hours answering the same questions over and over.


    Proclaimer, I don’t teach a binity doctrine either, btw, as I have said for the hundredth time or thereabouts.

    I will be at the edge of my seat waiting on your reply 😉


    Binity doctrines are simply saying that God is made up of two persons. Like the Trinity that states there are 3 persons. People have varying beliefs about the finer details of these concepts.

    But if your doctrine is not a Binity (while clearly it is), then what name do you give this doctrine?


    I will be at the edge of my seat waiting on your reply

    Sit back a little. You might fall off the chair while you’re waiting.

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